Markou Moussourou 15 (Apollonio), office 110, 71201 Heraklion, Crete Τ: +30 2813 410217-8 | F: +30 2813 410 219 | E: [email protected] | W: www.agrocrete.com The benefits from certifying Cretan products are: Quality Label «Crete» • Their distinction as “Quality Cretan Products” which will give for products them added value. • Recognition and unified promotion of the certified products The Region of Crete with the Agronutrutional Cooperation have and businesses. started labeling standardized, local, quality products and ser- • Immediate display of the products at the Centre of Cretan vices with the quality label «CRETE», in an effort to promote Gastronomy, the Cretan convenience stores (Cretan Baka- and bring out local products and the Cretan diet. liko) and the certified. Our motto is “Quality – Safety – Locale” under the brand name • Increased demand of the certified products at the various busi- “CRETE”. nesses as well as connection of the local production with tourism. PRODUCTS WITH THE BRAND NAME “CRETE” GALAKTOKOMIKI KRITIS S.A. AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE AERAKIS’ DAIRY PRODUCTS (R.N.001) MYLOPOTAMOY (R.N.003) (R.N.005) CONTACT DETAILS: CONTACT DETAILS: CONTACT DETAILS: A: Sellia, Agios Vassilios, A: Perama, Mylopotamos, 74052, A: Ano Akria, Municipality of Myrthios, 74060, Rethymno Rethymno Gortina, 70016, Heraklion Τ: 2832031795 | F: 2832031796 Τ: 2834020732 | F: 2834020748 Τ: 2893031990 | F: 2893031990 @: [email protected] @: [email protected] @: [email protected] W: www.aerakisfarm.gr PRODUCTS: W: www.mylopotamos.gr n Selliano white cheese PRODUCTS: PRODUCTS: n Kefalotiri cheese n Graviera cheese n Extra virgin olive oil “ ΑΤΑLΙ” n Kefalograviera cheese n Traditional yogurt n Graviera P.D.O. n Graviera cheese n Traditional yogurt 2% fat n Kefalotiri n Gravieraki cheese n Mizithra fresh sweet cheese n Anthotiros (dry) n Mizithra fresh sweet cheese n Anthotiros (dry) cheese n Mizithra fresh sweet n Xynomizithra cheese n Athogalo n Xynomizithra Kritis P.D.O. n Anthotiros (dry) cheese n White cheese of brine n Anthogalo n Yogurt n White cheese of brine AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE KOFINA (R.N.002) CONTACT DETAILS: KRIVEK S.A. (R.N.004) A: Asimi, 70016, Heraklion CONTACT DETAILS: TZOURBAKI BROS (R.N.006) Τ: 2893031230 | F: 2893031391 A: Kampos Elias, Hersonissos, CONTACT DETAILS: @: [email protected] 70014, Heraklion A: Karines Village, 74053, Rethymno W: www.monofatsiunion.gr Τ: 2897026600 | F: 2897023610 Τ: 2832022127, 2832022137 PRODUCTS: @: [email protected] F: 2832022127 n Graviera P.D.O. “Kofinas” cheese W: www.krivek.gr @: [email protected] n Graviera P.D.O. “Kofinas” PRODUCTS: W: www.tzourmpakis.gr 12-months cheese n Traditional Cretan apaki PRODUCTS: n Goat cheese “Kofinas” (smoked pork) n Graviera cheese n Graviera P.D.O. “Kofinas” grated n Traditional Cretan sygklino n Kefalotiri cheese cheese (smoked pork) n Anthotiros (dry) cheese n Gravieraki “Kofinas” cheese n Rustic Cretan sausage n Mizithra fresh sweet cheese n Kefalotiri “Kofinas” cheese n Smoked pork panchetta n Goat cheese n Anthotiros “Kofinas” (dry) cheese n Smoked pork steak n Graviera light cheese n Asteroussiano cheese “Kofinas” n Cretan lamb n Graviera semi-soft cheese cheese n Cretan kid n Tirozouli cheese n Mizithra fresh sweet cheese n Cretan meat of sheep n Xinohondros n Ladotyraki “Kofinas” cheese n Cretan meat of goat n Xynomizithra cheese n Xynomizithra P.D.O. “Kofinas” n Traditional Cretan sausage n Aragos (pixtogalo) cheese in vinegar n White cheese of brine ALEXAKIS WINERY (R.N.007) KALOGERAKI BROS SA STAVRAKAKI CHAROULA (R.N.010) (R.N.014) CONTACT DETAILS: A: 104-106 Irinis & Filias, 715 00 CONTACT DETAILS: CONTACT DETAILS: Peridi Metohi, Heraklion A: Smari Pediados, 71601, Heraklion A: Pirgos, 70010, Heraklion Τ: 2810 252019 | 252020 Τ: 2810 330711 | 330712 Τ: 6974065850 F: 2810 256535 F: 2810 346 026 @: [email protected] “CRETE” @: [email protected] @: [email protected] W: www. alexakiswines.com W: www.kalogeraki.gr PRODUCTS: n Extra virgin olive oil PRODUCTS: PRODUCTS: n Vidiano PGI n Graviera cheese n Athiri Dandelion PGI n Mizithra fresh sweet cheese n Kariki white PGI n Anthotiros (dry) cheese n n PRODUCTS WITH PRODUCTS WITH Kariki red PGI Xynomizithra cheese n THE BRAND NAME THE BRAND NAME Kotsifali-Syrah PGI n Handakas white PDO n Handakas red PDO VΟΤΟΜΟS S.A. (R.N.015) AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVE CONTACT DETAILS: ZAKROS (R.N.011) A: Zaros, Heraklion Τ: 2810316825 | F: 2810370458 CONTACT DETAILS: @: [email protected] ETANAP SA (R.N.008) A: Zakros Sitias, 72300, Lasithi, W: www.votomos.gr Τ: 2843093257 F: 2842093429 CONTACT DETAILS: @: [email protected] PRODUCTS: A: Stilos Apokoronou, 73003, W: zakrosoliveoil.gr n Table water Chania n Carbonated natural mineral Τ: 2825083310 | F: 2825083312 PRODUCTS: water @: [email protected] n Extra virgin olive oil n Natural mineral water W: [email protected] PRODUCTS: n Table water KRITIKOS FOURNOS (R.N.012) FIMI - ZIDIANAKIS S.A. CONTACT DETAILS: (R.N.016) A: Archanes - Peza Heraklion Τ: 2810 743804 | F: 2810 743877 CONTACT DETAILS: @: [email protected] CRETANTHOS (R.N.009) A: Ag. Paraskies 70100, W: www.kritikosfournos.gr Heraklion CONTACT DETAILS: Τ: 2810 741654 | F: 2810 742343 PRODUCTS: A: Aggeliana of Mylopotamos, @: [email protected] n Kalitsouni or Lichnaraki 74052, Rethymno W: www.drinkfimi.gr n Cretan sweet bread Τ: 6982070427 | 6945935518 2831055455 PRODUCTS: @: [email protected] n Lemon soda [email protected] n Orange soda W: www.cretanthos.gr n Spring n Zelita / Beeral PRODUCTS: KAVVALOS GEORGIOS S.A. n Mandarin soda n Organic extra virgin olive oil n (R.N.013) Soda Water CONTACT DETAILS: A: Stavli Bantouva, Drakouliaris Area, 71500, Heraklion Τ: 2810881440 F: 2810 881768 @: [email protected] W: www.farmakavvalos.gr PRODUCTS: n Cretan Rabbit VRENTZOS STAVROS - EL RENIERIS & CO. (R.N.020) ΒΙΟΧΥΜ S.A. (R.N.023) GENNA (R.N.017) CONTACT DETAILS: CONTACT DETAILS: CONTACT DETAILS: A: Sfakopigadi, Kissamos, 73400 A: Therissos 1, 73135, Chania A: Genna, Municipality of Gortyna Chania Τ: 28210 93957 | 93861 | 93022 Heraklion Τ: 2822031901 | F: 2822031900 F: 28210 95132 Τ: 6980579293 @: [email protected] W: www.cretafresh.gr @: [email protected] W: www.renierisoliveoil.gr “CRETE” PRODUCTS: PRODUCTS: PRODUCTS: n Sweetened concentrated n Graviera cheese n Extra virgin olive oil orange juice n Mizithra fresh sweet cheese n Sweetened concentrated n Anthotiros (dry) cheese mandarin juice n Xynomizithra cheese n Sweetened concentrated n White cheese of brine lemon juice PRODUCTS WITH n Sweetened concentrated sour THE BRAND NAME THE BRAND NAME cherries juice n AGRICULTURAL COOPERA- Natural orange juice n Lemon juice (nectar) TIVE PSARIS (R.N.021) n Orange-apple-apricot (fruit drink) CONTACT DETAILS: n Natural juice 10 fruits A: Psari Forada Viannos, 70004 SI-ΜΕL, SAVIDAKIS Heraklion GEORGIOS (R.N.018) Τ: 2895061272 | F: 2895061271 @: [email protected] CONTACT DETAILS: W: www.aspsaris.gr A: Gela Sitia, 72300, Lasithi Τ: 28430 25444 | F: 28430 25444 PRODUCTS: @: [email protected] n Cucumber W: www.si-mel.gr PRODUCTS: n Honey LAMPAKIS FAMILY (R.N.024) CRETA FARMS S.A. (R.N.022) CONTACT DETAILS: A: 176 Al. Papanastasiou St., CONTACT DETAILS: Chania A: 15th km of National Road Τ: 2821057185 | F: 2821057172 LADAKIS S.A. (R.N.019) Rethimno - Heraklion, 74100, @: [email protected] P.O.Box 115 W: www.delicreta.com CONTACT DETAILS: Τ: 2106260000 | F: 2106221200 A: Ionias 15, Missiria, 74100, @: [email protected] PRODUCTS: Rethymno [email protected] n Cretan Kalitsounia mini mixed pies Τ: 2831025620 | F: 2831028542 W: www.cretafarm.gr n Cretan Kalitsounia mini onion pies @: [email protected] n Cretan Easter Kalitsounia with W: www.ladakisfarm.gr PRODUCTS: tiromalama n Cretan pork meat n Cretan Kalitsounia with mizithra PRODUCTS: n Traditional Cretan apaki cheese and honey mini pies n Eggs (smoked pork) n Cretan Kalitsounia gourmet n Organic eggs n Traditional Cretan sausage cheese mini pies n Eggs freely range in vinegar n Cretan Kalitsounia mini herb pies n Cretan Kalitsounia mini zucchini-feta pies n Meat cake from Chania n Cretan Lichnarakia sweet pastries n Cretan delicacies mini fennel pies n Mpougatsa from Chania n Pie from Chania (Haniotiko mpoureki) n “Skepastaraki” pie with mizithra n Pies from Chania n Pie with local greens AGRICULTURAL COOPERA- ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT ALEXANDRAKIS FARM (R.N.030) TIVE OROPEDIO LASITHIOY MESSARA (R.N.028) (R.N.025) CONTACT DETAILS: CONTACT DETAILS: A: Monastiraki Amari CONTACT DETAILS: A: Timbaki, 70200, Heraklion 74061, Rethymno A: Tzermiado, Lasithi Plateau Τ: 2892052338 | F: 2892052330 Τ: 6979003892 | 6979003891 Τ: 2844022124 | 2844022224 @: [email protected] F: 2831055454 W: www.bianame.gr F: 2844022122 @: [email protected] “CRETE” @: [email protected] W: www.alexandrakisfarm.com W: www.oropediocoop.gr PRODUCTS: n Cauliflowers PRODUCTS: PRODUCTS: n Parsley n Rabbit n n n Kefalotiri cheese Tomato Cabbage n Chicken n n n Graviera cheese Cucumber Arugula n n n Eggplant Dill Yogurt PRODUCTS WITH n n n White cheese of brine Green pepper Broccoli n n THE BRAND NAME n Xynomizithra cheese Melon Spinach n n n Mizithra fresh sweet cheese Zucchini Wild amaranth n n n Athotiros (dry) cheese Lettuce Chinese n n Xigalo Beetroot cabbage n Onion fresh n White beet n Celeri n Italian chicory n Watermelon n Brussels n Leek sprouts n Beans ANTONAKIS ASSARGIOTAKIS IOANNIS (R.N.031) CONTACT DETAILS: COOPERATIVE SULTANAS A: Avdou, 70005, Heraklion ASSOCIATION (Κ.S.O.S.) Τ: 2897051774 (R.N.026) @: [email protected], [email protected] CONTACT DETAILS: W: http://saveurs-de-crete.com A: Industrial area of Heraklion, Corner of B and H Str. 71608 PRODUCTS: n Τ: 2810 382660 | F: 2810 281438 Extra virgin olive oil @: [email protected] PRODUCTS: BROS S.A. (R.N.029) n Raisins CONTACT DETAILS: A: Bridge of Zourida, 74100, Rethymno Τ: 2831057617 | 6973777701 F: 2831057616 CRETAN BEAUTY Ο.Ε. @: [email protected] R.N.032) W: www.farma-antonaki.gr CONTACT DETAILS: PRODUCTS: A: Industrial Area of Heraklion n Traditional Cretan apaki Τ: 2810380794 | F: 2810382010 (Smoked Pork) @: [email protected] DIAKRITIKES GEUSEIS, n Rustic Cretan sausage W: www.olivesecrete.gr PANAGIOTIS G.
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