2014 OVERARCHING CONCLUSIONS Key collaborating partners World Water Week World Water Week is organised by in Stockholm STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AND WATER WATER INSTITUTE Energy and Water for Development We are closing the books on a hugely successful World Water Week in Stockholm. During the week, we welcomed over 3,000 participants from more than 140 countries. With increased income levels in many countries, a growing world population, and intensified competition for our finite water resources, it has become ever more urgent to understand the links between energy and water so that we can fully develop synergies, strengthen much needed partnerships, and develop smarter solutions for using water more efficiently in the future. The results of our work will have consequences for all humanity. With this we strongly feel that 2014 World Water Week man- aged to take a few steps in the right direction. During the Week four teams, each consisting of two lead and five junior rapporteurs, covered all workshops and seminars, henrikson Thomas Photo: over 100 in all, and in these pages you will read about the messages and recommendations that were distilled from into 2015. It is a year of tremendously important decisions – on the presentations and discussions. The reporting from the a new development agenda as well as on climate – that will steer week has been divided into four themes: Equitably Balancing our global future. Competing Demands; Managing Energy and Waters across Herewith I present you with the Overarching Conclusions Borders; Integrating Water and Energy Policy; and Responding from the 2014 World Water Week. Enjoy the read! to Global Change. The rapporteurs’ findings are preceded by SIWI’s own conclusions. Exploring this year’s theme of energy and water has equipped us very well for next year, when we will focus on water for development. Access to modern energy and clean water is Mr. Torgny Holmgren fundamental for human development, and we hope that new Executive Director insights and collaborations will prove useful when we move Stockholm International Water Institute Content Welcome 2 Convening Organisations 3 Prizes and Awards 6 Overarching Conclusions: Energy and Water 8 2014 World Water Week in Stockholm: Reporting Back Equitably Balancing Competing Demands 10 Managing Energy and Waters across Borders 12 Integrating Water and Energy Policies 14 Responding to Global Change 16 Social Media 18 2015 World Water Week in Stockholm: Dates 19 Cover photo: iStock Design: Elin Ingblom, SIWI This Overarching Conclusions is published by the Stockholm International Water Institute and printed by Ineko, Stockholm, Sweden. The printing process has been certified according to the Nordic Swan label for environmental quality. CONVENING ORGANISATIONS 2030 WRG 2030 Water Resources Group The Coca-Cola Company 3GF Secretariat Global Green Growth Forum Secretariat CONAGUA National Water Commission, Mexico 7th World Water Forum Secretariat Conrad N. Hilton Foundation A, B, C, D CRS Catholic Relief Services A4A Aqua for All CSD Engineers AA Federal Foreign Office, Germany CWC Columbia Water Center at Columbia University ABDIB Brazilian Association of Infrastructure and Basic Delta Alliance Industries DFID Department for International ADB Asian Development Bank Development, UK adelphi DGIS Directorate-General for International Cooperation, AEii The Applied Energy Innovation Institute The Netherlands AFD French Development Agency DHI AFEID-ICID Agence Francaise pour l’Eau, l’Irrigation DIE Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik et le Drainage DWA German Association for Water, Africa AHEAD Wastewater and Waste Agualimpia-Suizagua DWFI Daugherty Water for Food Institute AGWA Alliance for Global Water Adaptation E, F, G, H Alstom E.ON AMCOW African Ministers’ Council On Water Earthwatch ANEAS Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Agua Eawag y Saneamiento EC European Commission ANU Australia´s National University EDF Electricité de France ASI Adam Smith International eFlowNet Global Environmental Flows Network AUC African Union Commission Elsevier AUSA Association of the U.S. Army EPM Empresas Públicas de Medellín AWF African Water Facility ESA European Space Agency AWS Alliance for Water Stewardship Eskom Eskom Holdings SOC Limited BCC Benguela Current Commission ETH Zürich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich BEF Bonneville Environmental Foundation EWRI Environmental and Water Resources Institute BGR Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Resources, Germany Nations BMUB Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature FDFA Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Germany Conservation, Building and Nuclear, Germany BMZ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and FEMSA Foundation Development, Germany First Climate Markets AG BORDA Bremen Overseas Research & Forest Trends Development Association Botswana DWA Department of Water Affairs, Botswana Fortum BPD Building Partnerships for Development in Water FWF Finnish Water Forum and Sanitation and Sanitation and Hygiene FWP French Water Partnership Applied Research for Equity GSMA GSM Association BuZa Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands Gates Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation CAALCA Water Center for Latin America and GDF SUEZ the Caribbean GE General Electric CAF Development Bank of Latin America Cap-Net UNDP German WASH Network CARE CARE International GETF Global Environment and Technology Foundation CAREC Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia GIWEH Global Institute for Water, Environment and CEDARE Center for Environment and Development for the Health Arab Region and Europe GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale CEDREN Centre for Environmental Design of Renewable Zusammenarbeit Energy GlashusEtt Ceres cewas International Centre for Water Government of Hungary Management Services Government of the Netherlands China Europe Water Platform GPOBA Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid China Water Risk Green Cross International CI Conservation International CIRAD French Agricultural Research Centre for Group E International Development Growing Blue Circle of Blue GSF The Gold Standard Foundation CNSS China Node for Sustainable Sanitation GTO German Toilet Organization 3 GU Georgetown University KAU University of Karlstad GWC Global Water Challenge KfW KfW Development Bank GWOPA Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance at KVA Royal Swedish Academy of Science UN-Habitat K-water Korea Water Resources Corporation GWP Global Water Partnership LI Lahmeyer International GmbH HKR Kristianstad University M, N, O, P HSBC MAE French Ministry of Foreign Affairs I, J, K, L MDBA Murray-Darling Basin Authority IADB Inter-American Development Bank Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland IASS Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Republic of Tajikistan ICA The Infrastructure Consortium for Africa Ministry of the Environment, Sweden ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, Ivory Coast Development Ministry of Water Resources, China ICMM International Council on Mining and Metals Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Iraq ICPDR International Commission for the MRC Mekong River Comission for Sustainable Protection of the Danube River Development ICRAF The World Agroforestry Centre MUK Makerere University iDE International Development Enterprises NamWater Namibia Water Corporation IEC International Energy Centre NDU National Defense University IenM Ministry of Infrastructure and the Nestlé Environment, The Netherlands NGS National Geographic Society IFAD International Fund for Agricultural NMBU Norwegian University of Life Sciences Development NRDC National Resources Defense Council IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies NWP Netherlands Water Partnership IHA International Hydropower Association OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Oxfam IIED International Institute for Environment and Pacific Institute Development PepsiCo IISD International Institute for Sustainable PHG The Palestinian Hydrology Group Development PISCES Foundation Imperial Imperial College London Plan International IMTA Mexican Institute of Water Technology Q, R, S, T IPIECA The Global Oil and Gas Industry Association for Environmental and Social Issues Quantis IRC IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre Rebel Rebel Group IRD Institut de Recherche pour le RIHN Research Institute for Humanity and Nature Developpement Rockefeller Foundation IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency RTI RTI International ISSA International Strategic Studies RWSN Rural Water Supply Network Association Sabesp ITAIPU Itaipu Binacional SABMiller ITC Safe Water Network ITESM Tecnológico de Monterrey Sandec IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature Sanergy IWA International Water Association SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation IWC International Water Centre SE4All Sustainable Energy for All IWMI International Water Management Institute SEA Swedish Energy Agency Jain Irrigation Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd SEI Stockholm Environment Institute JMP World Health Organization/United Nations SHARE Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research Children’s Fund Joint Monitoring Programme for Equity JRC European Commission – Joint Research Centre Sida Swedish International Development Cooperation Justicia Hidrica Agency 4 SIWI Stockholm International
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