OCTOBER 2, 2007 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY VOLCIII, NO. 4 Crinitp COLLEGE SINCE 1904 'Some Place I Call Home' Lack of Student Interest Bui Film Incites Praise and Concern Derails TCERT for Fall Over Campus Climate By KRYSTAL RAMIREZ TCERT, said. "This means that TRIPOD STAFF this person would have to be on call for every single shift that After over 10 years of exis- TCERT is required to run, which tence, the Trinity College is just not feasible. For us to train Emergency Response Team will a few more Crew Chiefs would be not be up and running this extremely difficult at this semester, largely due to lack of moment, though we are working student participation. out ways in which we can over- TCERT is operated on a vol- come this obstacle." unteer basis, and thus, without There are also too few Second enough members, the organiza- Responders, according to Redd, tion cannot properly function. "We have a number of people "There is currently not enough who are in the midst of their staff to provide safe care for stu- national and state testing," she dents, which is what we aim to said, "but we have to wait until all do," Martha Burke-O'Brien, of these individuals are state-certi- Director of the Health Center, fied until we can allow them to said. "We are currently trying to act as a Second Responder." recruit people and get them fully Burke-O'Brien emphasized E. G. Caner trained, but these are very hard the fact that since students are Alfonso Bui '07 (above) debuted his documentary last week to an almost positions to fill." not paid to be a part of TCERT, filled-to-capacity audience (left) of Trinity students, faculty, and staff. TCERT is licensed by the those who would likely partici- State of Connecticut and serves pate instead become Residential By ELIZABETH ANDERSON was varied. Bui, who is majoring film's honesty and hopefulness, as the First Responder for the Assistants, First-Year Mentors, or CONTRIBUTING WRITER in sociology, introduced the proj- two qualities that he finds to be Trinity area, responding to all PRIDE Leaders because of the ect by saying that it began in "an irresistible combination." medical emergencies on campus. financial incentive. "I think that On Wednesday, Sept. 26, with August 2006 as an Independent Zee Santiago '09, a student whose This means that TCERT responds while many students embrace the the theater almost filled to capac- Study project for a social move- views were explicitly present in to the scene (with an average idea of TCERT, they don't join, ity, Some Place I Call Home* a ments class. interviews throughout the docu- response time of two minutes) to and so it is very, very difficult sit- film by Alfonso Bui '07, pre- Despite conveying a consis- mentary, thought that Bui "did a provide care until an ambulance uation." miered. Students and faculty tent message throughout, reac- great job of capturing the issues arrives, which can be up to eight Redd, however, pointed out alike were impressed with the film tions to and impressions of the that pervade the Trinity commu- or 12 minutes, TCERT members how proud she was of those on as a whole, despite several con- film varied. Most were quick to nity and invoking mare discourse are certified to the EMT level and TCERT who stayed on board, cerns that it was one-sided. praise Bui's work. Patricia surrounding the campus climate possess the essential equipment despite the fact that there are no Chronicling the racially driv- Cipicchio '10 said she was, "real- issues of race/class relations." found on an ambulance, includ- monetary enticements. "For en events that spanned the previ- ly impressed with the quality of There appeared to be a consensus ing a cardiac defibrillator. those of us who have stayed with ous academic year of 2006-2007, the film and can definitely appre- among those who viewed the Each shift that TCERT covers the group, TCERT is more than a the documentary conveyed a ciate all the effort he seems to film in terms of the importance is required to have the following job — to be cliche, it's a way of clear message that called for have put into it." Furthering of its message and role in setup: a Crew Chief, a Second life. In fact, that's very much a change in the way different races that sentiment Dean of Students Responder, and, on occasion, a mindset of EMTs and paramedics interact. The reaction, though, Frederick Alford commended the see STUDENT on page 10 Third Responder/Observer. "One in general, both in volunteer and of our problems right now is that professional settings." we only have one Crew Chief," Tour Guides Offer Unique Perspectives Liese Redd '09, Director of see UNDERGRAD on page 7 By SARAH HARVEY CONTRIBUTING WRITER Substantial Increases Seen In the competitive process of college selection, prospective stu- dents visit Trinity and take tours In Annual Safety Report offered by the admissions office By ANNE BOUTHILETTE cies between 2005 and 2006 in every day. As the admissions Web CONTRIBUTING WRITER those two categories are especial- site says, "Seeing Trinity in per- ly obvious, motor vehicle theft son is a great way to learn more This year's annual Campus also rose from 13 in 2005 to 20 about the College and the com- Safety Report provided students, in 2006. munity of people who live and faculty, staff, and parents with a • Many students, such as the study here." Some may question, look at how campus life has members of the Class of 2011, however, whether or not campus changed in a number of safety who were not at Trinity last year, tours actually do provide an accu- Emily Lindon related categories over the past were surprised to see the very rate assessment of the Trinity Trinity's Admissions Department provides daily tours, led by current students. few years. One of the most large jump. When Andrew experience. student tour guides, states that experience of prospective stu- noticeable differences between Boynton '11 heard about the Most Trinity students went on the Admissions Office is striving dents. "We are ambassadors for last year and years previous was campus safety report, he saw it a tour as a high school student, "to enroll more of these out- the school, and we are a prospec- a large jump in alcohol and drug as a sign of the intensity of but few probably remember the standing men and women." A tive student's eye into the life of related violations. Trinity's social scene. Though specifics. The Tripod staff decid- main goal of admissions is to a Trinity student," one tour guide The number of alcohol viola- there are many who agree with ed to attend a compilation of "increase the level of interest informed the Tripod. tions increased from 166 in 2005 Boynton about the party habits tours to see just how accurately expressed by first-rate students so The manual also clearly to 588 in 2006. Drug violations of upperclassmen, others, like the tours represented the college. that Trinity is foremost in the instructs, "Do not give false or also increased more than three- Lily Ventrell '10, disagree. "It's not that students are drinking The 2004 "Trinity Admissions minds of candidates." Tour guides misleading information." As an fold, with 44 violations in 2005 Ambassadors Training Manual," play a crucial role in the process, compared to 139 in 2006. the handbook used by Trinity adding a "personal touch" to the see PROSPECTIVE on page 8 Though the obvious discrepan- see UPDATED on page 8 Editorial 2 ' - Bantams Beat Williams in Opinions: Jimmy discusses 'Some Place I Call Home,' page 4 Opinions 3 News 7 Biggest Game of Season Arts 11 Arts: 'TV Shows to Watch For' is back with recaps, page 14 Announcements 16 Trinity football scored a big Features 17 Features: Annie answers your questions about sex offenders, page 20 Sports 24 Williams, Page 24 www.trinitytripod.com The Trinity Tripod EDITORIAL ^w*^ FootbaU Team a Class Act Bill Cosgrove '08 Lauren Turlik '09 Anyone who was lucky enough to Williams receiver. This time the extra EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR attend Saturday's slugfest between the point was good and it seemed as if Wiliiams Ephs and Trinity Bantams at the momentum had swung to NEWS EDITORS OPINIONS EDITORS FEATURES EDITORS Jessee/Miller Field witnessed a tremen- Williams. James Kukstis '10 Mike Robinson '08 Lizzie Brown '09 Aileen McBride '09 dous football game. For many of those Instead of caving in, however, the Jordyn Sims '10 San-Eou Lan '09 in attendance, it was no doubt the most Trinity defense refused to bend in the ARTS EDITORS SPORTS EDITORS ANNOUNCEMENTS exciting game they had ever been to. third overtime and prevented Sara Yoo '08 Nora Harrington V8 EDITOR Fortunately for us, the Bantams pulled Williams from scoring. One play Priyanka Jotwani '10 Stephanie Apstein '10 Krystal Ramirez '10 out a thrilling 46-40 victory in triple later, and the Bantam bench erupted overtime. The sight of senior Joe Clark in hysteria as Clark scored the game PHOTO EDITOR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER STAFF WRITERS hauling in his fourth touchdown pass of winning touchdown. Erin Caner '10 Alyssa Simpson '10 Matt Fuentes '09 the day and the ensuing pileup is one The Bantams' performance that will certainly not be forgotten any- should serve as a lesson in how the CIRCULATION BUSINESS MANAGERS CARTOONIST time soon. But besides the late heroics College as a whole should face adver- MANAGER Clay Smith '08 Krystyna Soljan and edge-of-your-seat excitement, the sity.
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