Buford Highway Improvement Plan and Economic Development Strategy AUGUST 12, 2014 Buford Highway Improvement Plan and Economic Development Strategy AUGUST 12, 2014 City of Brookhaven, Georgia Acknowledgements and Credits The Jaeger Company, Urban Partners, and Cranston Engineering thank the City of Brookhaven for the oppor- tunity to work with its citizens, elected officials and city staff on this project. In particular, we acknowledge the following individuals for their efforts: City of Brookhaven Mayor J. Max Davis, Mayor Rebecca Chase Williams, City Council Member, District 1 Vacant, City Council Member, District 2 Bates Mattison, City Council Member, District 3 Joe Gebbia, City Council Member, District 4 Marie L. Garrett, City Manager Susan Canon, Assistant City Manager, Director of Community Development Mike Edelson, GISP, City of Brookhaven Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Buford Highway Improvement Plan & Economic Development Strategy Steering Committee Luke Anderson, Chairman Bridget O’Donnell, Committee Member Todd McKinney, Committee Member Glianny Fagundo, Committee Member Bruce Whitmer, Committee Member Susan Coker, Committee Member Pat Hoban, Committee Member Garry Sobel, Committee Member Chris Steglien, Committee Member ii Buford Highway Improvement Plan & Economic Development Strategy List of Illustrations 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Context and Description of Study Area 1.2 Study Area Definition 1.3 Study Process 2.0 Inventory and Analysis 2.1 Existing Conditions 2.2 Issues and Opportunities 3.0 General Recommendations 3.1 Overview 3.2 Summary of Recommendations from Previous Studies/Reports 3.3 The New Buford Boulevard 3.4 Streetscape and Pedestrian Amenities 3.5 Key Enhancement Opportunities 3.6 Greenway Connections 4.0 Recommendations and Recommendation Strategies 4.1 Study Area Redevelopment Opportunities 4.2 Typical Redevelopment Concept 4.3 Priority Planning and Implementation Strategy Illustrations Appendix A Market Analysis Report Appendix B Summary of Citizen Comments August 12, 2014 iii City of Brookhaven, Georgia List of Illustrations 1 Existing Conditions: Existing Resources and Development Opportunities 2 Existing Conditions: Zoning Districts 3 Existing Conditions: Issues and Opportunities 4 Existing Conditions: Transportation 5 Strategy: Pedestrian and Bicycle Amenities 6 Strategy: Redevelopment Parcels 7 Strategy: Open Space Network iv Buford Highway Improvement Plan & Economic Development Strategy 1.0 Introduction 1.2 Study Area Definition The Buford Highway Improvement Plan (BHIP) and “On December 17, 2012 the City of Brookhaven was Economic Development Strategy (EDS) study area officially incorporated as Georgia’s newest municipal- (Illustration 1) begins northeast at the city limits at the ity. The City provides municipal services to its citizens intersection of Clairmont Road and Buford Highway and businesses in a unique manner…The FY2013 City and continues approximately three miles southwest to of Brookhaven budget for all appropriated funds totals the Brookhaven city limits which borders the City of approximately $16 million in revenues. This budget Atlanta. The study area for the BHIP includes areas funds traditional government services such as public within 1000’ of the right-of-way of Buford Highway safety and infrastructure maintenance including re- itself. The study area for the EDS includes areas which paving and traffic control systems… City leaders and influence the corridor, thus extends somewhat beyond the broader community have an interest in the collec- the corridor. tive vision and future of Buford Highway, a gateway into the City of Brookhaven. This corridor currently 1.2 Study Process contains a range of employment, living, retail, dining, The Buford Highway Improvement Plan and Eco- and other options that warrant study to focus on sus- nomic Development Strategy was divided into several tainable, redevelopment opportunities, safe and decent phases. Input was gathered from the public and stake- housing initiatives, and diverse workforce initiatives holders at several key junctures in the project. Several all in support of the health, safety, and general welfare meetings were joint meetings coordinating with other of the community and economy. In short, the Buford planning efforts occurring concurrently with this plan. Highway Improvement Plan and Economic Develop- ment Strategy aim is to provide an attractive, safe and Phase One trafficable environment, with an emphasis on pedes- Phase one consisted of an assessment of physical and trian accessibility and an action plan to stimulate the market conditions for the study area. Major tasks in- area to its full potential and long range sustainability.” cluded a retail market analysis, office/commercial market analysis, hotel market analysis, and a hous- 1.1 Context and Description of Study ing market analysis. The consultants issued a Mar- The City of Brookhaven lies immediately outside the ket Analysis Technical Memorandum at the end of City of Atlanta in DeKalb County, Georgia (see Figure this phase. The consultants conducted inventory and 1.1). The Buford Highway Corridor creates the south- analysis of physical conditions along the corridor dur- ern boundary of the city and is identified as Planning ing this phase including an assessment of pedestrian Area 3 by the city. The study area includes a wide va- and vehicular circulation, open space, gateway oppor- riety of commercial, office, retail, and residential uses. tunities, property ownership, architecture, character Several municipal and non-profit entities also exist defining features, natural and cultural resources, and within the study area. This area includes multiple high vegetation. density housing developments. Populations within the area represent multiple ethnicities and nationali- Phase Two ties, providing a testament to the growing diversity of Based on the market analysis findings of the tasks Atlanta area inhabitants. This study identifies public above and the patterns of existing land use and con- projects and civic infrastructure needed to promote dition, vacancies, adjacencies of uses, etc. the con- and stimulate redevelopment. It establishes general sultants examined and recommended alternative guidelines for the character of development that will approaches and sites for capturing the market oppor- help Brookhaven realize its vision of a safer more traf- tunities identified. After appropriate review and com- ficable, sustainable Buford Highway Corridor which ment by Brookhaven stakeholders, these approaches ultimately adds to the overall success and appeal of and site considerations were refined and formed into the City of Brookhaven. preferred development elements for the Buford High- way Corridor and for specific sites and subareas with- in the overall area. The consultants also presented op- portunities for physical improvement to the corridor during this phase. August 12, 2014 1 City of Brookhaven, Georgia Phase Three April 24, 2014 Joint Steering Committee Meeting (joint with Comprehensive Plan During the final phase of the project, the consultants 2034, Parks & Recreation Master prepared a development strategy passed on stakehold- Plan, and Comprehensive Trans- er preferences and the underlying market potential. portation Plan Steering Commit- This strategy identified the public and private actions tees) necessary for implementation of each prioritized ac- May 15, 2014 Presentation to Brookhaven DDA tivity. May 29, 2014 Stakeholder Group Meeting June 12, 2014 Joint Open House with Parks and Meetings included: Recreation Master Plan July 14, 2014 Stakeholder Group Meeting March 21, 2014 Kick-Off Meeting with Steering July 29, 2014 City Council Work Session Committee & City of Brookhaven Aug 12, 2014 Council Adoption Figure 1.1: USGS Map showing study area. Buford Highway is the dashed line running diagonally across the image. 2 Introduction Buford Highway Improvement Plan & Economic Development Strategy 2.0 Inventory and Analysis Northeast Plaza/Parke Towne North The study area for this report has been broken into five Zoning in the Mercado NE Plaza area includes a C-1 zones for description where appropriate. The zones (commercial) hub at the intersection of Briarwood are as follows: Road and Buford Highway. Mercado Northeast Plaza is zoned M (industrial) but the land use is commercial • North Gateway Zone including several full- and limited-service restaurants, social service locations, and a grocery operation. The • Montclair/Drew Valley Zone remainder of this zone is primarily zoned RM-75 • Northeast Plaza/Parke Towne North Zone (multi-family residential) with a small pocket of single family residential at Bramblewood Drive. There are • North Druid Hills/Corporate Zone two undeveloped, publicly owned parcels in this zone and one non-profit owned parcel, an Islamic Center. • South Gateway Zone North Druid Hills/Corporate The inset on Illustration 1 identifies the limits of each study area zone. The North Druid Hills/Corporate zone consists of commercial hubs at the major intersections of Buford 2.1 Existing Conditions Highway and these roads. Zoning is M (Industrial) in Land Use & Property Ownership the area between Buford Highway and I-85, but most of the land use in this area is office. Residential use Existing zoning within the project corridor varies (see in this area is all multi-family housing (RM-75 and Illustration 2). There are a variety of small strip com- RM-HD). Woodward Elementary School is in this mercial centers , large shopping
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