1£bitrb i.Gnrally f nr QHn.ar i.Gnral Qlnurragr SerVing 'Ihe Central Penquis Jl rea Vol. 4 No. 28 Thursday, July 1·5, 1965 T en CE Fire Destroys Guilford Home e2 THE TOWN CRIE R THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday Hathaway Reports evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. We hope to be of help tc- the citizens of the towns The federal government since the thirties has acepeted an eno­ in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, nomic and a social responsibility in the field of housing, recog­ AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING, nizing that the home building industry is a vital element in We accept no financial responsibility for errors achieving full empJ~yment and combatting recessions. in advertising but will gladly print corrections. Lately, more emphasis has been placed on the social aspects Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN of providing decent housing for all in desirable surroundings. CRIER may be obtained through our office. There is a great concern in the interrelated areas of rising pop­ If you have news or available photos of any sort we urge you to call an editor or drop in. Dead­ ulation, increased congestion, surburban. growth and decaying line wi 11 be Monday No.on but we would appreciate cities. copy received earlier in the week. Our modern housing policy was set forth in the 1949 Housing Classified ads 50 cent minimum including up to Act: "The Congress hereby declares that the general welfr.re 12 words, 3 cents for each additional Word. Dis­ and set:urity of the nation and the health and living s tandarss of play ad space by t!J.e column inch. its people require housing production_and related community development sufficient to remedy the serious housing shortage, Editors - John & Joanne Brigham and elimination of sub-standard and other inadequate housing Milo 943-7384 through the clearance of slums and blightes areas, and the rea­ Editor -Dorothy Monroe lizationas soon as feasible of the goal of a decent hoJr.C and suit­ Milo 943-8837 able living environment of communities a::1d to the advancement ofthe growth, wealth and security for everv American family, thus contributing to the development and advancement of the nation. " Durinl!' the fifties, the act, which exoanded public housing and created urban renewal and rural housing programs, was amended to provide aid for college housing, housing for the elderly and if you want to BUY, SELL, assistance for public works in small communities. U:NT or SWAP, try "Town Newprograms providing aid for middle-income housing, ass­ )rier" Classified. istance for mass transportation and an urban open- space pro­ gram were established by the 1961 Act, atld in 1964 legislation ::RVICE was enacted pro'viding over $1. 1 billion for the continuation of 'Traveler's Express Money l>U1.6 (1111 ur ch N existing housing programs through this September and four new !"ders available at Daggett's JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES housing programs. barrr>acy, Milo. Schedule of meetings, Kingdom Today, eight million Americans live in sub-standard housing, Hall of Jehovah's Witness, Elm many of whom cannot afford decent housing. Of these, half are wood Park, Milo, Maine. elderly or handicapped. Over the next I our years, 300 , 000 fam­ 2~TALS Sunday, July 18, Watchtower ilies will be displaced by federally-assisted public improvement to.lurr>nium Canoes, $2. UO a Study. Jehovah God, the Great programs such as urban renewal and highway construction. ty . Aluminum Boats, $2 and Potter, basedonRomans 9:21. This, then, was the picture when President Johnson outlined l a day. Race •s Trading Pos't Tuesday, July 20, Bible Study his housing proposals to Congress earlier this year. Among tngerville, Maine. with aid of book. Babylon the other things , the Administration called for a new p,rogram of Greathas Fallen, God's King­ rent subsidies for certain low and middle income families whose dom Rules. Chapter 19 Messiah income is to high for public housing but too low to provide de­ ::RSONAL Comes to Zion. 7:30PM. cent private housing. }us: Thursday, July 22, Ministry Last week, the House passed the Housing and Urban Develop­ Glad you have finally seenschoolat7:00 PM ..Service Me - ment Act of 1965. It is designed to meet the housing challenge e light. Happy to know you eti~g at 8:00PM. squarely--and fairly. A key amendment to the bill provided that se been to Tom Howard•s only those persons with income so low that they qualify for sub­ estern Auto in Milo and had MILO UNITED BAPTIST sidized housing will bee ligible for the ~·ent suppli'ment program. set of those new Luxury Pr-· The Triple M Class will have Ther e is still· a long way tor us to go in the field of housing, nium Sentry Tires installed afamilynightpicnic at Glidden but we are making strides and perhaps s.omeday a home will U be home soon so we can Hill, Thursday, July 11, 5:30. truly be a man's castle. WILLIAM D. HATHAWAY de in safety. Sunday School each week at Love Mabel 9:45. Morning Worship at 11. , Evening Service at 7:30. '\ I I ' Mr. aad·Mrs. Melville Wibb- -~ \ ~ ~ I FOR SALE G ood as G o ld. .. __ ,. , :::-- \) ' Tractor with machinery, re- erly will be the recptionists on - - July 18. :.. ..--/~-:. iuced price, excellent cond­ 1S OUR HOME COOKED FOOD AND . Mid -week service Wednesday ition. 943-8862 FRIENDLY SERVICE ... at 7:30. VISIT US AND SEE! The -Junior department of the Open 6 to 10 Mon. thru Sat. - Closed Sundays until further Sunday school had a picnic at notice! Glidden Hill. Teachers and • .> oortrm rMM~~ HE TOWN CRIER Page 3 GRJ\DE A LARGE Specials For CALO 6 1/2 oz. Can LUC KY LEAF #2 Tin Cat Tiea15 'Pe:tth 11e . 7 f~ IJ.c70 Filling ~y.~ 11:_1)0 - -------' OXFORD SWEET CONTADINA, CALIF. SOLID P ACK CUCUMBE,R CHIP # 2 1/2 Tin 1Jckles a J;m;i/Oes "l1 (11: :Gt 3 1¢ o( -·~ Dubuque Chunk Bacon 59+ lb. Sliced 65+ lb . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HONEYDEW 303 Tin FROZEN ASST. FLAVORS 6 oz. Cans Peas 6 Jo( Ftu;t n11c.h ,,.~~ DIAMOND 'D' 1 lb. P kg. NBC SMALL PKG. S'f~ IJ.PD Caf'Pee. fl¢ Flsr.t c~kie~ LADD 9 ROLL PACK DUNCAN HINES I()~ ALL FLAVORS I c ,.. 13ttJ,foom c~ke Mixes F~7h.......... ~;~ ;.................. .., oo~~ ~~~~~[L~@oo@ M.!\m~~,--r -> .,A THE TOWN CRIER CHURCH NEWS .Cont'd from Page 2 ~~~\ 'i()U H£4~~ Mrs. James Bunker, Miss Elsie :,_&) e lub Mayo, Mr. and Mrs. Mel ville lfP. I.,~1t./4o\(L Wibberly, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce "i "'11" Hodgkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ nethRhoda, Mr. Beverly Smith The Greenville B. P. W. Club Mr. andMrs. Harold Woodard metat the Birches, Rockwood The children were Philip, Ste­ Maine for a banquet and busin­ phen, David and Paul Bunker· ess meeting. Arthur Woodard, Joey Villani.' M.~:s. Ailene Hamlin of New Cheryl and Edith Lancaster Milford,Conn.wasguestspea­ Shelly Lewis, Katherine Rhod~ er. She operates Peter Rabbitt Larry Smith, Bonnie Pelkie and Play school in New Milford and Debbie London. There was a is state inspector for Nursery softball game and the adults schools in Conn. She spoke on pitched horseshoes. modern trends inEducationfor Due to illness, Rev. Leroy the pre- school age child. Sturtevant supplied the pulpit Mrs. Velma Butterfield pre­ onJuly11. Mr. Paul Day ren­ sided at the business meeting dered a solo at the morning and aplJointed the following co­ worship service . mmittees: Public Relations­ GUILFORD METHODIST Lora Taylor, Guilford Legis­ The WSCS Helping Hand Chap­ lation-Charlotte White, Guil­ ter met at Ruth Stuart's camp Rev. Jacob Perera, 31, of Ceylon has been a speaker at ford Membership-Erma Har­ at Whetstone P ond Wed. mtacostal Church in Guilford and at the Assembly of God vey, Greenville Finance- Delta 7. Co-hostesses with Mrs. h in Dover. Hanson, Greenville World Af­ Stuart were Esther Woolsev, mgh the principal religion of his country is Buddhism he fairs -Anne Graves, Rockwood Charlotte White and Katherine ed his father who was converted to Chrisianity forty ~ea- Health & Safety- Lena Pelkey, Howard. Twenty-one members Greenville Civic Improvem~nt '· andoneguest, Mrs. IdaGreen­ Rev. Perera speaks three languages and has been pre- Julia Sheridan. leaf were present. g ~~ needs of his country in the U.S. and throughout Eu­ Mrs. Butterfield on behalf of President Katherine Kent pre· livmg by 'faith; with no official support of any king. His the Greenville club presented sided and the meeting opened ountry prohibits the building of churcnes and allows no Mrs. Lora Taylor with a Past by repeating the New Purpose. Jnaries. Bunker Photo Pres. ·Pin for her services to The Program and Worship was the club for the past year. led by Vera Weston. "A New The Mystery package was won Age Opens a New Door" The by Mrs. Hamlin. purpose of the program is to ~ ':Be at your '93e6t Three· new members were in provide opportunity for women troduced and welcomed into the to look at themselves in this 3 club. oit · tf-e-:- ~:Beach! Swimsuits new age and having looked to Mrs. Stella Martin of Guil­ 5.98 see how they can best make a ford, Mrs. Thornton of Guil­ II' own & Country contribution. ford and Mrs. Wm. Clark .of Others assisting with the pro­ cHILDREN's Rockwood. Clothing Store gram were Mary Vanasek The Pres. gave a report of Shop Milo & Save 1.98 Esther Woolsey and Amy Lor~ the convention held at Po~and ry.
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