THE GLENGARRY NEWS ALEXANDRIA, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1931. :tj! VOL. XXXIX—No. 3. $2.00 A TEAR Befitting Tribute raid Curlers Former Mariintown Pastor Barn Mealing and Mrs. J. Join Lucal Club Died in Montreal Demonstration At her home, 1015 Main Street, St. Monday evening, eleven of the pro- (Montreal Gazette) We would draw attention of the , Joseph, Missouri, at the venerable age minent citizens of Maxville, interest- A highly respected member of the Dairymen of Glengarry to an impor- nf 86 years, there passed away on Wed- ed in promoting, the ancient/sport of ministry of the United' Church of Can- tant meeting scheduled for I'uesday of nesday, 31st December, 1930, Sarah curling in their own municipality visit- ada died early on Saturday morning in next week, at^ the office of F. C. Mc- Jane tSis) MePhee^ daughter of the ed Alexandria, so as to learn the the person of Eev. John. B. Maoleod, Rae; Agricultural Representative, late Dougal McPhee and his game at first hand. While here they B.A., B.D., of 1452 Union avenue. He Alexandria, at 1 p.m. when David wife Margaret McMillan and were the guests of the local club whose was in his- sixtieth, year and had been Hunter, Ayrshire Fieldman, will de- widow of William Daniel Mc- members did their best to make their receiving treatment for about two liver a lecture on Ayrshire type and Keill, son of Daniel McNeill and Ame- stay a pleasant one. Games were ar- months at the Montreal General Hos- the- essential points of a dairy eow. Ho lia McLaehlan, to whom she was mâT- ranged and it took but a few minutes pital where he passed away at 8.15 will also conduct a judging class. ried on the 5th July, 1866, at St, Fin- for the visitors to master the delivery a.m., on Saturday. Other speakers will be present and ad- an’s Cathedral, here, by the late Rev. of -the irons. Several of them became Eev. Mr, Macleod. had been in dress the meeting on matters of inter- James I. Chisholm. « members of the Alexandria Club be Montreal since 1918, when he came to est generally. Mrs. McNeil was born on the 12th fore taking the evening train for occupy the position of City Chaplain September, 1844, in Alexandria and home. for the Presbyterian Church. He la- was educated at St. Margaret ^s Con- The citizens of Alexandria were ter served in this capacity with tho only too pleased to welcome their fel- GOES TO VIENNA United Churoh. of Canada and for sev- Arkell Is Darned vent by the Sisters of the Holy Cross. RECOMMENDS 100 PER CENT. TORONTO’S NEW MAYOR low spprstmen from Maxville and it is POOL R. H. Hadow, First Secretary tO' eral years he had been Quebec secretary After her marriage to Mr. McNeill William James Stewart, who by the British High Commissioner in felt that both towns wilL benefit from Hon. Parker J. Moloney, Minister defeating Samuel McBride, former of the Social Service Council of Can- they resided for some time at Chippe- of Markets and Transport In Aus- Canada, who will shortly leave To Live Stock Post the intercourse provided in this way. Mayor of Toronto, by 381 votes, ada. He was widely known in the wa Falls, Wis., eventually taking up tralia, Tyho ,1s at present in Can- will be Mayor of Toronto for 1931. Ottawa to take over the duties of It is hoped that more of our Maxville city and his loss will be regretted by Ottawa, Jan. Kk—Appointment of residence at St. Joseph, Misouri, over ada, says the ultimate salvation of A record vote was cast for the First Secretary to the Britishi friends will avail themselves of the the wheat growers of the world Commissioner at Vienna* his many friends and acquaintances H.S. Arkell, Dominion Livestock Com- fifty years ago. Of this marriage nine mayoralty on this occasion, Stew- local curlers ’ invitation to make the lies in complete national and in- art polling 57,500 votes and Mc- here and in other parts of .'the Dom- missioner, as an official of the Cana- «hildren were born, six of whom sur- ternational control by the growers curling rink a frequent place of call Bride 57,119. inion. dian Live stock Oo-eperative, .was an- vive. They are Rev. Augustine Mc- themselves. when in town. nounced here today by W. D. McKay, Neill, Pastor i(of St. John’s Church, Born in^ Springfield, P.E.I., in 1871, A curling rink in Maxville will no Flays Ontario Covemnient President of the co-eperative organiz- Moberly, Missouri^ James D., William Mr. Macleod' attended Prince of Wal^s doubt reward the efforts of the enthu- ation. Mr. Arkell is resigning his D., John M., Joseph I., and Thos. B. Eraham Ereamery College in Charlottetown. Upon gra siasts who have launched this popular of On Financial Becard dilation, he taught school for several position in the Agriculture Depart- McNeill, all of St. Joseph. Two sons ment, and will take over his new du- movement. years on the Island before coming to and one daughter, Albert, Archibald Lashing out with a three-cleft attack ties as soon as a successor has been Cumpany limiieil McGill University for an Arts course. and Margaret predeceased her. Her Pins III Encyclical on the provincial Conservative admin chosen. He was awarded the degree of B.A., only daughter died at the ' age of 16 The General Meeting of the Graham istration, Mitchell F. Hepburn, M.P. In making the announcement, Mr. and a striking fact is that she and her Marriage—“Chaste wedlock is the with honors in Philosophy, in 1899, Burns'Anniversary Jan. 2Elh Creamery Co. Ltd.^ was held at the West Elgin, Friday night, at Prescott, McKay said: “Mr. Arkell has for the principle and foundation of domestic and then entered for theological stu- mother both died on the same day of office of the Company, Alexandria On- opened his campaign as Ontario Lib- last 13 years been Live Stock Commis- ■The executive committee of the society and therefore of all human in- dies at the Presbyterian College, ob’ the year, December 31st, Margaret in tario, oh January 13, there being eral leader. He criticized and finan- sioner. In this capacity he has been 1892 ^nd Mrs. McNeill in 1930. Highland Society of Glengarry purpose tercK>urse” taining the degree of B.D., iu 1902, be about 15 shareholders present. cial record of the present Henry Gov- widely and favorably known to live During her entire life she had been haying a euchre and impromptu en- The Family—“The family is more- ing the gold medallist of his year and The Auditor’s report for the year ernment, decldring'. it to be one of stock men and farmers generally in in.perfect health; her mind: was mai« tertainment in their hall. Burns’ sacred than the State, and men are 1930 was thoroughly discussed and me winning the travelling scholarship. Night, Monday, Jan. 26th, and we do “reckless and extravagant maladmin the Dominion. He has been responsi- volously acute, her interest in every- begotten, not for the earth, but for with the approval of all present. After taking a post-graduate course not hesitate bo say that the function istration;” he charged the Government ble for introifueing and administering thing active. In the city of her adop Heaven and etrenity.” The production of butter for 1930 in Glasgow,. Scotland^ Mr. Macleod will be a popular one not merely with with centralizing in Toronto taxation policies which have had a marked ef- tion she was a meonber of St. Mary’o Divorce—the sacrament of marriage amounted to 530,127 Ib^., almost 100.- was settled as minister at Kingsbury the members but will attract ethers V,,, "perpetual and Tu and general supervision that rightly fect in improving conditioits in which pansh which loses in her passing one 000 lbs. more than the previO'Us year. belonged to the municipalitiee and last P.Q.; later he held charges at Martin- live stock and live stock products have of its best known and most distinguish- welL Mark the date in your reference dissoluble bond which cannot be dis- The election of Directors for 1931. ly^ he demanded the resignation of Col. town and- Winchester ,before coming been marketed throughout the country. ed members, as she was always most book. solved by civil law” were as follows;—W. A. Graham, A. B W. H. Price, Attorney General, over to Montreal. He was active in pri In securing his services ,the Canadian Birth Control—Contraception in any active in parish events. Her life was Pratt, R; J. Graham, J.|E. Ledue and the brokerage situation. soners’ welfare work hospital visita- Live Stock Co-operative has in mind one of loyalty and heroic self sacri- James’ Parish at Liberty, Missouri; form is “an offense against the law tion and in numerous charitable unde J. A. Laurin. I Mr. Hepburn, who was chosen Lib- the perfecting of its organization and fice. Her church, her family and her Rev. Cornelius A. Curry, pastor of Im- 01 God and nature.” The following are th0 Assets and eral Leader at the provincial conven- takings. He was an elder in Erskine in co-ordnnating its production and friends were always the centre of her maculate Conception Parish, Kirks- “Companionate” and “Experimen- Liabilities for the year ending Nov. tion three weeks ago, selected the rid- United Church. Eev. Mr. MacLeod re marketing policies.” thoughts and work.
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