KEEP YOUR MONEY THENE K PO'ST AT HOME Chrys]er "Open House" I I Set For October 8 P.-T. A. SETS Formal opening of Chrysler Corpora­ First Community Fund . TOWN-WIDE tion's new MoPar Parts and Accessories Distributing Center on South College ATTENDANCE Avenue is set tor Friday, October 8. Drive Is Planned Here FORUM ON UN An "open house" will be held from 3 to 6 p. m., when r esidents from this RECORD FOR i entire area are invited to tour the Red Feather Campaign IS SCHEDULED huge plant, which has been in unotli­ Memoria] Drive Gains cial operatioll here for some time. SEPT. MEET WiJI Be Introduced III Momentulll After Appeal In announcing the event, Ralph FOR OCT. 25 Newark October 3to 10 The drive to erect a permanent me­ Brosius, manager of the Newa rk plant, morial to Newark's war dead has gain­ Civic Clubs said: "This is our way of letting you 341 Members Newark's first r ed feather campaign ed momentum, following the distress Public Urged To know that we're mighty happy to be of the United Community Fund will call from the committee two weeks agp. Will Join In able to become a part of this com­ On Hand For be held here October 3 to 10 under Over $200 has been received since Join Discussion munity. Naturally, we're anxious to the chairmanship of Mrs. R. O. Baus- the renewed appeal was made. This Slaging Event get a chance to meet our new neighbors First Program man. brings the fund total to over $700, stil l At Century Club; her e in Delaware. We thought one of Volunteers w ill go from door to door far short of the $5,000 goal. On October 30 the best ways to get together with you Of New Term during tha t period in the drive y.'hich However, the committee decid ed this 4 Talks Planned would be to hold open house in our Is being introduced in Newark this week that, regardless of the amount A community forum on various as­ new home." Exactly 341 members, the largest at­ Hallowe'en Mardi -Gras, includillf( year because many of the 23 organiza- ~~!~~ct::~~h:or7o~eYa ~~;:aen e~ste~:~ pects of the UN will be staged here The plant is designed to supply Ply­ tendance on record, turned out for the parade, dances fo r teen-ages tions supported by red feather funds moria I Ilere. October 25 in the New Century Club. mouth, Dodge, DeSoto and Chrysler ti rst Parent-Teacher Association meet­ for adults and younger dealers on the Atlantic slope with re­ ing of the season last Thursday in the :I~~~:ecl~~~l citizens either directly or Meanwhile, the drive will be intensi- The event, which Is expected to will be staged here again p lacement parts and accessories. high school auditorium. , on Mischief Night under the A few such groups are the Boy and fi ed the next two weeks, and the pub- ~~~I s:h:: .~e ~~!:~c ~~:~'eS!'n:v il~fbr~~~ Main feature was a program on traf­ committee whi ch directed last Girl Scouts, The Children's Bureau, lic is urged to continue its support. world's major issues. fic safety, which opened with a talk Children'S Home, The Family Society, One of the largest individual contri- The program, being sponsoi'ed joint- successful fete by Mayor Ford H. McBerty. He dis­ Delaware Creative Workshop, Home of butions to date came recently from a Iy nine Newark civic clubs, will lead , was decided at a meeting of 1ST GRADERS cu s s ~ d Accident Prevention Week now Merciful Rest, Wilmington General Gold Star Mother who gave $35 with off with brief talks by four speakers, representati ves on Thursday being observed here and called for Hospital, Y. W. C. A., Y. M. C. A., Men- who will sketch the background of the the ofTicp of Dr. John R. public cooperation with the local police ~:u~~m: e ~~t;~ ' ~~~t ~~~: 70e~~~~~: tal Hygiene Society, The Traveler'S our son. We do not know where he is UN and pose the major problems sur- Fred Steigler, rperesenting the GET READING force which is now carrying out a Association, w as in Aid, and Salvation Army. buried abroad." I'ounding it. Afterwards, there will be cam paign to cut down au tomobile Groups not covered t hrough the a question and answer period with the speeding. He was introduced by P .- drive, it was stressed, are the R~d , Qudience partiCipating, 'prizes wili be offered mas.. TESTS HERE 1'. A. President Col. Layton Zimmer. the state cancer and P articularly timely now when the and refreshments will bl' A film on saiety was also shown by Cr~ s s ,. tuber~ul~sls IHANDICAPPED SOCIetIes and the Newark Vlsltmg UN is facing possibly its most severe the dances, it was agreed Wa lter Wassmer, chairman of the P .­ Nurse Association. I test, the local forum will serve to senior class' Sadie Hawkins Beginners To T. A. safety group. He explained the No quota has been set for the locali hi ghlight the strength and weakness 01 is scheduled (or mischief night. purpose of the new school safety AID WEEK TO I Be Regrouped area, Mrs. Ba usma n sa!d, but the goal I the organization and will .seek opinions decided to hold only one dancll patrol and asked for par ental coopera­ for northern Delaware IS $844,989. Plans on making it a more adequate body for part of the Mardi-Gras. L ast year tion, for the drive will be completed at a international law enforcement. ,'ere held, one for the senior high On Abilities Another highlight was a talk by BE OBSERVED meeting of so ]jci~or s tonight in the I The moderator will be P aul Dolan, group and another for the junior. , . Supt. Wilmer E. Shue who described Century Club BUI lding. Guy R. Cod- Instructor in political science at the on the parade or lo cat ion~ Tests were gIven to all first grade plans for the new $700,000 elementary ding, executive director, and Miss I University of Delawar e. The speakers dances have not been worked pupils at the Newark Schools early building soon to be erected here. He this week to determine their readiness Martha Trace, residental secretary, will State Program will be: Clarence A. Fulmer, principal yet. outlined de tails of the 26 -room struc­ be on ha nd. of the Wilmington High School; GiI- Steigler's committee includes: for reading instruction. The program ture and said that officials hope to was carried out under the su pervision Mrs. Bausman has already organized Helps DI"sal)led bert Nickle, interna tional relations Haney, Li ons, dance and re­ have the work started by November 1. 'her centr al committee which includes: chairman of (he Newark Rotary Club; ; E. T. McCully, Recreation of H enry M. Brader, elementa ry SlIper­ Mr. Shue also introduced the new Mrs. J. F. Da ugherty, Mrs. George F" I E I t Dr. John Munroe, assistant professor dance locations; H. H . visor. t.eachers on the faculty this term. Worril ow, Mrs. David Arm, Rodney in the history department at the Uni- The tests are of the utmost import­ In{ mp oymen Rotary, judging and Afterwards, the organization of Dann, Mrs. Arthur Ayres, R. S. Snyder, versity of Delaware; and Mrs. Olaf ; Mrs. J . P. Cann Cen- ance, Mr. Brader said, since a large homeroom mothers for the term was Mrs. W. O. Skold, A. ~ . Dollins, Alvin In an effort to locate as many dis- Bergelin, member of the international dance music; Mrs. Anne H. part of the failures in first-grade completed under the chairmanshi p of H~n d l off , Mrs. Edw~n Shakespeare, abled persons as possible in the state, relations study group of the local , Soroptimists, award achievement OCCU1' because the school Mrs. Charles M. Cooper. M~lton Drap.!!r, Cornell us M.organ, Mrs' l the Delaware Rehabilitation Division AAUW. S. Ham ilton, Chamber of curriculum is not modified to provide Plans for a magazi ne drive by th ,~ MIlton Young a n~ R. W. Helm. will again set certain days aside dllr- The committee behind the affair is parade bands; Vernon for individual differences among school pupils were also discussed. In urgmg pubhc support, Mrs. Baus- ing "National Employ the Handicapped headed by Mrs. L . A. Grettum of the Roy Reed, American L egion, pupils in maturity and ability, Funds for such projects as new ath­ . week Issued a statement Week" for concentrated case findi ng Newark AAUW. Groups working with The age criterion of six years has rr~an thl~ marshalUng; William F. Fran­ letic ft eld bleachers and lights for hlghlIghtmg the ser vIces of some of and interviewing. her are the Rotary, Lions, V. F. W., proved, he said, inadequate as an indi­ Aetna Company, parade routing night games could be raised, it was the organizations w hich stand to benefit October 3 to 9 has been proclaimed American Legion, P.-T. A., Century direction; George M. Wilson, calion of the readiness of a child for pointed out. Last year's successful from the drive. by Governor Walter W. Bacon as "Em- Club, J Wlior Chamber of Commerce Legion, and Co rnelius Mor- formal school learning. , campaign secured money for new band At the completion of the tests, pupils She sa id in part.:. ploy the Ha ndicapped Week." In Dela- and the Soroptimists.
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