CAAN : Ins tu onal Profi le Name: Civil Avia on Authority of Nepal (CAAN) Address: Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel. 4262387, 4262326, 4262518 Fax:977-1-4262516 E-mail: [email protected]/[email protected] URL: caanepal.gov.np Type : Authority Date of Establishment: 31 December 1998 Legal Status: Civil Avia on Act, 2015 (1959 AD) - Statutory Regula ons Civil Avia on Authority Act, 2053 (1996)- Establishment Main Func ons: Permi ng Airlines Opera on Airworthiness Cer fi ca on and Manpower Licensing/Ra ng Regula ng Air Transport, Air Naviga on Services (ATM/CNS), and Aerodromes as per ICAO SARPs. Construc ng, opera ng and maintaining airports Equipping and maintaining airports with necessary communica on and naviga onal facili es Opera on of safe, effi cient & expedi ous fl ight. Affi lia on/Ins tu onal Linkages: Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Avia on, Ministry of Communica on & Informa on Technology, Ministry of Home Aff airs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Defense, Department of Hydrology & Meteorology, ICAO, COSCAP-SA, Airlines, NTB, Interna onal Funding Agencies, Travelling Public. Income Resources: Landing, Parking, Housing, Over-fl ying Naviga on Charges, Security Charges, Charter Charges, Flight Catering Charges, Passenger Service Charges, Concessionaries; Vehicle Entry & Parking Charges, Adver sement Charges, Oil Throughput Charges, Terminal Rent, Land Rent, Royalty, Cargo Charges, Regulatory fees, Ground Handling Charges, etc. CAAN Annual Report 2018 1 Board of Directors Chairperson Minister or Minister of State for Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Avia on or a Person Specifi ed by the Government of Nepal. Member Mr. Suresh Acharya Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Avia on Member Mr. Rameshwor Dangal Director General, Department of Customs, Ministry of Finance Member Mr. Lekh Nath Bhandari Managing Director, Ample Travels Pvt. Ltd. (From among the Private Entrepreneurs involved in Tourism Industry) Member Mr. Sukha Chandra Jha Avia on Expert Member Mr. Madan Kharel Execu ve Chairman, Nepal Airlines Corpora on(From among the Airlines including Private Operators) Member Mr. Vijaya Bahadur Shrestha Execu ve Director, Ye Airlines Pvt. Ltd.(From among the Airlines including Private Operators) Member Secretary Mr. Sanjiv Gautam Director General, CAAN 2 CAAN Annual Report 2018 Na onal Civil Avia on Security Commi ee Chairperson Minister or Minister for State of Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Avia on. Member A orney General or a Deputy A orney General appointed Member Secretary, Ministry of Finance Member Secretary, Ministry of Law, Jus ce and Parliamentary Aff airs Member Secretary, Ministry of Home Aff airs Member Secretary, Ministry of Defense Member Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Avia on Member Opera ons Head, Nepal Army, Army Headquarters Member Inspector General, Nepal Police Member Inspector General, Armed Police Force Nepal Member Chief Inves ga on Director, Na onal Inves ga on Department Member Secretary Director General, Civil Avia on Authority of Nepal CAAN Annual Report 2018 3 4 CAAN Annual Report 2018 Director General’s Review t is a ma er of pleasure to present to the esteemed readers, stakeholders and well-wishers with Ian overview of the achievementsand ac vi es concerned with the avia on of Nepal. Civil Avia on Authority of Nepal (CAAN), since its incep on, has taken various ini a ves for theenhancement of safety, security, infrastructuredevelopment, Avia on Safety ins tu onal management and technologies to The removal of signifi cant safety concern by the cope with the interna onal challenges and trend in ICAO Valida on mission in July, 2017 and the avia on arena. This report concisely incorporates a ainment of safety compliance rate higher than ac vi es and plans of CAAN se ng the milestone Global Avia on Safety Plan (GASP) benchmark for future. Some of the keyfeatures of the report have created huge impact in Nepali avia on arena. have been summarized under following sub- The recogni on received from ICAO in the form of headings. Council President Cer fi cate (2018) has boosted Air Traffi c Scenario up the vigor and pace for the journey towards safety and effi ciency of air transporta on in Nepal. Comparing the Flight Movement data for 2017 Nepal has developed ‘Nepal Avia on Safety Plan and 2018, both aircra movement and passenger (2018-2022)’ in line with ICAO Global Avia on movement have witnessed an increasing trend in Safety Plan and commenced ac vi es related to 2018. The domes c aircra movement in 2017 se ng up of safety founda on for structuring up was 93107 and that in 2018 was 95580 thus a fi rm SSP in faster pace. registering an increase by 2.66%. Similarly, the domes c passenger movement was 2451390 in The diversity of weather pa ern together and 2017 and 2847752 in 2018 registering an increase hos le topography are the main challenges by 16.17%. On the other side, the domes c cargo surrounding domes c aircra opera ons in Nepal. movement was 4114386 Kgs in 2017 and 3693070 The topographical complexity of remote Nepal Kgs in 2018 registering a decrease by 10.24%. allows only al ports that can serve small aircra . In the past, the rate of accident rela ng to the Similarly, the interna onal aircra movement in small passenger aircra with 19 seats or less was 2017 was 33362 and that in 2018 was 33933 thus compara vely high. With joint ini a ve of CAAN registering an increase by 1.71%. The interna onal and airline operators, number of accident and passenger movement was 3887845 in 2017 fatali es in STOL opera ons has been reduced and 4342486 in 2018 registering an increase signifi cantly now. by 11.69%. On the other side, the interna onal cargo movement was 20665.929 Tons in 2017 and Air Naviga on 20552.530 Tons in 2018 registering a decrease by Moderniza on of Air Naviga on Services has also 0.55%. been the focus of CAAN. VHF communica on Air Transporta on coverage has been signifi cantly improved with the installa on of RCAG-West and RCAG-East. Nepal signed Bilateral Air Service Agreement Two newly installed MSSR-Mode S Radar Systems with Cambodia on 29th November 2018. Since have been brought into opera on from 1st 1963, Nepal has signed ASAs with 39 countries, February 2018. One of these Radar has been with Cambodia being the latest signatory. 27 installed at Tribhuvan Interna onal Airport (TIA) Interna onal Airlines (including Nepali Companies) for the Terminal Surveillance up to 200NM and from 14 countries operate Interna onal fl ights to/ another long range Radar is installed on top of the from Tribhuvan Interna onal Airport. Meanwhile, Mount Bha edada near Kathmandu for En-route in the domes c sector, 19 Domes c Airlines Surveillance which has a coverage up to 250 NM. have valid AOC. Similarly, there are 75 Avia on Four ADS-B sensors are being installed atmajor Recrea onal Clubs registered by March 2019 with domes c hub airports throughout thecountry 4 ultralight, 1 balloon and 70 paragliding clubs. and being connected with exis ng Radar Mul CAAN Annual Report 2018 5 Sensor Data Processing System (MSDPS) to extend Plan. Civil Avia on Authority of Nepal, in close the surveillance service as well as to serve as a co-ordina on and collabora on with airline backup to the exis ng MSSR system by 2019. industries and its stakeholders, has ini ated phase PBN implementa on plan has been developed wise NGAP in the country. The Avia on Museum, as per the guidelines of ICAO Regional PBN set up in Sinamangal, Kathmandu, is one of such Implementa on Plan and Global Plan. RNAV collabora ve ini a ons of CAAN. terminal applica on have been implemented at TIA (VNKT), Biratnagar (VNVT), Dhangadhi (VNDH) Corporate and Ins tu onal Strengthening and Chandragadhi (VNCG). ATS automa on has CAAN has ini ated the process of Airport been introduced at TIA. Automa on through e-bidding process. The Airport Development and Facilita on Expansion invita on for bids for Supply, Delivery, Installa on, Customiza on, Tes ng and Commissioning of The rapidly increasing traffi c demand shall be Airport Automa on System with Associated catered by the three airports under construc on Accessories (ICB-01-CPMD-2075/76) was called out of which Gautam Buddha Interna onal on 21st Jan, 2019. The tender evalua on process Airport, Bhairahawa is expected to come into is ongoing. Likewise, Centralized Payroll System is opera on by late 2019. 73% of the construc on work has been completed so far. in eff ect whereas Document Digi za on The second airport, Pokhara Regional Interna onal Management System, Intranet System, Budget Airport, being constructed with a budget of 1.50 So ware, Centralized Accoun ng So ware etc. billion, is planned to complete in July 2021. 37% of have been arranged to be accessed from more the construc on work has been completed so far. than 30 offi ces and airports through either VPN This airport can serve medium sized jet airplane connec on or SSL connec on. categorizes such as A320 and B737. As per CAAN Employee’s Regula on, 2056, 134 The Interna onal Airport planned to be vacant posi ons were fi lled up among which 81 constructed at Nijgarh, Bara, will be the biggest employees were recruited through open/inclusive in South Asia in terms of area, covering 8,045.79 compe on examina on, 6 from internal hectares once it is completed. The EIA regarding compe on examina on and 47 from work the airport has been approved by the Ministry performance evalua on in 2018.
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