ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE ^!^"' '1^,,. ADDITIONALQUESTIONSFORTHE2012-13BUDGETESTIMATES!6:11'ARI^G ' T"^^day, 3J"Iy2012 .' "' ' MainRoadsWesternAustralia ^ Question NO IHon 1,1'inuring Raylich, MLCasked- 17<1er !opoge 640 under Significantlssz, es Impocting the Agency andihe nexttranche of Ihe 7'0int Commonwealth"Slotefz, ridedNotion Building Program which is scheduled to commence on I 1,461 2014 Qndosk Since 2008 whatprq/'ecis were/tinded by the 1'0int Commonwealth"State/undedNotion Building Program by- o. Prey'ectdescrjption b. Full costqfprqj'ect c. Commonwealth"siaie/moricialconiribz, tion in dollar relms break ZIP o d. Slamsof'prey'ect Answer: (a)-(d) Refer to the list below. (a) (b) and (c) (d) Project Description Fund Contributions Status Source $M Perth Urban Transport Corridor State 38.73 Planning and ITS-KwinanaFwy, RoeHwy, CwlthNBP 37.80 preconstruction in LeachHwyManaged Freeways Total 6.53 progress High Street(Leach Highway)- State 4.00 Planning in Carrington Stto Stirli"g Hwy CwlthNBP 4.00 progress o Dual Carriageway - Planning Total 8.00 State 29.00 KwinanaFreewayLeach Construction In Highwayto RoeHighway CwlthNBP 29.00;"'; Progress Widening and Upgrade Total 58.00 State 189.24 GatewayWA-TonkinHwy CwlthNBP 198.34 Planning and Upgrade- Great Eastern Hwy to State RllF' 120.00 preconstruction in RoeHwy, LeachHwylJpgrade- progress Orro"gRd to Tonkin Hay Cwlth RXE 480.00 Total 987.58 State 8.26 Planning and Gateway WA - Tonkin Highway Cwlth 1.1BP 8.09 preconstruction in AbernethyRoad On Ramp Total 16.35 progress State 23.93 BunburyPortAccess Rd Stage I C\Nlth unP 17:37 Completed Total 41.30 Bunb"ryPortAccess Rd Stage2 State 8.06 Contract let and Bunbury Outer RingRoad CwlthNBP 110.59 Construction in Stage I Total 118.65 progress State 60.02 Contractlet .. , .: . .... HOIO-^SPERANCEPORT : , ..:.. ;C\\11th unP . .,. 60.00 Construction in ACCESS ,, Total 120.02 progress State 6.17 DampierHighway Stage IB CwlthNBP 4.39 Completed Total 10.56 State 25.50 Contractlet H46 - DampierHighway - Stages CwlthNBP - 8729 Construction in 2 to 6 progress (. Total 112.79 ~-.. GreatNorthern HwyPinga St State 6.10 and WallworkRd intersections icylth NBP- 6.00 Completed and Dual Carriageway Total 12.10 State 71.08 Contractlet --.--~--.,.....--... ~.,...,~,...- GreatNorthernHwy . *!;.,,. c#;ith FibP. ". ..,*' 1911/8 Construction to Realignment PortHedland Total 262.26 commence shortly State 73.97 M^DU^ENT^NCE CwlthNBP 73197 Completed ROAD Total 147.94 CREATEASTERNHIGllWAY State 32.77 ROEHIGllWAY CwlthNBP 68.75 Completed inTERCl{ANCE Total 101.52 CREATEASTERNHIGllWAY State 60.01 Contract let KOOYONGROADTOTONKm CwlthNBP 240.04 Construction in HIGHWAY Total 300.04 progress State 30.62 armHIGHWAYALE^NDER CwlthNBP 10.00 DRIVEmTERCllANGE Completed Total 40.62 State unP 8.35 CwlthNBP 8.35 GREATNORTHERN Contractlet State HIGHWAY-BIGMACPHEES Construction in WANDRA 2.30 BRroGE progress WANDRA 6.00 Total 25.00 GREATNORTl^RN State 4.00 Planning and *, ....,,.... HIGHWAY-MUCHEATO ' CwlthNBP ,",..*- 16.00 proconstruction in WIJBmSTAGE2 Total 20.00 progress State 0.50 Planning in ALBANYRmGROADSTAGlBS CwlthunP . 11-050 progress 2&3PLANNNG Total 1.00 , ) ~ I ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE ADDITIONAL QUESTIONSFORTHE2012-13 BUDGETESTIMATESHEARING Tuesday, 3 July 2012 Maim Roads Western Australia Question N0 2, Hon 1:1i!ianno Ray/ich, MLC asked - Ir<Ier to Ihe slurementihQiihe sof'ety of our school children undihe observance of 40 kin/h schoolzones by drivers is an importaniissue/by Ihe community. To address this, Ihe Governmeniis accelerating Ihe imp/emeniQtion of solarpoweredelecironic schoolzone signs This will increase Ihe number of school zone stiesfrom Ihe existing 76schools io over 130 schools by Ihe endqf2012-13 andosk a. Con Ihe Minis!er listihe 76schools IhQt have o1reQdy received solarpowered electronic schoolzone signs? I" b. Con Ihe Minisier lisithose 54 schools Ihott, uillreceivedsolQrpoi-uered electronic schoolzone signs by the endqf2012-13 c. Can Ihe Minisier lisiihose schools ore riotschedz41edio receive solQrpowered electronic schoolZone signs Answer: (a) Refer to the Legislative Assembly Question on notice 5997 and 5998 in October 2011 (b)- (c) The program to installElectronic School Zones Signs in 20/2/13 has not been approved yet. It is therefore not possible at this time to answer questions (b) and (c). I , . I ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE ADDITIONAL QUESTIONSFORTHE2012-13Bl. IDCETESTIMATESHEARING Tuesday, 3 July 2012 Main Roads Western Australia 91, es!ionN0 3, Hon 1,1'inarina Raylich, MLCasked- Ir<Ier topage 642 - Services ondKey 14fficiency Indicaiors. ' I - Roadsofety, For 2010/2011 and2011/12 con Ihe Minisierprovide the o. Number ofRoodSqfety, prey'ecis norcompletedon time b. Whichprqjecis were nor completed on rime undbywhatperiodwere Ihey over schedule c. Number of Roadsqfeo)prey;ecis norcompleiedon Budget d. Whichprqj'ecis were norcompletedon bardgetondby how much were Ihey over budgei (.. Answer: co The information in relation to 2010/11is available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 there were 14. (b) The information mrelationt0 2010/1/1s available in Main Roads' 2011 AimualReport tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 refer to list below: Cdn. tractj'tf06i' -*,,*. ia" 0023/08-0005 -75 0027/08-0003 -126 0023/080006 -167 0252/10 -12 0026/08-0025 -7 0199/10 -58 0025/080006 WIP 0026/08-0039 -54 0026/08-0049 -6 0026/080033 -14 ,. 0026/080047 -19 0024/080005 -17 0024/080006 -11 0021/080003 WIP (c) The information in relation to 2010/1/1s available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 there were 2. (d) The infonnation in relation to 2010/11is available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September. For 2011/12 refer to list below: ;61^^:!' ;*-,*-jj' o1;51/1 21, !!I 10/6/00-00;I 101, ^7 ESTIMATESAND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE ADDITIONALQtJESTIONSFORTHE2012-13BtIDCETESTlllylATESHEARING Tuesday, 3 July 2012 Main Roads Western Australia 914esiionN0 4, Hon 4'11iannaRaylich, MLC asked- 11<1er lopoge 463 Services andKey 14fticiency Indicators- 3. ' Roadl;fficiency For 2010-2011 and2011-12 con the Minister provide Ihe - a. Number of Roadl;fficiency /inprovemenis Roadl;tj'iciency /inprovemerits prey'ecis not completed on time b. Whichprq/'ecis were not completed on time andby I-uhQiperiodi-uere they over schedule c. Number of Roadl;fficiency /inprovemeritsprq/'ecis nor compleied on Budgei d. Whichprq/'ects were nor compleiedon bwdgeiondby how inI, ch were they over (. budgei Answer: (a) The information in relation to 2010/11is available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 there were 5. (b) The infonnation in relation to 2010/1/1s available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 refer to list below: 'dit'i6<ti, ti, , I^^i;t '- 0027/08-0006 -105 0026/08-0029 -2 0053/11 -I 0027/08-0005 WIP 0026/08-0028 -50 ,, (c) The infonnation in relation to 2010/11is available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report I, . _/ tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 there were 2. (d) The information in relation to 2010/11is available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 refer to list below: tar*^\*;,~,,*.,.,-"~~~~~ $1i!^,,*.-*.,., ,, 0025/08-0014 438,507 0026/08-0028 274,742 ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE ADDITIONALQtJESTIONSFORTHE2012-13Bl. IDCETESTIMATESHEARING Tuesday, 3 July 2012 Main Roads Western Australia 914esiion N0 5, Hon 1,1'i!ionna Rovlich, MLC OSked - 174er topage 644 - Services QndKeyl;fficiencyIndicators - 41/1frosiruct"7816r Coinmz, nib) Access For 2010-2011 und2011-12 con Ihe Minisierprovide the - a. Number of/^nosirt!cmre/br Community Accessprq/'ects norcompletedon time b. Whichprqjecis were nor compleiedon time andbyTVhaiperiodwere Ihey over schedule c. Number of Infrastructurejbr Community Accessprq/'ecis not coinple!ed on Budgei 11\ d. Whichprq/'ecis were notcomp/eiedon bz, dgetandby how much were they over budgei Answer: (a) The infonnation in relation to 2010/11is available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 there was I. (b) The infonnation in relation to 2010/1/1s available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 refer to list below: ^661^tinthib V ;;bay$1, , 0027/08-0004 WIP (c) The infonnation in relation to 2010/1/1s available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 there were nilprojects. (d) The information in relation to 2010/11is available in Main Roads' 2011 Annual Report tabled in Parliament September 2011. For 2011/12 there were nil projects. ESTIMATESANDFINANCIALOPERATIONSCOMMITTEE ADDITIONALQUESTIONSFORTHE2012-13Bl. IDCETESTIMATESHEARING Tuesday, 3 July 2012 Maim Roads Western Australia Question N0 6, Hon 1:1i!ionnaRovlich, MLCosked- IF</'er topage 645 .' Services undKey I;fficiency Indicoiors - 6 1141?OStrz4cit, relbr State Development. For 2010-2011 and2011-12 con Ihe Minister provide the - a. Number of/"/70siruci"relbr SIQte Development prey'ecis not coinple/edon lime b. Whichprqjecis were not coinpleiedon time ondby whatperiodi-uere Ihey over schedule c. Number of/111rosir"ctt, relbr Slate Developmeniprq/'ects norcompletedon * Budget d. Whichprqjecis were not completed on bardgetandby how much were they over budgei Answer: (a) The information in relation to 2010/1/1s available
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