case presentations no03.qxd 17/05/2007 15:38 Page 2 CASE PRESENTATION A breathless builder J.J. Lyons1 P.J. Sime1 Case report hand-grinder, a common task known as "tuck- D. Ward2 The patient was a 30-year-old male mason whose pointing" (figure 2), while intermittently using a T. Watson3 work frequently involved cutting and grinding disposable particle mask. After completing this J.L. Abraham4 brick and cement with powered tools. He was an job, he felt well for ~2 months and then gradu- R. Evans5 active smoker (1–1.5 packs per day). He had ally began to develop a nonproductive cough, 6 M. Budev worked in building construction since the age of dyspnoea on exertion and an 11 kg weight loss K. Costas3 W.S. Beckett1 14 yrs, as a labourer then as a mason and had without fever. Serial pulmonary function testing been a mason for the previous 13 years. He showed restriction and a marked reduction in dif- reported frequent exposure to cement and brick fusing capacity. Chest computed tomography 1Division of Pulmonary and dust while removing stone floors with a jackham- (CT) showed bilateral diffuse infiltrates. A purified Critical Care Medicine, 2Dept of mer. From 8–2 months prior to presentation, he protein derivative test was negative. Anesthesiology and Biomedical had been employed repairing exterior brick on Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was mucoid, and 3 Engineering and Division of three large apartment buildings (figure 1). This culture was negative. A transbronchial biopsy Thoracic/Foregut Surgery, University of Rochester, Rochester, required cutting through brick and mortar with a was nondiagnostic and the post-bronchoscopy 4Dept of Pathology, SUNY Upstate powered, high-speed demolition saw and grind- chest film showed a very small right apical pneu- Medical University, Syracuse, ing mortar from between bricks with a powered mothorax. An HIV test was negative. 5Dept of Pulmonary, Cayuga Medical Center, Ithaca, NY, and 6Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA. Correspondence: J.J. Lyons University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry 601 Elmwood Ave Box 692 Rochester NY 14642 USA Fax: 1 5852731171 E-mail: jason_lyons@ urmc.rochester.edu Figure 2 Mason performing "tuck-pointing" on a brick building exterior, using a handheld powered mortar grinder, sim- ilar to that used by our patient. Field testing of air levels of dust in similar circumstances indicates that the parti- cle mask shown in the figure may not be adequate to Figure 1 protect against the high levels of dust generated. Brick apartment building whose exterior was renovated Photograph courtesy of the National Institute for by the patient. Occupational Safety and Health. 386 Breathe | June 2007 | Volume 3 | No 4 case presentations no03.qxd 17/05/2007 15:38 Page 3 A breathless builder CASE PRESENTATION a) There was no evidence of silicotic nodules on Figure 3 biopsy. Stains and cultures of lung tissue for a) Chest radiograph on emergent organisms were negative and a granulocyte presentation, with large right macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) pneumothorax and bilateral dif- antibody test was negative. fuse infiltrates. b) Chest CT prior to lung biopsy, showing bilateral and Additional examination of lung tissue diffuse alveolar filling. demonstrated macules of mixed opaque and birefringent dust associated with a mild degree of peribronchiolar and interstitial fibrosis (figure 5a). Much of the dust was strongly birefringent, typical of silicates, while a smaller amount of dust was weakly birefringent, consistent with crystalline silica (figure 5b). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the b) lung tissue in situ in paraffin block (using vari- able pressure SEM to allow examination of non- conductive samples) identified individual parti- cles within macrophages in the lung tissue, and allowed energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis of their elemental content. This qualitative analysis showed numerous particles composed primarily of a mixture of aluminium silicates (found in standard red brick) and lesser amounts of silica (found in mortar; figure 6). There were rare particles of iron, titanium, iron with chromium and cerium. This was suffi- cient for a diagnosis of mixed dust pneumoco- Three days later, the patient developed acute niosis in addition to alveolar proteinosis [1]. The right-sided chest pain requiring urgent evalua- patient's employer was notified and given infor- tion. An initial physical examination revealed mation on the prevention of dust exposure in cyanosis without clubbing and faint inspiratory construction and the case was reported to the rales at the left base. Oxygen saturation was Occupational Lung Disease Registry of the state 80% on room air. The patient had a large right- health department. sided pneumothorax with bilateral diffuse airspace disease (figure 3a). Treatment After insertion of a chest tube, he continued For treatment of alveolar proteinosis, a left lung to have high oxygen requirements. Chest CT lavage was performed under general anaesthae- showed diffuse ground-glass opacities with an sia with a double lumen endotracheal tube upper lobe predominance (figure 3b). using the method described by KAO et al. [2] Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) with retrieval of ~20 L of milky-appearing lavage biopsy of the right upper lobe showed pul- fluid. The lavage fluid progressively cleared with monary alveolar proteinosis (PAP; figure 4). each aliquot. The procedure was uneventful with no oxy- gen desaturations noted. Unexpectedly, oxy- Figure 4 genation worsened several hours postlavage, Periodic acid Schiff stain of VATS resulting in ~1 week of mechanical ventilation biopsy showing alveolar filling without a significant improvement in oxygena- with proteinacious material (alve- tion. The patient was extubated and eventually olar proteinosis). Alveolar walls in discharged on 6 L per min continuous oxygen, this view show little or no cellular with a referral for lung transplantation. After infiltrate. several weeks at home he spontaneously experi- enced a second right pneumothorax, requiring rehospitalisation and chest tube drainage. Three months after the initial whole lung lavage, as part of his transplant evaluation, a repeat whole lung lavage was performed (this time bilateral) Breathe | June 2007 | Volume 3 | No 4 387 case presentations no03.qxd 17/05/2007 15:38 Page 4 CASE PRESENTATION A breathless builder Figure 5 a) b) a) Additional views of VATS biopsy material show dust-filled macrophages (arrows) with mild peribronchiolar and interstitial fibrosis (arrowheads). b) Polarised light microscopy of lung biopsy shows detail of one dust macule, with strongly birefringent dust, typical for silicates (arrow), and weakly birefringent particles, typical for crystalline silica (arrow- head). In addition to alveolar pro- teinosis, the biopsy fulfilled a) b) pathological criteria for mixed dust pneumoconiosis. Figure 6 SEM (backscattered electron images). EDS analysis shows parti- cles in macrophages as noted by light microscopy, including many particles too small to be visible by light microscopy. These were com- c) posed of a mixture of aluminium silicates, iron with chromium (steel) and silica (shown above). The white box (a) is enlarged in b. The blue cursor located over indi- vidual particles indicates the loca- tion from which the EDS spectrum (c) was collected. complicated by a third right-sided pneumothorax years. It was further defined by subsequent requiring tube thoracostomy. However, oxygena- authors [5, 6]. In a review of 34 cases, PRAKASH tion improved markedly and immediately, to the et al. [7] noted alveolar proteinosis as a non- degree that he needed no supplemental oxygen specific response to a variety of injuries including at rest, regained weight and markedly increased exposure to dusts, chemicals or infections, com- his activity level, though still requiring oxygen menting that its uncommon occurrence suggests with exertion. A repeat chest CT showed reduc- individual susceptibility as an important factor tion in the alveolar filling process after the sec- in its aetiology [7, 8]. Alveolar proteinosis has ond whole lung lavage. been reproduced in a rat model by instillation of silica dust into the lungs [9]. The high preva- Discussion lence of current or past smoking suggests that PAP may be the following: congenital, due to smoking, which involves chronic inhalational mutations in surfactant or GM-CSF genes; sec- exposures to very small combustion particles, ondary to haematologic cancers, immunosup- may be a risk factor [3, 10]. pression or dust; or acquired (idiopathic), which Before the availability of lung transplanta- is in some cases an autoimmune process target- tion, silicoproteinosis had been described as hav- ing GM-CSF [3]. Weight loss and susceptibility to ing a uniformly fatal course [11, 12]. recurrent infections are clinical characteristics. The current patient presented with the clini- The development of PAP is a well-described com- cal picture of silicoproteinosis, but in the context plication of severe silicosis termed acute silicosis of mixed dust exposure with prominent alveolar or silicoproteinosis. Acute silicosis was described proteinosis and less prominent mixed dust fibro- in 1900 by BETTS [4] in a case series of 30 fatal- sis rather than silicosis. Mixed dust pneumoco- ities of males working in a single mineral ore niosis is caused by inhalation of a mixture of sil- crushing mill whose mean age at death was 30 ica and nonsilica dust, including coal, talc, 388 Breathe | June 2007 | Volume 3 | No 4 case presentations no03.qxd 17/05/2007 15:38 Page 5 A breathless builder CASE PRESENTATION and/or other silicates. It has recently been Alveolar proteinosis is often but not always defined pathologically as "pneumoconiosis responsive to whole lung lavage, which has been showing dust macules or mixed-dust fibrotic described as a stop-gap therapy for a condition nodules, with or without silicotic nodules, in an that needs definitive treatment of the underlying individual with a history of exposure to mixed process [18]. The current patient's adverse dust" [1].
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