PANS! DOHT FAIL TO COUNTY'S OUT- 2 SPECIAL PAGES DEVOTED G WEEKLY NEWS- TO THEATRE, SPORTS NEWS DELIVERED BY CAR. WER PRICE THREE CENTO WOODBKIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18,1936 ,;r xvni.No.4i 1 $113,000 TAX DAYRepairing And Refmishing Toys 'MERRY PERSONAL TAX, UNIFY FIREMEN FROM OUR ASSURES A RECORD URGES DABRY FRONT AS TRADE^ CLIMBS Auditor Lauds Spencer For Dreary Parade Of Dismal | jjor<f€$ Reaiy for Great Sacrifice Co-operation, Trainer WINDOW Administration Negotiates Accidents Marks And Morganion For $75,000 From 2 TheWeekHere As School Board Election Nears In Report ",\1-'1I)KNT1AL MEMO Delinquents ;,,., claus: There really CLEAR TOMKO DEATH Mrs, Randolph Seems Only Honored For long Service ASKS FOR NEW SYSTEM ,'rv much your struK- NQ STORE VACANCIES IN COLLECTOR'S OFFICE ,.,,'iTOSiVondent wants Christmas-time, the .merriest, Candidate Not Target jnlliest season of the year, was \\ nilc j^ivinv; bi^h praise to thB First of all, 11 c»|»«- u[ the arlniinii-lnition t ; i,ris welcomed by the township this Of Some Clique tnhirt ill"' municipal ,.v tu' woblb d like ttoo .,,.( rrfnrd fur t.;ix collci v a wci'k in a dreary procession of Stud- \tulitttr Walter ,„' those thoughtful peo- tj ttiis year wns virtually n-n Mrs. Asher Fitz Randolph tismal accidents. Only (he mid-|. the'ofily.rrtember of the N\'nri<lbrWge ; gn gaudy Yul«tide-tim*(i yi-sterilny when \\ oodhrid^c g ,„.'• section of the Usual trilogy- Board of Education_to seek ni'lit ic|Mirt urged collection QI paid SlO.'KK) in second- battle, murder and sudden death re-election next Fehruary Iriitniiiciit |icrsDnal taxes, abdi- subTued '"patterns he cl.l'-s railroad levies. -was omitted from the funereal •II nf the lite districts, and eiub- With ."IlkiaU negotiating with ;it march of eYCntn.that contrasted so, who Some group, faction, poignantly with'thc general rejnic- hnimt of a full-time asMHRient k che< K. from you or any- !H,| j^.,, (|t;Uni|U(:iits mvinR in ilir clique or politician isn't out ••iid ' ' 1;,| be so, so gratefully re- ntyhlmrhood ui $75,01X1 and tin- |»ruli- I'upils in the manual training cla-.se, at Silniol Xu. II working on ini? and not until la«* yesterday afternoon was the absence of mur-to get. Spoial appreciation was cited far If thu<- remembered, such aliilitv these ikounts will lie settled some (it the toys:, eiillei U-d inlhrit MCIICIDI and tlinmgli the police and It's beginning to look aa though K-derirk A. Spencer, chsirmaa ol ,,.1-eby dedicated to.the fol- | .(,, ,. tlit- honk* are closed for l'l.Vi, der trorri the gory catalog confirmed. lt r relief departments, Ahout l.(KH| tn>s were cinitriliuted -from hiojelcs The fourth death BO far inircsti- practically everyohe who vver tin Finance Committee "for hit '1|1(1. for dinner for two it ;* now titdirated tliat tnt.il receipts to pin Ranu's and 500 were remliditiuiied, parts from several being rateH by police daring the last seven wanted to rua for something or -plmilui co n|ii:fation and a<»i*tanci m •he gorgeous Sert murals m the nflja- of Tax Collector Michael used to make one toy when necessary, for distribution to under privi- rtays—and victims of other acci- other will come out with an an- t<i the rrtmiotis and sutitf-lions thM - U ildorf • two Beats on the |. Trainer will exceed the almost in- leged children. Red Cross anil Hoard of Health nurses brought the nouncement sooner or later that my representatives have made,* dents may Increase fhat tota -was Mi. I in by also noted tb;it the rft- ciW E f0r'Tonight at 8:30;' i-tediblr sum of Jl.nW.OOO (or the toys on their rounds yesterday to the youngsters chosen to receive them. formally declared due to alcoholism he ia willing, to "make the great •n the shadow of the violin twelve month* m>w Hearing all end. and exposure. Joseph Tomko, 44 sacrifice" and submit himself for iinliut! And handling of fines in tht ,,f Emil Coleman's orches- Ability to clean up old' acoums, selection to the Board. Reputed- I'uliic Court was "very efficiently of Metuchen Avenue, was the vie. done as compared to the year 19J4. In- Indium Room at the St» rjtiH'r. nricirrtcd or ignored by pri- clay-miner, he leaves IK ly one of the early starters is VIMII.I adiniuistratinus. is responsible tim. A William Applegate, described by I'.nth Towmhip Trcasucr. 0. J. family. ilnrni-nson and Tax Collector Ml* . i,(. mental list of what it (,,r tin- traiinid'Hh advance the town Generosity And Skill Of Pupils Alone in R.ain . political leaders as being alter liai-l J Trainer shared in the praise • .„. ifrand to have, thiye are nls mlfa jH \\w |a,t tlir«- years under Police said Torhko apparently ; nately a Republican and a Demo if tin- State official for the manner !ut(,s; ' tin- «terii guidance nf C'linmittcenian had been lying helplessly m a ditch crat. Such non-partisanship in ( in which they maintained their ac- Alison and Hamlin Grand Fridcriik A. N|><noer. Success in thi At School ttjkawte 500 Toys the Anncss mine near Main school election should be vitally counts although he urged that a Vor Kpabe); peace; Hirrotiiiu ti:i- permiMvd a partial re Street throughout the heavy rain helpfuljlpf . new system nf accounts b • installed .•|i for all those with shat- turn to a ra-h lia»iv Fur the first Mrs. Edgar and Leonard Willinger Succeed In Plan To storm which beat down pitilessly In any event, Mr. Applegate in the tax department "which will •aith and hope who have time in near'v live years ^cli<JIil teach- all Wednesday night. He was seen represented as seeking the sup be suitable tn the present demand* •,, tlic dismal belief that ers and iiimitufial cinpl")'*^ will rc- Recondition Playthings Contributed By Students there at 7 o'clock Wednesday morn-1 port of prominent Fords residents Who was presented with an of the office. Commentiii • on thi* .„'..:,„ is auch an empty icivi- their tr.ll Nilario in currcne) iningr and was not seen again until |j who actively and publicly attempt- engraved watch hist night by phase of municipal operation, Mr, tni, niMinli. ;i *ti',ng and couran- To Give Them To Other Children •\ndrc\ndrew Kcllcrman, 656S, of Dorothy led to gain control of the Board Woodbridg,TUUU_11,1K<ei Fir. ._e Company. Darby said: i,'.'.',.niiir and legislature; No Store Vacancies sets of dishes, drums. \venue found the body yesterday! this year. Further, it is said that No Onc in appreciation ©this Cites Tax Load 'I In- iin]>r«'H limit tl'.n- imlii ateil in l-'ivc Imtulrcd children who.Rames, guns, ,• tin? opera for the sea- water pistols, rope i|iioits, doll afternoon. ! Principal A. C. Ferry of the high' lw jnty years of service as "There are, at present, some forty .,.:,,-%.; restoration of the mi^ht have been neglected were houses musical tops, tractors, boats, Coroner Mullen also agreed with | school is interested in him to the president of the local volun- delinquent ledgers which are not ,,,,,. trousers , of that vi'.u, ij.iilv. .On M-'ii police that further inquiry was un-1 extent of sponsoring him in cer- sm- (if a Christmas present to- horse and wagon, bagetcllc board:' teers. n adaptable to the present demands IVl'inna suit; a ii'it many month- aiin •lure, \\rrc and even a doll house! necessary in the death of Hossy|t:ljn circles. Mr, Ferry always of this office. Efficiency i< retarded v.t'iml. th'-.re i* 11*• \v day, in glorious fact, they al- The toys were distributed well in Rose, 28-year-old Negro, who was' denies, however, any concern in if only for the fact these books are •::»• funds to maintain i,iii>r\ location i.ir ready had a ])it"-ent! Toyi cul- advance of the holiday to insure1 iund dead Tuesday at the home of the personnel of the Board. large and cumbersome." Later on, ,,- time inched more oseph Flesko, 274 Fulton Street. Andertpn To Ru tlie auditor observed: "The founda- lected from sttidetits at School me for careful delivery and to al- Cop, Wife Decide . .,, e.iriy better top-hat. t unii'irini), sture kn^cr report ow us* of the auditorium for the .dvanccd tuberculosis and cstultis-j Roy E. Anderson, District Clerk, tion of any business, more so those ..,. and tails; 8 nature •,ilf> i iinil.iui; pa-l nld Uv< 1 so. 11 and jniiii the police ami re- display before preparations began on were given as the causes. I must be a candidate in the Feb- enterprises that deal witii numer- he day before that, the body of ruary polls. He voted'for V. C- ., Miputhetic and k'»- de- l'ei -i tent ri-|»irt-' t'i.l tin- 1'uMii de|iartinents -thor<niM|ilv rc- for tlie school's annual Christmas Luck's Just Sour ous accounts, lies in the ."-counting lihiian summer nil wm- Nrv' r t.'uriiorati'Oi \\\\\ -MIII pru- ames 1'. McCortnick, a 62-ycar- Nicklas as Supervising Principal system. Woodbridge, with almost (itiditionejhi the manual training , •! •(•; a conservatory per- i. •••! with its 1'TIH!•dcii'vre.l |itan» tu iid retired barge captain, was re gainst Mr. Ferry upon the retire- as many tax items as tin- City of overed from Staten Island Sound :iiii(inm with dei-p red • ••-..Inut a ui'in-t'T i-leitrii it\ |;e:i- hop oi the school'—were ili-trihtit {Contimicd on Paije 10) Fever, Rain — And Bowl- Newark, is in possession of an anti- i eo.it to wear one of M.itni^ plant in I'^rt Ki.iduii! ^ain .icar the l'ort Reading coal docks.
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