BROOKLYN ACADEl\IY OF l\1USIC FESTIVAL 1987 SPO~SORED BY PHILIP MORRIS C01\1PANIES INC. For Release: November 3, 1987 Contact: BAMPublicity 718-636-4129 SQUATTHEATRE PRESENTS YORLD PREMIERE OF "'L' TRAIN TO ELDORADO"DECEMBER 1-6 AT THE 1987 NEXTYAVE FESTIVAL Squat Theatre will make its NEXT WAVEFestival debut with the world premiere of 'L' TRAIN TO ELDORADOin the Carey Playhouse December 1-6. The production is part of the fifth annual NEXT WAVEFestival, sponsored by Philip Morris Companies Inc. 'L' TRAIN TO ELDORADOcontinues the company's unique experiments in combining theater and film while exploring, what director Stephan Balint calls, "the realities and myths of urban life." The hero of the play travels through progressive stages of despair after he is jilted by his lover. Throughout the work a movie crew of devils appear periodically shooting the activity on stage. 'L' TRAIN constantly plays with one's sense of reality through the theatrical equivalents of such film concepts as close-ups and long shots. The original music by art-rock composers Arto Lindsay and Peter Scherer works like a movie score. Appearing in the production is Eszter Balint, who was featured in the film "Stranger Than Paradise." Eva Buchmuller designed the hyper­ realistic backdrops. Since its inception in 1969, Squat Theatre has been known for its unusual and innovative approach to theater space and aesthetics. Originally formed in Hungary, the group was censored by the government for their political radicalism and forced to perform "underground" in apartments and across the countryside. They arrived in New York in 1977 after a year in Western Europe. They presented "Pig, Child, Fire!" in their storefront theater on West 23rd Street and won an Obie Award. Their other major works for that space were "Andy Warhol's Last Love" (1978) and "Mr. Dead And Mrs. Free" (1981), which was also awarded an Obie. When they performed "Dreamland Burns" at The Kitchen in 1985, the firs t part was a movie and the second part a live performance, with some of the characters from the movie appearing onstage either in person, or presented as statues animated by Super-8 projections superimposed on their faces; a technique which will be further explored in 'L' TRAIN TO ELDORADO. Philip Morris Companies Inc. again serves as primary corporate sponsor for the NEXT WAVEFestival, completing a two-year $500,000 grant for the 1986 and 1987 Festivals. Funding for this production was also provided by the NEXT WAVEProduction & Touring Fund. -more- BROOKLY~ACADE11Y OFjIUSIC 30 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11217-1486 (718)636-4100 America'sOldestPerforming ArtsCenter TeleCopier!il818~1-Wil Telex298.Wl BAJIURCable Acadmusic PERFORMANCESCHEDULE: Tuesday, December 1 at 7 pm Wednesday, Dece mbe r 2 at 8 pm Thursday , Dece mber 3 a t 8 pm Friday, Dec emb er 4 at 8 pm Saturday, Dec ember 5 at 8 pm Sunday, December 6 at 2pm & 7 pm Tickets r ange f r om $12- $30 . For ticket information call 718-636-410 0. ********************************************************** For Publicity Informati on Contact : Peter B. Carzasty , Dir ector of Publicity & Public Relations Karen Goldman, Press Representati ve Michael McGover n, Pre ss Representative Robert Boyd, Press Ass i stant 718-636-4129 .
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