396 PICKWORTH. RUTLAND. [KELLY'S Fowler J'ulia (Mrs.), shopkeeper IParker &; Fowler, threshing maohine\WhitchBr Algernon James, farmer &; Gunson Joseph, farmer proprietors grazier, Manor farm Healam Thos. Blue Bell inn, & shopkpr PILTON is a small pleasant parish, on the southern bank ter, and held since 1898 by the Rev. George Hampden de of the river Chater, 2 miles west from Luffenham station Clare Studdert M.A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, who is on the Midland and London and North Western railways also rector of and resides at Normanton. The Earl of and 4! north-east from Uppingham, in the hundred of Ancaster P.C. is lord of the manor and chief landowner. Wrangdike, Uppingham union and county court district, The soil is clay in parts and sand in parts; subsoil, stone rural deanery of Rutland (third portion), arch deaconry of and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, turnips and Oakham and diocese of Peterborough. The church of St. beans. The area is 347 acres; rateable value, £1,329; Nicholas is a small building of stone in the Gothic style, in 1891 the population was 45. consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south porch and a Sexton, George Taylor. western turret containing 2 bells: the chancel was rebuilt Letters through Uppingham arrive at 10 a.m. by foot in 1852 by the then rector, and the porch was rebuilt and messenger, who returns at 4.30 p.m. The nearest the church restored and reseated in 1878: there are 90 money order & telegraph office ill at North Luffenham, sittings. The register dates from the year 1585. The 2 miles distant living is a discharged rect-ory, net yearly value £100, in- The children of this place attend the school at North eluding 22 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Earl of Ancas- Luffenham Cli1Ie Joseph & John, farmers I Hill Joseph Greaves, farmer I Pretty William, farmer PRESTON is a pleasant village and parish, on the road net yearly value £145, arising from 178 acres of glebe, from Oakham to Uppingham, li miles south from the with residence, in the gift of William Belgrave esq. and Manton station of the Syston and Peterborough and Not- held since 1890 by the Rev. Oliver Lyme Fowke M.A. of tingham and Kettering branches of the Midland railway, Queens' College, Cambridge. Here is a Congregational 4- south from Oakham and 2 north from Uppingham, chapel. There are charities of £4 annaal value for dis­ in the hundred of Martinsley,Uppingham union and county tribution. Preston Hall, a handsome building in the court district, rural deanery of Rutland (third portion), Elizabethan style, is now the seat of Lt.-Col. Alfred Edwd. archdeacoury of Oakham and diocese of Peterborough. Codrington. The Earl of 'Gainsborough is lord of the The church of SS. Peter and Paul is an ancient building of manor. The principal landowners are William Belgrave stone, in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, esq. the Right Hon. Gerard James Noel P.C. of Catmose, south porch, vestry and an embattled western wwer with Oakham, and William Henry Neill esq. of The Grange, lofty spire containing 3 bells, one dated 1717, the others Wing. The soil is various; .subsoil, various. The chief being undated: the fabric affords examples of almost crops are wheat, barley and turnips (on the four-course every style, from Norman down to Renaissance, the chancel system) and some land in pasture. The acreage is 1,20'7; r.etaining a sedile and piscina of Early date: there are rateable value, £2,240'; the population in 1891 was 286. a number of marble tablets, principally to members of the I Sexton William Ford Eelgrave and Sheild families: the east and west windows ' . are stained and there is a very handsome trefoil-canopied Post O~ce.-Mrs. Sarah ~harp, sub-postmIstress. ~etters reredos of Ca en stone and alabaster erected in 1882 to the I receIved throu~h Uppmgham at 7·35 a.m. 1:)y foot late Rev. William Belgrave M.A. rector of this parish messenger &;; dIspatched at 5·45 & ~.5 p.m. Postal from 1840; and a mural tablet to John Hill M.A. a former orders are Issued here, but ,not pa.Id. The nearest rector, ob. 1690: the church affords 20'0 sittings. The money order & telegraph office IS at Wmg earliest date of the register is 1560', and in the parish chest National School (mixed), erected in 1854 by the late Rev. is preserved a series of original papers, chiefly relating I W. Belgrave, for 60 children; average attendance, 40 ; to taxes and county rates levied during the Civil War the rents of two cottages, let at £6 12S. a year, go and the Commonwealth, copies of which have been de- I towards the payment of sunday school teaching; Miss posited in the British Museum. The living is a rectory, I Emily Rose Brunyee, mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COMMERCIAL. Scott John, baker & miller (wind) Baines Catherine (Miss), laundress Sharp Sarah (Mrs.), grocer & haber- Codringwn Lt.·Col. Alfred Edward, Chapman Christopher, beer retailer dasher, Post office Preston hall Groden John, grazier Smith Isase, New inn Fowke Rev. Oliver Lyme M.A. Rectry Fryer Thomas, farmer & grazier Stevens Eliza (Mrs.), grazier Knox Mrs Lawrence 'rhos. Wm. farmer & graz.r TayIoT Elizabeth (Miss), laundress Lucas Mrs. The Cottage Manton Charles, boot maker & grocer TyIer Charles, blacksmith Parker John, Old Manor house Naylor ChM'les, general draper Tyler WiIliam, farmer & grazier ~binS{)n Mrs. Vine cottage Needham Susannah (Mrs.), farmer Wells William, butcher & grazier Wade Mrs Newton Robert, wheelwright RIDLINGTON is- a parish and small village, 3! miles value £250, with residence, and including 44 acres of south-west from Manton station on the Syston ana Peter- glebe, in the gift of the trustees of the Earl of Gains~ borough and Nottingham and Kettering branches of the borough, and held since 1897 by the Rev. Pbtttp'-~ Midland railway and 2~ north·west from Uppingham, in M.A. of Hertford College, Oxford. There are charities the hundred of Martinsley, union and county couit district £8 IDS. yearly value. The Earl of Gainsborough, who is of Uppingham, rural deanery' of Rutland (third portion), lord of the manor, and the Earl of Ancaster P.C. are the archdeaconry of Oakham and diocese of Peterborough. principal landowners. The soil is good, but varies greatly; The church of SS. Mary Magdalene and Andrew is an subsoil, various. The chief crops are wheat, barley and ~difice of stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of turnips, but the land is mostly in pasture. The parish chancel, nave, aisles, south porch, and a western tower comprises 2,0'81 acres; rateable value, £1,985; the popu­ containing 3 bells, one dated 1671, and the- other two being lation in 1891 was 233. undated: on the north wall of the chancel is a monument Parish Clerk, William Manton. with kneeling figures to J ames Harington esq. youngest Post Office.-Mi<':s Emma Sharpe, sub-postmistress. Let- -son of Sir James Harington bart. of Exton, and Frances ters through Uppingham arrive at 8 a.m. by foot mes- '(Sapcote) his wife, who died September, 1599: there are senger. Letter Box cleared at 5 p.m. week days only. also marble tablets to members of the Cheselden family, Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. The I).earest and a remarkable monumental stone in the south aisle of money order & telegraph office is at Uppingham, 3 miles Teputed Saxon date: the church was restored in 1860': distant there are 200 sittings. The earliest date of the register Na.tional School (mixed), erected in 1873, for 50 children; is 1559. The living is a discharged rectory, net yearly average attendance, 28; Mrs. Alice Sharp, mistress Stocks Rev. Philip M.A. Rectory c.-ount JOihn, grazier ~harpe Emma (Miss), shpkpr. Post off COMMERCIAL. v:1anton Charles Henry, farmer & gra- Sharpe James, grazieT Bryan Richard, grazier zier, Lodge farm Turner Marshall, farmer & grazier, Clarke James, grazier & farmer \lanton William, grazier Ridlington park Fox Andrew, grazier Reynolds Geo. Robt. fMmer & grazier Wells J Dseph, farmer & g.razier Hill Thomas, baker Rowell Ba.ssett, farmer & grazier Winter William, beer retailer Hudson Robert, grazier Rowell Needham, farm,er & grazier Wortley Nathaniel Wm.frmr. & grazr Jackron Thos. Jas. grazier, Manor ho Rudkin William, carpenter Wright Matthew, grazier RYHALL is a parish and village, on either bank of of East and about 93 from London, union and county the river Gwash or Wash, with a station (locally in Bel- court district of Stamford, rural deanery of nutland mesthorpe) on the Stamford and Essendine branch of (second portion), archdeaconry of Oakham and diocese the Great Northern railway, 3 miles north-by-east from of Peterborough. The church of St. John the Evangelist Stamford, II east-by-south from Oakham, in the hundTed is a building of srone of the Early English period, con-.
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