flN.TflRCiTjICi A NEWS BULLETIN published quarterly by the NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY (INC) ■«*5s. *** *5 •<-u, : * & > + • , . Signy, the British Antarctic Survey's biological station in the South Orkneys, amid the ice and snow of winter. The station was established in the 1963-64 season on Signy Island, named after Mrs Signy Soelle, wife of a Norwegian whaling captain. Coronation Island is in the background. bas photo VnlVUI. 10IU, t>ln MU. 7 / RegisteredWellington, atNew Post Zealand, Office asHeadquarters, a magazine.. Cpntomhor OepieiTIDer, 1 QUAI30'* SOUTH GEORGIA SOUTH SANDWICH It' SOUTH ORKNEY Is ' > ^gg*.A 6Signy|uK / / o O r c a d a s a r g SOUTH AMERICA ' /' y\ v { S y o w a v j a p a n \ 4 S O U T H , * / w e d d e l l \ ^""""^Mplodezhnaya 0R0NNING MAUD LAND ENDERBY ^""j^" SHETLAND,^/ " \ | > - ' «/ b/, e Hal.eyBayA U K < COATS Ld I / i>N0 fc^^ ' sV^' ^> Druzhnaya A •neral Belirano^c/ \-l Mawson son \ AMTARCTIC WW DfuJyava^^GeneralU?5-Vf^ v ^\ Belgrano MAC arcROBERTSON UNO\ \ aus AUSI \ / P E N I N S U L A ' ^ ' ' " " ' ^ ~ (sec map below) . Sobral arg Davis aust ./_ Siple 1 u s * Amundsen-Scon I QmN mart land Mirny \ [ELLSWORTH r« ussr /(J*/"/ LAND "Vostok ussr / R o s i \ \ MARIE BYRD , fee Shelf V* L IAND WILKES LAND Vanda n; 'VICTORIA TERRE , LAND \ ADELIE .y GEORGE V Ld ■Dumom d'Urville iranci Leningradsuya USSR . •BALLENY It ANTARCTIC PENINSULA 1 Teniente Matienzo *rg 2 Esperanza arg 3 Almirante Brown arg 4 Petrel arg 5 Decepcion arg 6 Vicecomodoro Marambio arg ' ANTARCTICA 7 Arturo Prat cmILe 500 1000 Miles 8 Bernardo O'Higgins chile 9 Presidente Frei chile MjOO Kilometres 10 Stonington I. uk ]?• 1 1 A d e l a i d e I u k . 1 2 A r g e n t i n e I s u k « AAG ARGENTINA 13 Palmer us* AUSI AUSTRALIA 14 Bellingshausen ussr ■ SA SOUTH AFRICA U K U N fl t D K I N G O O M ianen USA UNITED STATES Of AMERICA uss-ti union or sevm sociausi '■Ice Shelf Rtpueocs HMTflRIHID (successor to 'Antarctic News Bulletin') Vol. 10, No. 7. 115th Issue September, 1984 Editor: J. M. CAFFIN, 35 Chepstow Avenue, Christchurch, 5. Address all contributions to the Editor. CONTENTS ARTICLES TALKS NEAR POLE 251-252 POLAR ACTIVITIES NEW ZEALAND 234-250, 272 UNITED STATES 253-259, 263 AUSTRALIA 260-261 UNITED KINGDOM 267-269 CHINA 264 JAPAN 266 INDIA 265 EAST GERMANY 270 ARGENTINE 271 URUGUAY 272 NORWAY 259 GENERAL POLE EXPEDITIONS 262-263 WHALING COMMISSION 274-275 TREATY MEMBERS 273 MICROLITES ... 276 OBITUARIES 277-279 ANTARCTIC BOOKSHELF 280 ISSN 0003-5327 © New Zealand Antarctic Society (Inc) 1978. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior permission of the publishers. I I ANTARCTICA September, 1984 V . [ j ^ ■ ■ ,>.V.\\\ CIROSH CIROS I :•:■:•:•:•: ross •:•:•:• island //j |x.?o km :::::::::::::j /'.• X •.' \ \ \,CE.SHELF ■;•;• [•'.• [• \\ Because of unusual ice conditions this season the CIROS I drill site has been abandoned. The drilling rig and team have been moved to the CIROS II site in Ferrar Inlet and the drilling has started. NEW ZEALAND PLANS FOR SEASON Two major objectives in New Zealand's Antarctic research programme for the 1984-85 season will be the first stage of the Cenozoic Investigations in the Ross Sea (CIROS), a long-term off shore drilling project in McMurdo Sound, and participation in a co operative West German-New Zealand-United States expedition into Northern Victoria Land. The first is designed to drill two holes into the seabed of McMurdo Sound off Butter Point in New Harbour; the second will cover, with West German and United States air support, geological research into ranges of the Bowers and Victory Mountains, and biological work in the Terra Nova Bay region. Another visit will be made this season to Hallett Station, the joint United States-New Zealand base established at Cape Hallett in 1957 and closed early in 1973. The purpose will be to minimise the effects of past human habitation by the removal of deteriorating building materials and equipment, and cleaning up the site. September, 1984 ANTARCTICA Once again international co-operation DSIR), Ministry of Works and Develop will be a feature of this summer's pro ment, Meteorological Service, Depart gramme. New Zealand scientists and ment of Lands and Survey, and the support staff will work in the field with Commission for the Environment, will guest scientists from the United States, work on a wide range of projects. An Britain, West Germany, Japan, and Army construction team will join staff Australia. They will take part in or sup from the Antarctic Division and port United States and Japanese MOWD in the Scott Base rebuilding research in the dry valleys and on Mt programme, Post Office staff will Erebus. Four Japanese geochemists will operate the Scott Base post office and continue studies of lakes in the dry communications summer and winter, valleys and other guest scientists from and aerial installations will be checked Brazil, the People's Republic of China, by Post Office riggers during the season. and Peru, have been invited to par CIROS, the largest project in the pro ticipate in the season's activities. gramme, is co-ordinated by the Antarc This season the New Zealand pro tic Division and Victoria University of gramme will call on up to 250 scientists Wellington, and United States and and field and base support staff in more Japanese scientists will also take part. than 40 projects. Most of the field work The main purpose is to drill four holes in will be done in the McMurdo Sound-dry two seasons throuigh the seabed of valley region, and on Ross Island. But in McMurdo Sound to depths of between Northern Victoria Land New Zealand 280m and 500m to recover a strati- geologists will work with scientists from graphic record of the sediments in the West Germany, the United States, and sound. The marine glacial sequence is Australia, and biologists from New known to go back 50 million years. If Zealand and Britain will work with the condition of the sea ice and other United States and West German air sup factors prevent the drilling team from port in the Terra Nova Bay region, and starting CIROS I, which is 12km east of on the active volcano, Mt Melbourne. the base camp at Butter Point, the To the south geophysicists will take part operation will be continued at the in a United States geophysical traverse CIROS II site in Ferrar Inlet, New of the Transantarctic Mountains. Harbour. All the continuous long-term seismic, Logistic preparations for the project began early in August when recon geomagnetic, ionospheric, and meteoro naissance parties from the Scott Base logical programmes will be maintained at Scott Base. The Meterological Service winter team made trips across McMurdo will extend its solar radiation pro Sound to measure ice thickness and plan a safe route to the camp built at Butter gramme this season by installing additional instruments, including a Point last season. On the first trip the ice was found to be too thin for safe travel semi-permanent screen at Cape Bird for summer recordings. A pilot trace gas ling — only 18cm thick in places — and measurement project will be started this on another trip ice blocks up to 45cm summer. Air sampling flights will be high damaged the vehicle tracks and made by helicopter to obtain samples forced the party to turn back when for analysis of light hydrocarbons, 17km from Butter Point. carbon monoxide, and fluorocarbons. An advance party led by the winter Scientists from five universities will O.I.C., Eric Saxby, made a return trip undertake a number of field research to Butter Point on August 25 to map out a route and inspect the camp. The )rojects listed elsewhere in this issue. Men and women from the Antarctic buildings were in good condition with drifted snow 1.5 to 1.8m around them. Division, Marine and Freshwater Sciences Division, Geophysics Division, Six members of the CIROS team left Geological Survey, Ecology Division, Scott Base on September 4 to prepare Physics and Engineering Laboratory (all the camp for the arrival of the rest of the ANTARCTICA September, 1984 crew. On their 50km journey across the section of the Transantarctic Mountains sea ice they were accompanied by a and the Ross Sea with which two VUW bulldozer team with three sledges which geophysics students will be associated. established an ice road to the camp. These aircraft will be ferried from West Scientists from Victoria University led Germany to McMurdo Station by way by the CIROS scientific co-ordinator, of Chilean and British Antarctic bases Dr Peter Barret, and the drilling team, and the United States Amundsen-Scott went south in the third week of August South Pole Station. on the United States Winfly flights, and BGR scientists will use the Dornier by the middle of this month the move 228s to conduct aeromagnetic surveys ment of men and equipment to Butter from Gondwana Station and McMurdo Point was almost complete. Prepara Station. The aircraft and the helicopters tions for drilling the first hole were will also transport field staff and pro under way later in the month. Five vide base camp support. United States and Japanese scientists New Zealand's main research project will analyse core samples when drilling is in Northern Victoria Land where its in progress. scientists have worked since 1958, will More than 50 scientists will take part be the study of geological evolution of in the co-operative programme between the area.
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