Christos Anesti ! VOL. 63 NO. 1143 APRIL 20, 1998 http://www.goarch.org/goa/observer E-mail: [email protected] Old Calendar Archbishops Leaders Reconciled Easter to Orthodox Church With a historic decision the Holy Synod Encyclical of the Ecumenical Patriarchate ended an Ecclesiastical division that for years existed in our Church in America, by accepting in PASCHA 1998 the bosom of the Mother Church the Mon- astery of St. Irene Chrysovalantou, in Astoria, To the Reverend Clergy, the Monks and NY, and its founders Paisios Loulourgas and Nuns, the Parish Councils of the Greek Or- Vikentios Malamatenios. thodox Communities, the Greek Day and As stipulated in the announcement of Afternoon Schools, the Philoptochos Sister- the Holy Synod which follows, the Monas- hoods, the Greek Organizations and Soci- tery as well as its dependencies (metochia) eties, the Youth, and all devout Christians were recognized, and their spiritual com- of the Holy Archdiocese of America munion with the Mother Church was re- stored, as a Patriarchal Stavropegion through Most Dear and Beloved Children a formal Patriarchal and Synodical Letter. On in the Lord, April 7, the Holy Synod elected unanimously Paisios Loulourgas as Titular Metropolitan Christ is Risen of Tyanon and appointed him abbot of the Monastery while Vikentios Malamatenios Let us chant unto the Lord for was elected Bishop of Apamia. gloriously has He been glorified! This reconciliation and restoration of Canonical Ecclesiastical Communion of the The Pascha of the Lord is by far the Monastery of St. Irene Chrysovalantou is the defining feast of joy and gladness in the life culmination of discussions that started about of our people. It is, indeed, the most joyous a year ago, when the founders of the Mon- feast of all humankind, the most radiant feast astery met with His Eminence Archbishop of all the inhabited earth. It is the chosen Spyridon of America who conveyed to the day, the one called the holy day, the Ecumenical Patriarchate their petition, add- queen and lady of days, the feast of feasts ing his support. and the festival of festivals. It is that day In a relevant write-up by the New York on which we bow down in worship, on Times on the old calendar situation, early which we praise and glorify our Risen Lord Greeces Archbishop Seraphim Dies at 85 this year, it was reported that Archbishop Jesus Christ, the very redeemer and savior Spyridon had long emphasized unity among of the cosmos, unto the ages of ages. ATHENS (AP, ANA) Archbishop Sera- lic mourning period with all public services, the Worlds Orthodox branches. But it was The great and most-sacred Pascha is a phim of Athens and All Greece died on April except banks and state-owned utilities, re- a casual response the article mentions day of such great joy - of such powerful ra- 10 at age 85 after being hospitalized for maining closed through April 13, the day of during his first news conference in the diance and glory - precisely because it re- health problems since late February. the funeral. United States, a month after he was en- veals the divine and uncreated light, the light His death was announced at 3 a.m. by Upon his arrival in the United States throned in September of 1996, that planted which radiates from within the divine and the president of Athens Laiko Hospital, from his visit to the Ecumenical Patriarch- the seed for reunification. A reporter asked human nature of the Risen Christ. Because where Seraphim was ate, Archbishop what he planned to do about the Old of this same Christ who died and rose again, being treated for a viral Spyridon issued the fol- Calendrists. human nature emerges as irreversibly ar- infection and respiratory lowing statement: I said that elsewhere the matter of the rayed in robes of many colors and threads problems. He also had On behalf of the calendar does not really count, Archbishop of gold, in a more-than-radiant garment of been undergoing kidney entire Greek Orthodox Spyridon said. The so-called New divine incorruptibility and eternity. Indeed, dialysis treatments Community in the Calendrists and the so-called Old Calendrists the more-than-glorious Resurrection of since 1996. Hospital of- United States, I ex- co-exist, and just follow a different calen- Christ opens the way for the resurrection of ficials said that the Arch- press the great remorse dar. But they are always part of the same all human beings. As was said by the Apostle bishops health was ex- and share the grief of local church. Paul, we also believe... because we know hausted due to old age the people of Greece, Later, to the Archbishops surprise, the that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will and chronic renal failure as they mourn the Old Calendrists seized on his comment as raise us also with Jesus (2 Cor. 4.14 NRSV). since the early 1990s. passing of their spiritual an invitation toward unity. It wasnt an open The all-holy Pascha is the day of Adam Seraphim led the leader for the past 24 initiative to call them in, he recalled. It was and Eves liberation. In other words, it is the Orthodox Church of years, the ever-memo- just a remark during a press conference, and day of all humankinds liberation from the Greece since his elec- rable Archbishop Sera- they picked it up. bondage of death and from the power of tion after the fall of the phim of Athens and All The first meeting took place in February, evil, of the entrance of human persons into military junta in 1974. Greece. 1997. I was so nervous, Bishop Vikentios Gods blessed kingdom, and into the life of His service as Arch- As we enter this said of his visit with Archbishop Spyridon. But eternal communion with the All-holy Trin- bishop was the longest Great and Holy Week, after five minutes, I felt so peaceful in my heart. ity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is that very in the history of the which leads to the glo- See OLD CALENDAR on p. 4 day on which humankinds ultimate and country. He presided rious Resurrection of God-given destiny is revealed. For God over the installation of our Lord Jesus Christ, created us for incorruption and made us six presidents of the Hellenic Republic. we join our prayers to theirs for the repose Ecumenical Patriarch in the image of His own nature (Wis. 2.23 Soon after the news of his death, the of his soul, and we pray that God will grant Bartholomews NRSV). nations government and political leaders them comfort and the assurance of eternal Calling us to partake of this radiant feast expressed their deep grief and described life. proclamation and banquet of the spirit, the Church seeks the archbishop as a strong personality His Eminence also sent condolences via on Holy Pascha to ground us in the true faith - to ground us whose term of duty at the helm of the telegram to the Holy Synod of the Church Church of Greece was fruitful. appears on page 8 See ENCYCLICAL on page 2 The Cabinet declared a four-day pub- See SERAPHIM on page 23 PAGE 2 ORTHODOX OBSERVER APRIL 20, 1998 ARCHDIOCESE NEWS Archbishops Easter Encyclical New Desecration of Orthodox Cemetery in Turkey from page 1 mystery of life in the Spirit, the life which NEW YORK.- His Eminence Archbishop I am shaken and very concerned regard- has Christ and the Church as its very heart Spyridon has called on Members of Con- ing the recent desecration of over 70 Greek as persons enlightened by the all-glorious and center. gress and national, civic and religious lead- Orthodox graves in Istanbul, Turkey. In the and never-ending light of the Risen Lord and And this spiritual life, into which the ers to respond to the latest attack against very recent past the compound of the Ecu- of the Resurrections redeeming grace. The Church introduces us by means of Pascha, the Greek Orthodox community in Istanbul, menical Patriarchate has been bombed, result- Church does all this so that we might re- is inextricably tied to the Lords presence in Turkey. On March 31, over 70 graves in ing in casualties and property damage, a evaluate both our behavior and our entire our lives. According to the Gospels truest the Greek Orthodox cemetery of Saint church was broken into and a sexton was way of life, so that we might renew our per- words, this presence is the work of the Holy Eleftherios, in the Kurtulus region of Istanbul murdered, and now even those who lie in the sonal and communal lives, and this in the Spirit. It is thus fitting that our Risen Lord were vandalized. tombs have been attacked, yet another time. contexts of our families, our parishes, and breathed (Jn. 20.22) the All-Holy Spirit It was the fourth incident in recent As a Christian leader, I call to all people our society at large... So that we might upon His disciples. Also, on the day of Pen- months: On Dec. 3, 1997, a bomb attack that love, reconciliation and peace must be ...forgive all things in the Resurrection. tecost, He fulfilled the Paschal season with against the Patriarchal compound in the our one heartfelt resolve. We must do ev- During the Pascha - which actually the visitation of those holy disciples by the Phanar district of Istanbul seriously injured erything in our power to always strive for means Passover - the Church calls us to life-creating Spirit, and indeed, through them a deacon and damaged the Patriarchal Ca- better understanding between people and pass over from preparation into fulfillment, visited the entire body of the Church.
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