E-342 REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN STATE AMELIORATION AND IRRIGATION COMMITTEE ATTACHED TO THE CABINET OF MINISTERS Public Disclosure Authorized REHABILITATION AND COMPLETION OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND MONITORING IN THE PROJECT AREAS OF THE SAMUR APSHERON CANAL AND MAIN MILL MUGAN COLLECTOR DRAIN Public Disclosure Authorized Final Report CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH, Germany Subconsultants Public Disclosure Authorized Irrigator, Azerbaijan Azspetsprominvest Consulting & Engineering Co. March 2000 C- s CES Consulting Engineers SalzgitterGmbH Public Disclosure Authorized Revised EnvironmentalAssessment and Monitoringin the ProjectArea of the SamurApsheron Canal and the MainMill MuganCollector EXECUTIVESUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The present study has been granted by the International Development Association, Grant No. TF025537. CES Consulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH has been contracted on 11 July, 1999 by the State Amelioration and Irrigation Committee (SAIC) to conduct the "Environmental Assessment and Monitoring in the Project Areas of the Samur Apsheron Canal and the Main Mill Mugan Collector". According to the national environmental legislation the project executing agency, SAIC, is responsible for the assessment and the monitoring of environmental impacts caused by the project. This study assesses the present and future environmental situation in both project areas and proposes an environmental monitoring programme as required by the legislation. This programme forms the basis for the regular observation and assessment of environmental key parameters in both project areas. On 4 August, 1999 a workshop was carried out by SAIC to find a common understanding of monitoring relevant topics, the participants represented different institutions involved in environmental affairs, e.g. the State Committee on Ecology and Control on Natural Resources Utilisation (ASCE). During the workshop the environmental monitoring was discussed and key parameters were agreed upon between SAIC and the participants (Annex C). The monitoring areas have been defined during the workshop. The MMMC monitoring area is bordered by the Araz river south west to north east, by Karabakh Canal in the south west. The collector drain K3, Ag gol and Sarisu lakes together with the Kura form the northern borders of the monitoring area. The SAC monitoring area is bordered by the upper 50 km of the SAC in the west, the Caspian Sea in the east, the international border to Russia in the north and the Velvelichay river in the south. Finally the SAC area was extended to the southeast to include also the area of the Deveci Lake which is located approximately 20 km southeast of the bottom end of the SAC reach to be rehabilitated. Three public consultants meetings were held during December 1999 to inform local organizations and stakeholders about the proposed program, the monitoring program and the environmental management plan, and to hear their views and suggestions (see Annex D). MILL MUGAN COLLECTOR DRAIN The Mill Mugan Collector Drain (MMCD) is a long-term scheme to drain the right bank of the Kura River. At present the upper part of this area, irrigated by the Karabakh Canal, is drained through a siphon under the Kura River into the left Shirvan Collector Drain. In consequence, the left bank collector is over-loaded and drainage in its service area is impeded, and this also backs-up into the right bank area. Additionally, drainage water is discharged into the Kura River to relieve the over-loading in peak periods. This raises the salinity level in the Kura adversely impacting on Baku water supply, which is partly taken from this source. The lower part of the right bank area, the Mugan-Salyan plain, has a separate collector drain already constructed to an outlet further south on the Caspian Sea. The proposed project is to construct the 31 km missing link between this lower right bank collector and the upper part, so relieving the existing drainage congestion described above. There will be a positive impact on the right bank area drained by the lower section of the Mill- Karabatch Collector Drain, immediately above the connection with the MMCD, and the CESConsulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH SUMMARY-1 P:VAZERBALARURENVRPIGATIU2ENAUAN2000~EEREPORTFINAL EnvironmentalAssessment and Monitoringin the ProjectArea of the SamurApsheron Canal and the MainMill MuganCollector EXECUTIVESUMMARY service area of the left bank Main Shirvan Collector Drain. The project will also construct all the associated structures, bridges, service road and a siphon under the Araz River. Additionally the project will provide for rehabilitation of deteriorated collector drains feeding into the new section of the MMCD, servicing some 36,500 ha. The Project Area The immediate project area surrounding the 31 km of missing link in the MMCD which will be constructed under the proposed project comprises (a) 36,500 ha of irrigated land which will be drained directly into the new section, and (b) about 20,000 ha of non-arable, unirrigated and undrained land, mostly rough pasture and swamps bordering the Sarisu lake, lying to the north of the new construction. This area includes some of the most saline land in Azerbaijan, resulting from a high ground water table, around 2.0 m in spring and summer which is not addressed by the current poor and impeded drainage system. Two sensitive and protected areas are in or near the project area, these are: * Ag-Gol Lake, a 9,173 ha protected area containing a 4,361 ha shallow lake and reed swamp located about 20km upstream of the immediate project area. This was designated a RAMSAR site in 1976 for the protection of resident and migratory birds. Ag-Gol lake receives, and is sustained, by drainage water from the Karabakh irrigation system. A regulator controls the water level in the Ag-Gol lake, and discharges through a channel to the Sarisu Lake. * Sarisu Lake, which is a very shallow water body and reed swamp of around 6,500 ha located in the immediate project area, between the proposed MMCD and the River Kura. Although only a restricted area, the Sarisu Lake is nevertheless important for migratory and resident birds. Currently, about 10,000 ha of land south of the lake is drained by pumping into Sarisu lake, and thence through an outfall into the Kura River. This drainage water is considered responsible for the high salinity of the lake and also contributes to the salinity of the Kura River. Impacts during Construction Construction impacts will be negligible provided nornal good working practices are observed. Contractors would be required to prevent, minimize or mitigate environmental damage. Bidding documents would have environmental precautionary clauses. An additional requirement is that de-watering operations contractors should discharge drainage water into existing drains to avoid contamination of soil and fresh water resources. Impacts during Operation For the agricultural land in the immediate project area, and in the wider area of influence, the effects of the proposed project are entirely positive. The seasonal drainage congestion will be relieved and consequently water logging and salinity will be correspondingly decreased. With the reduction of drainage discharge into the Kura River the salinity in this river will decrease with a positive impact on the ecology of the river as well as on Baku's water supply. CESConsulting Engineers Salzgitter GmbH SUMMARY-2 PUAZERSJAL!RURENWRRIGAT1t2LENAUJAN2000iEIAREPORTFINALDOC EnvironmentalAssessment and Monitoringin the ProjectArea of the SamurApsheron Canal and the MainMill MuganCollector EXECUTIVESUMMARY The Ag-Gol lake is outside the area of influence of the project, as the backwater effect in the Mill Karabahk Collector, originating at the siphon crossing the Kura River, does not extend to this lake. Water levels in the adjacent drains, and therefore also groundwater levels are unaffected, as is the water supply into the lake. Nevertheless, Ag Gol lake has been included in the proposed monitoring program because of its hydraulic link to Lake Sarisu. Depending on the future water supply replenishment needs of Lake Sarisu, Ag Gol may become a more important source of water for Lake Sarisu. The Sarisu Lake is affected by the proposed project. There will be three impacts: * The new 31 km section of the MMCD to be constructedwill cut across the natural catchment area of Sarisu Lake, reducing it by about 4,000 ha; * The drainage water from an irrigated area of about 10,000 ha which is currently pumped into Sarisu lake will in future discharge by gravity into the new main collector; * The new collector will lower groundwater levels along its route, and may marginally (marginally, because the new collector is 6 km from the lake at its nearest point) increase seepage losses from Sarisu Lake. The consequence for Sarisu Lake is a reduction of inflowing water. As the lake is very shallow, and is probably perched above the groundwater level (due to the proximity of the Kura River), there is a risk that the inflow from the Ag-Gol lake is insufficient to maintain the water balance. There are no records of inflows and outflows to Sarisu Lake, so this possibility cannot be eliminated. An additional impact is the switching of about 25 m3/s drainage water from the left bank outfall into the Caspian Sea to the more southern right bank outfall. This is not considered to be a significant factor, but monitoring of the outfall point will be included (refer below). SAMUR APSHERON CANAL The Samur Apsheron Canal (SAC) has the dual function of transmission of water from the Samur River to contribute to the needs of Baku City and the Apsheron Peninsular as well meeting the irrigation requirements of 95,000 ha. The SAC, which was constructed around 1955, comprises a diversion structure on the Samur River and a 180 km concrete lined canal with associated works, siphons, aquaducts and offtakes. Pumpstations at the end lift water to a reservoir from which the Baku water supply is abstracted.
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