Volume LXVIII, No. 3 Second Quarter 2004 Belmont University to Host ASBCS Annual Meeting and Workshops May 31–June 2 elmont University, Nashville, led by Robert The second and third lecture s BC. Fisher, president, will host the annual will be presented by presidents of meeting and workshops of the Association of ASBCS member schools. David S o u t h e rn Baptist Colleges and Schools May D o c k e ry, president of Union 31–June 2, 2004 in Franklin, Te n n . U n i v e r s i t y, Jackson, Tenn., will The site for the 2004 meeting is the deliver the Tuesday morning lecture M a rriott Cool Springs, Franklin, Tenn. ( a and Tom Corts, president of suburb of Nashville). Belmont will host par- S a m f o rd University, Birm i n g h a m , ticipants on the Nashville campus during the Ala., will present the We d n e s d a y Monday evening reception and banquet. m o rning lecture . Belmont will provide transportation to and Bob Agee, executive director of f rom the campus. ASBCS, announced that Bill Spitz, T h r ee college presidents will deliver the Vice Chancellor for Finance and H.I. Hester Lectures at the meeting that is Investment at Vanderbilt University expected to draw more than 200 pre s i d e n t s , and one of the founders of chief academic officers and administrators in Diversified Trust Co., will speak to Belmont University will host a Monday night reception and banquet on the Nashville campus during the annual meeting of p residents and chief financial off i- five other disciplines. the Association of Southern Baptist Colleges and Schools. In addition to presidents and chief aca- cers on growing and managing demic officers of the 54 member schools e n d o w m e n t s . the Legends Country Club in Franklin. other administrators invited to the 2004 con- “In addition, the legal affairs briefings will The 15-member board of directors of the f e rence include chief financial officers, chief be extremely important this year as we dis- association will meet at 9:30 a.m. Monday development officers, chief public re l a t i o n s cuss legislation and trends in court decisions May 31 and will conclude their meeting with o fficers, chief student affairs officers and over the past year,” Agee said. l u n c h . denominational relations off i c e r s . The annual meeting and workshops will Three workshop sessions with up to seven Duane Litfin, president of Wheaton begin on Monday and conclude at noon on topics each will provide help in the seven College, Wheaton, Ill., will deliver the first We d n e s d a y. A golf tournament for part i c i p a n t s specific areas of discipline. l e c t u re on Monday afternoon May 31. is planned for 2 p.m. Wednesday afternoon at No sessions will be held on Tuesday after- noon and evening to provide an opportunity Tentative Schedule for ASBCS Annual Meeting May 31-June 2, 2004 for participants to take advantage of recre- Marriott Cool Springs, Franklin, TN 9:00 AM Spouses’ Activities ational opportunities in the Nashville area. 9:00 AM–10:30 AM Second Plenary Session The hotel room rate is $85 per night plus Pre-Conference Meeting 10:30 AM–10:45 AM Break taxes. Deadline for hotel re s e rvations is May SUNDAY May 30, 2004 10:45 AM–Noon Workshops 10. The hotel re s e rvation form and confer- 7:00 PM–9:00 PM Worship Service 12:15 PM–1:45 PM ASBCS Business Luncheon ence registration form on pages 8-9 of this (Presidents & CAOs) issue also can be downloaded from the MONDAY May 31, 2004 A u x i l i a ry Groups Buffet 9:30 AM Board of Directors Meeting L u n c h ASBCS website <www. b a p t i s t s c h o o l s . o r g > . Noon Board of Directors Luncheon The special hotel conference rate will be 9:00 AM–4:00 PM Registration TUESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING FREE extended to June 3 and 4 for those who want 2:00 PM–3:30 PM First Plenary Session to stay longer for area vacation opport u n i t i e s . WEDNESDAY June 2, 2004 3:30 PM Spouses’ Meeting 7:30 AM–8:45 AM Chief Academic Officers C o n f e rence registration fee is $50 per con- 3:40 PM–5:00 PM Workshops Breakfast f e rence participant plus the cost of meals and 6:30 PM Reception at Belmont Auxiliary Groups Buffet University additional activities. Spouses do not have to Breakfast 7:30 PM Banquet at Belmont pay the registration fee unless they attend 9:00 AM–10:15 AM Workshops University workshops and plenary sessions. Part i c i p a n t s 10:15 AM–10:30 AM Break TUESDAY June 1, 2004 10:30 AM–12:00 PM Third Plenary Session should complete and mail the conference re g- 7:30 AM–8:45 AM Presidents’ Buffet Breakfast Adjourn istration and meal re s e rvation form along Auxiliary Groups Buffet 2:00 PM Golf Outing at Legends with payment to ASBCS, 917 Harpeth Va l l e y Breakfast Country Club in Franklin Place, Nashville, TN 37221-1141. I Results of Educator Survey of ASBCS Member Schools Number of Students Studying for Church Vocations and/or Students Receiving Church Vocational 1 Belmont to Host ASBCS 2004 Meeting Ministry Scholarships, Percent of Operating Funds Received from Your Baptist State Convention in Franklin,Te n n e s s e e 2 Results of Educator Surv e y Students studying Students Receiving % of Funds 3 C o m m e n t for Church Church Vocational from State Vocations Ministry Scholarships Convention 4 S e rvant Leadership as a Model for 1. Anderson College ..................................63 ..............................49 ............................8.5% Christian Te a c h i n g 2. Averett University ..................................40 ..............................— ..........................1.25% 8 Annual Meeting Hotel Reservation Form 3. Baptist College of Florida....................575 ............................335 ..............................32% 4. Baptist College of Health Sciences ......NA ............................NA ................................NA 9 Annual Meeting Conference Registration 5. Baylor University ..............................2,234 ............................197 ............................1.3% F o rm 6. Belmont University................................75 ..............................— ............................2.8% 1 0 Legal Notes 7. Blue Mountain College..........................89 ..............................58 ..........................17.9% 1 0 P e o p l e 8. Bluefield College....................................42 ..............................12 ................................4% 9. Brewton-Parker College ........................95 ..............................95 ................................9% 1 1 Names and Faces 10. California Baptist University ................— ..............................— ................................3% 1 1 Tr a n s i t i o n s 11. Campbell University ............................110 ..............................— ............................2.3% 1 2 Gifts and Grants 12. Campbellsville University ......................66 ..............................44 ................................5% 1 2 D e v e l o p m e n t 13. Carson-Newman College ......................83 ..............................82 ............................6.3% 1 3 Campus Report 14. Charleston Southern University ........162 ..............................25 ................................5% 15. Chowan College ....................................13 ................................6 ................................6% 1 4 C o n s o rtium for Global Education 16. Clear Creek Baptist Bible College ......212 ............................182 ..........................16.5% 1 6 Faithful Learn i n g O rder Form 17. Cumberland College ..............................68 ..............................— ................................5% 18. Dallas Baptist University ....................683 ............................683 ................................3% Vol. LXVIII, No. 3 19. East Texas Baptist University ..............198 ............................179 ............................6.7% Second Quarter 2004 20. Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute ........200 ..............................—..................................— Publisher: Bob R. Agee, executive 21. Gardner-Webb University ......................— ............................118 ............................2.5% director/treasurer, ASBCS 22. Georgetown College ............................120 ............................230 ................................5% 23. Grand Canyon University ......................82 ..............................22....................................0 Managing Editor: Tim Fields, director 24. Hannibal-LaGrange College ..................74 ..............................77 ..........................5.65% of communications, ASBCS 25. Hardin-Simmons University ..............270 ............................168 ............................3.8% Editorial Assistant: Tammy Drolsum, 26. Hawaii Baptist Academy ......................NA ............................NA ............................0.5% administrative assistant, ASBCS 27. Houston Baptist University ................200 ..............................74 ................................2% The Southern Baptist Educator (ISSN 0038- 28. Howard Payne University ....................304 ............................161 ............................6.3% 3848) is a news magazine published quart e r l y 29. Judson College (Alabama) ....................22 ................................5 ..............................13% for administrators, faculty, staff, trustees and 30. Judson College (Illinois)......................121 ................................0 ................................0% friends
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