Plant Species List for Mount Majura and Mount Ainslie, Canberra Base data from Ingwerson, F; O. Evans & B. Griffiths. (1974). Vegetation of the Ainslie-Majura Reserve . Conservation Series No. 2. AGPS Canberra. Re-organised, revised and updated by Michael Doherty, CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences and Waltraud Pix, Friends of Mt. Majura With advice from Isobel Crawford, Australian Botanical Surveys Current version of 01.10.2020 Names: Census of Plants of the Australian Capital Territory, Version 4.1, 2019 Enquiries:Version 3.0 [email protected] (8th June 2012) subsp. = subspecies Form ? = questionable status or identity f = herb, forb sp. aff. = having close affinities with i.e. similar but not quite the sameo = herb, orchid syn. = synonymous with i.e. most recent previous name, or alternativeg = nameherb, grass sens. lat. = in the broad sense of the species concept gl = herb, grass- or sedge-like var. = variety s = shrub (including creeper and climber) sp. = species i.e. identity yet to be finalised st = shrub / small tree spp. = species in the plural i.e. more than one species t = tree MM Mount Majura. Notionally north of “Blue Metal” Road; MA Mount Ainslie. Notionally south of “Blue Metal” Road (VVV) Species occurrence checking; currently focused on Mt. Majura rather than Mt. Ainslie. No ticks next to name = species reported but not yet confirmed for Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie. Status is locally native except for: PE = Planted Exotic PN = Planted Non-local Native WE = Weed Exotic WN = Weed Non-local Native ‘Planted’ status refers to individuals which are planted but not spreading ‘Weed’ status refers to species reproducing in the wild Scientific name Common name MM MA Status Form Family Acacia baileyana Cootamundra Wattle VV WN s Mimosaceae Acacia boormanii Snowy River Wattle VV WN s Mimosaceae Acacia buxifolia subsp. buxifolia Box-leaved Wattle V WN s Mimosaceae Acacia culitriformis Knife-leaved Wattle VV WN s Mimosaceae Acacia dealbata subsp. dealbata Silver Wattle VV st Mimosaceae Acacia decurrens Green Wattle, Black Wattle VV WN st Mimosaceae Friends of Mt Majura Plant Species List Mts Majura / Ainslie, update 01.10.2020 Page 1 Acacia genistifolia Early Wattle VV s Mimosaceae Acacia gunnii Ploughshare Wattle VV s Mimosaceae Acacia implexa Hickory Wattle VV st Mimosaceae Acacia iteaphylla Port Lincoln Wattle V WN s Mimosaceae Acacia linearifolia Narrow-leaved Wattle V WN s Mimosaceae Acacia longifolia subsp. longifolia Sydney Golden Wattle V WN s Mimosaceae Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle, Green Wattle VV s Mimosaceae Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood V t Mimosaceae Acacia paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn VV s Mimosaceae Acacia parramattensis Parramatta Green Wattle V st Mimosaceae Acacia pravissima Wedge-leaved Wattle VV WN s Mimosaceae Acacia pycnantha Golden Wattle V s Mimosaceae Acacia rubida Red-stemmed Wattle VV Some PN st Mimosaceae Acacia ulicifolia Juniper Wattle VV s Mimosaceae Acacia vestita Weeping Boree VV WN s Mimosaceae Acaena echinata Sheep’s Burr V f Rosaceae Acaena novae-zelandiae Biddy-biddy VV f Rosaceae Acaena ovina Sheep’s Burr VV f Rosaceae Acer negundo Box Elder V WE t Sapindaceae Acrotriche serrulata Groundberry V s Ericaceae Actetosa sagittata Turkey Rhubarb V WE s Polygonaceae Adiantum aethiopicum Common Maidenhair V fern Pteridaceae Agrostis capillaris Browntop Bentgrass V WE g Poaceae Ailanthus altissima Tree-of-Heaven V WE t Simaroubaceae Aira elegantissima Delicate Hairgrass VV WE g Poaceae Ajuga australis Austral Bugle VV f Lamiaceae Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping She-oak VV t Casuarinaceae Alternanthera denticulata Lesser Joyweed V f Amaranthaceae Alternanthera sp. A Flora of NSW (M.Gray 5187) Hairy Joyweed VV f Amaranthaceae Amsinckia calycina Yellow Burrweed V WE f Boraginaceae Amyema miquelii Box Mistletoe VV epiphyte Loranthaceae Amyema pendula subsp. pendula Drooping Mistletoe V epiphyte Loranthaceae Anredera cordifolia Madeira Vine V WE s Basellaceae Anthosachne scabra Common Wheat Grass V g Poaceae Araujia sericifera White Bladder Plant V WE s Apocynaceae Friends of Mt Majura Plant Species List Mts Majura / Ainslie, update 01.10.2020 Page 2 Arctotheca calendula Capeweed VV WE f Asteraceae Aristida ramosa Purple Wiregrass V g Poaceae Aristida vagans Threeawn Spreargrass V g Poaceae Arthropodium fimbriatum Nodding Chocolate Lily VV f Asparagaceae Arthropodium milleflorum Pale Vanilla Lily VV f Asparagaceae Arthropodium minus Small Vanilla Lily VV f Asparagaceae Asparagus asparagoides Bridal Creeper VV WE s Asparagaceae Asparagus officinalis Asparagus VV WE f Asparagaceae Asperula conferta Woodruff, Common VV f Rubiaceae Asperula scoparia Woodruff, Prickly V f Rubiaceae Asplenium flabellifolium Necklace Fern VV fern Aspleniaceae Astroloma humifusum var . humifusum Native Cranberry VV s Ericaceae Atriplex semibaccata Creeping Saltbush V WN s Chenopodiaceae Austrostipa bigeniculata Yanganbil, Kneed Speargrass V g Poaceae Austrostipa densiflora Foxtail Spear Grass V g Poaceae Austrostipa scabra subsp . falcata Slender Spear Grass VV g Poaceae Austrostipa setacea Corkscrew Grass V g Poaceae Austrostipa verticillata Slender bamboo grass V g Poaceae Avena fatua Wild Oat VV WE g Poaceae Bellardia latifolia Red Bartsia V WE f Orobanchaceae Berberis aquifolium Mahonia VV WE s Berberidaceae Billardiera heterophylla Bluebell Creeper V WN s Pittosporaceae Billardiera scandens Common Apple Berry VV s Pittosporaceae Bossiaea buxifolia Matted Bossiaea VV s Fabaceae Bossiaea prostrata Creeping Bossiaea VV f Fabaceae Bothriochloa macra Redleg Grass VV g Poaceae Brachychiton populneus subsp . populneus Kurrajong VV Some PN t Malvaceae Brachyloma daphnoides var . daphnoides Daphne Heath VV s Ericaceae Brachyscome aculeata Daisy, Hill V f Asteraceae Brachyscome dentata Daisy, Lobed-seed V f Asteraceae Brachyscome diversifolia var . diversifolia Daisy, Large-headed V f Asteraceae Brachyscome rigidula Daisy, Cut-leaved VV f Asteraceae Briza maxima Quaking Grass VV WE g Poaceae Briza minor Shivery Grass VV WE g Poaceae Bromus diandrus Brome, Great VV WE g Poaceae Friends of Mt Majura Plant Species List Mts Majura / Ainslie, update 01.10.2020 Page 3 Bromus racemosus Brome, Smooth V WE g Poaceae Buddleja davidii Butterfly Bush V WE s Scrophulariaceae Buglossoides arvensis Corn Gromwell VV WE f Boraginaceae Bulbine bulbosa Bulbine Lily VV f Asphodelaceae Bulbine glauca Rock Lily V PN f Asphodelaceae Bursaria spinosa subsp . lasiophylla Australian Blackthorn VV s Pittosporaceae Caladenia actensis Canberra Spider Orchid VV o Orchidaceae Caladenia atrovespa Thin-clubbed Mantis Orchid V o Orchidaceae Caladenia caerulea Blue Caladenia VV o Orchidaceae Caladenia carnea Pink Fingers V o Orchidaceae Caladenia fuscata Dusky Fingers VV o Orchidaceae Caladenia major Wax-lipped Orchid VV o Orchidaceae Caladenia moschata Musky Caps V o Orchidaceae Calandrinia eremaea Small Purslane VV f Portulaceae Callitris endlicheri Black Cypress Pine VV t Cupressaceae Calocephalus citreus Lemon Beauty Heads V f Asteraceae Calotis anthemoides Cut-leaved Burr Daisy VV f Asteraceae Calotis lappulacea Yellow Burr Daisy VV f Asteraceae Calotis scabiosifolia var. integrifolia Rough Burr Daisy V f Asteraceae Calytrix tetragona Common Fringe Myrtle V s Myrtaceae Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s Purse V WE f Brassicaceae Carduus nutans subsp . nutans Nodding Thistle V WE f Asteraceae Carduus pycnocephalus Slender Thistle V WE f Asteraceae Carex appressa Tussock Sedge VV gl Cyperaceae Carex breviculmis Short-stemmed Sedge V gl Cyperaceae Carex inversa Knob Sedge V gl Cyperaceae Carex tereticaulis Poongort V gl Cyperaceae Carthamus lanatus Saffron Thistle V WE f Asteraceae Cassinia longifolia Cauliflower Bush VV s Asteraceae Cassinia quinquefaria Rosemary Cassinia VV s Asteraceae Cassinia sifton Sifton Bush VV WN s Asteraceae Celtis australis Nettle Tree, Lote Tree VV WE t Ulmaceae Centaurea melitensis Maltese Cockspur V WE f Asteraceae Centaurium erythraea Common Centaury V WE f Gentianaceae Centaurium tenuiflorum Branched Centaury V WE f Gentianaceae Friends of Mt Majura Plant Species List Mts Majura / Ainslie, update 01.10.2020 Page 4 Centipeda cunninghamii Common Sneezeweed VV f Asteraceae Centranthus ruber Red Valerian V WE f Valerianaceae Centrolepis strigosa Hairy Centrolepis V f Centrolepidaceae Cerastium glomeratum Mouse-eared Chickweed VV WE f Caryophyllaceae Cercis siliquastrum Judas tree V WE st Fabaceae Chamaecytisus palmensis Tree Lucerne V WE st Fabaceae Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia Rock Fern VV fern Pteridaceae Cheilanthes sieberi Mulga Rock Fern VV fern Pteridaceae Chloris truncata Windmill Grass V g Poaceae Chondrilla juncea Skeleton Weed V WE f Asteraceae Chrysocephalum apiculatum Yellow Buttons VV f Asteraceae Chrysocephalum semipapposum Clustered Everlasting VV f Asteraceae Cicendia quadrangularis Square Cicendia V WE f Gentianaceae Cirsium vulgare Spear Thistle VV WE f Asteraceae Clematis leptophylla Small-leaved Clematis VV s Ranunculaceae Comesperma volubile Lovecreeper V s Polygonaceae Conium maculatum Hemlock V WE f Apiaceae Convolvulus angustissimus subsp. angustissimus Australian Bindweed VV f Convolvulaceae Coronidium scorpioides Button Everlasting V f Asteraceae Cortaderia selloana Pampas Grass V WE g Poaceae Corunastylis clivicola Rufous Midge Orchid V o Orchidaceae Corysanthes incurva Slaty Helmet Orchid V o Orchidaceae Cotoneaster glaucophyllus Large-leaved Cotoneaster VV WE s Rosaceae Cotoneaster pannosus Silver-leaved Cotoneaster V WE s Rosaceae Cotoneaster rotundifolius A cotoneaster V WE s Rosaceae Cotula australis Common
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