CHECKLIST 15 A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Taiwan D. E. Boufford, H. Ohashi, T. C. Huang, C. F. Hsieh, J. L. Tsai, K. C. Yang, C. I Peng, C. S. Kuoh and A. Hsiao During the ten years that the five volumes of the Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition, were being published, it was inevitable that a revived interest in the flora would lead to new discoveries. An increase in taxonomic activity and reexamination of some taxonomically difficult groups has also revealed a number of taxa that had been previously overlooked. To account for the new discoveries that were reported too late to be included in the published volumes, and to provide a convenient account of all the plants of Taiwan, we have prepared this checklist. The checklist takes into account, as far as we know, all documented additions reported in the literature and all taxonomic treatments that have either added to the flora through critical reexamination of older specimens or have provided new taxonomic interpretations of previously reported groups. Without doubt, we have overlooked a number of publications that have reported new additions, but we hope this checklist will provide additional stimulus for further study of the rich and highly diverse flora of Taiwan. The checklist also serves as the basis for the statistics on the flora of Taiwan. It is from this list of accepted taxa, indicated in bold, that the statistics have been prepared. The Checklist is arranged according to the sequence of families as treated in the Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition. It includes all taxa in volumes 1 through 5, plus previously omitted species. Additions to the Flora and new combinations are indicated with reference to their place of publication. Endemic taxa and their rankings are indicated as , , , and for each such entry, as mentioned in Table 1. A summation of the vascular plants in Taiwan, including native and naturalized taxa, as given in the checklist, is presented in Table 2. The number of endemic taxa are in parentheses. The titles of books in bibliographic citations are abbreviated in conformity with Taxonomic Literature, ed. 2, by Stafleu & Cowan (1976-1988; with supplements by Stafleu & Mennega, 1999-2000). For journal titles, the abbreviation follows Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (1968) and its supplement (1991). The IUCN Red List Categories of 1994 and 1997 have been followed internationally for many years. Those categories are very useful to the conservation community for protecting rare plant species. Taiwan, however, is a small area with high species diversity and the need to revise the IUCN Red List Categories for local purposes was inevitable. Because of Taiwan's rich flora, the Red List Categories must be defined critically so that our definitions for threatened species are confined to endemic species. In that way the classification of Taiwan's plants will be more practical for environmental impact assessment in Taiwan. We therefore propose and define the categories and their accompanying symbols in Table 1. 16 FLORA OF TAIWAN Table 1. Definitions and symbols for rare endemic plants in Taiwan with number of species, adopted by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, April 2002, for evaluating ecological impact. Definition Numbers of species Plants occurring in small numbers and in serious danger of Rank 1 becoming extinct throughout all, or a significant portion, of their Endangered 64 limited distributional range due to one or more causes, including loss of habitat, exploitation, competition or disease. Plants occurring in moderate numbers and not presently threatened Rank 2 with extinction, but likely to become endangered in the foreseeable 126 Threatened future in the absence of special protection and management due to their limited distribution. Plants not presently threatened with extinction, but occurring in Rank 3 such small numbers throughout their wide distributional range that 158 Rare they may become endangered through degradation of their environment. Plants whose taxonomic status is uncertain or undocumented, or Rank 4 whose assignment to rank is uncertain, but which are nevertheless distinct, and perhaps representing new taxa, and for which the 131 Questionable distributional range has not been determined. Conservation measures Status need to be taken to protect these plants until their status can be more accurately determined. The empty outline of the island of Taiwan indicates that the plant Endemic to is endemic to Taiwan, but is not rare. 561 Taiwan Table 2. Summation of the vascular plants in Taiwan including native and naturalized taxa. Introduced and cultivated plants are excluded. Number of endemics and rare endemics are in parentheses. Spermatophytes Pteridophytes Angiosperms Total Gymnosperms Dicotyledons Monocotyledons families 37 8 152 40 237 genera 145 17 901 356 1419 species 596 21 2302 978 3897 subspecies 3 0 44 14 61 varieties 23 7 251 64 345 forms 0 0 17 4 21 natural hybrids 8 0 6 1 15 new names* 59 1 125 39 218 *Names not appearing in volumes 1 through 5 of the Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition. CHECKLIST 17 Guidelines for the checklist Names used in the five volumes of the Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition, are listed in boldface Times New Roman. Example: Psilotum nudum (L.) Beauv. 松葉蕨 Names used in the five volumes of the Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition, and now treated as synonyms are listed in Italic Times New Roman font followed by the accepted name in parentheses. Example: Desmodium caudatum (Thunb.) DC. (= Ohwia caudata) Names omitted in the five volumes of the Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition, are listed in boldface Arial font followed by the literature in which they were reported. Example: Lycopodium japonicum Thunb. in Murray, Syst. Veg. (ed. 14) 944. 1784; Kuo, Taiwania 30: 12. 1985. 日本石松 Taxa reported after publication of the five volumes of the Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition, that are not accepted are listed in italic Arial font followed by the literature in which they were cited and by the accepted name in boldface Times New Roman font. Example: Botrychium formosanum Tagawa: Kuo, Man. Taiwan Vasc. Pl. 1: 45. 1997 (= Botrychium daucifolium). Names used elsewhere for plants in Taiwan, and in groups where the taxonomy and nomenclature are in dispute, follow the taxonomy and nomenclature in the Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition. Those names are listed in Italic Arial font followed by the literature in which they were cited and by the accepted name in boldface Times New Roman font. Example: Daiswa chinensis (Franch.) Takht. : Yang et al., Man. Taiwan Vasc. Pl. 5: 23. 2001 (see Paris polyphylla). Paris polyphylla Sm. (treated as Daiswa chinensis (Franch.) Takht. by Yang et al., 2001). 七葉一枝花 18 FLORA OF TAIWAN I. PTERIDOPHYTA 蕨類植物門 1. PSILOTACEAE 松葉蕨科 Psilotum nudum (L.) Beauv. 松葉蕨 2. LYCOPODIACEAE 石松科 Lycopodium annotinum L. 杉葉蔓石松 Lycopodium carinatum Desv. 覆葉石松 Lycopodium casuarinoides Spring 木賊葉石松 Lycopodium cernuum L. 過山龍 Lycopodium clavatum L. 石松 Lycopodium complanatum L. 地刷子 Lycopodium cryptomerianum Maxim. 柳杉葉蔓石松 Lycopodium cunninghamioides Hayata 寬葉石松 Lycopodium fargesii Hert. 銳葉石松 Lycopodium fordii Baker 福氏石松 Lycopodium japonicum Thunb. in Murray, Syst. Veg. (ed. 14) 944. 1784; Kuo, Taiwania 30: 12. 1985. 日本石松 Lycopodium obscurum L. 玉柏 Lycopodium phlegmaria L. 垂枝石松 Lycopodium quasipolytrichoides Hayata 反捲葉石松 Lycopodium salvinioides (Hert.) Tagawa 小垂枝石松 Lycopodium selago L. var. appressum Desv. 小杉葉石松 Lycopodium serratum Thunb. 千層塔 Lycopodium sieboldii Miq. 鱗葉石松 Lycopodium somae Hayata 相馬氏石松 Lycopodium squarrosum G. Forst. 杉葉石松 Lycopodium taiwanense C. M. Kuo 台灣石松 Lycopodium veitchii H. Christ 玉山石松 Huperzia taiwanense (C. M. Kuo) C. M. Kuo, Taiwania 47(2): 170. 2002 (= Lycopodium taiwanense). 3. SELAGINELLACEAE 卷柏科 Selaginella boninensis Baker 小笠原卷柏 Selaginella ciliaris (Retz.) Spring 緣毛卷柏 Selaginella delicatula (Desv.) Alston 全緣卷柏 Selaginella doederleinii Hieron. 生根卷柏 Selaginella heterostachys Baker 姬卷柏 Selaginella involvens (Sw.) Spring 密葉卷柏 Selaginella labordei Hieron. ex H. Christ 玉山卷柏 Selaginella leptophylla Baker 膜葉卷柏 Selaginella mollendorffii Hieron. 異葉卷柏 Selaginella nipponica Franch. & Sav. 日本卷柏 Selaginella pseudonipponica Tagawa, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 25: 177. 1973; Kuo, Man. Taiwan Vasc. Pl. 1: 42. 1997. 擬日本卷柏 CHECKLIST 19 Selaginella remotifolia Spring 疏葉卷柏 Selaginella repanda (Desv. ex Poir.) Spring 高雄卷柏 Selaginella satakeana Koidz., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 5: 40. 1936; Kuo, Man. Taiwan Vasc. Pl. 1: 43. 1997. 狹葉卷柏 Selaginella stauntoniana Spring 擬密葉卷柏 Selaginella tamariscina (Beauv.) Spring 萬年松 4. ISOETACEAE 水韭科 Isoetes taiwanensis DeVol 台灣水韭 5. EQUISETACEAE 木賊科 Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. 木賊 Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. subsp. debile (Roxb.) Hauke 台灣木賊 6. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE 瓶爾小草科 Botrychium daucifolium Wall. ex Hook. & Grev. 薄葉大陰地蕨 Botrychium formosanum Tagawa: Kuo, Man. Taiwan Vasc. Pl. 1: 45. 1997. (= Botrychium daucifolium) Botrychium lanuginosum Wall. ex Hook. & Grev. 阿里山蕨萁 Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. 扇羽陰地蕨 Botrychium ternatum (Thunb.) Sw. 大陰地蕨 Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook. 錫蘭七指蕨 Ophioderma pendula (L.) C. Presl 帶狀瓶爾小草 Ophioglossum austroasiaticum M. Nishida 高山瓶爾小草 Ophioglossum petiolatum Hook. 鈍頭瓶爾小草 Ophioglossum thermale Kom., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 85. 1914; Chang & Wang, Taiwania 46: 381. 2001. 狹葉瓶爾小草 7. MARATTIACEAE 觀音座蓮舅科 Angiopteris lygodiifolia Rosenst. 觀音座蓮 Angiopteris palmiformis (Cav.) C. Chr. 蘭嶼觀音座蓮 Archangiopteris somae Hayata 台灣原始觀音座蓮 Archangiopteris itoi W. C. Shieh 伊藤氏原始觀音座蓮 Marattia pellucida C. Presl 觀音座蓮舅 8. OSMUNDACEAE 紫萁科 Osmunda banksiifolia
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