PT? ^^^mmmmmmmmmm*mmmmmm*mmm ^^** mm- 's Danish serves Class A Hunting down ways *m? ® variety, 4B finals, 1B to cook wild game,, 1C : ^¾;:/ ??-V; r•;.'.: ••' •• * ^^ ex •3' o u Vblume 27 Number 4? Monday, November 11/1991 VVesttand, Mlohigan . V 36 Pages *.Fifty Ce'hts - *- J; 193J Suburban CommuqicaUflHS Corporation, . •• • .•'*'-•* ''.- "/- '*'."•'' " ir. V ' * * *"' * -: I ^- ^ fltoi— 1 g^g^g^g^g^g^kVliY1) >• a . sjg^g^g^kS i * •j^ps^gai^gai^gai^gfv,^fe£\^^> >• -'^gai^B^gggggaj g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^E^gf •• V,v .i^g^g^g^g^gl resigns amid places «nv- gai^gai^gai^gai^gai^gai^gai^gai^gai^gai^gai^ga\ . ; ^gai^gai^gai^gai^gai^gai^Bgaj i and faces I vf^Bi ^sT 1 DO YOU KNOW of any 1 -¾¾ a ions groups which need help during the holidays - sack m the Salvation Army, Toys for Tote or HPEy il^gH By Darrell Clem thoie who help the homeless* The staff write; ^eatkhdObeervtr wmnt» to know l^BBBBBBBF T^" '-ir;^ . flat tf ^•BBBBv ^^SnW about those type of groupi. To E^EV ••'••&£ flBSWiJ sHtdLi %. ^ 1 The executive director of the leave a message, cell 51 Ml 10 |g^g^g#^^ '•'•'''i'''- ~ Wayne-Westland family YMCA has i, ^* T r« 'i JH 1 resigned amid allegations that she JTHEWESTLAND violated the youth organization's pol­ KB.. ^. ' ^^^•1 1 icies.. "recreation department wfll bold '' - :^m 4 •••!••- • '" * J iU annual *on-3 basketball > - - .-»• Janet Gillies, the Y's director for , tournament Saturday and Sunday XA> mam nearly four years, resigned Oct. 31 in fit Bailey Recreation Cento-, oo Kf^ SBf .fetw ^^^v jal secrecy that even left some local :Ford east of Newnargh. TV 1 YMCA board members puzzled. ' tournament U betnf sponsored by The Y's service area includes Gar­ i^iark Chevrolet in Wayne, which }*• 1*..'- • ^ i^ JL9 S5 den City and Westland. • "-'- '!/'*• WiU donate trophies to the • Pf^ 5* ' ^^K^g^gT -^^ 1 In an emergency meeting called winners aid runners-up In each »•' i ^'W>'a- ^¾^.^ ••';•{» Monday, Nov. 4, officials from the ^vision abd give each player a T- metropolitan YMCA headquarters in -sblrt^'v-: • $ ' ''J Detroit met with the local board to ^TKere will be two divisions: I •«» * '-\> > an^ discuss Gillies' departure, though raen'i open and men's Moot and several board members said they Xmder; Fee for the doable didn't get the answers they wanted. ^elimtniUoo tournament U $40 a In fact, board members remained ; team. Team* may register at the anaw TETO^ ' ^^noM so baffled that they said they have Janet Gillies Baliey Center until 5 pjn., requested another meeting with De­ Thursday. Interested persons troit Y off icials. Y's program director, has assumed {may contact recreation g^HP^ ^g^g^g^g^HgS ^ • v One local board member said the Gillies' duiles temporarily. It was , wpen-iaor Michael Brewti at board was told of allegations of poli­ •rx &r g^g^g^k^gH >._|V^g^g^g^g^gwiaVV ^ ' not immediately known Fridayswhen \ 1$$m,- •:;.; j cy violations — some of which in; Gillies would be replaced. Ls^g^LV -^glkaWg^BP^^ .W'^fSk"*'''-^ volved money. However, they were Cartwright declined to discuss Gil­ IH&ENE (SANTA) Reaves, quick to stress that the metropolitan lies'resignation.. /who will be 90 *ejri ywsg AprD ^•v/' >,''-A?^^>. #Tfc^*iB( officials didn't accuse Gillies of tak­ ''We don't really have anything to ^.WasoJuDedttetopTiicUiaa lw ing money herself. say right now," she said, but she add­ • setdor cWaen In a program i Mr • - '/s v :^; • §•. • ^Kavijaf^gafj ed that the YMCA continues to oper­ sponaored by the hflrhigan GILLIES, CONTACTED Friday ate "smoothly." .V -.' by the Observer, refused to discuss Gary Unruh, the Y's senior vice Jayc^, Reavea, who is raising L ; money for charity grape, will be Wv ART EMANUELE/starf pholographw her departure from the Y, on Wayne president of operations in Detroit, •honored at* ceremony Satardny. Road between Cherry Hill and Avon- said the organization and Gillies ^Gejiehas been playing Santa for Early arrival 4 ' ..."•. o dale. It has 854 members from West-. agreed to remain hushed about the •57 ye^rs, starting with the J. L land and other communities such as details of her resignation. *.' BtidsoifsCeristroas activities This excited dad boost* his son to get a Saturday morning at Westland Center. For Garden City and Canton Township. "Really I think we owe that to the Depression year. closer look at Santa Claus, who arrived to a more on the arrival, turn to the story and "When I'm ready to make a com­ Jan," he said. To elaborate on the crowd of more than 800 parents and children phot08ohPage3A. ment, I'll let you know," she said. Mary Rose Cartwright, the local Please turn to Page 2 v\THE WAYNE- w«uand Parents Without Partners chapter will bold a "gonhle- gobbie dance" Friday night, Nov. 4 inlhe AmVets Post m Hall, Critics: Art I ey 's tactics spu r reel on Merriman near Avondale. Bob Perowski will talk ahoot The people voted to increase the tax­ the intricate workings of By Darrell Clem feat in part on campaign fliers from Friday that the attacks on Artley Scott, a former Wayne-Westland relationship*. The speaker will staff writer challengers Sharon Scott, David Cox emerged in response to what she school board member, accused her es." '•..•••; 4t*rt at 8:50 p.m. with the dance and William Ziemba that suggested called earlier smear tactics by Art- opponents of trying to discredit her to begin at 9 p^n. Tie dance will Reports that personal attacks a potential conflict of interest be­ ley and his running mates, Glenn An­ campaign by telling voters that she SCOTT LASHED out at her oppo­ Include h turkey raffle. against city councilman Thomas cause Artley voted on the city budg­ derson and Charles Pickering. raised their school taxes, She also- nents for accusing her "of being a ; Admission Is M before 9 poo., Artley helped crush his re-election et while his son worked at different Scott, Anderson and incumbents said they took cheap shots atC6x tax person." In fact, Scott cam­ and |5 afterwards. Both the bid have angered his critics, who times for the city's private rubbish Pickering and Thomas Brown won and Ziemba. paigned for controlling city taxes program and dance are open to contend that they were, merely re­ contractor, the city attorney and the the four council seats at stake in and said at one point that "the frivo­ the public. Interested persons sponding to negattve~campalgn tac­ 18th District Court. _ Tuesday's election. Artley, Cox, "I didn't raise the (school) taxes," lous spending of our tax dollars by tics by Artley and his running mates. • Ziemba and candidate Dorothy may call Til-Wtl or &M-7S06. The claims Infuriated Scott, a suc­ Scott said. "I just voted to place It r Artley supporters blamed his de­ cessful council candidate, who said Smith lost their council bids. (the June 10 tax issue) on the ballot. Please turn to Page 2 i TWO WESTLAND students were named to the dean's list at Michigan Technological University, in School board recall targets file lawsuit what's inside Hoogh ton. They are Scott By Darrell Clem The latest development marked a "1 never give up a fight for the Calendar. ... 7A 'Reynolds, a junior majoring is It also asks (br a court-ordered in­ dramatic escalation In the bitter bat­ (school district) kids, I never give up mechanical engineering, and staff writer • junction forcing Recall committee Classifieds: . .Sec. B.C.D tle between recall organizers and the a fight for the taxpayers, and I will Michael Bfcomfield n, a senior chairman Steven Lind to stop circu­ Auto ... Sec. D Three Wayne-Westland school three school board members. The re­ not give up a fight for myself and majoring in electrical lating the petitions, which • school Employment': .SeUCD board members threatened by a re­ call committee, called New Begin­ my Integrity," she said. engineering, gtndenta meat have board members say contain lies that Index. 6B call campaign have filed a lawsuit in nings for Our Children, wants to oust i grade point average of 14 or would cause them "immediate and Wayne County Circuit Court seeking the board members for approving a LIND BLASTED the latest effort Real estate . Sec. B.C higher to make the dean's list Irreparable Injury." to halt the effort. The elections commission and two-year, 11.9-percent teacher sal­ as "preposterous" and singled, out Crossword . • • • • 7B The suit, filed Wednesday "by Lind have been ordered to appear ary increase amid threatened school Chorbagian as trying to stall a recall Obituaries -..-. ...7A election so that she can step down — CHRISTOPHER board members Kathleen Chorbagi- Wednesday before Circuit Judge program cuts. Street Scene. \ 4B an, Leonard Posey and Andrew Kathleen MacDonald to refute the On Friday, ChOrbaglan called the instead of being ousted — when her Taste . 1C MISIAK of Westland has I board term expires in June, Chorba­ named culinary arts Spisak, seeksio overturn an Oct. 28 proposed injunction, which would allegations In the recall petitions "a Travel. .-. 4C decision bytne Wayne County Elec­ block the petition drive until Mac- lie" and vowed that she will "do gian has said she won't seek re-elec- administrative tedsstdan at - tion. Schoolcraft OoPsge, Lrvonla Be tions Commission to approve the Donald decides whether to overturn whatever I feel is my legal right" to NEWSLINE . .591-2300 began his cattnerj arts career at wording on the recall petitions.
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