Recreation, Parks, Historic & Cultural Affairs Department Fall/Winter 2021-2022 Program Guide Registration begins July 19, 2021 Register at www.RoswellGov.com/register 2017 GOLD A NATIONALLY MEDAL WINNER ACCREDITED AGENCY SINCE 2002 Director’s Letter Greetings City of Roswell, As we have continued to strive for excellence during these turbulent times, I am grateful to see things shaping up to end 2021 with a bang. Our team continues to create some incredible programs during the pandemic and continues to improve the lives of the people in our community. The Department of Recre- ation, Parks, Historic and Cultural Affairs is excited to move forward with our outstand- ing parks, facilities and programs for the community this fall and winter and we carry this honor proudly as we start to emerge into a renewed season of fun. At the publishing of this letter, we are still managing COVID-19 protocols and nimbly navigating our way through guidelines, recommendations and safety protocols. We are excited and looking forward to all opportunities that are on the horizon for our community and we appreciate the community’s flexibility and understanding as we continue to provide recreation and park services. Please continue to monitor our various communication channels for updates as we navigate the changes. Our goal is bring back the exciting and spectacular events, holiday programs and more by year end so that we can resume at full speed once more. While we have not included them in this year’s programming yet, please monitor our website and social media for updates. Throughout the year, we will add any changes and additional activities and events that we are able to provide on behalf of the community. Lastly, I continue to be grateful to our Mayor, Council, Recreation Commission and our outstanding staff and volunteers. Roswell truly is a great place to live, work and play and I am grateful to everyone for their hard work and dedication to our residents and community. Jeff Leatherman Director of Recreation, Parks, Historic & Cultural Affairs Department 2 ROSWELL FALL/WINTER PROGRAM GUIDE Welcome to Roswell Our Mission Statement The Roswell Recreation, Parks, Historic & Cultural Affairs Department strives to meet the leisure needs of the citizens of Roswell by providing quality, comprehensive recreational opportunities and quality, comprehensive parks and facilities. A Special Thank You to Our Recreation Commission: Debra Ewing, Chair Jose Gonzales Amour Carthy Angelia Parham Lawrence Catchpole David Smith Richard Dreger ROSWELL FALL/WINTER PROGRAM GUIDE 3 REGISTRATION www.RoswellGov.com/register Important Registration Period Resident Registration Date Open Registration Date Fall/Winter July 19, 2021 July 26, 2021 registration Spring 2022 January 3, 2022 January 10, 2022 dates: Summer 2022 March 2022 March 2022 Two easy ways to register: ONLINE REGISTRATION Starting at 9 am on July 19, 2021, you can register online, 24 hours a day, at www.roswellgov.com/register. You will need to create an account before you can register on- line. Visit www.roswellgov.com/NewRecAccount. Please Note: A $3.00 convenience fee will be applied to all online recreation registration payments. Whether your pay for a single class or 10 classes at a time, the total convenience fee will be $3.00. This fee is not assessed for transactions paid in person Roswell accepts Mastercard, Visa and American Express for online registration payments. IN-PERSON REGISTRATION In-person registration is offered at Roswell City Hall, Suite 100, 38 Hill Street, from 8 am to 5 pm. On the first day of registration (see dates above), numbers will be handed out starting at 8 am, and registration will begin at 9 am. Those registering in person, may pay by cash, check, Visa, Mas- terCard, or American Express. Registration Q&A Can I pre-register for a continuing activity? Do I qualify as a resident? Do I qualify for fee waiver? If you are currently enrolled in a program that Residents are those who live Certain Roswell residents age 18 started during the fall/winter session and within the incorporated city limits and under may qualify for a total or continues into the spring session, you can be of Roswell. If you have a question partial fee waiver. For more infor- enroll for the spring session before the regis- about whether you meet resident mation on this program, please call tration dates listed above. If you were not en- criteria, please call us at 770- 770-641-3705. If you do qualify for rolled during the fall/winter session, you will 641-3705. Only Roswell residents the fee waiver, you must apply in be required to wait for the spring registration may register during the first week person at the Recreation and Parks dates. We are sorry for any inconvenience, of registration. Non-residents Department’s administrative office, but there are no exceptions. may begin to register during the 38 Hill Street, Suite 100, prior to open enrollment period. registering for an activity. 4 ROSWELL FALL/WINTER PROGRAM GUIDE Registration Period Resident Registration Date Open Registration Date Fall/Winter July 19, 2021 July 26, 2021 Spring 2022 January 3, 2022 January 10, 2022 Inside Summer 2022 March 2022 March 2022 Director’s Letter 2 Welcome to Roswell 3 Registration Information 4 Parks + Facilities 6 Facility Rentals 8 Family Fun + Special Events 9 Athletics 12 Gymnastics 14 / 43 Racquet Sports 15 Active Adults 18 Health + Wellness 23 Adaptive Recreation 26 Aquatics 28 Performing Arts 30 Creative Arts 33 Celebrate Your Special Occasions 35 Culinary 40 Enrichment 42 Roswell’s Historic Housess 46 Cultural Arts Center Back cover ROSWELL FALL/WINTER PROGRAM GUIDE 5 PARKS + FACILITIES &$*/(&$*/( $512/'0,//5'$512/'0,//5' ' ' 5'5' .+$9(1 5 5 $.+2$9(1 '5 '5 2 * * 1 1 , , ( . 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