THE MID1 >LLSICX COUNTY TOP COVERAGE < S Leader-Press and Leader Shopper —top circulation coverage in O ' Woodbridge area. Serving Wood!)ridge Township, Curlerel and Edison Thursday, June 29, 19R7 On Thiiniiay TEN CENTg 55,000 Expected at July 4th Gala Celebration Boys Smash Dancing, 47 Windows 3 Bands it School \V()(|I)BIUD(iE - Vandalism 411 Set m Township schools continues. This week police found that WOODBRIDGK — At lcasl :,:>.. Iwo II year old Mcnlo Park Ter- |() people are expected lo par- race boys had broken 47 win- •ipale in Woodbridge's aala dows in the Menlo Park Ter- mirth of July celebration ne\1 race School. A neighbor saw the nesday at Merrill Park lie hoys throwing rocks and notified wen Iselin and Colonia. police. Officer Felix Galasso in- The celebration is conducted vestigated and .soon found the iniiiilly to provide a "safe and culprits who were released in ne" i'durlh for Tnwnship resi their parents' custody pending •ni.s and lo keep ns many local action by the Juvenile Court. •npli- off the slate's highway? William Bihler, Board of Ed- ucation president, said yester- A full day of picnicking, fun day that each year the Board l,i\;itinn and carefully super- is forced to spend $40,000 due ,ed fireworks display has been lo vandalism — $25,000 for brok- "iiniised. en windows alone. This year's program will start "Just imagine", said Mr. Bih- •!:iio P.A!., and continue until ler, "how many library books 1 P.M. The day will start ott and text books can be purchas- iih dancing for the teenagers, ied for $40,000! Under the rules lith Iwo rock 'n roll bands pro- MCN1CI1'Al, INTKKNS: Mayor Ralph P. Barone this week welcomed two administrative in- iof the board, our attorney will ADULT ORCHESTRA REALITY: Mayor Ralph P. Barone is shown congratulating Mrs. Fran- vided and free kiddie rides for • cnis Iniin the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, Left to right. Dr. Barone, Mo. i bring immediate action against cis Rice, originator of the proposed Woodhridge Community Orchestra, left to ricjht, 1'ied Ihe little tots. rid- I . llaskins. Jr.. New Brunswick, who will he working on a study of police techniques, es- 'the parents of the boys involved Weber of the Jaycees who are assisting in the formation o[ the new musical unit, Airs. Kice At 6 P.M., a small formal cer- pecially as they pertain to recruitment and Anthony F. Cralewski, Piscataway, who will in breaking the windows. Where and Dr. Barone. emony will take place with the work primarily in the area of data processing. The interns are hired and paid.by the State De- police find the culprits, and in introduction of the mayor anrl partment of Community Affairs, (iralewski is a second-year law student at Seton Hall Uni- most cases they do, the law Municipal Council and special versity School of Law. llaskins, a junior at Colgate University, majoring in science and his- permits us to collect from the guests including Representative tory aiming towards a law career, is a former all-state end from New Brunswick High parents;. We have even had Township Community Orchestra Edward J. Patten. School and is a member of the Colgate football team. His father was a New Brunswick polices ;e on school roofs by boys Promptly at 6:30 P.M. three man. parachutists will descend on the Started; Hires Conductor park. To Be M.C. WOODBRIDGE — Woodbridge George De Witt, well known Youth Programs Gain Last Rites will definitely have its Wood- TV and Night Club entertainer Name Peapus bridge Community Orchestra will be the master of ceremonies For Murphy through the assistance of the Shell, Strikers Resume for a two-hour Broadway show Momentum Steadily Recreation Department and its which will start at 7:00 P. M. 5 Aide cultural programming, Mayor De Witt has appeared many WOODHKIDGF, — The "Ac;—• On Saturday Ra|ph P. Barone said today. Negotiations Tomorrow | limes on the Ed Sullivan and ! cent on Youth Program", in- A , %M •., , , , WOODBRIDGE Frederick The mayor also stated his "ad- [Steve Allen shows and has heen itiale.d by Mayor Ralph P. Altlboy Man Nabbed AVENEL — Funeral services :M. Peapus, 66 Grove Aveme jnmistration firmly supported WOODBRIDGE — Negolia-j change several jobs from one the star attraction in many fan)- AVENEL Funeral services : p, supper clubs throughout the Barmie, continues to gain mo Qn JSumberg Charge for PFC. Timothy J. Murphy, Edison, has,h,een.namehhd d dadmit*.^.rbt*i l arts nrpgqjms which tions betwecu the Shell Oi! Com !MC>I,V to Thev • • ' I urn At #-\ T*T%. • T^ r\ r* »n i _. i * _ rt . • nation. v i,,uh,,h A v,.,ih c, . Ji WOODBRIDGE - Eladio Rub.,19 *olWn 'of Mr. and Mrs Fraiik islrative assistant ta Mayor comrniinjty parlicVfl-j dnd the Oil, (,*«-nica! ami i complain that the "'plant sen- The i\(_• l^nr oinoon \oitn CorpMs L_, ,, ,, . ,., „ ., . 'vi,,,..,!,., further .<aid that the ' . ... , „ . |. .. , , ,-,,. Also appearing on the bill will 1 . I75f725i Catherin( a herinec .StreetSrw , PertPort hh An:An'-. vn,' >m , Minn* Avenue. J'alph' P. Barone, Hd( will is- u .sununei job program is under- whu was killed in action onisume his new duties ihe first Recreation Department will pro- At°mic w«rk,fs Union repre-nonly system of bidding jobs be Kirk & Joy, unicycle special- way for hoys and girls, tfi to 21, boy, was taken into custody by Lt. Robert Thompson and De- June 22 in Vietnam will be held I of the month. uirtvide in the neighborhood ofof senlatives will resume tomor- wouid be eliminated." The union ists; the Los Powell Trio, roller who meet financial qualifica- tective Bernard Czech as he Saturday morning, the Thomas Peapus was project public re- $1,000 in order to "get the ball row morning at 10 o'clock at the t0Qk ,he ilJon that .,untesg skating Act; Eric Golden Boy, officAff I p* a e nf ofin n thfe A/lfki^ federai mm~ll i QrA»mediato> r *• ,. , . , , , ,. , tions, Young people are work- J. Costello Funeral Home, lations administrator with the rolling." high wire act; the Las Cracker- Green Street and Cooper" Ave- International Telephone and Tel- Representing the Woodbridge!in Newark question of job deletions and jacks an acrobatic and trampo- scai ng, traffic maintenance, as Meantime the union and the combinations and the question of year-old man was charged with nue, announced today. egraph. At one time he was a Community Orchestra at a re- line act of five men from South janitorial apprentices, drafts- The body is due to arrive in feature writer for the Home cent meeting with Dr. Barone company reached an agreement seniority is resolved ,there was America. Music will be furnish- men's aides, institutional aides the possession of lottery slips. little use in trying to reach an Captain Joseph McLaughlh? New Brunswick today The News, New Brunswick and prior were Fred Weber, Mrs. Fran* on picketing in the form of a ed by Johnny Primo and his so- and hospital aides. There are to that was assistant editor- cis Rice and Mrs. Marilyn Coo- consent order yesterday morn- agreement on other issues." ciety orchestra. A full program said a quantity of numbers slips funeral will be held from the slii! a few jobs available. The funeral home at 8:30 A.M., publisher of the County Press, per. The director of the or- ing after three hours of con- in a full page advertisement ap- main office is located in the and a large sum of money was Dunellen. He also served in the chestra will be Robert C. Ma- ference. The order, approved by pears elsewhere, in this issue. confiscated. Ruiz was arraigned with a Mass of requiem sung basement of the Woodbridge Po- advertising field for the Madi- rince, a graduate of Duquesne Superior Court Judge David D. At 9:00 P. lilj, the Recreation before Magistrate Andrew Des at St. Andrew's R. C. Church, Let Freedom Ring lice Headquarters. For further son Eagle Publishing Company University, who is Director of Furman, limits the union to Department, which has full mond and released on bail of Avenel at 9 o'clock. Burial will information call 634-4310. which has two newspapers and Music of the Lawrence Town- seven pickets at the main en- WOODBRIDGE - At 2 P.M. charge of the program, will pre- $500. be in St. Gertrude's Cemetery, On July 3, Township play- Colonia. the Sun Publishing Co., Spring- ship Schools. He is national sec- trance of the plant and a lesser Eastern Daylight Saving Time sent a full hour of fireworks, grounds and Project World publishes five pa- number at other entrances. It on the Fourth of July the ring- Full military honors will be j field, retary of the American Strings with many more ground dis- Wide. Woodbridge's unique In- Teacher Association, a writer also rules that there is to be ing of hells will charge the plays than last year. ternational Day Camp will open. paid the young hero with Cap- pers. no violence,, foul language or summer air over Woodbridge tain Charles Rish of Fort Mon- for the "School Musician" and To assure the safety of all College students will act as su- Rates Rise The new administrative as- guest conductor of the 1963 New abuse of persons or vehicles at- and every state in the nation. pervisors at the playgrounds as- mouth in charge. sistant is 41 years old, married who participate the Woodbridge The young soldier had been in and the father of five children.
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