'«*« it Srp Danko Jones opens up Caps, page 21 Mf TA-f.,. yt«etcetera.humberc.on.ca SEPTEMBER 14, 2000 Vol 29 Issue 01 Campus thefts kick off new year f 5y Tara Smith T AThile summer was winding VV down, an estimated $35,000 worth of electronic equipment was Crimestoppers stolen, from Humber College's North campus. asking for help College security and Criine after Stoppers are asking students to $35,000 of come forward if they have any electronic information on this series of thefts. The items missing from vari- equipment was ous areas of the college include five data projectors, two Dell Laptop taken from computers, cash, a DVD player and fourVCRs. Humber's The Crime Stoppers Alert indicated in each case there were no North Campus. signs of break-in or forced entry and that the thefts took place after business hours apparently by some- one with a key several increase in security staff, to areas of Jejoies MARK WONKES the campus. said he didn't think that was the WEIGHTING AROUND _ Ryan McGinn (left) and Shirah Beddage, first-year music Director of Public Safety, Gary answer. Currently, there are two students at Humber College, suit up as sumo wrestlers during the Welcome Weekfestiv- Jeynes, would not comment on security officers on duty during the ities at Lakeshore campus. related story, 8. whether anyone had come forward day who are supervised by Nancy For seepage with information or if any leads Pinson, manager of public safety have come out of the current police and ancillary services. A total of investigation. five security people are on cam- Lakeshore mourns president "I'd rather not comment at pus everyday. Both Jeynes and this point," Jeynes said. "All I would Pinson are confident that staff by Ryan McLaren Robertson is not expected to cause say is that it's under investigation." and students are keeping their any problems with the way the HSF This particular series of thefts eyes open and reporting all suspi- The drug ecstasy has claimed the is run. is the worst the college has seen in cious activity. life of Lakeshore Campus SAC "We do have to carry on," years. "With security - three or four President Elizabeth "Beth" Anastasi said, "but she's always people - we can't be everywhere," Robertson this past June. going to be with us." Jeynes said. "But 12,000 pairs of Robertson, 21, a business Isaac will be taking over all of eyes, [students and staff] can be of administration co-op student, died Robertson's duties. assistance...We're not asking some- after taking ecstasy at System Nine people died as result - a of "With security three or one to tackle somebody, or any- Soundbar, a rave club on Peter taking ecstasy in Ontario in 1999. four people - we can't he thing of that nature, but if they see Street in downtown Toronto on Four of those deaths were in the something, give us a call." June 25. Greater Toronto Area. everywhere. But 12,000 Although the college does not After taking the drug, According to the Centre for pairs of eyes, [students budget for theft, all equipment is Robertson began to feel ill. She Addiction and Mental Health, covered by insurance. Each depart- went home with a friend and fell ecstasy often gives the user a dry and staff] can be of ment will be responsible for replac- asleep. Unable to wake Robertson mouth, dilated pupils, a faster Beth Robertson heart friend . assistance." ing the stolen equipment, with a on Sunday morning, the rate, and a tingling sensation. A — Gary Jeynes $5,000 deductible that must be called 911, said 32 Division's Media President of Campus Life at North rush follows where the user feels paid before the insurance company Officer Debbie Abbott. Robertson Campus, met Robertson when she more tingling and butterflies in the will pick up the rest of the tab said was taken to North York General first joined SAC at the beginning of stomach. This is followed by a John Sutton, director of financial Hospital where she died. Post- second semester last year. warm euphoric glow that lasts from services and planning. Insurance mortem results showed Robertson "She was always smiling and four to six hours during which the "We've not experienced that costs the college about $160,000 a died of kidney and liver failure as a happy, a very nice person. She was user feels relaxed and happy. amount of property go missing in year. The college's insurance premi- result of taking ecstasy. very uplifting and I don't think I've Users often become dehydrat- such a short period of time," Jeynes ums may increase as a result of the Robertson leaves behind a ever seen her sad," Anastasi said. ed, lose their appetite, and experi- said. "And we would encourage stu- thefts. husband, Charles, and a five-year- When school started this ence hindered motor skills. After dents and staff to keep their eyes "We would like to encourage old son Jeremy Johnston. semester, Robertson would have ecstasy is taken, the user may expe- open if they see something suspi- anyone who knows anything about Humber Students' Federation become Vice-President of rience hunger, depression, and cious on campus, they should be the thefts to contact either the (HSF) has set up an educational Administration at the Lakeshore tiredness. reporting it to security." department of public safety or trust fund, the Jeremy Johnston campus. Farida Isaac, who was for- The major danger of ecstasy is Jeynes said the thefts Crime Stoppers, at 222-TIPS," Fund, to help pay for Jeremy's post- merly the SAC Vice-President at that it isn't always manufactured occurred within a week and a half Jeynes said. Students who contact secondary education. All proceeds Lakeshore, will fill her position. the same way each time it's made. "It's a lot of equipment ... and Crime Stoppers may remain anony- will be directed to the institution Isaac, a second-year student It's completely synthetic, and the we want to get to the bottom of it," mous and will not have to testify in Jeremy attends. in the social service worker pro- strength of each dose depends on Jeynes said. "We don't think it's court. There is a cash reward of up Robertson played an integral gram, said she didn't know the person who made it, according acceptable that people are taking to $1,000. "It could be even a small part in the final negotiations of the Robertson very well but said "she to a spokesperson for the Centre for college property. Any lead is appre- bit of information - because you SAC incorporation into the HSF was very ambitious and very stu- Addiction and Mental Health. ciated - doesn't matter how big or don't know what you're providing - and the Lakeshore development dious... a go-getter. She liked to vol- A memorial for Robertson is small it is," Jeynes said. so if someone knows just a small lit- project. unteer for things." being planned for October, When asked about a possible tle bit, then they should call." Stephen Anastasi, Vice- The sudden death of although no date has been set. NOT TO BE TA'xPri I^RClA THia^"»O0W September 14, 2000 News Et Cetera Little shop of computers by Alexandra Cygal "Things are slowing down," First-year Accounting student said bookstore manager Mitch Jason Forbes agreed. The bookstore is marking its Walker. "Just looking at Microsoft technological territor> with a "The signs will be up probably Office 2000, it seems to be cheaper computer department. within the next week or so." here than in regular computer The old computer store, pre- The department has already stores." viously owned by the University of done some advertising, by putting Students can still service their up HSF- computers in the new department. Although they are not yet equipped "'"' not a computer e^ert ^^"'12"^ ffiH to handle a large amount of servic- to make way for and I'm not what you call boards min the ing, they are looking at doing more in future. Serwaczak all the bookstore a computer technician. I school and also the does expansion. by getting into the repairs himself for now and The com- know enough about com- student and fac- says he hasn't charged for any as of puter depart- puters to recommend the ulty mailouts. yet. ment offers sub- Response "I'm not a computer expert stantial discounts right stuff," to the depart- and I'm not what you call a com- to students when -Arthur Serwaczak ment so far has puter technician," he said. "I know it comes to cer- been positive enough about computers to recom- tain hardware, from both the mend the right stuff. If I don't because many manufacturers per- faculty and the students. know the answer, I will seek the mit educational pricing. This allows Second-year Electro-Mech- answer for them." the computer store to purchase anical Engineering student Carlo Once the computer store gets products cheaper, therefore selling Alvarado said the department a full tech department, students can to students at a lower cost. "looks more neat, more organized expect to pay a small fee for servic- "The way I choose what we and bigger, that's for sure. They ing. There will be no charge for carry in the store is to compete and seem to have more supplies and repairs covered under warranty. do better than your major retail variety." The computer department store like Future Shop or Business "I've got positive responses on applied for Macintosh authoriza- Depot," said Arthur Serwaczak, the the selection of software so far, and tion earlier this year, and is await- computer department manager.
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