M MM - I Fj-.JqIs&T&p l rl 1 },': j| MM . ;*j • ilii, vr<'l J 1 •i'.' " •MEMIi " _ w< The Rice Institute j )N, TEXAS, 4 JANUARY. 1945 1 —_ For Saturday B grS m• 'I m MA ' Corsages Banned Aggies faint At Year's Opener lice Statue Mm On Rice Terrace f. Last Friday night, 29 December, a The Engineer, which is always the most stupendous formal group of vandals, presumably Ag- W of the year, will be held on 6 January at the Rice Terrace. The gies, paid this campus an unexpected Navy Band will play for the occasion which promises to be not visit—unexpected in that as yet no occasion has been found for the trip. only the first but the best of the dances for the new year. The The center of attraction for our no- Rice Terrace will be suitably decorated in keeping with the gen- torious guests was the statue in the eral theme of the "Varga Girl." Corsages will be banned as 1SI middle of the campus. In true slip- . preserved by new dance shod Aggie fashion the anonymous committee ruling. The high- visitors smeared the statue in sev- a 1 light of the dance will come at eral places with * white enamel. Sat- Wallace Leaves urday several discontented and dis- the end of the usual floor show gusted janitors spent the morning when Miss Slipstick will be in- with special enamel remover, brushes For Job With troduced. and ladders — standard equipment The Navy Orchestra is well known since the first Aggie depredations to all Rice students. If played at of the Golden Age."* Dr. Pepper Co. the last Saturday night dance and FCI This was the second time the at A House orv Wednesday night. Share-croppers have displayed their On 1 January, 1945, Bill Wallace, This band is one of the newest and artistic talent on the statue which formerly of the department of Ath- most popular of all of Houston's marks the tomb of the founder of letics, left Rice to assume the posi- dance bands. They have a variety the school. The first time we were tion of Assistant Plant Manager of numbers which should please all * c&M front tihfese coura- with the Dr. Pepper Bottling Com- connoisseurs of popular music. geous operators, the statue's base pany in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Wal- The Rice Terrace is perhaps the was ornamented with a coat of flam- lace has been a member of the- Ath- best place in town to have a formal ing scarlet, traces of which can yet Miss Molly Barnes, pictured above,: Slipstick of 1945. The other three letic Department since July, 1937. dance. The South American Room is be seen on the chaste >stone. We are is one of four nominees for Miss ! are pictured on page four. His duties here have been varied. reserved for the evening and tables gratified to note the conversion of Starting out as Freshman football will be furnished for refreshments our dear neighbors to the ranks of coach, he took over mentorship of at intermissions. the Lily-Whiters. Happy New Year the track squad when Emmett Brun- Varga Girl Decorations At all other times when there son left for the Navy. With aboli- The backdrop behind the orchestra have been possibilities of the farm- tion of freshman football as separate will be decorated in true "Varga" ers indulging in their childish 1945 Staggered In Early from the varsity, Wallace joined fashion. The tables will be decorat- pranks, guards have been posted and Coach Neely's staff in handling the ed with lamps covered with "Varga successfully thwarted their puerile entire squad. Girls." The rest of the ballroom attempts. Wallace's career while a student will be decorated in accordance with As Navy Ignored Calendar at Rice was highlighted by his out- the general theme. Dr. Patbie, Professor of Abnormal standing work at halfback for the The midnight floor show will be Psychology, is investigating possi- By Muriel Wicks likeThirty Seconds Over Tokyo (Van great 1934 championship football one of the highlig-hts of the evening. ble motives for the uncalled-for but In contrast to last year's riotous Johnson . - ummmm!), they re- team. After' that season he was The big feature of the floor show- not unprecedented uprising. to all Rice students. It played^ at membered, too, to make a few good named on the Collier's first string will be the presentation of the "En- 0 cember, 1944, found every, well al- old New Year's Resolutions. All-America, thus becoming the first gineers' Varga Calendar.'^ Gary most every, Navy lad being safely e Rice star to receive that honor. Wal- Corbett, Doug McElree, and Roy War Bond Prizes tucked in by visions with hash- lace may perhaps be remembered Goodearle will be on hand to add a marks. Having conscientiously Plans Underway best as one of Rice's first pair of little variety to the program. studied for several hours, they pat- touchdown twins. The other was The climax of the evening will be For Best Design ted themselves on the back for their For Junior Prom John McCauley. the presentation of "Miss Slipstick." naive sobriety, as they scorned all Coach Wallace . will be missed by All of the Literary Societies and Plans are well under way for the thoughts of wine, women, and song. both students and faculty, as his (Continued on page 4) Of Food Store biggest formal of the year, the Jun- They willingly refused to be- resignation marks the departure of ior Prom, to take place 27 January 0 grudge the freedom of civilians on the fourth man from the Fieldhouse. The senior design class in archi- at the Rice Terrace. Make your this night of gaiety, for, dear read- As a result of Wallace's leaving, tecture has 'been offered the problem plans now to attend. er, they were all nursing headaches Jess Neely will c*ach baseball and of designing a post-war food' store. The following committees have and hangovers, results of much mer- Cecil Grigg will be forced to take City Auditorium The requirements have been set up been appointed to plan this gay af- ry-making the previous night. over the track squad. by Mr. Schubmacher who was a fair. General Chairman of Commit- 0 graduate of Rice. He is offering Hermann Park Popular tees, Bob Manning, will be in charge Scene of Navy prizes of war bonds for the winning The Plantation, the Hi-Hat, the of all plans with the following Com- Saturday Evening designs. For the best design a $60 Empire Room, and Hermann Park mittees working under him: Dance 13 January . War Bond is offered. For the two (ahem—I guess!) were especially Decoration Committee, Co-chair- Is Church 'Y' Night next best designs go prizes of $25 popular with the boys in blue on a man, Muriel Wicks and Lib Brown, The Navy Recreation Dance, to Saturday night to climax Saturday War Bonds. with Tom Connelly, Rosemary Hean- Church "Y" Nite, sponsored by be held at the City Auditorium 13 . i It is hoped that the winning de- nights. Perhaps intimate associates or Haden, Geane Brogniez, and Allen the Christian Youth Council of January, promises to be a most en- >• Js signs will be efficient'and practical of Henry and Goodearle were drown- James helping them. Houston, will be held next Saturday tertaining gathering. D. C. Red- in their planning, economical in cost, ing their sorrows 'cause the High- Publicity Committee, Co-chairman, evening at 6:30 p. m. in the assem- graves and Frank Lawrence ,in and attractive in appearance. Per- land Park' Scotties lost 20-7. On the Janet Croom and Mary Jane Ellis, bly hall of the central YMCA, 1600 charge of arrangements, promise, haps they may contribute to im- the other hand, many disgusted read- with the committee of Madge West, Louisiana. in addition to the melodious strains proved post-war planning of this ers of Improve Youse Mind were Lila Gordon, and Lida Kittrell. Besides the supper, for which a ; of the Navy orchestra, a delightful character. probably raising several roofs in Chairman of Ticket Sales, Louise charge of 50 cents is made, a pro- floor show with selections from the Certain desirable technical pamph- celebration of Port Arthur's victory. Loose, will have Evelyn Burke and gram of singing, stunts, swimming, University of Houston's Varsity Va- lets have been made available by A Bleary-Eyed "Old Lang Syne" Jane Raubold as her aides. volleyball, ping-pong, archery, dis- rieties. The theme will be, of all Schuhmacher Company for students' At the Plant, ibleary-eyed individ- Chairman in charge of obtaining cussions, and folk dancing has been things, a naval one. In addition to study in connection with this prob- uals were wandering around aim- an orchestra, Camille Dockery, has planned. All recreational facilities the entire student body of Rice, they lem. Also Mr.- M. C. Gaines will lessly crooning " Aulch'Lang Syne," a committee of Lore Merten and of the Y have been turned over to have extended invitations to Naval present by means of lantern slides, and promptly swooning—what amaz- Kayway Thompson. <>. the young people for use at this time students and faculties of Baylor detailed information as to arrange- ing effects music(?) has on one's Sara Nan Snoddy, Chairman of free of charge. Medical School, Texas University ment and fixtures most^newly de- constitution ^ the Entertainment Committee, will Rice students are cordially in- School of Dentistry, Texas Univer- veloped.
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