Would like to thank the sponsors of this year’s local games who have gained a Gold Sponsorship Award for their continued support of SPECIAL OLYMPICS GIBRALTAR 2 Exciting days lie ahead as we look forward to 2011 - the next World Summer Games in Athens. swimmers have been invited to participate in the European Spe- cial Olympics Swimming compe- tition in Palma de Mallorca. Exciting days lie ahead as we begin to look forward to 2011 in Athens, Greece where the next Games with his determination to World Summer Games will be compete in the 25 metre assisted held. World Summer Games is a walk. Even when walking be- ear Athletes, Family came quite painful he would still Members, Volunteers, insist on participating in softball DSponsors and Friends throw. On behalf of all of us in of Special Olympics Gibraltar. Special Olympics Gibraltar thank We are now one year away from you for the wonderful years you our silver anniversary and these gave us, and may God bless you last 24 years have seen many wherever you are. changes within our programme. On a brighter note, we thank the Changes that better enhance what Isle of Man and football teams we provide for you, the athletes. wonderful event as you the ath- from Spain for coming to our To date we offer, swimming, letes know, and training hard and athletics, football, bowling and continuously will be rewarded equestrian for World Summer with being considered for selec- Games, also Floor Hockey and tion… So I recommend that you Snowshoeing for World Winter continue to train hard, and you Games. This has enabled us to can excel yourselves and make us participate in these two global all proud as only you know how. events which mark all Special Sadly this past year has seen us Olympics Calendars. lose 3 friends. Michael Clinton, The time has now come to add Stephen Robba and Muriel Pozo. to the sports offered and a coach Michael in his better years loving National Games. They provide from Gibraltar was sent to Lodi, his MATP activities and the competition which is always Italy to attend a Seminar in Muriel always a keen Bowler. so welcome. Let’s show them a Bocce. This is a very exciting Sadly, due to illnesses, both great Gibraltar welcome and to- game which will enable our more stopped their activities many gether make these the best games elderly and not so elderly athletes years ago. ever. LET THE GAMES BEGIN. to continue to participate in Spe- Veteran Stephen Robba contin- cial Olympics. ued until the last 4 years bright- A.M. Risso MBE. This coming autumn, six of our ening up many of our National Programme Chief Executive. 3 Special Olympics Gibraltar National Summer Games 2009 Organising Committee DIRECTORS National Director/Director of Games Annie Risso Administration Marisa Henrich Public Relations Anne Mesilio Technical Freddie Chappory, Richard Bear Entertainment Francis Williams Volunteers Brian Fernandez, Richard Harman Hospitality Paola Poggio Swimming John Golding, Ana Marie Golding Track and Field Caine Sanchez Football Brian Fernandez, Raphael Celecia, James Danito For further information on Special Olympics and how to volunteer your time or help in any way, please contact Annie Risso, Tel No; 200 50764, or email; [email protected] Would like to thank Would like to thank The Retreat Centre europeaxess media for their continuing for the graphic design support of of the SPECIAL OLYMPICS 24th Anniversary GIBRALTAR Yearbook 4 Special Olympics advances Society’s understanding and support Greetings from the Minister for Culture, Heritage and Sport the Hon. Edwin J Reyes pecial Olympics rightly have a special place in Sthe hearts of the people of Gibraltar. I have always been impressed by the efforts and development of all Athletes participating in Spe- cial Olympics events and, addi- tionally, they continuously prove to be great ambassadors for both their homeland and for sport. Without a doubt, the commitment and motivation of all participants in this multi-sport organisa- tion, together with the untiring dedication of their coaches, are wonderful examples of the true principles of sportsmanship and of which our community and the world as a whole would be wise to learn from. The Government of Gibraltar UHFRJQLVHVWKHEHQHÀWVGHULYHG from participation in sports and Summer Games will be a great I have no doubt that all Special recreational activities and, there- success in all fronts, ranging Olympics’ goals will continue fore, wholeheartedly supports from its organisation to the to be achieved but, above all, the many events organised by sporting events themselves. I I wish to unreservedly associ- Special Olympics Gibraltar as believe that everyone in Gibral- ate myself with the movement’s an integral part of this philoso- tar will wish to join me in prais- oath: “Let me win, but if I can- phy. It continues to be a privi- ing and congratulating our local not win let me be brave in the lege for me, both as Minister for organising committee; very ably attempt.” Sport and as Chairman of the led by our National Director An- On behalf of everyone in Sports and Leisure Authority, nie Risso, more so since Special Gibraltar I welcome to “Our to assure everyone of our con- Olympics not only aims to ad- Rock” all participants from tinued support towards Special vance the skills and capabilities abroad and wish each one a Olympics Gibraltar. of the athletes but also Society’s most enjoyable and successful I am certain that this year’s understanding and support. Summer Games. 5 to recreate the subzero snowy conditions they would have to From the Sands of race in and which neither athlete had experienced before, so it Eastern Beach to the was a matter of waiting to see Snowy Peaks of Idaho how they would manage in such a different environment from the one they were used to. by Paola Poggio. SRDIWHUIRXUÁLJKWVZHDUULYHG in Boise, Idaho and were met team of 23 athletes and the beach of course! We had by Courtney, our liaison volun- coaches set off from heard that other hot countries teer and our host families, who AGibraltar for the World were successfully training their were all so kind and welcoming, Winter Games in Idaho, USA teams on the sand, or ‘Caribbean but still no snow for the girls to on 4 February 2009. snow’ as some of them called it, practise on. Once the Opening As in previous Winter Games, and decided to give it a go here. Ceremony ended it was time Gibraltar was competing in the So last year saw Virginia Wink WROHDYHWKHÁRRUKRFNH\WHDP ÁRRUKRFNH\FRPSHWLWLRQEXW and Sallyann Mauro spending behind in Boise and set off for IRUWKHÀUVWWLPHZHZHUHDOVR their training sessions running the mountains of McCall and taking part in a snow sport, up and down the sand on East- at last some snow! Lots and namely snowshoeing. This may ern Beach and Sandy Bay, kitted lots of it in fact …. and freez- sound strange for a country like out with their snowshoes and ing temperatures of course. Gibraltar where it’s never cold getting the odd curious look The next morning, all wrapped enough to snow and the obvious from passers-by! It wasn’t long up in our cold weather kit, we question we are asked is how EHIRUHWKH\ZHUHERWKSURÀFLHQW set off early for the Ponderosa on earth we manage to train our snowshoers. The problem was, State Park, where the snowshoe- athletes. Well, that’s easy – on however, that there was no way ing events were being held and 6 Floor Hockey in Idaho by Caine Sanchez KLVZDVWKHÀUVWWLPH, again the committee decided very similar strengths. The game had seen the game and that both Gibraltar and USA could have gone either way. The believe me when I say Arkansas were to be lowered a T ÀQDOVFRUHZDVLQIDYRXURI that there is no harder, physical division. So we participated in USA with Gibraltar having a or fast game currently played Division 8 which is still an im- goal disallowed in one of the pe- LQ*LEUDOWDUWKDQÁRRUKRFNH\ provement from the last winter riods. This meant that Gibraltar Hopefully in the near future we games. took the third place. Egypt then will demonstrate to everyone In this division we had another went on to win the Gold medal the competitiveness of this sport round robin against USA Ar- and USA the Silver with Gibral- as I believe it can become quite kansas which again we won 6-4 tar taking the bronze. popular in Gibraltar. and a game against Egypt which We are very proud of our team After two and half days of we lost 6-2. Egypt then went as some of the players are very divisioning the Gibraltar Team on to beat USA Arkansas 7-1. new to the game and were par- was placed in Division 7. In the This meant that Gibraltar had to ticipating in a world event as a last winter games Gibraltar was face USA Arkansas in the semi- WHDPIRUWKHÀUVWWLPH placed in the 11th Division so ÀQDODQGWKHZLQQHUZDVWRIDFH Even with these odds we man- this time round the teams we Egypt in the Final. aged to play at a higher divi- faced were of a very high stand- TKH6HPLÀQDOVDZWZRWHDPV sion than the last games with a DUG:HIDFHGRIIÀUVWLQWKH square off for the fourth time as good result. round robin tournament against we had previously faced them USA Arkansas State and we twice in the round robin stages won 6 – 4. The next game was and once in the divisioning. against Morocco who had a very Gibraltar had won the two round strong team.
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