Oregon protest leader: FBI planning a raid By Ralph Ellis, Holly Yan and Sara Sidner, CNN Updated 1910 GMT (0310 HKT) Jan ar! "# $01" % &ideo So rce: )** *o+ Playing-eader o. armed Oregon000 Armed protesters rall! to support Oregon rancher 3acis/ on the ranch and on the (ourt Bodyguard (ontinues )liven Bund! defense ,olitical .allout .rom *e4ada rancher )liven Bundy: Life in the /edia The rise and .all of )liven Bundy Now Playing Leader of armed Oregon protesters took federal loans The histor! of )liven and 1//on Bund! See inside (ontested Oregon .ederal building Armed Oregon protester speaks +ith )** Armed protesters ta6e o4er .ederal +ildli.e refuge Armed protesters rall! to support Oregon rancher 3acis/ on the ranch and on the (ourt Bodyguard (ontinues )liven Bund! defense ,olitical .allout .rom *e4ada rancher )liven Bundy: Life in the /edia The rise and .all of )liven Bundy Leader o. armed Oregon protesters took .ederal loans The histor! of )liven and 1//on Bund! See inside (ontested Oregon .ederal building Armed Oregon protester speaks +ith )** Armed protesters ta6e o4er .ederal +ildli.e refuge Armed protesters rall! to support Oregon rancher 'tor! highlights Protest leader Ammon Bundy +ants all .ederal land transferred to local residents Bund!# citing an nna/ed so rce# sa!s FBI plans raid to arrest protesters But la+ en.orcement appears to 5e +aiting o t t2e armed gro p Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon (CNN)A leader o. t2e armed gro p o(( pying a .ederal 5 ilding in Oregon said 2e's 5een told t2e FBI 2as o5tained 84e arrest +arrants and planned to raid t2e property -- an allegation t2at .ederal or local la+ en.orcement did not confirm. Ammon B ndy didn't name t2e so rce o. 2is in.ormation +2en 2e spo6e late T esday nig2t at a press con.erence o tside t2e Mal2e r *ational :ildli.e 3e. ge near Burns. He said 2e tal6ed to an nnamed ;(ommissioner0; 1ccording to B nd!# t2e so rce said a t2orities +ere gat2ering ;t2eir e< ipment and t2eir goons; at a local 2ig2 school# +2ere classes 2a4e 5een s spended# and ;t2e! +ere planning on co/ing in and raiding t2e re. ge0; )** asked t2e FBI a5o t t2e possi5le existence o. su(2 +arrants, 5 t t2e 5 rea re.erred all < estions to local a t2orities. T2e Harney )o nty Joint In.ormation )enter said t2at it 2ad no in.ormation on arrest +arrants and t2at it +as still +orking .or a pea(e. l resol tion to t2e o(( pation0 Bundy (ompares armed protesters to 3osa ,arks T2ere 2as 5een no evident police presen(e o tside t2e sno+!# desolate +ildli.e re. ge in so t2east Oregon since t2e o(( piers took o4er t2e main 5 ilding Sat rda!0 Protester: :e'll stay ntil +e se( re land 0$:01 3eporters# 2o+e4er# 2a4e come and gone easily and recorded statements .rom t2e gro p o. a5o t $0 people0 Bundy 2as 5een t2e most 4o(al to spread t2e message t2at t2e .ederal go4ernment 2as too / (2 po+er and t2e U0'0 Burea o. -and Management controls too / (2 land0 In an email e=(2ange +it2 )**'s Holly >an# Bundy +as asked +2at it +o ld ta6e .or t2e gro p to end its o(( pation0 ;It +o ld ta6e a plan to transfer all .ederal land to local residents,; 2e replied0 ? estioned a5o t t2e logistics, 2e said: ;:e +ant all .ederal land transferred to t2e states t2ey 5elong to0 :e +ant 000 t2em to t rn o4er t2eir (ontrol o. t2e land and let t2e states ta6e control o. t2e land as it sho ld 5e0; Bundy's demand a/ sed )2arlotte 3odri< e# +2o (2airs t2e Burns ,ai te Tri5al )o ncil# a *ati4e American tri5e t2at sed to spend +inters on t2e +ildli.e re. ge land0 ;For t2e/ to come in and say +e7re going to gi4e it to t2e rig2t. l o+ners -- I'm la g2ing#; she said :ednesday at a ne+s (on.eren(e0 '2e said t2e tri5e doesn't support t2e o(( pation o. t2e re. ge0 ;Armed protesters don't 5elong 2ere0 By t2eir actions t2e! are desecrating one o. o r sacred sites,; s2e said0 Early :ednesda!# Bundy compared t2e o(( piers to t2e symbol o. t2e civil rig2ts mo4ement# t+eeting# ;:e are doing t2e same t2ing as 3osa ,arks did0 :e are standing p against 5ad la+s +2i(2 de2 manize s and destro! o r .reedo/0; :e are doing t2e same t2ing as 3osa ,arks did0 :e are standing p against 5ad la+s +2i(2 de2 maniAe s and destroy o r .reedo/0 — Ammon Bundy (CAmmonDB ndy) Jan ary "# $01" T2e gro p also is protesting t2e 84e9!ear prison senten(es gi4en to t+o local ran(2ers# E+ig2t and 'te4en Ha//ond0 But t2e .at2er and son 2a4e distanced t2emsel4es .rom t2e protest gro p0 Oregon sho+do+n explained: ,atriots or F>all?aedaG 0$:HI ;*eit2er Ammon Bundy nor an!one +it2in 2is gro pJorganiAation speak .or t2e Hammond .amil!#; t2e Hammonds' attorne!# :0 Alan '(2roeder# +rote to Harney )o nty '2eriK Ea4id :ard0 :2o are t2e Bund!s? T2e Hammonds, +2o t rned t2emsel4es in to a t2orities on Monda!# 2a4e said t2e! started a 8re in $001 to red ce t2e gro+t2 o. in4asi4e plants and to protect t2eir property .rom +ildfires, )** affiliate KT&M9T& reported0 B t prose( tors said t2e Hammonds tor(2ed a5o t 130 acres o. p 5lic land in an attempt to co4er p t2e poa(2ing o. deer on .ederal propert!0 Bundy 2as claimed t2e t+o ran(2ers +ere targeted .or not selling land to t2e go4ernment0 T2e FBI# +2i(2 is leading t2e in4estigation# 2asn't speci8ed +2at it +ill do0 ;T2e FBI is +orking +it2 t2e Harney )o nty '2eriK's Office# Oregon State ,oli(e and ot2er local and state la+ en.orcement agencies to 5ring a peace. l resol tion to t2e sit ation at t2e Mal2e r *ational :ildli.e 3e. ge#; t2e agency's ,ortland office said in a statement0 Armed Oregon protester spea6s +it2 )** 0N:0N -a+ en.orcement appears to 5e +aiting o t t2e protesters. ;T2ere is no real reason# at t2is point# to go in0 And t2e FBI 6no+s t2at#; said 'te4e Moore# a retired supervisory special agent .or t2e FBI0 He said .ederal a t2orities 2a4e learned t2at lesson t2e 2ard +a!0 Ta6e# .or e=ample# t2e deadly (on.rontation at t2e Bran(2 Eavidian compo nd in :aco# Te=as, in 19930 ;A 2 ndred people died in t2at#; Moore said0 ;It +as a s icideO 2o+e4er# it +as pro4o6ed 5y t2e FBI inter4ention0;.
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