.. ' Vv ' ^ . - ' 1 ” X ♦ Artnire Daily Net Preai Run 'ThoWoBthor raURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8> . W M k K a M Faraeaat a t D. S. Waotbar l PAGE TWBNTY-rOUl r lEtt^nins Bata eadtog toalgkt, aaMer. U m » . /■ t i m t 8$, except eoolor la rnral 11,916 areas. Partly doady, aoel SataT* 'Hi* Anurican Lcfion Auxiliary Speake on Book* Member'of tlia ADdlS-' jtay.'m gh In mid 40*. will hold itp liualneta maatina Mon- Make VoUra Satarday Burma at <JU«ulaltt)b About To wn day at 8 p.m. in tha L<aglonII Homa.Ho M aneh^tUr^A City of Pkltig* Charm Mambera planning.to attand the. To Hollister P TA tlia eommittaa of Cub Scout A. voter-making aaiMion will ____-----------------------------------------— : - - X ■ card party tbmorrow evening at ba h41d Saturday from 1, p.m. X / '- Pack No. 143 will hold a meatiits the home of Mra. Ferdinand Tica- (CtaaaUtad A dm IW ag aa Paga IS) PRICE nVE CENTS at tha homa of M ra Jiihn X o rin , to 5 p.m. in the offlea- df the VOL. LX X V , NO. 19 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER; CONNn FRIDAY, NOVEMBER. 1955 Ing in Windaor Loeka and daaira town Clerk a t th *. Municipal Miss Virginia McOauldy of New 74 School S t , tomorrow hifht at tranaportation are aaked to con* Britain Teachers College will talk n 8 o'clock. Building. tact tha preaidant, lira. Ev'arett In order to qualify aa a voter on "Booka for Children’s Reading’ Tha DAV Womea'a Auxiliary Koaely. here, a person , muet have lived at tha meeting .of the Hollister will hold a card party Saturday in Connecticut for at leaat a PTA Tuesday tvening at 8 o’clock State,Flood Tha W SA Quan] Oub will hold year,and in Hancheeter for at night at 9 o’clock at tha VFW in the sehodl auditoi[ium. Home, Manchester Oreen. Prises its annual banquet tomorrow at leaet >»ix month*. Naturalised will be awarded and refreshments 6:80 p.m, at tha Oak <>rille. Offi­ citisei)|Kmtut present naturall- Also at this meeting, there will eerved by Mra. Frieda Moorhouae cers for the coining year Vrill be satlim. cerUflcatis and .evi­ be a display of booka from the Plans Seen a C A R E T T E S At Pinehurst Rib Pork and her committee. The. public la elected during the evening. dence must be pi^sented in Whllon Library. - Roast, 7 Rib Cut 23c invited. cakes of-derivative citlseiiship: Refreahments will be iwrved by BUDOjr PRinD MATERim DRESSES The Ladiee of the Aniimption the hospitality committee at tha Tou fust can't beat Plne- will hoid their monthly pieeting on cloae of the evening. By ParseUs hurat'a e>*eryday low prices At Pinehurst Chapman' Court,- Order of Ama­ ranth, will, meet In the Masonic Monday, Nov. 7, at 8 p.m. at t ^ the windows of the new parish on Cigarettes . A mini­ Tender, sizzling regular church. Members arc reminded House and otherwise put it in or­ SON BORN |M & N O im Et mum selling price both at Temple Friday at 7:45 p.m. After HArtford, Nov. 4 (A*)— Sirloin or .Short Steaks the mebUngs Albert Heaviaidee appear in coetume. / der. they are asked to bring their wholesale and retail la set up on-n cleaning materials, and a lad­ A son 'was bom. at the Hartfoi:^ 505 E. MIDDLE TPKE. / AT THE GREEN SUfford Springs, N( ' 'GOP H,ou8e Leader Norman lbX79c will show plcturss taken during (Special)—A clos^ coron by Conn. State law. We, fol­ M*n of the Buckingham xjongre- der, if possible. It Is suggested j Hospital Monday to Mr. and K. PArsells today predicted an his vacation. Rrsfreshments will OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. low that minimum which gatloiral CHtirch will ra W t Satur­ that a bottle of vinegar would be Anthony Ijaurinltii, 582 BuilT'Hill inquest into'the death ,of that ait adequate flood control gives you. for example, car­ Special Large , Double hs served by. Mrs. Walter Denne and her committee. day at 1 p.m. at the c h ^ h to wash simpleet cleaning fluklid. Rd. Pertnaylvahia girl, originally program will be worked out tons of Luckies or Camels for BonO Sirloins 89c / • 8 2 .0 0 ... single packs for 21c. Bcheduled (or this morning, ia “without too much difficulty” Pall Malls $2.10 carton, 22e now being conducted at the once the special session is un- single pack. At Pinehurst Stafford Springs State Po­ denwflye Testim ony Soviet Says Old Golds Rag. $2.09—21c Choice Rib Oven lice Barracks by Tolland ‘‘I honaatly don't think we are Kings $2.10—22c Roast Of Beef going tb have a great deal of Filters $2.29—2Sc County Coroner Bernard J. (Meaty 4th thru 7th Ackerman. trouble working this thing out Parilaments $2.85—20c ribs) 1{). 59c when we ar.e In aeeeion.'’ he de­ In Trial of P lan F ails L L Taylor aaid a complete clared.x ' . We have Just about every atatement regarding the re- "But," the influential Republi­ Wnd and size of cigarette all Mississippi Bold a t the state aet minimum aultn of the inque«t would be can leader added, "I don't eee how Reds Opens July Order price. Sliced Bacon........lb. 66c given to the press as noon ss we ran reach ajgreementa before available, but the investiga­ hand." These observaHonsT were made New Haven, Nov. 4 (/P>— Geneva, Nov.'A (/P) — Th« tion is not likely to conclude as he came to the capitol to con­ The goyernment called its western Big Three asked until 3:30 or 4 p.m. , fer -'with Governor Riblcoff and At Pinehurst, Round Steak and Pork Chops first witnens today in^ the 'a today to agree tdiree nir other legislative leader*. on plans tibnMde German eleeZiona are lower . Whole strips of pork, cut into .Manchester,- Mass., Nov. 4 for the special session Convening trial of eight alleged Commu- chpps and roasta if youwlsh, a rt a wonderful LsncbM next Wedneactay. ntsta charged with violating next^eptember as a fori^ii- bu y^ t 46c lb. School Q S ^ K quiet, wcU-respected adyOrGsing ^ executive killed He said that ao far aa he la con­ the Smith Act. ner to Fqunifi(»tion but Our meat manager. Charlie McCarthy thlnka •or cerned the method o f ' financing He was ,identified as Ronald into a Soviet stone wall. mu wlU like the fraah choice Lamb Legs at himiierLpn It lonely beach yes­ the rebuilding and recovtr'y pro­ Marvin Gay, Los Angelea^ Chkilf., Soviet Foreign MiniaUr V. M. 63c lb., Lamb Patties at 20c and Rib Lamb ■ : ■■ '• - X terday shortly before authori­ N gram will be left for the law­ a former Bridgeport resident end Molotov, confronted with tha new makers to decldt, Chops a t 70c lb. <B ties would Mve arrested hi uiiion steward. western plan at tMav'a Big Four on -charging hj; "I can't commit the Republicans While In Bridgeport, Gay taatl- session, reiterated his (tamand that Our meat men really do a masterful .Job pra- I In the House and"I don't intend fied, he attended numerous Coin- representative* from 'Oammunlet aring Rump Roaats, Round Staak Roasta and with the murdeK.of to.” he emphasised. mupist . party meetings in and East Germany and the Bbnm Re­ gIrloln Alps, so that thay are as Isan as can -r-rr^f—r-r X. sylvania girl. \ The House leader aaid that he around Bridgeport. public be eummoned to diacnaa.tlw.. bs and very easy to ssrvs. Shop HALE'S Self rve and Meat Dept. The body of William ^ T u rn er, personally would favor paying’for .attempt to Prove Red TTe reunification problem with 40, married Snd the fgUier of a the program in two .years through four ministers. TVmy, our gaultry expert,irt. win acesptaccept onlyomy Premilinary examination of the daughter, we* fp u n ^ on l^ lt e J increased taxes rather than witness Indicated that the govern He eaid today's western plan for special Urge white chicken breasts, so that yoii UPTON Beach while Penn^mvania SU'' inded. get practically all meat and little waste when ment seeks to detemilnt \yhether alecUopa to precede unification of 'Troopara were o n ^ a lr way to hi* ! No ApeciSr Tax Plan ' Gay had any i-onilectibns with any Germany "failed ta conform'’ to you buy Pinehurst White Rock freshly cut Every Day For Best In Food Values! houae in this fgkhionable atiburb Chicken B reasts We have plenty of chicken Tomato, Vegetable,^ ^C aa Liltbytac flood recovery, commit­ of the arctised. the foreignmlnlaCer'a directive \ ' north o f Bo* tee on which he salved. ParaeJla from the sgmtnit conference of legs for .those who like dark meat . farm., Chicken Noodle 49Pkga. < 9 9 6 The troo^re had a warrant - A government prosecutor told fresh Robart Turkeys from nearby West WII- had no spgciflc recommendations a; Jury of live women and seven last-July. charging ^ m e r with the murder on what levies should be hiked ’The elactiona would,. according * llngten, farm fresh Frying Chickens and Fowl. of Mlae pori* Hatch; 22, who van- men yesterday he would prove that Use our selected Pinehurst Idaho baking Po- MEAT DEPARTMENT However, he tljd have *6me sug­ to this proposal, choose an All- iahed tw6 yeara ago from her home eight alleged Communists on trial German National AsMmMy wliich Utoes with any meat course.
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