![Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Saiha District \ ! Mizoram](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
SARVA SHIKSHA<a ABHIYAN SAIHA DISTRICT I / \‘ !f \ \ i- ''' i I DISTRICT EI EMENTAR\^ EDUC/^ . IO N PLAN IMRECTORATE OF HOOL EDLK ATION MIZORAM 1-iUi .'../ijtil .JI o Vk ICT !/ N Inturn.itioiiai SungCiU / \ jJOuaUc^r y u icurict fjouriuory I - - k ------uioLi ict cuoncil iJOUnUcii y uiue iii^iiLain J O / JK c i-i N Ui'' O ■~io O J\ I J I /V U'. 1 Li i' a X C 'i' i>; o •X" \ < o \ L-< J ,V( H o o / ’/I i'Uiji J-UliJ i> 15 t.a n o :5 ^ e rk c .v /r .-.'iiy 1 !Piiiy iH < C i G Paiu ijtike J C 0 1 (ij ‘'y iio >\ -: } o •C ■~l iony;CoiG.nc. O o O ■f B 0 1 c U 6 V i N I) E X Chcipter Contenls Page Nos. L Demographic profile of the District.^ II. Planning process under SS A - 2-5 \l\ I'lducaliontil profile of liie District - 6-1.^ IV. ( )hjective-wise hitOTA’cnlion - 14-15 V. Issues in j"lemenl!ir\'luiucation - 16 -22 VI. Monitoring and Implementalion - 23 -27 VII. i^udget Sunimar\' - 28 -39 VIII. Annual Work Plan cc 13udget for 2001 - 2002. - 40 -46 C H A r U v U - l l>EM( )<;RA PH IC P k< )H Li: () K r H E DIS ri<K ’ I . Saihii District, situated on the southern lip ol’Mizoram State is bounded by Myanmar in the cast and south. The district is bordered by Lunglei District and Lawnatliii Distnct of Mi/oram in tlio north and west respectively. I he river Beino (kolodyne) (lows frotn nortli to south dcniarcalinu tlic district from I .awngtlai District. Saiha. llie capital of the di.stnot which is KM away from (he State capital and also the administrative seal oj'Deputy Commissioner is conncctcd by mtHorabie road. There are as many as (i7 villaije councils under the two Autonomous dislricls namely Lai Autonomous Distnct t ’ouncil and Mara Autonomoas District Council. The district covers an area of 1965.81 Sq.Kni The ilcnsily ol the population is .118 per Sq.kni. I he loliil population being 55406. I here arc two i omniunity Kural Dev elopnicnt blocks namely Tuipanc and Sangau C.D.Blocks Languai’c •<pi>Kcn are Mara. Lai and Mi/o dialects Ihe people are engaged mainly in cultivation I he main crop is rice cereal. linpoitant landmarks of the district are : {I ) Hic highest peak in the State "l'hawvi'j\nu";i!so known i\s Biwe Mwiiilnin is situated in the tlisincl. (2) K-tlak. the bii/gcst lake of Ihe State is also located within the district. Sailia District is considered as one r.f the h.'ickward district*'aniong the districts of Mi/orani in literacy with a literacy rate of 82,4.'^"o. Tlic literacy rale of the Stale is 88.49”o. Literacy lalc ol male and female are 86.28”o and respectively. I'ahlc I Vrea, num ber of C.D.Blocks. \ iUngcs and density of ponulation. .Vrca N 'o.ofC.D . No. o f Villaues Density of population (Sq.Kjii) Blocks \~^................ ' 2 1965 67 3 L 8 lit hie 2 and others. 1 M ale Fem ale Total 1 ' 2 * 3 4 ---- 1 .......... 1 SC 1 30 12 42 Sr 1 27914 27492 55406 1i 1 L. O thers 1 Total ] 27944 2 7504 55448 2- t HAPi'iK II p l a n n i N<; p r o c Ivss u m i k k s s a . Al;^nii th (^ .S \ A. Sinuc in(1cpcnd< ncc several it>lci-vmillions have hcen made lor the uiuver>^ali/ution ol olcincniary cduoaliori both ifi lernis of <|iianttt\ ami <|ii!ili(y. Inspite of many etVorts tlic o h |fcliv t o f 111*.1'. is not yet tulfillcd. 1 liercloru. ii new intervention lor the suecessliil iniplenientalion of IJ.lul'... viz SAR^'A SlkSil.v ABHIVAI^'. a programme with clear (tmc Iramc for universal elementary education p :ri.)inina to Iht demand for <|ualitv Imsic education and an apportumty for promotm.T social )uslicc lhr<>ut'h basic education is iauncheil \'.i(hni (he District. Sar\a Siksha Abhiyan is to provide e scntial and relevant elementary education ill .! > !i ‘ij’t hildren in the ai/o (/roup of 6-14 \ ts irrespi ctivc of caste, clan, rcliaion and tt- cd A ,l) Another goal is to bridge social ul ij^;ndci flaps w itli the help ol commumty participa . , m < cnertil administration and m.inaycmcnt of the elementary' schools. Ubjectives of Sarva Siksha Abhivaii: 1) Universal retention by 2010 2) Biidge social and gender gaps at Primary sta«e by 2007 and at elemeniary ediioa tion level bv 2010. v) Focus on elementary education cmpha.s/sing education for lilc. 4) IVovide education facilities to al! children from 6-14 \ t s . by 2007. 5) All children in School. iZduc ition (.iuarantee Centre. Alternate School. Hack to School C 'amps by 200.'^ Pt3lVlil?s It is practicallv c.xperienct.d that the siiccesslnl implementation of IJ.li.l’. depends on the con&iled efforts m planmng. implementation and monitoring of its various aspects, through community participation. {Jntil and unless community owns the educational a.spects ol' the cliildrcn. the U E E cannot be realised in its true spirit As such, mvolvemcnt of local community in the whole process of providing basic education to all cluklren will, however, remain justified and reasonable. '1 he District Pre-Project activities had been initiated with the idea that the community can participate in the planning process and its implementation of the programme under S.S. A. -3- l-ormalioii ol Core-groiips on I'lainnng : District Core Group: A district core-tjroiip was I'onned vvitli the conccmcd Deputy C’ommissioner as the Clmirman and District Education Olllcer conccmcd as ccvoniinator. Clunnnan - Deputy (’oiunnssioncr Secretary - D.l^.O. conccrned. M em bers - 1) I'‘acult\ m em ber ol Dll:Vr 2 ) President ol tiroup M i l* 3) l^resident. MS ['A. Sub-Division 4) IVcsidetil. I\STA. Sub-Dix ision 5) Fresideni. Ml IIP ot the District 6) National^Siate Award vvtnmng teacher. 7) Promineni Mcinbei' ol the locality 8) B.D.U ol the coiiecmeil Block. The di.slnct corc-crouj) had a series of nieetint's under the Ciuumianship ot De[nity Commissioner to discuss various problems (\iut issuer pertaining to the implementaiion of U.k.E. at cleincntary school level. Vill.'H’e - l evel C orc-G roup: There are as many as 07 inhabited villafos williin Sailui District, v'lIinjje core oroups aie lormed in each village comprisinu the lollowini’ nieniners: Chairman - President. Villauc Council. Secrclary - Headmaster/Head leacher or Upper Primary Primary School of I he village. Members - 1 ) .\il oil cr heads ol'the existing schools in the Village. 2) President. Bnuicii MTP 3) President. MHIP (Branch) 4 ) Presidt.nl. I Ipa Pawl. 5) leacher iepresenlali\ e 6) Parent representative 7) Promineni member of Ihe locality. Devclopinent of data ^ se ^ Conduct of Family Survey : t)ata base infonuation.s of children who jire out of school, i.e. the nature ol work they are engaged, family background anil reasons for they are out of school are the main concen­ tration for planning D.E.E. This can fonn the basis to workout various strategies to prov ide education facilities for out of school children in the age group of 6-14 yrs. 4 - Ihcvclorc. survuv ol'nll the liumlic'. \v:is coiuluolcti uilhin the 1 hsiiM . Ih;; rctjUKod inloimalions collcctcd were const)lidatcU iind Uilntlaicd showina the nun\l*cr ol'children ot“ the aue aroup b-14 yrs. wljo arc to he enrolled m the shool. wlass in uhich dropped and rea­ sons loi diop out. cto. I raininti (or ( 'apacilv l^iitidntp Members ol’distnct team were trained and oriented at the slHtc-lcv’ci bv tlic State I c\ cl I orc-team. .Also, the M ilage - level cort ti-ani \'.Lre trained b' 'he district eore-tcain in a two day oi iontalion proinainnie at the seleeteil pla.;ts I roni the district level a number of siuAcvi'rs tfoni both M iddle and l-*rimarv Schools w en; appointed. A tw o - dav I’rainmi? HroCTamnit's were ori'aniscd at dirfcrent centres where Ihc \ illage-lov-el surveyors w er e trained |ointi\ b\ the Stale Level and District core-leani 1-our tlillerent suncv tbrms were dcsitMicd b\ ilic Slate 1 evcl C’orc team vi/-V!llaye inlonnalKMi. l-amih Inlomiation. liouschold Sun \ aud 1 leincntar}’ School Siincy, S urvey w.-is vonducled diinnij .March and April. '(MH) A 1 ' » on- s< lidal'cff and I'abulation of Survev dat;i wu*- done during Mav and .hinc. \ 1 obilisation of Communily Pcrsimal timely contact and eo ordiiiati<'n between cominunny and meuibv-rv of V’dlaiie C\mc oroups is tound necess;\r\ lor mobiH ation of coninninilx- other i'C tlu- I .1 T . pp gramme may not be successful. A.'; such I’ublu'- Mcetinu (^r I’arent.s eoni.ict progi umnie were organised at all villages by the \'illa<'e Le\el corc croup where members of District- Ixvel C’oie groups also participated. In these meetings various problems and issues pertainini? to the implementation of M E.r. were di.soused where the pailieipant.v sluired their views and ideas openly. .Mkr a sene^ ol such meetings and campaigns, parents were motivated and became aware of the need of sending their children ol the age group 14 vi s.
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