VOLUME 8 NO. 3 JUNE 13 – JUNE 26, 2019 SUBMIT STORIES TO: [email protected] STRIPESKOREA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE idhi, the U TEMPLE dedicatedded to Sanghyang W I SEBAT KAW highesthigh Balinese deity. This templeship NUNG ESIA o serve as a main site of wor GU DON waswa t who need IN amonm g the Mengwi people not travel too far tot the main large temples. CADES CAS AfterAftfter spending ours hing the surface I’m onlonlynly 12 hoursh 12 hours here and barely scratc - five days to spare in nowhere close to being fit to offer you “a compre espite us having only Ubud,” but I’m more than qualified herherere and Bali, I couldn’t possibly leave the island hensive guide of there. So, d, the culture capital t taste “ without seeing Ubu ings to share how to plan the mosthe perfect story of day our firs D without further ado, here’s t cratching of the island. Ubud is awash with fascinatings tempting th barely scratchingsc of Ubud. to do and stunning places to visit. A as it was to make it a marathon of ticking “must- LUNCH AT CASCADES BY VICEROY BALI face, I’m PURA TAMAN AYUN TEMPLE ples be- After frolicking the grounds of Taman Ayun, the surfasurface, I’m see things” off the list, this trip was all about pure keen to visit local tem y hungry for a delicious lunch. I was particularly of Balinese we were sufficientl y relaxation and indulgence, so we decided to make ted by the architecture lose to out of it, and enjoy Ubud at our own cause I’m fascina - Choosing a place to eat in Ubud is very hard simpl e c a leisurely day so many great options – from nowhere close to it was amazing. places of worship – open air spaces with intri ions. because there are sian slow pace. And gates and thatched-roof pavil cately decorated li is local warungs serving finger-licking Indone C e a comfortable tour, I hired a driver ples, Ba t to offer yo To ensur nd of a thousand tem beingbiinging fifitfi to offer you Known as the la xamples. In fare to fine dining restaurants (I am so bummed we from BaliCab, who promptly pickeduested us up a ndat the was 5,000 stunning e mous Locavore!). We opted for morning as I req home to more than couldn’t try the fa hotel early in the a small shrine in Bali. heckout I had mprprrehensiver n though fact, every single family has a are a few prominent CasCades, and like I am so happy that we did. The ‘a comprehensivecompr incredibly cordial. Eve us to that while there places I wanted This means eaten view of the lush jungles that this areacou is sorse famous chef’s general idea of it, if it is a truly off the b Plus, our multi- temples to vis - for was unbeatable. f Ubud’,U see (well, you didn’t believe I would opportunity you are look guide of Ubud’, did track photography tasting menu didn’t disappoint. travel completely unprepared, ve around (not just within advice to opt ing for, then dri you?), I trusted his moreoro tha s to avoid Ubud), observe and I promise leyou, grounds you’ll but I’m mmore than for some other spot p TEGALLALANG RICE TERRACES find more than one tem The verdant winding rice paddies are perhaps notorious local traffic. And I that will make your jaw drop. of Bali and I was so o shshare - life, I one of the most iconic images beautiful d tot s was so happy I did, be For the first time in my It was every bit as qualified to share keen to see it in person. most popular cause he showed wish I could rent a motorbike the magined. Tegallalang is one of your ththe round some as I i o ppllaannnt us a and just roam the nooks and how to pplan the aces ges. The and hence the most touristy spots, surroundedthe local with amazing pl crannies of local villa fes where you can drink his multiple local ca ty ctt dday and made sure untainted beauty of t e. kopi luwak coffee and take in the beau erferrffeec - specialty – n also walk around the most peperfect day we fell irrevo island is unimaginabl d ali. You ca We got the windshiel of the green of B cably in love and . tour of villages in terraces and take as many photosthese as your are heartthe most ” with Ubud e there.there.” around Ubud, I MY PARADISE desires. I don’t necessarily think ved th ouro previous After seen, even though I lo es beyond. beautiful terraces I’ve along the spending cannot even fathom what li f the paddies that draped wave like shape o only But I digress. An hour and a half drive from t us to the doors of Pura Taman steep hillside into a deep gorge. But rememberpplies theto our hotel, brough point I made about temples? The same a e Ayun Temple, which translates into a poetic name mo the rice terraces. During our windshield tour of th e n hhe ‘Garden Temple in the Water’. This UNESCO TheThT most ge is located i al herita saw so many spectacular spots that were area we Two Ladies KitchenKitcheen bacon,bacon, withwith a sideside ofof parmesan-coatedparmesan-coated friesfries andand recognized site of cultur to 1634. The - KonaKKoononaa and equally beautiful and completely deserted. Havingg Tegal www.facebook.com/pages/www.facebook.com/pagees/ wasabi mayo. Go big or go home, right? the village of Mengwi andspaciou dates backs courty ards , I think it is absolutely worth seein Two-Ladies-Kitchen/121212331222453Two-Ladies-Kitchen/12122123312224522 53 rounds featured said that RunnersRunRunnRuunnennersererserss Up:UUpp: Big Island Brewhaus, Lilikoi Café r pre temple g nicured gardens, have a chance. If you’ve ’ been b in i the th Pacific PD ifi forflthf any length of cct d ffee lalang if you perfectperfe day enclosures with green lawns, ma time, odds are you’ve either heardeard of or tasted red meru While the SEE BALI ON PAGE 8 mocha — a ball of glutinous sweetweet rice flour usu-usu- Punalu’uPunPunaPunalunalu’ualu’uu’u’ fish ponds and fountains and with most multi-tie importantly, SHARE rea ally filled with adzuki beans. Two Ladies Kitchen jero – the gated holy a s are ers). These 11-roofed shrine hiking, has perfected this treat and is hands-down the UUb (pagoda-like tow inin UbudU best mochi you’ll taste. With a dizzyingdizzying arrayarray ofof estination choices, my favorites include strawberry, brownie p s by snorkeling StorySStttortoryryy andanand photo and peanut butter. Best to get there early, as they “ sell out quickly. O BETTS NANNA and diving are Runners Up: Blaine’s Drive Innn (Hilo)(Hilo) Ohelo Café (Volcano), Lava Rock Café (Volcano),olcano), Kaleos fantastic, I adore (Pahoa) Honoka’a one thing a little TERRACES G RICE ALAN more — the food.”GALL Punalu’u Bake Shop Kona Brewingewing CompanyComp v E T 7 www.bakeshophawaii.comwww.bakeshophawaii.com konabrewingco.com • StripesKorea.com Congratulations!Congratulations! You’ve made it to the southsouth-- I would be remiss if I did not give a shout out EMPLE • StripesJapan.com he Big Island is a magical place.ce. You can shortshshoort stack sttkk each time they visit.visit. So far, only one out ernmosternmost point in the U.S. After a dayday of frolickingfrolicking to Hawaii’s most famous brew house — Kona AYUN T om AN a.com • Guam.Stripes.c driveddriviveefr frommmlush lushh tropical tropic rainforests to dry, of six hashas accomplishedaccomplished thisthis feat.feat. CravingCraving some-some- near the honu (green(green sea turtles — be sure not BrewingBrewing Co. LocatedLocated in an inindustrialdustrial parkpark aboveabove TAM StripesOkinaw URA T ariaridd moonscape-moonscape-likelike llavaava fifieldselds witwithinhin a ththinging more savorsavory?y? TrTryy tthehe bbig,ig, flfluffyuffy omeomeletslets or toto touch)touch) at the famous black sand beaches, the Kona,Kona, thisthis brewbrew pubpub is worthworth thethe hype.hype. TheThe bbeereer P couplecouple ofof hours.hours. Discover rollingrolling hills blanketed in signaturesignature KaluaKalua porkpork hash.hash. To avoiavoidd thethe crowds,crowds, Punalu’uPunalu’u BakeBake ShopShop makesmakes thethe perfectperfect pit stop. is fusedfused withwith locallocal ingredientsingredients — the Wailua mistymisty clouds,clouds, or watchwatch a river ofof oozing lavalava flowflow headhead overover earlierearlier ratherrather thanthan later. Known fforor its thickthick andand fluffyfluffy sweetbreads,sweetbreads, dinersdiners WheatWheat is unfilteredunfiltered withwith lilikoi,lilikoi, andand thethe KokoKoko dramaticallydramatically into thethe roaring ocean below.below. cancan alsoalso enjoy decadentdecadent dessertsdesserts andand coffeecoffee fromfrom Brown AleAle addsadds richnessrichness byby using toastedtoasted coco-coco- WWhilehile the hiking, snorkeling and diving are Ken’sKen’s House ofof PancakesPancakess nearby Ka’u Coffee Mill. Be sure to pick up a coucou-- nut.nut. Enjoy a made-from-scratch pizza or a plate adise 2018-19 6 Destinatinatia on ParP ffantastic,antastic, I adore one thing a little more — the food. kenshouseofpancakes.comkenshouseofpancakes.com pleple of loaves to enjoy on your trip home. of Naalehu Nachos with Kalua pork. One of our OOnene of the perks of having fafamilymily on the Big Island Ken’s has been serving up its famous pancakes favoritesfavorites is the CubanoCubano sandwichsandwich washedwashed downdown on is thetheyy know where all the awesome foodie spots since 1971. Complete with kitschy celebrity photos with a cold Hanalei IPA. us are. There are some amazing upscale restaurants, adorningadorning the walls and vinylvinyl booths, this iconic Tex Drive-In MY PARADISEPARAD especially along the Kohala CCoastoast and in Kailua- diner offers an amazing menu ooff pancakes, both texdriveinhawaii.com AII PinePine Tree CaféCafé KKonaona ((Kona).Kona).
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