October 18, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 23011 Americans. Allow me to express a spe- might not have gotten done. So they Sandoval, and former Sandoval County cial thanks to New Mexico Senators have had a tremendous impact. I also Commissioner Daymon Ely. Linda BINGAMAN and DOMENICI, the sponsors thank the gentleman from New Mexico Rundell and Lisa Morrison from the of this bill in the Senate. Let me fur- (Mr. UDALL) very much for his leader- BLM and Patrick Lyons, the State ther express my gratitude to the Gov- ship. Land Commissioner, were also very, ernor of Zia, Zia Pueblo, Teofilo Pino, This legislation is locally developed very helpful in this legislation. and to the Pueblo’s former Governor and locally supported. It is the result Finally, I would also like to thank and current Tribal Administrator of a decade of work by the BLM and Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Peter Pino, and also to Martin Hein- the Zia Pueblo and the State office Heinrich, who from the very beginning rich, Albuquerque City Councilor and working out all the little details of has been instrumental in ironing out long-time volunteer for the Coalition rights-of-way and lands transfers and the little problems that come up, work- for New Mexico’s Wilderness for their where the fences go and who has what ing through issues associated with this strong and fair efforts in reaching a rights where. It is a very balanced bill legislation, and making things happen. meaningful and positive compromise. that puts into law the Ojito Wilder- I think, as you can see, when things I would also like to fondly acknowl- ness, an 11,000-acre piece of land, that are successful there are a lot of people edge my Senior Legislative Assistant will be protected 40 miles northwest of involved behind the scenes making Johanna Polsenberg and my field rep- Albuquerque, New Mexico. them happen, and without them this resentative Sarah Cobb as well as Rick As the gentleman from New Mexico legislation would not be here on the Healy and Rob Howarth on the Com- (Mr. UDALL) mentioned, Manuel Lujan floor of the House today. I am very mittee on Resources for their tireless was the one who was the Secretary of pleased that the Ojito Wilderness is and dedicated work on this important the Interior when he recommended to going to get the permanent wilderness and far-sighted legislation. the Congress that this piece of land designation that it deserves and the Finally, I would like to thank my fa- should be set aside as an appropriate Pueblo of Zia is going to achieve its ther, Stewart Udall, for his work over area for wilderness. The other thing long-sought transfer of important and 40 years ago on the enactment of the that it does that I think is very impor- ancestral lands that will unite two Wilderness Act during his tenure as tant and has become important to all noncontiguous areas of its reservation. Secretary of the Interior. It is with the of us is that it allows for the purchase Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. deepest respect and awe in the warp and transfer of BLM lands to Zia Pueb- Speaker, I have no further requests for and weft of history that I might find lo. These lands will continue to have time, and I yield back the balance of myself on the floor of the House today public access under the statute and re- my time. honoring my father’s legacy and his main undeveloped, but it will allow the Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Mr. Speaker, I tremendous dedication to ensuring the Pueblo of Zia to unify its Pueblo and to have no further requests for time, and preservation of wilderness, as stated in connect the two noncontiguous areas I yield back the balance of my time. the act itself, lands ‘‘in contrast to of lands that are now part of its Pueb- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. those areas where man and his works lo. BIGGERT). The question is on the mo- dominate the landscape, where the I think one of the things that is won- tion offered by the gentlewoman from Earth and its communities of life are derful about these jobs that we have Colorado (Mrs. MUSGRAVE) that the untrammeled by man.’’ the honor to hold is the opportunity to House suspend the rules and pass the Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- work with interesting people who are Senate bill, S. 156. ance of my time. committed to different projects around The question was taken; and (two- Mrs. MUSGRAVE. Madam Speaker, I our States and around the Nation. thirds having voted in favor thereof) yield such time as she may consume to There are a lot of people who deserve the rules were suspended and the Sen- the gentlewoman from New Mexico thanks for making this legislation a re- ate bill was passed. (Mrs. WILSON). ality today, certainly the gentleman A motion to reconsider was laid on Mrs. WILSON of New Mexico. Madam from California (Mr. POMBO) and the the table. Speaker, in the 108th Congress the gen- gentleman from California (Mr. RADAN- f tleman from New Mexico (Mr. UDALL) OVICH) for their support and their staff introduced and we passed through this support in getting this worked out and EXTENDING THROUGH DECEMBER House legislation almost identical to worked through, and of course our 31, 2007, AUTHORITY OF THE SEC- this and we reintroduced it in this Con- staffs and the gentleman from New RETARY OF THE ARMY TO AC- gress. It has had a companion bill in Mexico’s leadership on this. CEPT AND EXPEND FUNDS CON- the Senate which has now passed the I think I would also like to recognize TRIBUTED BY NON-FEDERAL Senate. And after conferring with the some New Mexicans. As I mentioned, PUBLIC ENTITIES TO EXPEDITE committee and with the gentleman this was locally developed and locally THE PROCESSING OF PERMITS from New Mexico (Mr. UDALL) we de- supported. Successive Governors and cided to take up the Senate version of Tribal Council members of Zia Pueblo Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I move to the bill in this House rather than pass- took a leadership role early on, includ- suspend the rules and concur in the ing the House bill because that means ing the current Governor, Teofilo Pino, Senate amendments to the bill (H.R. that the next stop for this legislation and his predecessor and long-time Trib- 3765) to extend through December 31, is the President’s desk. al Administrator Governor Peter Pino 2007, the authority of the Secretary of The bill that the gentleman and I and their Counsel, David Mielke. the Army to accept and expend funds pass today will not have the gentle- I think we would probably agree that contributed by non-Federal public enti- man’s name on it, but it certainly is a one of the most colorful, interesting ties to expedite the processing of per- result of his leadership that was characters in New Mexico is Peter mits. brought here to the floor of the House, Pino. I could sit and listen to stories The Clerk read as follows: and I want to commend the gentleman from him for a long time. He has Senate amendments: Page 2, line 10, strike ‘‘December 31, 2007’’ and insert: ‘‘March 31, from New Mexico (Mr. UDALL). taught us so very much. 2006’’. I also wanted to commend Johanna Additionally, I would like to thank Amend the title so as to read: ‘‘An Act to Polsenberg for her work on this piece Oscar Simpson of the New Mexico extend through March 31, 2006, the authority of legislation. It has been a real joy to Wildlife Federations, Stephen Capra of of the Secretary of the Army to accept and work with her. And my staff member, the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, expend funds contributed by non-Federal Colin Hunter, I think also deserves Melyssa Watson of the Wilderness Sup- public entities and to expedite the proc- some credit. Without the two of them, port Center, and former and current essing of permits.’’. all of the little things that had to get Chair of the Coalition for New Mexico The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- done would have been left to others and Wilderness, Jim Scarantino and Arturo ant to the rule, the gentleman from VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:35 Mar 01, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK17\NO-SSN\BR18OC05.DAT BR18OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 23012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE October 18, 2005 Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN) and the gen- tion to this issue and for securing con- WRDA 2000. This provision permits non-fed- tleman from Colorado (Mr. SALAZAR) sideration of this bill. Thanks to the eral public entities to contribute funds to the each will control 20 minutes. tireless efforts of the gentleman from Army Corps of Engineers to help expedite the The Chair recognizes the gentleman Washington State, this short-term ex- processing of corps permits. In the Pacific from Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN). tension should quickly move to the Northwest, we have seen the backlog of per- GENERAL LEAVE President’s desk for signature. mits grow to over 1,000 in past years and Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask b 1345 seen the residual effect that this has on our unanimous consent that all Members region’s economy. This provision has allowed I can think of no other Member of may have 5 legislative days within municipalities and ports to move forward with Congress who has served his local and which to revise and extend their re- vital infrastructure projects.
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