BAHA'I' ' NEWS PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL SP IRITUAL ASSEMBLY I ' OF THE BAHA'IS OF THE UNITED STATES NO. 262 BAHA'I YEAR 109 DECEMBER, 1952 COMMENTARY: NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY r .. ·····~ -· ... ·····--.·· ···~··-··- ·· ~"' 1 Beloved friends: · I,_ T':i. ~ ~ - ~A - RDI _ ~~ j How significant it is that the Guardian could announce on the very Anniversary of the Birth of ACQUISITION OF VITALLY-NEEDED PROPERTY SURROUNDING Baha'u'llah the acquisition of so im­ THE TOMB OF BAHA'U'LLAH portant a tract of land surrounding Announce (to) Baha'i communi­ (in this) single transaction almost and safeguarding the Tomb of ties, East (and) West, (on the) joy­ equals (the) entire Baha'i interna­ Baha'u'llah and the adjoining Man­ ous occasion (of the) hundred tional endowments purchased (in sion of Bahji! (and) thirty-fifth Anniversary (of) the) course (of) sixty years (in the) We can not estimate the impor­ Baha'u'llah's Birthday, (the) suc­ vicinity (of the) Bab's Sepulchre (on tance of this transaction, which adds cessful termination (of the) protract­ the) slope (of) Mount Carmel. to our World Center a property of ed negotiations, initiated two years (The) exchange (of) said property, forty acres, the area of which is al­ ago (and) culminating (in the) sig­ including land (and) houses (was) most as great as the properties pur­ nature (to the) contract providing made possible (by the) precipitate chased during the past sixty years (the) eventual, formal transfer by flight (of the) former Arab owners, as international Baha'i endowments (the) Development Authority (of the) traditional supporters (of the) old on the slope of Mount Carmel. State (of) Israel to (the) Palestine Covenant-breakers (and) descend­ By "Palestine Branch of the Branch (of the) American National ants (of the) notorious enemy (of) American National Spiritual Assem­ Spiritual Assembly (of the) exten­ 'Abdu'l-Baha who placed (a) resi­ bly" the Guardian means that cor­ sive, long-desired, vitally-needed dence (at the) disposal (of the) Com­ porate body which he established property surrounding (and) safe­ mittee (of) Investigation. years ago in the then Palestine un­ guarding for posterity (the) Most (The) signature (to the) agree­ der a Turkish law controlling titles Holy Tomb (of the) Founder (of the) ment signalized (the) commence­ to real property under the title "Na­ Faith, as well as (the) adjoining ment (of) large-scale landscaping, tional Spiritual Assembly of the Mansion. aiming (at the) beautification (of Baha'is of the United States and (The) acquired area, raising the) immediate precincts (of the) Canada: Palestine Branch" with Baha'i holdings (on the) holy plain holiest spot (in the) entire Baha'i himself as its authorized representa­ (of) 'Akka from four thousand to one world, itself (the) prelude (to the) tive and to it transferred titles to hundred and fifty-five thousand eventual erection, as happened (in square meters, (was) exchanged various lots which American Baha'is the) case (of the) Bab's Sepulchre, had purchased and wished to donate against property donated by chil­ (of a) befitting Mausoleum enshrin­ dren (of) Zikrullah, grandchildren to the Guardian for permanent ing (the) precious Dust (of the) Most Baha'i use. Through this corporate (of) Mirza Mul)ammad Quli, Baha­ Great Name. 'u 'llah's faithful half-brother (and) body the National Spiritual Assem­ companion (in) exile. Desire (to) acknowledge (the) in­ bly has an interest in the property defatigable efforts exerted (by) both (This) spontaneous offer contrasts which could be asserted, if neces­ Larry Hautz (and) Leroy Ioas (with the) shameful action (of the) sary, through the American govern­ family (in the) sale to non-Baha'is enabling (the) consummation (of the) initial stage (of the) enterprise ment to challenge any claims from (of the) property (in the) neighbor­ enemies of the Faith. hood (of the) Jordan valley pur­ destined (to) eclipse in its final chased (through the) instrumen­ phase (the) splendor (and) magni­ The message brings to us its tality (of) 'Abdu'l-Baha during ficence (of the) Bab's resting-place greatest inspiration as it signalizes Baha'u'llah's lifetime, pursuant (to) (on) Mount Carmel. the beginning of a landscaping plan His instructions (and) alluded (to -SHOGHI which will beautify the area around in) His writings. Haifa, Israel the Tomb of Baha'u'llah and prepare ,, (The) forty acre property acquired November 12, 1952. the way for the construction of a Mausoleum which when completed 2 DECEMBER, 1952 will surpass even the "splendor and Baha'i News were received early magnificence" of the Shrine of the in October by airmail, and illustrate Bab. The Guardian's acknowl­ the superb beauty of the work. edgement of the services rendered As we follow stage by stage the by Mr. Hautz and Mr. Ioas will be l·ising glory of the Sepulchre an._d the gratefully noted. enhancement of the terraces and Baha'i Holy Year is befittingly gardens, let us realize over and over celebrated by this great event re­ the miracle taking place under the ported by Shoghi Effendi. We are in Guardian's directing hand. the midst of an augmenting cycle of A focal point for the souls of all spiritual power. Let us put away lit­ peoples for ages to come has been tleness from ourselves, that the created on the slopes of the Holy greatness of the Faith may penetrate Mountain. The Bab in spirit rises our souls! again. One of the wonders of the -NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY modern world is being achieved. For­ tunate are those, who, passing on in this day, have left behind them some PROGRESS ON SHRINE OF BAB share in the sacrifice through which (On) eve (of) opening (of) Holy the Shrine has been made possible. Year announce (to) Baha'i communi­ -NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY ties (of) East (and) West joyful tid­ ings (of) conclusion (of) over ten thousand dollar contract (with) Utrecht firm (for the) fabrication PASSING OF PIONEER (of) twelve thousand gilded tiles (to) Grieved passing distinguished, cover (an) area (of) two hundred consecrated pioneer Dagmar Dole, (and) fifty square meters (of) dome outstanding record unforgettable, (of) Bab's Sepulchre. Eighteen reward bountiful. Praying progress stained glass windows (of) drum soul Kingdom. (and) twenty-four windows (of) octa­ gon delivered (to) Mount Carmel. -SHOGHI Stones required (for) construction (of) ribs (of) drum (and) brim (of) lantern (of) dome nearing comple­ tion, heralding (the) early com­ GOALS OF THE WORLD CRUSADE mencement (of the) erection (of the) That portion of the Guardian's last remaining unit (of) rapidly ris­ sublime message of October 8, 1952 ing edifice. Eastward extension (of) which lists the goals to be attained terrace adjoining Sepulchre virtually by 1963 has been carefully studied by terminated raising (the) total length the National Spiritual Assembly. By (of) horizontal area fronting (the) setting out each goal distinctly and Shrine (to) about six hundred feet, in series, the magnificent panorama adding greatly (to the) beauty (and) of our world enterprise can be more stateliness (of the) approaches (to clearly viewed. The following text the) magnificent structure, already contains revisions which the friends enhanced through recent extension are requested to make in their copy (of) terraces linking Haifa's oldest of the complete message. (and) most imposing avenue (with) Bab's resting place majestically ris­ "(The) projected historic, spiritual ing (in the) bosom (of) Carmel. venture, at once arduous, audacious, challenging, , unprecedented (in) -SHOGHI scope (and) character (in the) en­ Haifa, Israel tire field (of) Baha'i history, soon to October 14, 1952 be set (in) motion, involves: "Adoption (of) preliminary meas­ COMMENTARY : NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY ures (to the) construction of Baha'u 'llah's Sepulchre (in the) Beloved Friends: Holy Land; Baha'is throughout the world will gratefully receive the Guardian's an- The design of one of the eighteen stained " Doubling (the) number (of) coun­ nouncement of the progress of Shrine glass windows of the Drum of the Shrine tries within (the) pale (of the) construction as reported in his cable of the Bab. These windows have recently Faith through planting its banner received October 14, 1952. The photo- been received in Haifa. (in the) remammg Sovereign graphs appearing in this issue of States (of the) planet as well as BAHA'I NEWS 3 -Progress in the construction of the Drum of the Shrine of Construction of the wall to extend the length of the terrace the Bii.b. fronting the Shrine of the Bab, nearing completion. (the) remammg virgin territories " (The) erection (of the) first de­ cousin (of the) Bab (for) reburial mentioned (in) ·'Abdu'l-Baha's pendency (of the) [email protected]'l-Adh­ (in the) Baha'i cemetery (in the) Tablets (of the) Divine Plan, in­ kar (in) Wilmette: vicinity (of the) Most Great House; volving (the) opening (of) forty­ one countries (on the) Asiatic, "(The) development (of the) func­ "Acquisition (of the) Garden (of) RiQ.van (in) Baghdad, site (of the) thirty-three (on the) African, thirty tions (of the) ins ti tuti on (of the) (on the) European, twenty-seven Hands (of the) Cause ; Siyah-Ch:il (in) '.j.'ihran, (site of (on the) American continents; the) martyrdom (of the) Bab (in) " (The) establishment (of a) Baha'i Tabriz, (and of) His incarceration "Over twofold increase (in the) Court (in the) Holy Land, prelimi­ in Chihriq; number (of) languages into which nary (to the) emergence (of Baha'i literature (is) translated, the) Universal House (of) Justice
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