^aw« ra^ imk|lt cm idbL A iS r sWleirtk>aWtaMii 1 9 ^ Member ol.:Rw Audit' Bmmm bi jCbeelatleee JPhli; t ^ g M iH d W edfieaRiy aw l ” ie Change in tempemf r e . ^ MANCHESTER A CITY OF yiU .ACE CHARM _((^aseUM AdverUskig An MANCHES-TER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 5,1938 (TWELVE p^GES) PRICE THREE CBI EARLY Where New Jap Bombing.Arouses French, British' ACCEPTANCE 6F ERS ON SPAIN BASE ISLANDS If;- ^ ^ >' 27 Nations Join In Session CHAMGC9 Japs Protest French GE O ntton , Neutrality G r ^ To Seizire Of Paracels, Vain- able^As Seaplane Station; IN WATERBURY CASE PmuisL, fm t Fore^^i 2 Hankow Rbntes Hard. ¥> OOUTH CHHA Sp^ckl Proseentor Alcorn Roosevelt Plans Bold London, July 6— (AP)>-„^ Early Paris, Jyly 8.— (API— New acceptance by Spanlah Insurgent ToDs Court Tliey TboniJtf Generhllssimo Francisco Franco dlpIomatl^^tensloiPbetween France aniX,[ap^ Appeared likely today to New Political Course and and Spanish goverw ent of w«ult « French occupation of British plan to. withdraw foreign m the , ^luhCeew from "S^ih^ae forecast ®P«tn Cqina Sea, about 160 Brf ay. The predlcUoiy was heard as On His Western Trip I?/ A lan d"" kpresentatives oT '2T countrlMKhisr Jmhled for a full session oT the ported planning' to neise. False Naines^Used O i VVashlijgton. July .5. — ( a P) — »clp|ea or "Invoking a clear misuse t European non-lnterventknr^mjrhlt *A4I$ cf AVe 4* '- l a _a. aF A _ .-If ^ ReporU from Tokyo said the President . Roosevelt starts out of my name. ' tee under Viscount ^ llfa x , British ,^forelgn secretary., ' foreign office was !study Thursday o n ^ Journey to San Which Democratic primaries con- Some Of T he^C hecki * situation with "great dare/ stitute such Instances .will be a Upon adoption'^ of the scheme. Francisco which may'become "the Great B ritan' will send a 70-page japan matter for the President and his might protest against occupation of most spectacular bit of political advisers to decide. Among the lat- printed ddcument detailing, the pro- scores of bombs on the Chinese torch-bearing he ever has done. - Waterbury, July 6__ ^^(AP) ject for withdrawing volunteers Which the Japanese ron- ter there is at present little t e ^ belong, to China. « Such evidence of his Intentions as evidence of agreement. ^pecial Prosecutor Hogh If. s from Spaln^to both Spanish factions can be gleaned from-bis own ro- '"-with the request for urgent consid- " Reporta -are that the '^ f^ P of Alcorn'trhariBred today 'r o c ^ g ' Ml eration. Mcupaopn was, a routine police marks Indicates he is on thd verge' which ThomSs G. Corcoran Is ths TO of striking q bold new course In had been destroyed in im 'at* Franco Bekdy to Accept sparkplug Wants to force out of SO IKJllUcs. — of venturing personally tenipt to cover up a consolrscy Of -V- Reports reSchlM London from xween the British bases at Hongkone and s in « Japanese to ctit the .sea route be- their seats — or at least attempt Butgos, Franco’s ckpital, said the Mon S * ' Into realms which he previously left 1^'—ell' those Senators . and Repre- to defraud the city of Wntet^ SOI occupylng Hainan because of the if land> ^ r o g y ^ to F ren T U o^ S ita ,!.^ to-his lieutenants. N. generalissimo was pr^rared to ac- Seaplane Base sentatives who oppose the adminis- The new course was outlined in i*u enough o f Cm cept the plan uncondlHonally upon It was said At the foreign office tration in any material way. receiving It. \ his recent radio speech to the na- The procueal pclltlcians, such as them had been "salvaged” for Pi PbrncSo would Bi Although Soviet RuoslaX niade tion. Its purpose win be to'keep .Postmaster General Farley, and a the punKjses of the stata. ®'®*“ **i* aeaplane bases” In Congress . those the President 8k reservations tq her acceptahoe of few naturally cautious people,., on 'The prosecutor’s kccusation ^ the project, other major/powe^ac- was ‘ **'*’‘ occupation HUGHES PREPARES conceives to be "liberals” and to the other hand,_ are advising the COUNT ASKS 5 MILLION replace with new men so far - as ^m e during a hearing befcMii esi cept the scheme after^a year \of Uon for defense of Hainan, which President to lay-olf all «(cept such an )>08slble those he conceives to be outstanding administration critics Superior Court Judge Ernest bickering and frequent deadlocKu dominates the Indo-Chlna coast. Dm necessitating many amendments to "conservatives." • . as Senator Smith of , South Caro- A. Inglis on one of the motions , A group of French customs offl- forahantichop '''I D the original .proposal. IN MTURN FOR DIVORCE Administration help for the lina, George , of Georgia and made in behalf of Lieut-Gkrilip . M d policemen effected the "Liberals” and opposition to the Me Acceptance of the plan has vital cu^Uon. The Tydings of Maryland. •‘Conservatives’’ is not new. In the Ffank Hayes, mayor '* slgnlflcance for Great Britain and h a \ ^ " n A J" P « t TTie forthedming trip to the west •loi Italy. Both are anxious to get the I .r “PPSi'ent own- Florida Democratic primary this coast wllF'indicate how far Mr- vYaterbury, charged with 26 Of Barbara Hutton spring. Senator Pepper had frank Nsi Anglo-Itallan friendship agreement fishermen have Wealthy Flier May Continue Roosevelt Intends to go in his per- others of participating'to thg •to: signed April 18 worWBg, but put- birds’ nests there VAN NUYS ASSURED administration support. But it came sonal Intervention In the primaries. from Janies Ro<^velL the Presi- alleged conspiracy by which * " era Hng the pact Into operation Is con- Also Demands Custody Of He wlU make three speeches In of dltlonal on “progress" in the with- uneasy over Trip Around World After dent’s son and secretary, not open- Kentucky, In all o f which he Is ex- special Grand Jury asserisd * ly from the President himself. the city was defraudedof "intf ‘ on drawal of volunteers from Spain. “ *P»ne®« IntenUons toward Haitian HIS R iiO M IN A IIO N pected to voice clearly bia support Ma The Plan « ® f “ ® commands the His^ Son At Tense Hear- Other candidates have had the of Senator Barkley, who la opposed lions of dollars.” Cht He Reaches.. Other Side. aid of such White House lieutenants by Gov A. B. Chandler. The program for the withdrawal «Pproac^s to -Indo-Chlna .~Olsea tita Bltcklag P ii a r ', pOT as Secretary Ickes and WPA Ad- The President will give a pat on Alcorn, combatting Hayeg mi^ pet " ‘‘ ‘f near the sea lanes between ministrator Hopkins. As soon as the plan becomes I ®*’If*lh s Far Eastern ing In London Court the back to Senator Elmer Thomas Uon for. permission to inspect ' on operative, two cominlsslops^ I Hongkong and Slngafwre. Governor Invites New 'York, July 6.-;-Howai^ The President has put In good (D-Okla). seeking renomination 13, words personally only for Senate Grand Jury records, sa id to iS a iii.' leave for Spain to count the number The British government-disclosed Hughes, the lanky millionaire from against Gov. E. W. Marland and ing that an attempt had been of volunteers on each side and make Leader Barkley of Kentucky and, Britain and France London, July 6.— (AP) _<k)unt- Him To Become Candidate California, ia in lown wearing .a Representative Gomer Smith. He to suppress evidence: Jg d e fie d arrangmenta for their de- had told Japan to keen off Hamifn Senators Duffy o f . Wisconsin and probably will express support also Ulr ess Barbara Hutton Haugwlta-Re- brown felt hat which has seen" bet- McAdoo of California. Now It ap- they got it an. p a ^ r e /rom Spain. and had of Senator WUllam O. McAdoo (D- They didn’t, get it a^. Now When the Burabera on each a l d e ^ --------- venUow’a battery of noted legal tal- ter days, and prekenUy pe Is going pears he may give up Indirection Callf). I *^ ^ .yt^ P?*****o "complications.'’ For U. S. Senate Seal In many cases. seek to see wbat the etate'haa * 2 '•re determlnied, a .proportion will be ent today accusqd her UUed Danish to fly to Paris just for ibe experi- Whether hs will have anything v&^fe<3. foi The Frroch foreign office denied ence of flying to Parlp. HIs nroalde Speech established. When 10,000 have been husband of demanding $5,0'00,000’'*"'^ to say for pe fwalnat Senator Alva dri withdrawn frqm the lesser side and Fronch waj^shlps were In his “fireside epeech" he said Adaats (P-Colo) during la atop at harp oil ws ns*i mil and their two-year-old son Lance In mr the purpose o f the state.’* / ; as a roturn fbr a divorce In a tense hear- he felt he had "every right to Pueblo July 13 has not been dis- . A'd ftig In Bow sti|pet court. s. Senator Frederick van Nuys (D„ look when he gets to Kurope, soeak In those few Instances where closed,closed. Adams, opposed by Judge U «rkDuring ed hv bU ..« argument, r“^^^ frequentfWquenq|- Rol Camps ^11 be established near oN TH r' RS'i.ri.< In the course of two and a half Ind.), appeared virtually assured toS" » there may be-a clear Issue between Benjamln Hilliard, has simported I clashes with Attorney . s t n seaports ^ d withdrawal will take FRONT, ---------- Paris from New Vork is Charles candidate.s for a Democratic nom- ed CUT bwra of sensational testimony to day of renomlnaUon at the Demo some administration measures and | **“ *ray.
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