Boston College Law School Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School The Alledger Law School Archive 10-30-1987 The Alledger, volume 08, number 04 The Alledger Follow this and additional works at: https://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/alledger Part of the Legal Education Commons, and the Legal History Commons Recommended Citation The Alledger, "The Alledger, volume 08, number 04" (1987). The Alledger. 131. https://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/alledger/131 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School Archive at Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Alledger by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Financial Rid :bodQwic:ft Pos't Unilate Returns Pdi p. 8; VOL. VIII, NO. 4 Boston College Law School Lisa Diluna Named New Dean By Bernie Pellegrino I. Abrams of the Massachusetts her Masters she concentrated her ef­ After becoming on .of the seven On Monday October 26th, Dean Supreme Judicial Court. Since join­ forts on the needs of special educa­ finalists, her candidacy was en­ Coquillette proudly announced that ing Palmer & Dodge in 1983, she has tion students. Ms. DiLuna served as thusiastically supported by many of R. Lisa DiLuna has been named the specialized in the representation of Director of Special Services in the the faculty and alumni who remem­ new Assistant Dean for Students. educational institutions, as well as Hudson and Litchfield, New Hamp­ bered her from her days at the law Ms. DiLuna succeeds Ken Ernstoff undertaking work in civil rights, fa0 shire school systems from school. She was also the overwhelm­ in this position, becoming the first mily law and general civil litigation. 1975-1979. While at BCLS she con­ ing choice of students who inter­ woman on the Law School Adminis­ Since March, 1987 Ms. DiLuna has tinued her interests as the Project viewed potential candidates. tration. The announcement conclud­ Manager for the Title I program in Dean Coquillette also expressed ed a four month nationwide search New Hampshire, Project H.E.L.P. his satisfaction stating, "With the that included thousands of highly The newly appointed Dean stated, appointment of Lisa DiLuna, the qualified candidates. "I'm very excited_ about this new Search committee's work has come Ms. DiLuna is a 1982 Magna cum challenge. I understand and support to a most successful conclusion! Lisa Laude graduate of the law school, the school's goal of academic excel­ will bring her boundless energy, who served as Topics Editor of the lence within a humane . social en­ warmth and good humor to BCLS B.C. Law Review in her third year. vironment." She added that, "The upon her arrival in early December." She will be leaving her present posi­ door to my office will always be open Two things that specifically tion as a litigation associate at the and I plan to invite all students to caught the new Dean's attention in firm of Palmer & Dodge in Boston, stop in to become acquainted once I the interviewing_proces,S are at the to join the. BCLS community by ear­ am settled in." top of her early ·agenda. She ex­ ly December. Ms. DiLuna's journey towards pressed a sincere desire to help work­ In addition to herJ.D., Ms. DiLu­ this appointment began inocently ing and married students, who do na earned a Masters of Education enough when she spotted an ad for not always spend much time on cam­ with Honors from Boston Universi­ New Dean L isa Diluna the vacant Dean of Students posi­ pus, overcome a feeling of alienation ty's School of Education in 1973. worked pro bono for the Mas­ tion in the Boston Globe. Uncertain from the rest of the student body. ''I She received her B.A. also from sachu·setts Office for Children on a about her desire to continue practice was also a married law s~udent," she Boston University, where she gradu­ Chapter 766 pilot project involving in a large private firm. she saw this stated, "so I think I know what they ated magna cum Laude in 1969. special education advocacy. position as an excellent opportunity are going through." Additionally, Ms. DiLuna brings a background Prior to her involvement in the le­ to combine her legal interests with she would like to help expand the of extensive experience in law prac­ gal field, she held various teaching · her administrative abilities in the perspectives of graduating students tice, teaching, counseling, and school and administrative positions. Ms. educational field. After a brief discus­ beyond the large, private firm prac­ administration to her new position. DiLuna was a classroom teacher in sion with Dean Smith concerning tices into areas of public law, govern­ Upon graduation from BCLS, she the Boston and New York City pub­ the duties -of the Dean of Students, mental positions, In-house counsels clerked for a year with Justice Ruth lic school systems. After receiving she submitted an application. and other legal services opportu­ nities. Dean Addresses Placement Policy Changes in Legal Field ~ o Military lnt~!:Y.!~~~- by Bernie Pellegrino By Richard Schafer na_t10n ~ased on age, sex, ~e:'ual dents felt strongly that BC Law orientation, race, color, religious h uld h t ted li banrun' d di bilit t· al • • s o ave as a po cy g Dean Daniel Coquillette addressed Over the course of the year the BC ere~ , sa Y or na ion origin. such discrimination from the Law an attentive law student assembly in Law Placement Office welcomes This rul~ was promulg~ted by the law Cam us. In res ons the current rule Room 315 on Friday, October 16th. hundreds of employers onto the BC faculty m response to mcreased sen- a ~do ted" p e, The topic of his discussion was "Fun­ Law campus for on-campus recruit­ sitivity to discriminati_on based on w ;he so1e effect of the 1982 addition damental Changes in the Legal ing. However, the Placement Office sexual preference. Pri_or _to. 1982 was the exclusion of the armed forces Profession." As . usual, Dean Dan does not greet all employers with employers ~ho openly discr~mma~d from on-campus recruiting for mill- opened his presentation by entertain­ open arms. on the basis of sexual orientation tary attorneys. The Navy, Army and ing the crowd with a few of his Since 1982 the Placement Office were ~~t excluded from on-campus Air Force all offer .both civilian and patented one-liners. In fact, he inter­ has extended its on-campus recruit­ recrmt~?g. ~s Prof~sso_r _Hu~er rpilitary entry level positions for mittently interjected his humorous ing facilities to only those employers recalls, The issue of discrimmation attorneys. The military positions fall stories throughout the entire lecture, who are committed to practices con­ bas~d on sexual preference was a_hot under the auspices of the Judge much to the pleasure of those in sistent with a policy against discrimi- topic on campuses at that time. Advocate Generals' (JAG) offices of attendance. __....,,_._,......, ____,,.,...,.., each respective military branch. 'lb The Dean targeted the influx of women into the legal profession as join JAG, attorneys must be enlisted the most important transformation in the military. However, the militazy in the field. He theorized that over has a policy to not enlist homosex­ the next ten years women will make uals. Consequently, the Placement historic strides in achieving partner­ Office found JAG to be in conflict ship status in maior law firms across with the 1982 faculty rule and the nation. Furthermore, he foresees excluded JAG from on-campus the appointment of women to many recruiting. judicial posts. These changes will Jean French, the Director of the force the antiquated "gentlemen's Placement Office stated, "The 1982 system" to adopt to a new regime rule does not reflect an anti-military where women will play a major role stance, but rather the belief that sex­ in the future direction of our ual preference is not a proper profession. criterion for job eligibility." French Coquillette also sees the growth noted that the Placement Office does and assimilation of large firms as an not act as a censor as it continues to display JAG literature for any important change in future years. No blue card for the JAG Corps here! Photo by Peter Carney continued on page 5 interested students. Page 2 / ALLEDGER / October 30, 1987 I I Ask the Alledger by J.D. Jughead Q: I am a nervous first-year and can self-inflict it or ask a razor­ der this clever method you register yourself who make the ASP program my name is coming up in Property wielding classmate to help you. 1, after the registration deadline, there­ necessary. Because of the moronic class. My professor, Frank Upham, Make sure the "accident" happens by ensuring that your name does not and asinine questions that you feel has devised an ingenious scheme for a few days before class so your appear on any of your professors' compelled to ask, many students are selecting the names of those stu­ friends won't think that you got official classlists. The late fee for forced to seek clarification through dents whose turn it is to enlighten hurt just to avoid being called on. missing registration is $50, a meas­ this supplemental program which the class; he selects them alphabeti­ A second proven method to avert ly price to pay for peace of mind. encourages students to disreeard the cally. After my first day of classes the wrath of professors is known as This scheme unequivocably guaran­ verbal diarrhea that flows so freely at BCLS, I legally changed my last "fox-holing." Under this method, tees that you will never be called on from the lips of pompous, former I, name from Aabot to Zyzuski, in ord­ you can still attend class on the fate­ and embarassed in your entire law liberal arts majors, like yourself.
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