MARCH 1940 ^ ^ ^ VOLUME 30 No. 3 STEARNSROGER 55 Years as Manufacturers New Type Impeller gives better diffusion of air and increased metallurgical recovery. WRITE FOR tO-cell Flotation Machine, 3 I'/(" cells requires 11/2 H. P. per cell, low peripheral speed BULLETiN ^044> jfieed all Advantages of impeller insures long life of wearing parts. 1140 Flotation Machines Built To Your Needs The AKINS Classifier delivers \ of AKINS sand raking capacity ior ANY i ™^ STEARNS RDGER MF"" circulating load. ENGINEERS DESIGNERS CDNTRACTIIRS DENVER^CQLa. MANUFACTURERS WiU close-ciicuit with dny i improved classification0 grindin g mill without auxili­ ary elevators -ht^causc it Cfin op­ HO says there ARE advantages ? Mill opera­ erate dt 4' in 12' slope, without Wtors, foremen, mill managers, company officials hack-slip or suzgo of sandload. hKOR%E (^o^HfzJe/e MI LLING The sand is lifted bv continuous —of the latter many of the biggest names in the spiral movement, without recip­ mining industry. Large and small plants alike, re­ rocal "take hold and let go.'' PL ANT f cent purchasers and old customers, can and will t'i Greateroverflowperfootwidth tell you that AKINS Classifiers do increase ton­ RJ of classifier, with consequent We. SiieciaUg^ in the manu­ nage, improve metallurgy, lower operating costs. substdiitial gain in floor spdco in facture of all These days high-powered salesmanship is out. machinery for complete Flotation, the mill. Gravity Concentration, and Cyanide But AKINS Classifiers are being BOUGHT. AKINS F/| Tlic AKINS does not stall on Mills. All machines are made in Classifiers increase net mill earnings. We invite t"' overload and siartu after many sizes suitable for small or large careful investigation. WHY TAKE IT FOR GRANT­ shutdown without unloading. tonnage operations. If you plan in­ ED THAT OPERATING COSTS IN YOUR MILL creased capacity for your present ARE FIXED? Write for data of AKINS users. Dupcnding upon thu type of mill or may plan a complete new S cl£)ssifjer and how operated, milL we are prepared to promptly Start your investigation of the profit the AKINS will produce i.' i cithei supply any individual machine or advantages of AKINS Classifiers by extremely fine or very coar.sc over­ complete plant equipment for any flows as required; or. (2i will op­ XKL flowsheet proposed. Send full de­ sending for BULLETIN 24-H. erate at extrcmelv high denHitie.*;. tails and our recommendations for The AKINS effects a substan- modern and efficient Morse machin­ We also manufacture: Lowden Di-yers, Skinner tial saving in power cost. ery will be promptly submitted. Roasters, Ball Rod and Tube Mills, Smelting Equip­ ment, Crushers, Rolls, Diaphragm Pumps. Write for literature Heod, Wrightson & Co , Ltd 1775 Broadway Heod, Wrightson & Co., IS.A.l Ltd. Stockton-on-Tees, Englond New York City Johannesburg, South Africa ^ COLORADO IRON WORKS CO ESTABLISHED 1898 NORSE BROS MACHINERY CO. Vancouver Iron Works, Ltd., Vanco' P.O.BOX I708 DENVER.COLORADO,U.SA. CABLE "MORSE' Marsman Trading Corp., Manila, P. Perret Cr Brauen Bucchi C & Cia Ltda. Perret & Brauen Caixa Postol 3574 Casilia 4603 Coixa Postol 288 Sao Pouio, Brazil, S. A. Sontiogo, Chile, S. A, Rio De Joneiro, Brazil, S. A Please Mention Mines Magazine When Writing to Advertisers Please Mention Mines Magazine When Writing to Advertisers The Mines Magazine SECTION EDITORS Official Organ of the Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association A. L. MUELLER, '35 Copyright 1940 M. E. FRANK, '06 FRANK C. BOWMAN, '01 R. J. SCHILTHUIS, '30 BEN W. GEDDES, '37 Editor and Publication Director A. M. KEENAN, '35 JOHN H. WINCHELL, '17 W. K. SUMMERS DENT LEROY LAY, '35 WILLIAM DOUGAN, Ex-'12 Advertising Production Circulation D. H. PEAKER, '32 - ASSOCIATE EDITORS - C. W. BERRY. '36 JAMES DUDGEON, '13 W. A. WALDSCHMIDT RALPH KEELER, '31 Geology R. I MALOIT, '37 Mining H. M. STROCK, '22 CLAUDE L. BARKER, '31 ARTHUR W. BUELL, '08 ROBERT C. BERGGREN, '33 KUNO DOERR, Jr., '27 Coal Mining Petroleum Manufacturers WILLIAM I. RUPNIK, '29 DONALD DYRENFORTH, '12 FRED C. CARSTARPHEN, 'OS JOHN A. BAILEY, '40 HUBERT E. RISSER, '37 Metallurgy Mathematics and Science Athletics JOHN T. PADDLEFORD, '33 ELLA J. COLBUBN RUSSELL H. VOLK. '26 I. HARLAN JOHNSON, '23 A. F. BECK, '25 Petroleum News Geology Vol. XXX MARCH, 1940 No. 3 OFHCERS OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FRONT COVER ILLUSTRATION EDWARD J. BROOK, '23 The Colorado Portland Cement Company Quarry President at Boettcher, near Fort Collins, Colorado FRANK C. BOWMAN, '01 Vice-President FRANK J. NAGEL, '03 Secretary CONTENTS GEORGE W. THOMAS, '26 Treasurer PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ---------------- 104 FRED C. CARSTARPHEN, '05 By E. J. Brook Denver, Colo. M. EDWARD CHAPMAN, '27 MANILA TO NEW YORK - - - 105 Tulsa, Okla. By Carl I. Dismant, '31 CHARLES O. PARKER, '23 NON-METALLIC MINERALS Hi Denver, Colo. By Kenneth E. Hickok, '26 n n n NBC PRESENTS MINES MEN IN "MAN AND MINERALS" - - - 113 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN BRUCE B. LaFOLLETTE, '22 MECHANIZATION AND LABOR IN THE MINERAL INDUSTRIES - 116 Publications By Charles R. Cutler, '39 JAMES W. DUDGEON, '13 Athletic THE "DOODLEBUG" VS. APPLIED SCIENCE -------- 119 ALLAN E. CRAIG, '14 By Dart Wantland Capability Exchange RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS IN COAL AND NON-METALLICS - - 125 KEPPEL BRIERLY, '34 Instruction RUSSELL H. VOLK, '26 DEPARTMENTS Membership T. C. DOOLITTLE, HON. '27 PERSONAL NOTES - ----------------- 102 Budget and Finance C. LORIMER COLBURN, '07 IN MEMORIAM ------------------- 122 Alumni Foundation A. GEORGE SETTER, '32 WITH THE MANUFACTURER, NEW EQUIPMENT ------ 123 Legislation DONALD DYRENFORTH, '12 WITH THE MANUFACTURER, PLANT NEWS -------- 124 Public Relations KENN^H E. HICKOK, '26 CATALOG AND TRADE PUBLICATIONS - --------- 126 Nomination CAMPUS TOPICS ------------------ 127 W. A. WALDSCHMIDT, Faculty Junior Membership LOCAL SECTIONS 128 n n P PUBLICATION COMMITTEE MINES IN WINTER SPORTS -------------- 129 BRUCE B. LaFOLLETTE, '22 WEDDINGS AND BIRTHS --------------- 132 Chairman J. HARLAN JOHNSON, '23 REVIEW OF ARTICLES WORTH WHILE 133 Vice -Chai rman NEW BOOKS -------------------- 134 Grindin CHARLES W. HENDERSON, HON. '30 ed Steel FRED C. CARSTARPHEN, '05 BOOKS FOR THE BUSY MAN - ------------- 135 JOHN H. WINCHELL, '17 CLAUDE L. BARKER, '31 PATENT SERVICE ------------- ^ - - - - 137 Colorado Fuel s!!^ Iron Corporation RUSSELL H. VOLK, '26 ARTHUR W. BUELL, '08 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS SEE PAGE 142 GENERAL OFFICES—DENVER. COLORADO STEEL WORKS: PUEBLO, COLORADO W. A. WALDSCHMIDT, Faculty ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AT THE POSTOFFICE AT DENVER, COLORADO, UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF MARCH 3, !S79. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ^3,00 A YEAR, SINGLE COPIES 50 CENTS. NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION. Please Mention Mines Magazine Wfien Writing to Advertisers PUBLISHED EVERY MONTH IN THE YEAR BY THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF "MINES ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPOND­ ENCE, INCLUDING CHECKS DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS TO RUSSELL H. VOLK, 734 COOPER BLDG,. DENVER, COLO. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE RELATING TO MINES MAGAZINE TO FRANK C. BOWMAN, EDITOR, 734 COOPER BUILDING, DENVER, COLO. for March, 1940 103 102 The Mines Magazine poenaed. Mr. Brown sailed from San Pedro on U. S. S. "Sepulga", March 6, DENVER Colorado School of for Honolulu and thence to Midway, Stuart S. Bruce, '99, is temporarily in Mines Alumni Oakland, California, with address, 2051 BALL MILLS Telegraph Avenue. Association Keith Buell, '39, Junior Chemist in the AND CLASSIFIERS NEW MEMBERS research department of the Phillips Petro­ FEBRUARY, 1940 leum Company, has been transferred from ^^I get around at Kaw City, Oklahoma to Phillips, Texas, Denver Ball Mills are made with ALUMNI rolled steel shell and give the highest E. W. COWPERTHWAITE, '13, Clibt- Lawrence E. Carpenter, '31, who was capacity because the diameters are meas­ ffola. No. Rhodesia recently transferred to Portland, Oregon, ured inside the liners. Unique construc­ RALPH C. DEWOODY, '33, Odessa, by the U. S. Engineers for whom he is tion makes it possible to double the ca­ Junior Mining Engineer, has taken up his little expense pacity by bolting two shells together Texas residence at 2170 N. E. Halsey Street. and strong design permits use of the WALTER H. DUMKE, '29, Dewver, same trunnion bearings. This mill ia Colo. Webster P. Cary, '10, is now being often used with a Denver Spiral Screen R, D. FERNALD, '37, Chuquicamata, addressed at Box J728, Reno, Nevada, (il ii is 80 desiredl which gives a ChUe where he makes his headquarters as Con­ Sized product. Denver Mills arc made N. N. KoHANOwsKi, JR., '32, Oruro, sulting Engineer. in 30", 3', 4' and 5' diameters and in IT PAYS TO TELEPHONE. You get an ball, rod, or tube mill lengths. Bolivia WUIiani W. Cline, Ex-'29, Vice-Presi­ WALLACE LEE, '04, Lawrence, Kans. dent of the Rocky Mountain Drilling Com­ immediate, spoken answer to your ques­ There is a standard Denver Rake GEORGE W. LEMAIRE, '26, Aruha, pany, moved recently from Bakersfield to Classifier detigned lo meet your partic­ N. IV. I. tions—no waiting for a reply. ular conditions. For normal duty work Los Angeles, California. His mailing there is a Type "G" Rake Classifier and BAILEY E. FKICE, '23, Norwalk, address there is 2718 Rock Glen Avenue. Conn. for heavy duty operation for handling Lawton Conger, '30, is with the Seismo­ In a three minute conversation, two people high circulating loads or heavy ores DONALD D. RIDDLE, '18, Orlando, graph Service Corporation and at present there is a Type "D" Rake Classifier. Florida working out of Woodward, Oklahoma. can exchange nearly 400 words. You can Write for Bulletin No, E,S-Bt on Ball EARL M. WOLTERS, '30, Denver, get all the facts, discuss thera and make a Mills and Classifiers. Colo. R. S. Coulter, '19, Combustion Engineer, Pacific Coast Operations of the Bethlehem decision. A telephone call to another town ASSOCIATE Steel Company, has moved his residence ROY E. COLLOM, '04, Los Angeles, to 1428 Castillo Avenue, Burlingame, is really a two-way trip at one fare.
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