IOVEMBER 1945 EORGE KRAMER New York 51,," Cbt JJ Ch,,",piol/ af Agt 16 ( S.. ,.,t J ) • I I • 35 CENTS Subscription Rote DNE YEAR $3 CHESS READERS' neaders are invited to use these columns for their comments on matters of interest REVIEW FORUM to chesspluyers. KERES CABLES: VO L. 13, NO.9 November, 1945 from the Pan·American If DOS Congress. Some things seem not CHESS REVIEW, NEW YORK sible. Pilnik, Rosetto and Horo to he stodgy necessarlly, but to HEAHTFELT CONGRATULA· wliz must have played a few have an Innate dignity-and to INDEX TIONS ON THE FIRST POST· good ones. me that has always character· FEATURES WAR CHESS TOURNAMENT ROBERT McCO\ ized chess. But maybe I am 1945 State Championships 3 GREETIKGS TO ALL III Horowitz Tour _____ _______ __ 7 Midlothian, carping, here. PLAYERS AND Sirs: ROBERT P. WILSON Alekhine Outpoint ed i n Spain _ 8 Jacksonv!\le 6, Fla. What's Wrong W ith American My husband and I are ama Chess? ______ ____ ________ __11 • Grandmaster Keres' cable 1s teur chess players; as a matte.~ Sirs: sent to us from Tallin, Estonia, of fact we play the game but . I visited the USA·USSR Blindfold Quickies by Fine ___ 29 and is dated November 10th. radio match for three days and Soviet C ha m pionship Chess __ 30 that's about all. When a friend According to the Soviet news· of ours gave us tickets to the think you did a flne piece o( SERIALS paper "Pravda," Kercs visited USA·USSR chess match we ac~ wot·k. The details were handled Radio Mat ch Reviewed ___ ___ 12 Moscow In August. From the cepted gratefully but not with well- the boards of good sizs­ New Light on the Openings __34 S wed Ish chess magazine too much enthusiasm. I want the photos above them adding DEPARTM E NTS "Tidskrift fol' Schack" we you to know that we have never to the interest- Mr. Lasker's Chess Briefs ____________ ___ _ 18 learn that Ket'es was In Finland enjoyed a sports match more! I and Mr. RelnCeld's analysis to Chess Movies __ ___ __ __ ______ 32 in J une 1944, arrived In Stock· wanted to write to you to ex· the audience helped immensely. Ga me of the Month ______ ____ 28 holm on June 16th of the same press our appreciation or the r was disappointed In the reo Post al Chess ____ __ ____ __ __ __ 37 year. In Sweden, Ket'es defeat· event and of your ertorts that suits of course- but perhaps we Problems __ __________ _______27 ed F. Ekstrom in a six·game played such a large part In Its weren't "match· tight." Readers' Games _______ _____-42 match and took part in the 28th success. Congratulations to you SAMUEL WIDDIFIELD Wi nning Traps ___ _____ ____ A1 Congress of the Swedish Chess and the team and to Mr. Reuben Boston, Mass. Federation a~ Lldkoping, June Fine for his amazing exhibition. Sirs: 25th to July 2nd. Keres played I am sure many people more I read in your CHESS RE· EDI TO RS & PU BLI SHERS in the master group against or less in our chess category VIEW for August·September I. A.Horowitz, Kenneth H ar kness seven of Sweden's strongest came away as stimulated and this year, the (ollowlng: EXECU TIV E EDIT OR players, finished second with excited as we. 'Ve shall 1001, "The Soviet·Amerlcan Radio 4%·2%. The tourney was won forward to next year's match. Chess Match of 1945 wl1l go Fred Reinfeld by S. Lundholm of Stockholm To YOllr further success, down In history for various rea· POST A L EDITOR with 5%·1%. Shottly after this (MRS.) MARION MUELLER sons. Most Important: Because Jack Straley Battell eve nt, Keres returned to New York 34 , N. Y. it is the first chess match to be Estonia. No mention is made of Sirs: played by Radio·Telegraphy." ASSOCIAT E E DITORS his having suffered the loss of ... May I congratulate you Please permit me to ask you Reube n F ine, Irving Chernev, a leg and this wartime rumor on an excellent coverage of the gentlemen, if this match is the Albert S. PinkU8, J . W. Co llins, was presumably false.-Ed. USA·USSR matcl). Keep up the first played in the world, or I( K ennet h S. H oward excellent photography. You r It is the first played by the M ATCH ISSUE United States. In any case, Sirs: pictures make chess a living For your outstanding joh of game to r",aders miles away. please be informed that the Re· CHESS REVIEW Is pubUshed EDWAllD J . GAUSS public of Panama played two monthly October to ~lay, bi­ reporting the USA·USSR radiO Radio Chess Matches against monthly June to Sept",mber (totnl chess match in your October is· Pittsburgh, Pa. ot ten Issues per year) by CHESS sue I hereby nominate you as the Republic of Colombia in REVIEW, 250 West 67th Street, &Irs: 1945. The first match was won New York 19, N. Y. Entered as my candidates for the 1945 ... May I call your attention by Panama against a Barran· Second C lass matte r May 6, 1944, Pulitzer Prize In Journa\!sm. to the follow{ng facts: (1) On at the post office at New York, quilla team. The second was N. Y., under the Act of March 3, Hearty congratulations. April 17, 1937 the Schenectady wou by Bogota. These two 1879. SAM L. KELLY Chess Club and the Hartford San Diego, Calif. matches were played through SUBSCRIPT IO N RAT ES Conn. Chess Club played a the Radio Stations HP5B "MJra· One year $3.00, two years $5.50, Sirs: match by radio telegraphy. (2) mal'" of Panama, HJIABB of three year. $7.50 In the United THE AUSTIN CHESS AND On Dec. 10 1938, the Schenec· Barranquilla and Colo m b I a States, U. S. posseSSions , Mexico, CHECKER CLUB OF CHICA· tady Chess Club and the Boston Central ar.d South America. Other Broadcasting of Bogota, Co· countries, Including Canada: $3.50 GO, ILLINOIS WISHES TO City Chess Club played a match lombia ... per year. CONGRATULATE YOU FOR by radio telegraphy. If there is any honor due to CHANGE OF ADDRESS THE BEST ISSUE (OCTOBER C. W . HEWLETT Panama and Colombia for these Four weeks' notice re quired tor 1945) OF CHESS REVIEW Marblehead, Mass. Radlo·Telegraphy mat c h e s, change of addreu. Ple~se give both THAT OUR ORGANIZATION Sirs: please let the chess world know old and new addresses. Change. HAS EVER READ. cannot be made without the old Your October 1945 Issue of It through the pages of your address as well as tile new one. PAUL ADAMS CHESS REVIEW is very Inter· magnificent CHESS REVIEW MAILING DAT ES Sirs: esting. I like particularly your magazine. Lemons, prunes, etc. to you editorial on page one. LUIS FARRUGIA 011 the October Issue of your The play· by· play details of the Panama City, R. P. " llsually excellent magazine. The r",cent matches between the Sirs: USSll·USA games were hardly players representing the United 'fhere Is a point to popular· news, as most of the nationally States and the USSR will be izing chess- by publishing prob· circulated papers (Christlan most exciting to play over - lems, by including articles of Science Monitor, New York and reminiscent or a very at· elementary instructions, by dis· Times, etc.) had already print· tractive match and episode. I cussing points which first·rate ed most or all of them. The do hope that such an affair can players already know. public naturally looks to CHESS be made an annual event. The There Is also a point beyond COPYRIGHT REVIE\V, not for speed, which which popularizing becomes dis· good- the CHESS REV IEW Is copyrlgllt and is imposl:\ible, or quantity of mao -~~~:~::;;'~i~;,i~;',t_e of some gusting and beyond which the republication of origInal material appearing In t his magazIne I. terial, which is often (as in this . purpose oC a chess magazine Is prolllbIted without wrItten per· issue) boring, but for qua\!ty In It reat not served in any way, beyond mission. Newspaper chess columns the form of intelligent and au· lleed in contemporary life- but which it is cheapened to the are hereby granted perm Inion to thoritatlve annotations. Better I do think that it is being glam· point of disgracing the game quote from CHESS REVIEW, pro· vlded full credit J. given. would have been a few annotat· orized too much In such things and all that it means. ed games from second rate as the photographs from the The October 1945 issue is lull Copyright, 1945, by CHESS tourneys It necessary, or more Hollywood Pan·American Chess of lllustratlons. These lIIustra· R E V IEW, New York, N. Y. CHESS REVIEW, NOVEMBER, 1945 1 tIona mllY be dlv!uetl Into three that the "anvil chorus" w!l1 be pi ctures enable me to feel that Klyatskln at Moscow that event_ clAsses: working overtime. In fa ct, I I almos t personally know tbe ful day In 1921 wben they were (II) those which rea II }' Inter­ would 1I0t be sU rprised if the re c hess e xperts. e hx:trlfied to learn of tbe s uc· es t a c hess player. v! 1.. , pp. 11 , were a de ma nd for the equiv­ LAWRE NCE SCHNEIDER ceastul adoptlOI1 of a brand·new lS, 19, 20.
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