fBiitual arrangements aa may be necessary or ex- Saint Chads, GFreenhffl, St.'Chads Wall, St. Mary's pedient for carrying out the purposes and objects Lichfield, the city of Lichfield, the Close Lichfield, "of the said intended railway and works. the Cathedral Close of Lichfiehl, the Close of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield, and the Friary, Dated this sixth day of November 1845. within the city and county of the city of Lichfield; arid Yoxall, Morrey other Murrey, Bromley Regis John Owens, Solicitor, 35, Moorgate-street, otherwise King's Bromley, Curborough with Elm- London. hurst, Farewell with Chorley, Burntwood, Ham- 'William Arnold Bainbrigge, Solicitor, stall, Nethertown, Hill Ridwai*e, Mavesyn Rid- • -U'ttoxe'ter. ware, Pipe Rid ware, Blithbury, Longdon other- wise Long, Armitage, Armitage with Handsacre, Handsacre, Hamley Heath, Brereton, Boothhurst, Birmingham and Manchester Direct Railway. Rugeley, Colton, Chartley, Hixon, Haywood, Col- ? OTICE is hereby given, that application is wich, Great Haywood and Little Haywood, Wols- intended to be made to Parliament in the ley, Moreton, Booth otherwise Bold, Blithfield ensuing session, for an Act or Acts to authorize Blithfield with Newton, Admaston, Abbots Brom- flie construction avnd maintenance of a rail-" ley, Blithbridge, Loxley, Willslock, Kingston, way, or some part or parts thereof, -with all Leelane, Uttoxeter, Chartley Bromley Hurst, proper works, approaches, ' and conveniences Bagots Bromley, Fradswell, Chartley Lodge, connected "therewith, commencing at or near a Stowe, Drointon, Lea, Grindley, Amerton, Coton, certain "place or street, called Constitution-hill, Gratwich, Bromchall otherwise Bramshall, Mil- in the-parish''of Birmingham, and county of War- wicli, Leigh, Middleton Green, Great BromshaU 'wick, 'and terminating at or near the village of otherwise Great Bramshall, Little Bromshall other- Clipper Tean otherwise Over Tean, in the town- wise Little Bramshall, Withington, Field, Fole, ship of Upper Tean otherwise Over Tean, in the Church Leigh, Upper Leigh, Lower Leigh, Dods- parish of Checkley, in the county of Stafford, ley, Nobut, Huntley, Dilhorn, Checkley, Madeley where it is intended to form a junction with a otherwise Beamhurst, Cheadle, Upper Tean other- proposed railway, called the Direct London and wise Over Tean, Lower Tean otherwise Nether Manchester Railway ; and which said first-men- Tean, Draycott otherwise Draycott in the tioned railway, and the works and conveniences Moors, and Checkley, all in the county of Connected therewith, respectively, will pass or be Stafford. made from, in, through, or into the several parishes, townships, townlands, and extra-parochial or other And further notice is hereby given, that plans places following, or some of them, that is to say, and sections, describing the line or lines and levels Birmingham, Saint Martin Birmingham, Saint of the said intended works, and the lands and pro- Philip Birminghatrn, Saint Paul Birmingham, Saint perty which may be required to be taken for the Mark Birmingham, Saint Mary Birmingham, Saint purposes thereof, together with books of reference Luke Birmingham, Saint Thomas Birmingham, to such plans, containing the names of the owners Saint George Birmingham, Saint Stephen Bir- or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and mingham, All Saints Birmingham, Nineveh, Bishop occupiers ol such land and property, will, on or Ryder's Church Birmingham, Aston juxta Bir- before the thirtieth day of November instant, be mingham, Manor of Aston juxta Birmingham, deposited with the Clerk of the Peace for the Aston Villa, LozelTs-lane, Denton, Bordesley, county of Warwick, at his office at Warwick, in Holy Trinity Bordesley, Saint Andrews Bordesley, the same county ; and also with the Clerk of the Duddeston and Nichells, Saint Matthew Duddes- Peace for the county of Stafford, at his office at "ton and Nichell?, Saltby, Saltby and Washwood, Stafford ; and also with the Clerk of the Peace for Washwood-hfeith, Little Bromwich, Castle TSrom- the county of the city of Lichfield, at his office at wich, Small-heath, Ward-end, Erdington, Gravelly- Lichfield ; and that a copy of so much of the said hill, Park-hall, Oscott New College, -Lower Wit- plans, sections, and books of reference, respectively, ton, Upper Witton, Over Witton, Stockland- as relate to each of the parishes from, in, through, green, The Coldfield, Sutton-park, Sutton Gold- or into which the said intended works, or any of field, Great Sutton, Little Sutton, Hill Oak other- them, will be made or pass, will be deposited, for wise Hill Hook, all in the county of "Warwick; public inspection, on or before the thirty-first day and Handsworth, Saint James Handsworth, Saint of December next, with the parish clerk of each Mary's Handsworth, Bristnel's-end, Brichfield, such parish,, at the place of abode of such parish Perry, Perry Barr, Great Barr, Thorne-hill, clerk. Queaslet otherwise Queeslet, Hardwick, Oscott, Little Aston, Aldridge, Shenstone, Mill-green, And notice is hereby also given, that it is pro- Stonnall Chapel, Lower Stonnall otherwise Lower posed, by the said intended Act or Acts, to incor- Stonnall and Thornes, Upper Stonnall otherwise porate a company or companies for the purpose of Over Stonnall, Stonnall Lynn, Hilton, Bulmore- making, maintaining, working, and using the said lane, Ogley Hay, Footherly, Shenstone-park, railway, and for other purposes ; and with power Chesterfield, Saint Michael, Wall, Streetway to levy tolls, rates, and duties on and for the use of Road, The Wall, Wall Butts otherwise Wall the same, and otherwise ; and for the compulsory Budds, and Hammerwich, all in" the county of purchase of lands and houses ; and that it is also •Stafford; -and Saint Michael's Stowe otherwise intended to vary, repeal, or extinguish aH existing.
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