WEATHER VATER b Fair +C harlie U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Phone 9-5247 Tuesday Date March 14, 1967 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) MeredithWithdraw LBJ Asks $1.5 Billion From Harlem Race F-r I A nn+'rirn*i NEW YORK (AP) JAMES MEREDITH said he's not through as a Re- publican politician, despite WASHINGTON (AP) PRESIDENT J OHNSON YESTERDAY asked Congress his abrupt withdrawal yesterday to approve as much as $1.5 bi llion in additional U.S. aid to from a congressional race Latin America over the next fi ve years. against Adam Clayton Powell. Mr. Johnson said he wants to have Congressional supoort for "I intend to stay in the this extra help when the Lati n Summit Conference begins on political arena," Meredith an- April 12th in U ruguay. nounced. Johnson sent Congress a Negro leaders hailed his re- special message yesterday laud- tirement from the house con- S iny progress under the Alli- test, which apparently stemmed BE ance For Progress, but point- from a bitter revolt against ing out that the road ahead hi~m by Harlem Republicans. still is a long one for the Meredith shed little light Latin American countries seek- on his withdrawal during a 10- ing to spur economic and soc- minute news conference late in ial development. the day. He read a statement He said the $1.5 billion in- which said in part: crease he mentioned in Amer- "After thorough consideration ican aid is an approximate and conferring with people amount. close to me and respecting the "It's precise determination wishes of my wife, I withdrew will defend on steps -Och the from the race for election to Commander R.C.VanceC2nd from Latin American naticjns them- the vacancy in the 18th Con- left), PWC Executive Officer, selves must take," the Presi- gressional District. and Jackie Lee(2ndfromright), dent remarked. "I intend to stay in the SeaBee Queen hold a container He said the amount will be political arena of the city, of pure distilled water now in addition to the $1 billion O the state and the nation, fur- available at the western end the United States has been in- ther to advance the principles of the Desalinization Plant vesting annually in the future in which I believe. I am cer- fence. With them is Niels of American democracy since tain that my efforts combined Chanson, Utilities Foreman the Alliance For Progress be- with those of the Republican and Rich Groves, Contractor, gan six years ago. (Continued on page two) far right. He said, too, that it "must not be at the expense of our efforts in other parts of this troubled world." Court To Hear Garrison The $1.5 billion breaks down into $300 million to promote NEW ORLEANS (AP) A THREE-JUDGE CRIMINAL DISTRICT COURT panel agriculture, education and gets a peek today atthe case against Clay L. Shawthe retiLred health, $300 million to go executive accused by Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison in a conspiracy into multi-nation projects to kill President John F. Kennedy. Shaw's lawyers struggled such as roads, bridges, dams, in vain yesterday to have the preliminary hearing presided communications networks and over by a single judge. They argued a three-judge panel was power plants. unusual in a state court and violated Shaw's constitutional This breakdown was provided rights. by Sol M. Linowitz, the U.S. At tomorrow's hearing, Garrison must prove to the judges' Ambassador to the Organization satisfaction that he has sufficient evidence to justify bring- of American States. ing Shaw to trial. The summit conference will Judge Begnard Bagert has indicated he expects Garrison to take place at Punta Del Este, produce the "confidential informant" who allegedly saw and Uruguay, on April 12th, and overheard discussions in New Orleans about killing Kennedy. almost all the Latin American (Continued on page two) leaders are expected toattend. PAGE 2 TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1967 GITMO GAZETTE NEW ORLEANS (Continued from page one) Gar- BERN (AP) THE SWISS GOVERNMENT said yester- rison has said he has "solved" the assassin- day it would keep Josef Stalin's daughter ation and will bring those involved in the Svetlana in protected seclusion as long as she conspiracy to justice. He maintains Kennedy's wished, but did not expect her to settle per- death was the culmination of a plot hatched manently in Switzerland. here. Justice Minister Ludwig Von Moos told a The so-far unidentified informant, said crowded news conference that Svetlana hasre- Garrison, was present when Shaw, David W. Fer- fused to make any kind of public statement and rie, Lee Harvey Oswald and others met at Fer- has asked to be shielded from the hundreds of rie's apartment in September 1)63 and discus- newsmen and photographers scouring the Alps to sed "hiow they would kill John F. Kennedy." find her. Oswald, who lived in New Orleans during the She arrived in Geneva Saturday with a three- summer and fall of 1963, was named by the War- month tourist visa and is hiding under protec- ren Commission as the assassin. The Commis- tive guard. Von Moos said the Swiss were pre- sion said it found no creditable evidence that paring to extend her- visa indefinitely but Oswald acted as part of a conspiracy. added: "We think three months will be suffi- cient for her stay." NEW YORK (Continued from page one) Party He did not indicate where she might go after will enhance the dignity of the human race." leaving Switzerland. In answer to questions, Merdith said his de- In London, Labor member of Parliament Mar- cision to withdraw was not caused by pressure garet McKay urged the British government to from civil rights groups. And he added that offer her permanent asylum. he was not contacted about the withdrawal by any emissaries from Powell's camp. LONDON (AP) BRITAIN IS TURNING toward new laws on the American model to curb racial dis- 0 SAIGON (AP) REPUBLICAN SENATOR EdwardW. crimination in employment. The government has Brooke said today there is a possibility he been forced to reconizethat British traditions will talk with representatives of the Viet of tolerance do not insure equal job opportun- Cong and North Vietnam while he is visiting ities for all. Cambodia. The race problem in Britain dates from the Brooke spoke to newsmen at Saigon's airport 1950's, when job-seeking immigrants from the minutes before flying to Phnom Penh where, he Commonwealth began arriving in large numbers. said, he hopes to talk with Prince Norodom Many still hold the dirty, sweaty jobs white Sihanouk, Cambodian Chief of State. workers don't want--foundrymen, sweepers, and Then Brooke said he might see representa- industrial nightshift workers, Out of one mil- tives of North Vietnam and the National Liber- lion immigrants, about half hold jobs. They ation Front (NLF) the political arm of the represent 2 per cent of the nation's work 01 Viet Cong. force. He added that if he talks to the communist Official policy aims at intergrating the im- representatives it will be to "study attitudes migrants into British life at all levels but primarily," much as he said he has done in little has been done beyond setting up a race South Vietnam where he has been visiting the relations board. Its major success is stopping past five days. discrimination in pubs. Now officials want the law extended from WASHINGTON (AP) THE U.S. SURPREME Court held places of public entertainment to jobs, which Monday that a dispute over the constitutionalty account for 31 per cent of the board's com- of Puerto Rico's law covering private detect- plaints. Home Secretary Roy Jenkins has com- ives is a matter for the local courts. mited himself to supporting legistration if The high court affirmed without comment a voluntary measures don't foster equal hiring finding by the U.S. District Court of Puerto and promotion. Rico that the local courts should deal with a Until now, officials have refused to see the suit challenging that constitutionalty problem as one of race."We don't discriminate,. brought by the Wackenhut Corporation. so we have no separate (racial) statistics," The case arose from a labor dispute. Wacken- said a Labor Department spokesman. hut charged that guards and security officers But is is unrealistic to use the official which it furnishes to industrial and business euphenism "immigrant" for a jet-black boy born firms in Puerto Rico are defined by the law as in London of West Indian parents. Popular us- "Private Detectives" and therefore not able to age terms him "colored,"along with Africanans, render services in labor disputes. Indians and Pakistanis. The issue originally was put to the Federal District Court of Puerto Rico June 23,1966 but BUENOS AIRES (UPI) ARGENTINA TODAY devalued the three-judge panel decided to abstain from the peso by 40 per cent. The new rate is 350 ruling on it because the case involved inter- pesos to the U.S. dollar. pretation of a Puerto Rican statute. The official exchange marked had been frozen It held that "In due regard for the status since last Tuesday. At that time the rate was of that Commonwealth" the question should be 251.40 to the dollar while the black marketwAes handled by the local courts. quoted at 290 to the dollar. It was Wackenhut's appeal of this finding The 40 per cent devaluation is expected to that the Supreme Court rejected Monday by af- eliminate most of the margin which has existed firming the finding of the district court.
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