

aas ..xl xa..,nu3un*Ec rap orqcre$ouolI ialna nz uarlaq€ro^,,s" p""J,"#::'lX";tT"ii::i1"#"""ll"ii'i] 'spuq,{q 'sr?lol5ouals 'A x suoptq 'A) sEuawneurozx 'U ,\\au o^\1 :paqlrcsap arP 'U puu LrIcocF 'U 'sorcads snoua8-Ipul ^'\au o^\1 :8ult\olloJ 3t{} roJ ldaJxa U0ISIA 'paqlJtsop -aJ egg6l dur ur se salcods aurEs aql aJB asal{J arB €IIeJlsnV urorJ ul ou{ fllua.rrnc xa.Ilnu'Jo sarJads ualle aulu puE snoua8lpul lq8la aql lunoJtB sII{} uI '286I raquracao 01 r3qo13o 'snuo3 ruorJ BrlaJlsnv uralsal\ 01 lrsr^ 3 Sulmp palf,npuot sBA{rpnls luarrnc aqJ srql ur serpnls dur 3o slpsar eql SurzlJBluruns aloJeq posrcrddsar aq pFoqs sortads 'aull uErlBrlsny oql lBql llal se.$ 1I aql 18 alqBls^E Ielralelu unrrBqraq palllurl aql uo pasBq sBA{(89g6I) sarcods (puBl€az idaN puB) usrlBrlsnY al{lJo lunocrB f,trI 'uorsr^ar Jo paau ul 11116sl qclq^{ dnoJ8 uBIIBndsHclluepue IIBurs s roJ ldacx3 ssrteds uiaou>l apnlrur (896I) Bdornalallrtr{ uo^ Brolg s.l8oH Jo uorlrpe puocas aql roJ IIB 'sradBd puB (?96I) peedorng Brold roJ xeung Jo sluaurlBorl ^I! qll,$ raqlaSol eseqJ, '(6t6I 'Zt6T) puB egg6l saxelduroc-sarcads FnprAIpuI qlllr llBap a^Bq ro (796I B'IIJY '6t6T elsv'1,961 ecFaury qlJoN '8986I pueleaz aeN prrB BrrErlsnY'qtt6I etuaurv qlnos) srsBq leuor8ar e uo snua8 aql pasIAeJ Jaqlra o BI{ 1 qder8ouoru ,rJauaS aau 3 spJB,r\ol.suorlnqrJluoc Jo sauas " uI pelBplno,!\ou aJ€ sluaurl€3Jl asaql q1o8'(998I) rauslotr{ dq acuo pue (6181) gropdur"C Iq acuo 'acl^q paqde.rSouoru uooq sBq alog.ll e sB snua8 aqJ'sa,rcadsqns se polaldrolul aq plnoc qtrr{1{ sacBJl€Jlqder8o38 esuduoc 'serJeds qlq,t\ Jo raqunu alq€raprsuoc B 0gI lnoqe Jo snue8 opr,{\-plJo,1d€ sr xaung uorlcnpoJlul 'r''l JJqrlnd ulssnsH- ur''Ionq'lJJ uI'(1 roFlndopnr6dx puB(.1 6nlioJt8nlqo x qro){ suelrdl^lsrsurlerd x U raqrlnd U iu1snri11U 1sndsu|U) ? 'X'i sn111smtrJorblBuo.>-g1 rrr.rnrux U'r-\sndslrJ Ux rrn\Nsnleldurol8uoJ u\'u\ssneH rizlnq;si:p 'f.1 Endsulg x e.repdm€iirumorq g-r'1(reg rdrootuslulrsqol\ U'tglapdute3 llut orq-q x .igiu suaprqU, J qrau stsud@nBuoJ,(U rsPrrq^HI snlrBJiss^UPue qunqJcn|erlrtes U-1rrqrlno '21r'1"sntr6sishiQ6 sa_arsa1n4g ''l inilsuo qN EnlerawoFuoc "t snnqdolatlda.nq 'II '.I ?I'68ndqJ A' '! E 'usleru ElasoprB xarEnd :seoad6 uellv J qrou xaval A pue qce[ griloqouals U' xr 'uunC dnso[rnp "usrewlrpuo(IlurnJp 'aBuB.IBnar?a$f,rc '2I 'gropdllleo lllr^lorq gr'rg '! 'q:EAv U A '[a,qs/Ja?nr/Usraprq'U .r.fraz!'t .reazz|A.:€erreda snote8rpt4' ?tnorr' srql ar pepnlrur ere erq aarlo[p! aqJ '1cesqn6 puE ses.IerFr?sny '1ce6qn6 '.rlgr{dtuv 'pe6qns :paqrrcsep e.Ie sar{durs uortras urqll,ra €uorl -ca6qns!\ou aofi{1qctq,duI paiodord sI xallrn8 'ua8qnsroJ uollBcrJIBsBIc'papnpur arB6alrads uarp ueoal 'A V -eq 6prrqdq t uo satoN rlpaouwnrp repun,{(u.{uoud6ol palBEalarq slwroJl9onxell:A puE snsournp 'U dlerrB^ B ol parnpar BI sl.urolsoErnp xaumu aeu sB paqlrrsap orB (sndsfiJ x ttu,$orq'E) Iaroow Jo 'srllol8oae$ 'A 'rllrorled -$s.rRrlolx U puB(rrmrorq U x suaprq U) sEuewneurorx E B axg?snour;lpul aql BrlBrtsnvuqlra\ xardnu salcadsuallB 6 pus snoue€rpurI aql ro] pepl^ord ere IeI e puB stroqdlrcse( JO'(t86I) Jo ZZI'gJ :(I)q Ers],{nNuorleraprsuorer e :EIIer}snVuI (aEarEuo8^lod)xa..rn8 H }J'ra8ulqtau lcErlsqv €ulsnv'BuueIA0tII-V'ZZ assES{te8 re8urqrsuH'y ruollEraplsuocar s :3!IBrlsnv uI (aBaceuo5.{1o6)xaung (i86t) ZZI 9l i(I)g erEInN ?6 Nu1'tsiaVol 5, No. 1 (1984) brownii) and R. xjohannis-moorei (R. brownii x R. crr'spus) are described; R dumosiformis has been reduced to a variety of R. dumosus; three alien species, -R. frutescens, R. sagittatus and R. vesjcarius, not previously recorded are included; notes on four hybrids between alien species are included viz. R. xschulzei (R. conglomeratus x R- crispus), R. xmuretii (R. conglomeratus x R. pulchet), R. xpratensis (R. crispus x R. obtusifolius) and R. xpseudopulcher (R. crispus x R. pulcher). Species are arranged within the text according to the infrageneric classification which is outlined below. In most casesonly a selection of specimens seen has been listed. Those herbaria from which material was examined are given in the Acknowl- edgements. The study was conducted at herb. PERTH and it is believed that the spe_cimensexamined there included the majority of those currently housed in Aus- tralla. I here take the opportunity of correcting some misprints in my 1937 publication. p. ?, description of subsect. DensiI'lori, first line: read valvae ecallosae instead of caltosae. p. 8, description of subsect.Hydrolapatha, second line: read latitudine instead of longitudine. p. 8, description of subsect. Obtusifolii, first line: read latitudine instead of longitudine. p.8, description of subsect.Dentati, second line: read latitudine instead ol lonsitudine. p. 8, description of subsect. Maritimi, second line: read latitudine instead of longitudine. p. 18 line nine (key): pedicels short, thick, about as long as the fruit instead of: long' slender, nearly twice as long as the fruit. Geographical distribution and ecology of indigenous species For the iirst time the distributions of indigenous Australian Rumex species have been mapped. I am of the impression that except for some areas of south eastern Australia, these distributions are incomplete. This may reflect a certain lack of interest in the genus by collectors within certain areas. I hasten to add, however, that following three months in Western Australia where field work was conducted be- tween Kalbarri and Albany, I was successfulin locating only two indigenous species of Rumex (R. brownii and R. dumosus). Indigenous species are evidently either rare or geographically very restricted, at least in this part of Australia. This experience raises the question as to whether or not R. drummondt'i has become extinct. Most of the indigenous Australian species are centred in the south-east of the con- tinent. One of the most geographically restricted speciesis R. bidens, a semi'aquatic plant which is found in freshwater swamps (Figure 11A). Its thick, hollow, creeping rhizome is at least temporarily submerged and from this arise short, usually unbranched inflorescences. It is known from New South Wales near the Murray River, Victoria, Tasmania and parts of South Australia. Eumex brownrJ is wide- spread in both coastal and inland areas of south eastern Australia but there are scat- tered, disjunct occurrences in Queensland, Central Australia and south-west Western Australia (Figure 13A). This speciesis also recorded for New Zealand, New Guinea, Timor and Java and it is not known what comprised its original area of occurrence. suorsJncxa5ur{Ettl uaqA|suorJBAJasqoplall ud\o,'{ruulo4 sB IIo.{\SB EIJEqJaq UBIIeJI -sny roferu aql ul uorlBluaseJdarslr ruo4 peSpnt aq uB? ,{Juanbarl sll (eJlaso?aJv' 'ua5qns) Bllaso?aaa g flalrur;ap sI snuaF arll Jo uollP luanbarl lsoru ?r{J 'EITEJlSNY UI UAIIB I€NSEJ 'sarcods 'JrqdJolu^lod ,{lluapr^a pue ?rpJ E sr ueauBJrallpal I lEnuuB ,{lluPuluropard 'BrTEJlsnY ,{faurarlxa uE 'snroqdoFqdfinq xourntl urqltal edersa uapJBS B sluasaJ -dar sarcodsuBJrrJV qlnos sIqJ sa^eaI J]E]]IiES puE s]oirr snoJaqnl qlr^\ JaqruII) P sr (asolaJy ua8qns) s-n?B??r,'esxatuna' €rlun3 Ep uBlsIrJ puE pue1s1q8nop ::rr1ue11y qlnos aql ur spu€lsl IIErus o,{\1 urorJ u,\\ou{ oslB sl 1l lnq EclJaurv qlnos sI eaJE 'V',44 ',{ueqMo url {€8 uet[[IlA I€uortnqrrl.slp uIBuI sJI orooj,{ uqof [q ]sa.\\ 0L 'ra^ru C)l 1€ Ig6I ul para^ocsrpar sE,{\ lI €JJBA aql Jo qlnou.r aql lE slro,'i\ JnoqJeq luuro Surlsrxaraguol ou ^lrlBDol€'aurnoqlal l'puBISI opooJ uroJJpopJoJar lsrlJ sE,{\ 'u'uPtlJaurv 1I BrTBJlsnVoJ A\au sB aJaq palrodar sI suatsa?n{ q}nos aqJ ^rn}uJJ rallel aql Furrnp sra,rtrp ueq8.1y fq €IlEr:lsnv o1 patnporlul lsBI lo JlBrl lautec 'uaar8 sBm sa,cadi srql lBql al.Elntods ,{Eru auo sa^Eel lualncJns leg,tauos 'aEJBI al€d sll puB sa^lE^ pa8ull qslldlnd ualJo sl.r [q uolluolle Jllqnd JerllE 1I puB €rlprlsnv Jo sBoJElsBA JoAopEards sI snrrBJ.Isa^U,{epoJ salJodslJurlsrp ,{lJPalJ "I 's?IJads inq pai11e,{lasolcE snasolg'sB Paureuslur,{11red sB.'{ ltl JaIBI:rt?uauralJ 11 (]1 ]$au € ss sn{J poqrrJsapulruoc IZ6I uI EIIBrlsnY oJ }uBrbrullul Juarar JSou oql oq 'ErsV sulaes lsar!\qlnoS puB BcIJJY-I{lroN Jo s€arE lrasapl[ras puB ].JasaplnoqinoJrll pBardsapr,rsr qf,Iq^\ salJ?dsuEIpuIS-oJEqBS €'(Pso?ary uaEqns)snrJPilJsal xa.lllH '(,$olaq aas) ulaql uaa^\laq Jn))o spliq,{q PIJ'lsolJJeU rol ldaJxa puE raqlaSol i\oJ8 ,{llpuoISpDtosaIJ?ds oserlJ [.rnluaJ lsEI aql Jo.]l€q lsriJ aql ur sral:l'tasfl.lEa aq1 paruBduroJJeaAEq oJ uraassuloJIsuJqo u puP srl/"rJurr'1;t.roJH 'rarlJ[nd aqJ tI'sndsr1J lI'l s "IJaso?arPU salJodsuBauBJJoJlpatr^l puE uBadorng suaIIV 'JrtuapuauEIIEJISnY uralsalA ]sa.\\-qlnosu,r,r'.ru1-a11111 c s|dnorE '/rpuoIlruIn1P -snsounp aql e^Il€luaso.rdel prtql oq] xaurnH' (YZI arn;Id) goIcI .]o '{1ra ol ogll ruo.r1,{llauoFEIP PuE S"Lt o1 olz uloJl Sur.rrnccouollnqrr}slp puelur 'suorldacxa 's.rllolSndals ',snsoainp -quou aJour e seq ,{\aJq}},\\ u u ol ]s€Jluo) uI 'uorlJunfslp onrl B luasaJdar ()1{ool gZI alnEId uo u,\\oqssaIlIIEcol puBlsuaanb '&]np ,{lraq]'Ioq orour oqJ le-ITeJlsnv Jo lsea qlnos oql ul salEuluropJ.rd (srt{IJo,us'i 'rBA Surpnlf,ul) snsournp 'U uorlBurJoJul aIqEIIEAB urord alaldruoJur Jaql€J plnoc aJEBAT puB VaI saJn8rd ur u,\\or{ssuorJnqrJJslp aql aroJaraqJ paulEu oq lou suaurrcedsurnrJEqJeq,{uEur'Ja^\oU uI uorl^\ salJadso,{\} asaql LIslrIFullsIP')l JlqPun xallrnu ruE I sY salteds uBllBJlsnv lSEa-qln,,soslE olE s'.iJol5ot.alstI pu€ sni^o.lnp '(tI arn8ld) s€oJESuruaAJalur aql uI SuIlJallo)Japun lJaLIaJ IIa^\,{€1u €rlErlsnY uJalsoiA uL{lIT€t ol lcunlslp fra,r al8urs auo aql puB lueulJuo, al{lJo s}rEd uJel{lrou arour

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