850 Biographical Directory gresses); unsuccessful candidate for renomination in 1954;1863 of the Akron branch of C. Altman & Co., dealers in resided in Bethesda, Md., until his death there on June 3,farming implements; upon the organization of Altman, 1957; interment in Highland Park Cemetery, Warrensville,Miller & Co. in 1865, as a separate corporation, became Ohio. secretary and treasurer, and later its president; during the Bibliography: DAB. Civil War served as sergeant in Company F, One Hundred CROSSLAND, Edward, a Representative from Kentucky;and Sixty-fourth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and born in Hickman County, Ky., June 30, 1827; completedserved in fortifications around Washington in 1864; member preparatory studies; studied law; was admitted to the bar inand president of the city council for four years and of the 1852 and began practice at Clinton, Hickman County, KY.;board of education of the city of Akron four years; served as sheriff of Hickman County in 1851 and 1852; member of thecommissioner of Summit County in 1874 and 1875; member State house of representatives in 1857 and 1858; during theof the State senate 1885-1887; elected as a Republican to the Civil War enlisted as captain in the First Kentucky Regi-Fiftieth Congress (March 4, 1887-March 3, 1889); declined to ment, Confederate Army; was elected colonel of the Seventhbe a candidate for renomination in 1888; resumed former Kentucky Regiment and served until the end of the war;business activities; died in Akron, Ohio, January 5, 1912; elected judge of the court of common pleas of the first judi-interment in Glendale Cemetery. cial district of Kentucky in August 1867 for six years, but CROW, Charles Augustus, a Representative from Missou- resigned November 1, 1870; elected as a Democrat to theri; born on a farm near Sikeston, Scott County, Mo., March Forty-second and Forty-third Congresses (March 4, 187 1-31, 1873; attended the common schools; moved to a farm March 3, 1875); resumed the practice of law in Mayfield,near Bernie, Stoddard County, Mo., in August 1896 and en- Graves County, KY.; elected judge of the circuit court for thegaged in agricultural pursuits; moved to Caruthersville, Pe- first judicial district of Kentucky in August 1880 and servedmiscot County, in 1901 and engaged in the real estate and until his death in Mayfield, Ky., September 11, 1881; inter-insurance business; postmaster of Caruthersville from May ment in Maplewood Cemetery. 1902, to January 14, 1909; elected as a Republican to the CROUCH, Edward, a Representative from Pennsylvania;Sixty-first Congress (March 4, 1909-March 3, 1911); unsuc- born at Walnut Hill, near Highspire, Paxtang Township,cessful candidate for reelection in 1910 to the Sixty-second Lancaster (now Dauphin) County, Pa., on November 9, 1764;Congress; moved to Campbell, Dunklin County, Mo., in 1911 attended the common schools; at the age of seventeen enlist-and resumed agricultural pursuits; also engaged in the real ed during the Revolutionary War; commanded a company inestate and insurance business; died in Campbell, Mo., March the Whisky Insurrection of 1794; engaged in mercantile pur- 1938; interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. suits at Walnut Hill; member of the State house of repre- sentatives 1804-1806; appointed associate judge of Dauphin CROW, William Evans (father of William J. Crow), a Sen- County April 16, 1813, but resigned upon election to Con-ator from Pennsylvania; born in German Township, Fayette gress; elected as a Republican to the Thirteenth Congress toCounty, Pa., March 10, 1870; attended the public schools; fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John Gloningerwas graduated from the Southwestern State Normal School and served from October 12, 1813, until March 3, 1815; wasin 1890, and also attended Waynesburg College; engaged in not a candidate for renomination; returned to Walnut Hill,newspaper work for three years; studied law; was admitted Paxtang Township, Dauphin County, Pa., and resided thereto the bar in 1895 and commenced practice in Uniontown, until his death, on February 2, 1827; interment in PaxtangPa.; appointed assistant district attorney in 1896; was elected Cemetery. district attorney in 1898 and served three years; member, State senate 1907-192 1, when he resigned, having been ap- CROLJNSE, Lorenzo, a Representative from Nebraska;pointed United States Senator; president pro tempore of the born in Sharon, Schoharie County, N.Y., January 27, 1834;State senate in 1909 and 1911; appointed as a Republican to attended a seminary at Charlotteville, N.Y.; taught school;the United States Senate on October 17, 1921, to fill the moved to Fort Plain, N.Y., in 1855; studied law; was admit-vacancy caused by the death of Philander C. Knox, and ted to the bar in 1857; during the Civil War raised a batteryserved from October 24, 1921, until his death at his home, of light artillery in 1861 and entered the Army as its cap-"Chalk Hill," near Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa., August tain; wounded, and resigned after a year's service; moved to2, 1922; interment in Uniontown Cemetery. Nebraska Territory in 1864; member of the Territorial house Bibliography:U.S. Congress. Memorial Addresses for William Evans of representatives in 1866; delegate to the State constitution- Crow.67th Cong., 4th sess.,1922-1923. Washington, D.C.: Government al convention in 1866; elected associate justice of the State Printing Office, 1924. supreme court in 1867; at the expiration of his term was CROW, William Josiah (son of William Evans Crow), a elected as a Republican to the Forty-third and Forty-fourthRepresentative from Pennsylvania; born in Uniontown, Fay- Congresses (March 4, 1873-March 3, 1877); declined to be aette County, Pa., January 22, 1902; attended the public candidate for reelection in 1876; collector of internal revenueschools; was graduated from Pennsylvania Military College for the district of Nebraska from March 15, 1879, to Marchat Chester in 1922 and from Dickinson School of Law, Car- 30, 1883; appointed Assistant Secretary of the United Stateslisle, Pa., in 1925; was admitted to the bar in 1926 and Treasury on April 27, 1891, and served until his resignationcommenced practice in Uniontown, Pa.; assistant district on October 31, 1892; Governor of Nebraska 1892-1895; diedattorney of Fayette County 1928-1932; elected mayor of Un- in Omaha, Nebr., May 13, 1909; interment in City Cemetery,iontown in 1938 and reelected in 1940 for a four-year term Fort Calhoun, Washington County, Nebr. and served until called into active service from the Reserves Bibliography: DAB. as major of Ordnance June 4, 1941, being forty-one months CROUSE, George Washington, a Representative fromoverseas, in the Pacific theater; elected as a Republican to Ohio; born in Tallmadge, Summit County, Ohio, Novemberthe Eightieth Congress (January 3, 1947-January 3, 1949); 23, 1832; attended the common schools; taught school for fiveunsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1948 to the Eighty- years; moved to Akron, Ohio; deputy in offices of countyfirst Congress; resumed the practice of law; recalled to active auditor and treasurer 1855-1858; auditor of Summit Countyduty with the Ordnance Corps in 1951 and served as chief of 1858-1863; served as county treasurer in 1863; manager inlegislative coordination branch until 1956; became regional Biographies 851 administrator, Securities and Exchange Commission, Wash- of the Robinson city school board 1884-1888; master in chan- ington, D.C., in January 1957; moved to Carlisle, Cumber-cery 1886-1890; elected judge of Crawford County in Novem- land County, Pa., after retiring in 1964, and served on theber 1886, and reelected in 1890; appointed United States Zoning Board and the Parks Commission; died in Carlisle,special Treasury agent in charge of the seal fisheries of Pa., October 13, 1974; interment in Oak Grove Cemetery,Alaska in April 1893 and served until his resignation in Uniontown, Pa. April 1898; elected as a Democrat to the Fifty-sixth, Fifty- CROWE, Eugene Burgess, a Representative from Indiana;seventh, and Fifty-eighth Congresses (March 4, 1899-March born near Jeffersonville, Clark County, md., January 5,3, 1905); declined to be a candidate for renomination in 1904; 1878; attended the rural schools and Borden (md.) Academy;resumed the practice of law in Robinson, Ill.; served as taught in county schools 1894-1896; moved to Bedford, md.,State's attorney of Crawford County 1912-1916; died in Rob- in 1899 and engaged in the retail furniture business, realinson, Ill., June 25, 1931; interment in the old Robinson estate, and banking; delegate to the Democratic State con-Cemetery. ventions 1908-1960; delegate to the Democratic National CROWLEY, Miles, a Representative from Texas; born in Conventions in 1928, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, and 1960; dele-Boston, Mass., February 22, 1859; attended the common gate to the Interparliamentary Union Congress at Oslo,schools; employed as a longshoreman; moved to Galveston in Norway, in 1939; elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-the seventies; assistant chief of the Galveston Fire Depart- second and to the four succeeding Congresses (March 4,ment; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1892 and 1931-January 3, 1941); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1940 to the Seventy-seventh Congress; resumed his formercommenced practice; member of the State house of repre- business interests; president of Stone City National Banksentatives in 1892; served in the State senate in 1893 and and Greystone Hotel; director of Wabash Fire and Casualty1894;
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