A STORES OPEN UNTIL 9 0*CL0CK EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK - aVEBAOB DAILY CIRCULATION THE WEATHER for the Month of November, I9S8 Forecaet of L. S. Weather Barean Hartford 6,193 Memhte of the Audit Fair and ellghtly colder W'ednee- Boreau of Cbeulattooa lE u f nitw If? day, Incrcaalng cloodlneae, light enow or rain at nIghL MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VILLAGE ( HARM VOL. LVIIL, NO. 68 (Cteaslltod Advartlatag on Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20,1938 (KOlIRTEKN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Misses Brother’s Funeral A. M. A. INDICTED ' GERMAN ENVOY WONT DISCUSS PROBE AUTHORITIES BY FEDERAL JURY AUSTRIAN DEBT CHECK REPORT ARMS ON TRUST CH AR(a Non-Discriminating Treat- »- f SCHOOL BOARD LIFTS ment Of Americans An- Hiree Local Societies And CAROL SINGING BAM MEANT FOR CHINESE Mount Vernon, N. Y „ Dec. 20. other Subject Not Ready 21 Individiial Physicians —(A P )—A nine-year ban against DAMP SOCKS SUDDENLY CATCH FIRE ON FEET. the singing In Mount Vernon Promoter Says He Wat Ask- Also Named For Violation public schools of such Christmas For Discussion Now. COSM’SUNK carols as "Silent Night". "U tU e Okeman. Okla., Dec. 20.- Town of Bethlehem," and “Joy (A P »—Jn-sper Steel put on his ed By Agents Of Chiang Sherman Act Terms. to the World” baa been lifted by BULLETIN! TO S m i CASE nocks, although they still were a little damp, and extended one the Board of Education. Wsshlngton, Dec. 20— (A P ) — Germany nottlled the United foot toward an open gas stove Kai-Shek To Procure The ban originally was put In- to warm It. Stetea today that aU Inheritance Waahlngton, Dee. 20— (A P )—The to effect following protests that BKINGS DENIAL The fire that followed put [American Medical Aaeoclatioa. singing the carols, with refer- oredlta doe Americans on the Rifles And Ammnmtion estates of persons deceased In Steel In a hospital with a badly three local medical aocletiee and 21 ences In them to God and Christ, burned foot. Involved the teaching of religion Oennsny hereafter will be Individual phyaiclana were Indicted The socks had been washed In in the schools. tranafeiTed to tbe beneflclaries Federal Officials Request gasoline. Last Spring; Story T ia In full. Tbe annonnoeinent today by a federal grand Jury for TWo hundred representatives brought to the State Depart- violation of the Sherman antl-truat act. of religioiu organisations asked ment this rooming by Dr. Haas Raising Of Bail From $1,- Up With Tale Of Cop- removal of the ban. The aocletiea named were the Thomsen. German charge d’af- -<«l faires, clarifies one of the lesser Medical Society of the Diatrict of points of friction between the 000 To $25,000 Uid To tract Told By Lawyer, Oolumbia, the Harria County (Tex.) FRAUD, PERJURY two governments. Medical Society, and tbe Waablng- ton (D. C.) Academy of Surgery. Drug Case Connection. New York, Dec. 20.— (A P ) — Among the 21 phyaiclana In- GOERING ASKS Waahlngton, Dec. 20— (A P )— Dr. CHARGES MADE dicated were Dr. Olln Weat, aecre- Hans Thomsen, charge d’Affaires of Federal authorities, delving Into tha tary of the American Medical A»- the Orm an embassy, called on fantastic story that Philip Musics, Hartford. Dee. 20.— (A P ) The aoctation; Dr. Morris Flabein, editor Sumner Wellea, acting secretary of F. Donald (Foster, respecM RUBLEE VISIT principals In the McKesson and DURING HEARING of the American Medical Associa- state, today to discuss what the president of McKesson and Rob- tion’s Journal; Dr. Arthur C. Chria- German diplomat said waa a matter Robbins scandal all have left Ckm- bins, Inc., tried to aeU 2,000,00A tle, prominent Waahlngton radiolo- of relative minor Importance com- nectlcut for the center of the Inves- rifles and 100,000,000 rounds of am- ON REFUGEES gist and Dr. Prentiss WlUson. who pared to the questions of Austrian tigation at New York, but the German Agent Says Ameri- munition to some unidentified na- recently cooperated In filing a suit debts and reassurances of non-dls- m, turned today to a report they probe Is still very much In prog- against the Washington Group crimlnatory treatment towarJ might have been destined for tko Health Association, charging that Wants American Director Americana. ress In this .state. can Request To Reverse CHiinese general. CHilang Kai-Shek. group health physicians had Injured Thomsen said he waa not prepar- This was demonfitraled here yea- Under questioning by Gregory ed to discuss these two principal terdav when, as U. S, Commission- F. Noonan, acting tJ. 8. attorney and hla practice In furnishing medical Decision Of Mixed Gaims service through the Asoclatlon. Of International Office To problems which have complicated V. (right, with suitcase) Is shown with authorities as er William J. Wholean was holding other Federal officials, was Tbomss Gennan-American relations bccausi- he left New Haven for New York where he hoped a court order would per- A. Brunt, a promoter, and Weder- Others indicted are officials of a routine hearing at the arraign- Germany has not replied to the sat mit him to attend the funer.il of hl„ brother, i ’hillp Muslcn-Coster L to r ment of a group of men held fol- ick WIngersky, a vice president la tbe American Medical Association, Commission ^Astounding.’ Complete Financial Plan Isfaction of the State Department to y e : Arthur Gorman assistant U. S. district attorney; Stephen Prestl charge o f law and labor relattooe or Its affiliated aocletiea. lowing a Tild on an alleged still, Prooeedinga Started In October. several recent American notes. deputy sheriff, and Dietrich. They arrived too late for funeral. federal officials suddenly requested for the 387,000,000 drug firm which Thomsen’s call was the first at Coster-Mueica dominated. The Department of Justice Insti- For Eyacoation Of Jews. one of the prisoners hall be raised tuted proceedlnga against the the State Department by any of the from 31,000 to 325,000. Washington, Dec. 20.— (A P ) — Approached Lset Spefag. I'! ‘ American Medical Association last German embassy staff since Am- Charges of fraud and perjury were The New Tork Poet eald Brunt "W e want him held," was tbe October, charging that It was act- ba.<!8ador Hans Dleckoff bade offi- only explanation given. thrust before the German-American told the Federal authorities he was London, Dec. 20— (A P ) — Field cials farewell. approached leet eprlng by agents ing in restraint of trade, in viola- However the attorney for Oesar Mixed Clalma O>mmlaslon today by tion of the anti-trust act. Marshal Hermann Wilhelm Ooering It waa believed his visit did not 3UNSEL REJECT PLAN o f ths Chinees general and got la Pcrrottl, 23, of Woo<lbrldge, John Specifically it charged that tbe today Invited George Rublee, Am r- Indicate Germany has replied to M. Chapnick of New Haven, said agents of both nations. touch with Ben Sbpon, or tbs association, some local societies an.l either of two recent American notes hlB client waa wanted for question- Robert W. Bonynge, agent for the Bronx, s promoter who worked s t Ican director of the International seeking satisfaction of Austrian different ttmee fbr McKewca snd Individual phyelclsns were prevent- ing In the McKesson and Robbins United States, asked the Ckjmmls- Ing other phyridansphyridai end cooperative Refugee Offlee, to visit Berlin to claims and assurances that Ameri- TO PICK EXTRA JURORS Robblne. Investigation. slon 111 his brief not only to set aside cans In the Reich will not be dtw medical orgaittzatlons from supply, complete the German financial plan Official Denies Connection hut to reverse the Hamburg de- Bimon’e name was lajsetod Into criminated against because of race ing medical aervico by refusing for getting Jews out of Germany. Later today, Arthur T. Gorman, cision of 1032 which held that Ger- the Investigation yeaterday by Wtn- membership In medical aocletiea to or creed. gdrsky who dteelosed that Ooster- Rublee Is the permanent executive The second note carried a broad assistant .U. 8. attorney, denied many had not been shown responsi- Individual phyqldana who joined Judge Inglis Seeks To Safe- P R K M I F R CONS that there waa any Indies tlon of a Muslca had asked him last May to In charge o f the International Com- ble for the Black Tom and Kings- such groups. hint of retaliation should American draft a contraqt for tha purchase mittee assisting refugees, s group Jews In Germany find their rights connection between PerrottI and land, N. J. disasters. Particularly Involved were the whose principal efforts In the past of 2.000,000 new Lea-Enfield rifles affairs of Group Health Asaodatlon. abrogated. the McKesson and Robbins probe. American claimants aeek approxi- and the cartridgea. months have been sent toward aid- Speculate On Rrlatloos Gorman said he merely asked mately 350,000,000 from the Reich Inc. This cooperative agency was ing German Jews. The contract, WIngeraky told Aa- establlahed more than a year ago. Speculation grew In diplomatic that Perrottl's txind be increased as a result of the 1916 sabotage, aletant State Attorney Oenetal Am- offering medical care and hospital- The Invitation from Goerlng. chief circles to the effect that no resump- becBuse the Woodbrldge man la al- of the Nazi four-year economic allegedly by German spies, during brose V. McCall of the Securitiae Bu- ization to some 2,600 government tion of normal relations between ready on prob.atlon for a simitar tbe period when this country re- reau. waa never consummated ao far self-eufflclency plan, came on the offense to that for which he Is now employes for 32.20 each per month the two countries could be expected “Substitutes” SuggesHon.
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