From: Andrew Blackwell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 13 May 2015 08:56 To: John Pearce Subject: RE: Roding Lane South John Thank you for confirming this. As you may know, we represent a client who has a private ,enclosed area of land that is need of ground restoration given its previous history of unmanaged tipping and the substantial extent of Japanese Knotweed. Because it is naturally contained by a high bank against the River Roding, we maintain this is one site where the Green Belt can be rolled back ,without compromise to the essential NPPF tests. If development is linked to fresh public open space and wildlife enhancement within the site (and along the River Roding) we see an exciting community gain as well as scope for further new homes. A dialogue with David was progressing which we are keen to maintain so all features of our ideas are fully appreciated within the Council. This is particularly so as I am aware there is a Neighbourhood Services Committee on the 3/6 to consider possible Green Belt revisions. We would be receptive to any opportunity to briefly present our ideas and welcome the chance to meet you if it is possible. I look forward to your reply. Kind regards Andrew Andrew Blackwell Divisional Managing Partner Planning Division Saxon House, 27 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1HT DD: 01245 505 080 Fax: 01245 251 214 Mob: 07880 781378 The UK’s leading regional property consultancy www.bidwells.co.uk From: John Pearce [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 12 May 2015 16:28 To: Andrew Blackwell Subject: RE: Roding Lane South From: Andrew Blackwell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 12 May 2015 15:51 To: John Pearce Subject: Roding Lane South Dear Mr Pearce I understand that David Hughes has left the authority. I have been having regular liaison with him with regard to Green Belt representations. Could you please confirm who is now taking David's place and overseeing the Green belt review and emerging local plan allocations? Kind regards Andrew Andrew Blackwell Divisional Managing Partner - Planning Division DD: 01245 505 080 Mob: 07880 781 378 Fax: 01245 251 214 Saxon House, 27 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1HT Land South of Roding Lane, Redbridge - Illustrative Masterplan Woodford Bridge Road Green Belt Boundary The top of the flood embankment on the western edge of the site provides a clearly defined and permanent physical Green Belt boundary to both the Spire Roding Hospital Local Open Space Key site and South Woodford Investment Area. The resulting open space can be A small area of amenity space will be provided to the north east corner of protected by Borough Open Space Policies. the site to extend the frontage of the Hospital. Development to be set back Site Boundary Mosaic of habitats - wildflower and positively address the space and views from the north along Roding grassland and scrub Lane South. The location provides the opportunity for creating a landmark Proposed residential buildings Potential SUDs comprising building to define the vista along Roding Lane from the north. predominantly 2 storey swales / ponds River Roding Potential landmark / feature Boundary trees and scrub - Public Open Space and Buffer to River Roding building existing vegetation retained Open space to the western and south western boundaries coincides with SUDs along principal streets Strategic native tree planting areas of landscape and ecological importance including the scrub and tree belts that constitute the habitat margins of the River Roding. These natural Development Area Residential development is confined to areas that contain habitats of low habitats will be retained and enhanced, with the development ensuring their Natural Play Avenue / street tree planting Footpath value to biodiversity and the natural environment with buildings set back management in perpetuity. All of the area will be open to public use providing Space forming a green frontage along Roding Lane South with a positive relationship community, social and physical benefits. Planting / hedges to building Natural play area - play between the built form and open space to ensure active surveillance of the frontages incorporating features in landscape setting The design of the open public realm. wildlife friendly species As established by the Redbridge Characterisation Study the development space will be multi- A Amenity grass / recreation functional incorporating will positively respond to the surrounding context and ‘Garden City’ character areas nature conservation, with buildings informed by the surrounding urban form and a strong structure informal recreation, play, Green Street of planting, such as avenue trees. Important mature trees will be retained seating and sustainable where informed by arboricultural survey. drainage. There will be a mosaic of habitat types A incorporating locally native species beneficial to both BAP and protected Open Space & Green Streets / Corridors species, including bats Buffer Green streets will be created west-east through the and birds. built form and along Roding Lane South providing secondary green corridors that integrate with and All biodiversity enhancement measures will be informed by detailed B Bus Stop complement the wildlife corridor shown on the Section A-A: Green Street ecological survey and guided by the principles of the Nature Conservation Masterplan Concept for GB11B. SPD and BAP. Avenue tree Swale with planting wildflower & marginal planting Principal Street Access to Roding Valley Park Potential to enhance the existing gateway from Roding Lane South to the Roding Valley Park and Roding Way by improving the existing pedestrian Potential and cycle access and providing signage to promote awareness of the river. SUDs Roding Lane South Weir The green streets incorporating a strong structure of planting, such as avenue trees, and other features such as swales and green roofs / walls will ensure Front gardens incorporating wildlife friendly species ecological permeability through the urban area linking the river with the Redbridge Recreation Ground. Green Street Section B-B: Open Space A406 North Residential dwellings Circular Road Roding Way overlooking open space Scrub and tree belts defining site boundary Footpath and margins to the River Roding River Roding Swale . JBA 14/278-SK01: Illustrative Masterplan Client Site Todcharm Ltd. Land at Roding Lane South, Redbridge Drawn by Date Scale Rev BC / REB March 2015 NTS @ A2 . James Blake Associates Ltd. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • LANDSCAPE PLANNING ECOLOGY • ARBORICULTURE Maps / Aerial Images reproduced from Ordnance Survey data by permission of Ordnance Survey Open Space and Buffer - habitat mosaic The Black Barn, Hall Road Licence number 100020449 © Crown copyright of native grassland, scrub and trees Lavenham, Suffolk CO10 9QX Tel. 01787 248216 E-mail. [email protected] Carly Herod Subject: FW: LOCAL PLAN_Response Form3 doc Attachments: JBA 14_278-Doc1A FINAL Roding Lane South Vision LOW RES.pdf; LOCAL PLAN_Response Form 16.12.14 DRAFT.pdf From: Andrew Blackwell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 16 December 2014 15:58 To: DPD (Planning Service Area) Cc: [email protected]; Myk Tucker; Kate Howard Subject: FW: LOCAL PLAN_Response Form3 doc Please find enclosed representations on behalf of Todcharm Ltd. Fundamental to these representations is the appraisal of Green Belt attribute and development potential at Roding Lane South. The appraisal report is contained in the low res pdf attachment and confirms how an appropriate ,realigned Green Belt boundary is possible to release sustainable development and with allied community benefit. Additional hard copies of this will be provided as it is assumed this will be welcomed for convenient viewing and further consultation within LB Redbridge. My client welcomes the opportunity to meet with the Council to explore common ground posed by these representations and hope this can be possible in the early part of next year. Confirmation of receipt of these attachments is welcomed. Andrew Blackwell Divisional Managing Partner - Planning Division DD: 01245 505 080 Mob: 07880 781 378 Fax: 01245 251 214 Saxon House, 27 Duke Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1HT The UK’s leading regional property consultancy www.bidwells.co.uk 1 Land at Roding Lane South, Redbridge Representations to the Redbridge Local Plan Review on behalf of Todcharm Ltd. Preferred Options Report Extension: Alternative Development Strategies November 2014 © JBA Consultancy Services Ltd. JBA Consultancy Services Ltd. • Chartered Landscape Architects The Black Barn Hall Road Lavenham Suffolk CO10 9QX on behalf of Todcharm Ltd. tel. 01787 248216 e-mail. [email protected] Land at Roding Lane South, Redbridge Representations to the Redbridge Local Plan Review on behalf of Todcharm Ltd. Preferred Options Report Extension: Alternative Development Strategies November 2014 CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Site Opportunities and Constraints 4 3.0 Green Belt Purposes and Site Function 10 4.0 Development Opportunities 11 5.0 The Vision 13 6.0 Summary and Conclusion 13 FIGURES Figure 1 - Site Location Figure 2 - Site Context and Policy Constraints Figure 3 - Site Analysis Figure 4 - Site Views Figure 5 - Views ~~ FINALFINAL REB/REBDB JBAJBA JBAJBA 21Nov/08 2014/2012 Figure 6 - Masterplan Concept for GB11B - Redbridge Green Belt Review Stage 5 (2010) Revision Purpose Originated Checked Authorised Date Document Number: LandDocument at Roding Ref: Lane South, Redbridge Figure 7 - Development Strategy and Vision JBAJBA 14/278-Doc12/225–Doc1 1 RepresentationsLANDSCAPE AND to the VISUAL Redbridge APPRAISAL Local Plan Review– Land on at behalf Southminster of Todcharm Road Ltd., Burnham-on-Crouch 1 1.0 Introduction Figure 1: Site Location Background Key 1.1 The land the subject of these representations comprises 2.89 ha and is situated immediately south of the M11 Spire Roding Hospital on Roding Lane South, Redbridge, refer to Figure 1. Site location 1.2 As part of its Core Strategy Review, and to inform the content of the Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030, the A406 London Borough of Redbridge needs to deliberate and decide on the preferred options for future growth.
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