PAGE 2 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS MLB managers By George Dickie Answers: 1) 10: Walter Alston (1954-76), Questions: Tommy Lasorda (1977-96), Bill 1) How many managers have Russell (1996-98), Glenn Hoff- man (1998), Davey Johnson the Los Angeles Dodgers (1999-2000), Jim Tracy (2001- had since leaving Brooklyn in 05), Grady Little (2006-07), Joe 1958? Torre (2008-10) and Don Mat- 2) What manager has guided tingly (2011-15), Dave Roberts the most World Series win- (2016-present) ners? 2) Joe McCarthy and Casey 3) What team owner managed Stengel of the New York Yan- his club to five World Series kees, each with seven titles? 3) Connie Mack of the Philadel- 4) What manager has been phia A’s ejected from games a record 4) Bobby Cox of the Toronto 158 times during his career? Blue Jays and Atlanta Braves 5) Who has managed four 5) Gene Mauch, with the teams over 26 seasons without Philadelphia Phillies, Montreal winning a single world champi- Expos, Minnesota Twins and onship? California Angels 6) WhoSpecializing has the most Instints Authentic 6) BillySpanish Martin, Foods who was hired - managing the same team? and fired - as Yankee manager "With A Caribbean Taste" Madefive Daily times on The Premises! 7) Who managed teams in 53 7) Mack, 50 with the A’s, three seasons? EAT IN & TAKEwith OUT the Pittsburgh Pirates FULL8) WhoLINE is OF the SPANISH, youngest MEXICANman- &8) AMERICAN Shortstop Lou GROCERIES Boudreau, ager ever? NJ Lottery Agent • We Accept whoFamily took First the & WICreins of the 9) What Major League team Cleveland Indians in 1941 at had four managersOpen in a single Daily 10am-9pmthe age of 24 season?Roberts & Pacifi c Ave., Wildwood9) The 1977 • 523-1113 Texas Rangers: 10) Who has the most World Frank Lucchesi, Eddie Stanky, Series victories among current Connie Ryan and Billy Hunter active managers? 10) Terry Francona, with two WORD SEARCH V AHINBOVYATCICZ F BLRASUKD QVUXUO E UAEUCSCOUPLELS R TRYWEAXAZQBCTA Q OAKN ISTPTVEVUK S BFUTKSDANIELRR E UAGOMEZURDNKEB P REMPUOLIJARSYS G ELVACYALCLSUKN W ACIRRUGPEODVEY Z HXWELIHSKYMLAH A RBKSUPERSTAROY L FAAQ AMZNYZINAR U BKJCUITUORVLAN C SPOTLIGHTAYCLO “The Baker and the Beauty” on ABC (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Daniel (Garcia) (Victor) Rasuk (Family) Bakery Noa (Hamilton) (Nathalie) Kelley Superstar Rafael (Garcia) (Carlos) Gomez (Unlikely) Couple Mari (Garcia) (Lisa) Vidal Culture (Clash) Lewis (Dan) Bucatinsky Spotlight PAGE 3 Custom Features Release the week of April 12 - April 18, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS MLB managers By George Dickie Answers: 1) 10: Walter Alston (1954-76), Questions: Tommy Lasorda (1977-96), Bill 1) How many managers have Russell (1996-98), Glenn Hoff- man (1998), Davey Johnson the Los Angeles Dodgers (1999-2000), Jim Tracy (2001- had since leaving Brooklyn in 05), Grady Little (2006-07), Joe 1958? Torre (2008-10) and Don Mat- 2) What manager has guided tingly (2011-15), Dave Roberts the most World Series win- (2016-present) ners? 2) Joe McCarthy and Casey 3) What team owner managed Stengel of the New York Yan- his club to five World Series kees, each with seven titles? 3) Connie Mack of the Philadel- 4) What manager has been phia A’s ejected from games a record 4) Bobby Cox of the Toronto 158 times during his career? Blue Jays and Atlanta Braves 5) Who has managed four 5) Gene Mauch, with the teams over 26 seasons without Philadelphia Phillies, Montreal winning a single world champi- Expos, Minnesota Twins and onship? California Angels 6) Who has the most stints 6) Billy Martin, who was hired - managing the same team? and fired - as Yankee manager five times 7) Who managed teams in 53 7) Mack, 50 with the A’s, three seasons? with the Pittsburgh Pirates 8) Who is the youngest man- 8) Shortstop Lou Boudreau, ager ever? who took the reins of the 9) What Major League team Cleveland Indians in 1941 at had four managers in a single the age of 24 season? 9) The 1977 Texas Rangers: 10) Who has the most World Frank Lucchesi, Eddie Stanky, Series victories among current Connie Ryan and Billy Hunter active managers? 10) Terry Francona, with two WORD SEARCH V A H I N B O V Y A T C I C Z F B L R A S U K D Q V U X U O E U A E U C S C O U P L E L S R T R Y W E A X A Z Q B C T A Q O A K N I S T P T V E V U K S B F U T K S D A N I E L R R E U A G O M E Z U R D N K E B P R E M P U O L I J A R S Y S G E L V A C Y A L C L S U K N W A C I R R U G P E O D V E Y Z H X W E L I H S K Y M L A H A R B K S U P E R S T A R O Y L F A A Q A M Z N Y Z I N A R U B K J C U I T U O R V L A N C S P O T L I G H T A Y C L O “The Baker and the Beauty” on ABC (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Daniel (Garcia) (Victor) Rasuk (Family) Bakery Noa (Hamilton) (Nathalie) Kelley Superstar Rafael (Garcia) (Carlos) Gomez (Unlikely) Couple Mari (Garcia) (Lisa) Vidal Culture (Clash) Lewis (Dan) Bucatinsky Spotlight PAGE 4 Custom Features Release the week of April 12 - April 18, 2020. PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 10, 2020 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 (3-CBS) News CBS Inside Ed. ET MacGyver Å Magnum P.I. Å Blue Bloods News Late Show-Colbert (6-ABC) News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel Shark Tank 20/20 (In Stereo) Å News Nightline J. Kimmel (10-NBC) News News News Holly The Blacklist Å Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å News Tonight Show (17-MNT) black-ish Big Bang Big Bang Gold Mod Fam Mom Gold Mom Action News Mod Fam Two Men Two Men (23-PBS) News Newsline One/One News Frankie Drake Midsomer Murders Midsomer Good News One/One World (29-FOX) The Six ClassH Extra TMZ Å WWE Friday Night SmackDown News Props News TMZ Å Dish Nat. (57-CW) FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud Charmed Å Dynasty Å News News Broke Girl King Mike (A&E) (5:00) Live PD “Live PD -- 01.25.19” Å Live PD: Rewind Live PD “Live PD -- 04.10.20” (In Stereo Live) Å Live PD (AMC) (4:30) “Top Gun” ›››‡ “The Karate Kid” (1984, Drama) Ralph Macchio. Å ››‡ “The Karate Kid Part II” (1986) Ralph Macchio. (CNN) Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time Cuomo Prime Time AC 360 (DISC) Gold Rush Å Gold Rush Gold Rush (In Stereo) Å Aussie Gold Hunters Opal Hunters Gold (DISN) Jessie Gabby Gabby Gabby Sydney Coop Raven Just Roll Coop Sydney Bunk’d Sydney Jessie (ESPN) Masters Rewind From Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga. SportsCenter (ESPN2) SportsCenter Special 30 for 30 30 for 30 ESPN Films ESPN Films Football (FNEWS) Special Report The Story Tucker Carlson Hannity Å The Ingraham Angle Fox News at Night Tucker (FX) (5:00) ››› “Furious 7” (2015) Vin Diesel. ››‡ “The Greatest Showman” (2017) ››‡ “The Greatest Showman” (2017) “Girls (HBO) (5:45) ››› “Casino Royale” (2006) Å ››‡ “Quantum of Solace” (2008) Å To Be Announced Atlanta’s Missing TBA (HIST) Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Pawn (ION) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: LA (LIFE) (5:00) ››‡ “Joyful Noise” (2012) Å ›› “Miracles From Heaven” (2016) Jennifer Garner. “Faith Under Fire” “Mira (MAX) “Suspect ››‡ “Lights Out” (2016) Å ›› “Mortal Engines” (2018) Hera Hilmar. Strike Back Å Strike “Enemy-State” (NBCSPA) NBA2K20 Å NBA Basketball Å NBA2K20 Å Sixers World Poker Tour Poker (NICK) Sponge. Sponge. The SpongeBob Musical: Live on Stage! Sponge. Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends (PARMT) Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men ››‡ “Twilight” (2008) Kristen Stewart. (In Stereo) ››‡ “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (TBS) Fam. Guy Fam. Guy ›› “Suicide Squad” (2016) Will Smith. Å (DVS) ››‡ “Justice League” (2017, Action) Ben Affleck. ELEAGUE (TCM) “The Unsuspected” Wizard ›››› “The Wizard of Oz” (1939) Å ›‡ “The Blue Bird” (1940) “Chitty Chitty” (TNT) Bones Å Bones Å ›› “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” ››‡ “Jack Reacher” (2012, Action) Tom Cruise. (USA) “Potter” ››› “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” (2002) Daniel Radcliffe. ›››‡ “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” PAGE 9 SATURDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 11, 2020 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 (3-CBS) Friends Paid Prg. Food Game The Masters: 1975 Golf From Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga. (In Stereo) Å (6-ABC) Ocean Hearts of Rock- World of X Games To Be Announced Action News 5PM (10-NBC) Vets-Pets Roots Paid Prg. The Impossible Dream (In Stereo) NHL Hockey (In Stereo) Å NHL Hockey (In Stereo) (17-MNT) Paid Prg.
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