April 26, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 5 6281 Jose, California, as the Anthony J. secured expanded health benefits, and pro- Whereas Sam Houston moved to Texas in Cortese Post Office Building. vided an open forum for discussion with union 1835 and joined the movement to establish members, community advocates, Postal Serv- separate statehood for Texas; b 1415 Whereas Sam Houston was elected as the ice supervisors, and local elected officials. A graduate of James Lick High commander-in-chief of the armies of Texas Throughout his tenure, Mr. Cortese developed in 1836; School in San Jose, Mr. Cortese started strong relationships with postal workers and working as a letter carrier in his early Whereas, on April 21, 1836, Sam Houston’s management. forces defeated Mexican President and Gen- twenties. He was known for his out- Mr. Cortese’s service was not limited to ad- eral Santa Anna, securing Texas’ long going nature and ability to work col- vocacy of union members, but extended into sought independence; laboratively to get things done, wheth- the San Jose community and beyond. In 1990, Whereas the city of Houston, Texas, was er he was resolving workplace issues or Mr. Cortese started a food drive program named after then-President of the Republic of Texas, Sam Houston, on June 5, 1837; organizing charitable work in the local through the Second Harvest Food Bank to community. Whereas Sam Houston was elected the first help needy families in the San Jose area. President of the Republic of Texas and As president of the National Letter Under Mr. Cortese’s guidance, this program Carriers Association Branch 193 for served 2 terms, followed by 2 years with the served as a pilot for what would become a na- Texas Congress, after which he returned to over 26 years, Mr. Cortese had one of tional food drive sponsored by the National serve as President from 1841 to 1844; the longest tenures of any local labor Association of Letter Carriers. Whereas, after Texas joined the Union in official. Not only did Mr. Cortese help I urge all of my colleagues to join Congress- 1845, Sam Houston was elected Senator to the United States Congress and served from build membership of more than 1,000 man MIKE HONDA and me to vote in favor of 1846 to 1859; local postal workers into a political this bill to honor our good friend, Anthony J. force, he also helped to initiate a food Whereas Sam Houston once again resigned Cortese. his position with Congress to serve as Gov- drive in which letter carriers collected Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield donations for the Second Harvest Food ernor of Texas from 1859 to 1861; back the balance of my time. Whereas Sam Houston was deposed on Bank for families in the San Jose area. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The March 18, 1861, because he refused to take This program served as a pilot for what question is on the motion offered by the oath of allegiance to the Confederate ultimately became a national food the gentleman from Massachusetts States; drive sponsored by the NALC. The pro- (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend Whereas Sam Houston died in Huntsville, gram continues today and is just one of the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 4543. Texas, on July 26, 1863, and was then interred the generous contributions Mr. Cortese in Oakwood Cemetery; The question was taken. Whereas Sam Houston is the only person in made to his community and his coun- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the try. United States history to have been the Gov- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being ernor of 2 different States, Tennessee and Sadly, this outstanding citizen of in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Texas; San Jose died of a heart condition on Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, on that I Whereas a memorial museum, U.S. Army February 11, 2007. He leaves behind his demand the yeas and nays. base, national forest, historical park, univer- wife, Barbara; his daughter, Caroline; The yeas and nays were ordered. sity, and the largest free-standing statue of his sister, Mary; and his grandchildren, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- a United States figure recognize the life of Austin and Ashley. Sam Houston; and ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Whereas Sam Houston still stands as a For his tireless efforts for his fellow Chair’s prior announcement, further postal workers and people in need symbol for Texas solidarity and is one of the proceedings on this motion will be most significant individuals in the history of throughout the country, it is fitting postponed. Texas: Now, therefore, be it that we name the post office in Tony f Resolved, That the House of Representa- Cortese’s honor. tives honors the life and accomplishments of Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance HONORING THE LIFE AND ACCOM- Sam Houston for his historical contributions of my time. PLISHMENTS OF SAM HOUSTON to the expansion of the United States. Mr. LYNCH. I want to thank the gen- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tleman from Texas for his kind re- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- ant to the rule, the gentleman from marks. And I would encourage my col- lution (H. Res. 1103) celebrating the life Massachusetts (Mr. LYNCH) and the leagues to join the lead sponsor of this of Sam Houston on the 217th anniver- gentleman from Texas (Mr. OLSON) measure, ZOE LOFGREN from California, sary of his birth, as amended. each will control 20 minutes. in supporting H.R. 4543. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. tion. from Massachusetts. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 4543, a bill The text of the resolution is as fol- GENERAL LEAVE to designate the U.S. Post Office located at lows: Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- 4285 Payne Avenue in San Jose, California, H. RES. 1103 imous consent that all Members may as the Anthony J. Cortese Post Office. Whereas Sam Houston was born at Timber have 5 legislative days within which to For over four decades, Mr. Cortese was a Ridge Church, near Lexington, Virginia, on revise and extend their remarks and proud and dedicated employee of the United March 2, 1793; add any extraneous materials. States Postal Service. He was also a loving Whereas Sam Houston as an enlisted sol- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there family man, respected community leader, and dier fought courageously in the War of 1812, objection to the request of the gen- a friend to many of us in local government. and after receiving three near-mortal tleman from Massachusetts? Mr. Cortese was born in the East Bay and wounds at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, rose There was no objection. moved to Santa Clara County with his family to the rank of first lieutenant; Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Whereas Sam Houston studied law, was ad- after his father went to work at the Ford Plant mitted to the bar in 1818, and commenced self such time as I may consume. in Milpitas. A few years after graduating from practice in Lebanon, Tennessee; Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Com- James Lick High School in San Jose, Mr. Whereas Sam Houston became District At- mittee on Oversight and Government Cortese started working as a letter carrier in torney in 1819, Adjutant General of the State Reform, I present House Resolution the downtown San Jose post office. in 1820, and Major General in 1821; 1103 for consideration. This resolution Mr. Cortese was a tireless advocate for let- Whereas Sam Houston was elected to the honors the life and accomplishments of ter carriers in the region and made a signifi- United States Congress for the State of Ten- Sam Houston for his historical con- cant impact on his community. In addition to nessee in 1823 and again in 1825 before serv- tributions to the expansion of the ing as Governor from 1827 to 1829; United States. his forty-two years with the Postal Service, Mr. Whereas Sam Houston moved to Okla- Cortese served twenty-seven years as the homa, served as an advocate for Native Introduced by my friend and col- president of the National Association of Letter American rights and a representative of the league, Representative MIKE MCCAUL Carriers Local 193. Under his leadership, Cherokee Nation, and then became a Cher- of Texas, on February 24, 2010, House Local 193 procured a building for its members, okee citizen on October 21, 1829; Resolution 1103 was favorably reported VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:25 Jun 20, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H26AP0.000 H26AP0 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 6282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 5 April 26, 2010 out of the Oversight Committee on cession from the Union, an act that Mr. played an important role in shaping April 14, 2010, by unanimous consent. In Houston deemed illegal. this great Nation. I urge my colleagues addition, the legislation enjoys the Mr. Houston died on July 26, 1863, at to support this resolution and honor support of over 50 Members of Con- the age of 70. Fittingly, his last words, the accomplishments of this impor- gress. as spoken to his wife, Margaret, were tant, if not heroic, figure in American As we all know, Sam Houston, a 19th reportedly: ‘‘Texas, Texas, Margaret history and the history of my home century American soldier, statesman ..
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