Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, May 2, 2013 OUR 123rd YEAR – ISSUE NO. 18-2013 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS WF Officials Address Conference About Superstorm Sandy By HORACE R. CORBIN paredness training in this low-ly- cost the town a cent,” Mr. Gildea Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ing, hurricane-sensitive region. In said. SAVANNAH, Ga. – The Chatham Savannah, telephone poles are The mayor spoke of the impor- County Hurricane Conference on marked to indicate the height of tance of accurate and meaningful April 23 in Savannah, Ga. had as its ocean flooding. communication – “for the residents, keynote speaker Westfield Mayor Westfield Town Administrator no information is worse than even Andy Skibitsky, who discussed ac- Jim Gildea also spoke at the confer- bad news,” he said. There are sev- tions the town took, the effective- ence and participated in two work- eral effective means to communi- ness and what was learned during shop sessions. Mr. Gildea and cate, including social media, Twit- the events of Superstorm Sandy. Mayor Skibitsky told The Westfield ter, town-wide conference calls, e- The annual conference of the Leader that they were glad to help mail lists and hand-delivered fliers. Chatham Emergency Management at the conference and were informed With Westfield having most offi- Agency (CEMA) that their input, believed by them to cials all in the room on the confer- (www.chathamemergency.org/) be mostly common sense, was re- ence calls – such as the fire chief, was attended by approximately 360 ceived as innovative and helpful. police chief, mayor, town adminis- Chatham County town and invited “They paid our way, we were able trator, a state assemblyman, a free- officials for their continued pre- and happy to contribute, and it didn’t holder and power company offi- cials – it lets everyone know they are working together, remarked a Chatham official from the audience in response to the mayor’s address. “It’s something I learned in the military,” he said. “Technology doesn’t stop at the Susan M. Dougherty for The Westfield Leader town line,” said the mayor, refer- HISTORIC MOMENT...At the Governors’ Ball, a fundraising gala event for the Liberty Hall Museum, located the street ring to Twitter and social media. “I from at Kean University in Union, governors gather for a photo. Pictured, left to right, are: Governors Jim Florio, Thomas learned of a daughter in North Caro- H. Kean, Sr., Chris Christie, Donald DiFrancesco, James McGreevey and Richard Codey. lina following matters and keeping her parents in Westfield informed by daily cell phone calls.” County Taxes Going Up in Local Mr. Gildea noted the importance of planning before, during and in the aftermath of the storm – “sort of Towns in $493.7-Million Budget common sense; otherwise (we’d be) missing things.” Mr. Gildea said By PAUL J. PEYTON Garwood, up $144,425, and $8.1 mil- the board’s Fiscal Affairs Committee, the town learned of its weaknesses, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader lion in Mountainside, an increase of in a prepared statement, said the county such as the failure of the town’s AM COUNTY – The Union County $433,928. County taxes will rise in 19 closed a $28-million budget gap that he radio station, the need for backup Board of Chosen Freeholders voted of 21 municipalities, with Roselle Park said was “caused largely by a number power and perhaps the desirability last Thursday to adopt the 2013 county and Rahway being the exceptions. of mandated expenses.” for block captains in neighbor- budget of $493.7 million, an increase The average home in Westfield will “The Fiscal Affairs Committee of Photo courtesy of David Oliveira hoods. of $5 million over the 2012 adopted pay $3,314 in county taxes, an increase the Freeholder Board held meetings LENDING MUSCLE...Westfield Mayor Andy Skibitsky joins the Westfield Westfield officials were upset by budget. A total of $317.5 million will of $216 over last year. Scotch Plains with administrators and staff to initiate High School boys lacrosse team and their coaches during the Earth Day cleanup what they said was some errant news be raised in county taxes, an increase of homeowners will pay an average of a comprehensive line-by-line review of the Dunham Avenue Bird Sanctuary on Saturday. reporting on a New York television $15 million over 2012. $2,289, a $115 hike, while Fanwood of the budget. Our goal was to realize station, where the reporter advised According to the Union County residents will pay $1,975, up $101. savings that would cut the bottom line, Westfield residents to take their gen- Board of Taxation, the county tax will Taxes in Cranford will rise $136 to avoid layoffs and service cutbacks,” Westfield Re-Zoning to erators inside to prevent theft. The be $34.1 million in Westfield, up $2.1 $2,129, while Garwood residents will Mr. Hudak said. “I am pleased to an- mayor tracked down the station million over 2012 and the second high- pay $1,740, an increase of $85, with nounce that we have achieved these manager and got a retraction on the est increase in the county after Summit. Mountainside residents paying $2,752, goals while cutting the levy an addi- Comply With COAH air. The Westfield Fire Department County taxes will be $18.6 million in for an increase of $162. Summit tional $4.2 million.” By LAUREN S. BARR attempts to develop property located at was actively warning residents at Scotch Plains, up $883,359; $5.3 mil- homeowners will pay the highest He said the board was able to reduce Specially Written for The Westfield Leader 206 Springfield Avenue in Westfield the time, as the town almost had lion in Fanwood, an increase of county tax of $4,322, an increase of spending in a number of areas includ- WESTFIELD – Following the an- was “rebuffed” by the defendants. tragedies of carbon monoxide $249,486; $19.2 million in Cranford, a $324. The county will collect $33.4 ing a $1.8-million reduction in health ticipated final approval of six new re- The suit was considered a “builder’s CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 hike of $1.2 million; $3.2 million in million in taxes from city homeowners benefits through an emphasis on zoning ordinances by the town council remedy” lawsuit, as the town did not this year, second highest behind wellness programs and a “decline on at the May 7 meeting along with ap- have a fair-housing plan approved un- Westfield. Summit’s overall county tax the overall employee census.” He said proval by state Superior Court Judge der regulations set forth by COAH GW Planning Board Denies is up $2.6 million over 2012, the largest the Runnells Specialized Hospital bud- Frederic Kessler on Monday, June 10, (Council On Affordable Housing). increase of any town in the county. get was cut $350,000 in the “other the Town of Westfield will be in com- Westfield did adopt its Master Plan on In addition, homeowners are charged expenses” line item through savings in pliance with the second round of the October 7, 2002, and in 2004 the town Non-Conformity Cert., 5-4 a tax in support of the county’s Open housekeeping and dietary departments, state’s affordable housing regulations. prepared a housing plan, but cited new By PETER GRIESMER beginning in 1995, after which point Space, Recreation and Historic Preser- both of which have been outsourced to The six ordinances, which were COAH regulations were pending and Specially Written for The Westfield Leader her stepdaughter became the second vation Trust Fund. Locally, Westfield private companies. passed on first reading by the council recommended that the town “monitor GARWOOD – By a 5-4 vote, the floor tenant. Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly residents will be charged $103; Scotch Freeholder Hudak also said all va- on April 23, are a result of the settle- this situation closely and where appro- borough’s planning board defeated maintained that the family members Plains residents, $71; Fanwood, $61; cant county positions were kept un- ment of the Sunnyside Senior Housing priate, new development should be re- an application last Wednesday for a living upstairs privately paid them Cranford, $65; Garwood, $53, filled for 90 days except grant-funded lawsuit and will not go into effect until quired to address any obligation that Certificate of Non-Conformity for a rent and half the cost of utilities ever Mountainside, $86, and Summit, $133. and public safety positions. As an ex- the town has approval from the court. may result from such development.” two-family home at 211 Cedar Street. since they purchased the house in The amount of tax paid per property ample, he said, $370,000 was saved in These new ordinances, along with court Town Attorney Russ Finestein told The application was presented to 1995. The board took this as evi- is determined by the Union County the sheriff’s office by not filling vacan- approval, will prevent any future de- The Westfield Leader, “You don’t have the board by Maureen and Phil dence of the fact that the two floors Board of Taxation based on a formula cies. Another $450,000 in savings was velopers from bringing a builder’s rem- to file with COAH to be in compli- Donnelly, who appeared before the had been maintained as separate units set by the state. realized in the corrections department edy type of lawsuit against the town.
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