Wast German hostage Asbury Park trolleybus Traditional powers freed by Shiite captors takes last ride of season may lead school soccer WORLD/6A MONM0UTH/3A SPORTS/1 B ThMONMOUTeH COUNTY'S HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1878 ister TUESDAY. SEPT. 8. 1987 VOL. 109 NO. 325 25 CENTS [Teachers Assn. Crash kills vto picket today ministration offices on Tindall 3y RANDY BRAMEIER Road. driver, son THE REGISTER The teachers return to work today without a contract. Talks MIDDLETOWN — Teachers began 1 'h months before the three- Separate crash kills one vill picket at 3 p.m. today, the first year contract expired June 30. A accident occurred because the lay of classes, and could vote in I'/>hour meeting Sept. I with a STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS state mediator left the sides dead- driver apparently fell asleep at the wo weeks to strike unless the wheel. school Board decides to negotiate locked, with no new meeting iiiisly. a teachers' spokeswo- scheduled. State Police said yesterday they "Nobody here who is investigat- nan said. stilt are investigating the cause of a ing the accident has come to that Swaim said the board's reluc- Sunday morning bus crash on the conclusion." said State Trooper Diane K. Swaim, president of tance to talk could spark a strike- Garden State Parkway in Middle- William Place. "He could have he 850-mcmbcr Middletown authorization vote. town that killed the driver and his been sick, it could have been any "eachers Education Assn., said son. and injured 32 others. number of things. We haven't "In two weeks, I'd rate the ruled out anything." eachers will picket to try to con- chance very high that we'll have a Also this weekend, a 17-year-old Fair Haven youth died early yes- Place, who is heading the inves- vince the board to bargain, possi- strike-authorization vote unless >ly without its lawyer. terday morning after the car he tigation, said police also are inves- they get back to the table was driving left the road and tigating the validity of Graffan's Picketing will occur outside ad- See TEACHERS, Page 2A struck a tree, a Rumson police driver's license. He said CirafTan spokesman said. had been involved in two previous The bus driver. John Graffan. fatal accidents, including an Aug. 42, of Keansbufg, was killed along 26 crash in Aberdeen that resulted Middletown school with his 13-year-old son when the in the death of a 34-year old Academy Bus Lines bus hit a Brooklyn woman. guardrail and overturned •in the • "We're having a hard time com- programs are ready northbound lanenearmile marker piling information because of the 111 at about 5:30 a.m. holiday." Place said. "We're hop- $56.1-million budget. Middletown Police said Graffan was en route ing to have all the details together If RANDY BRAMEIER spends about $3,000 per student. to Brooklyn carrying a group re- by Tuesday night." HE REGISTER Under the Student Assistance turning from a gambling excursion Academy officials were unavail- Program, students identified as "at in Atlantic City. Thirty-two pas- able for comment yesterday. risk" academically or socially sengers, most of whom were asleep MIDDLETOWN — Twelve GrafTan and his son. John Graf- could.get help. at the time of the crash, were fan Jr.. were pronounced dead on nontlis ago, school administrators treated for minor injuries and re- ishered in major changes: the . Dennis Jackson, assistant super- arrival at Bayshore Community ransition from junior and three- intendent for elementary educa- leased from Bayshorc Community Hospital, said spokeswoman Con- rear high schools to middle and tion, said teachers and staff could Hospital, Holmdel, and Riverview nie Kelly. Place said police still our-year high schools. work as a communications net- THE REGISTER/WILLIAM PERLMAN Medical Center, Red Bank. have not determined where the work to identify students in trou- SCHOOL'S OPEN — Sea Bright Police P«. Joe Pezzano is Early news reports had said the See CRASH, Page 2A Changes in 1987-88 probably ble and refer them to a counselor. busy stapling up signs on OceaniAVe^ue to alert drivers that vill not match that of a year ago, Counselors have worked at the schools are open. Many area 5<$wbi3NWill welcome students lit moves ready for the opening middle and high-school level, but back today, while others will open their doors tomorrow. f the district's 17 schools today not at the elementary schools, he — a program to help students "at said. isk," for example — could prove "It's an effort to deal with pre- A counselor from Jersey Shore students with drug or alcohol-re- boon. vention at the elementary level Addiction Services will work 2'h lated problems. Middletown, the largest school rather than reacting to a problem days at the elementary schools. Meanwhile, elementary schools istrict in Monmouth County, has at the high-school level," Jackson, Jackson declined to specify have wrapped up plans to add an curly lO.OOOstudents. School the former -principal of High problems the program could tar- alcohol and drug curriculum enti- Ibard members will handle a School South, said. get, but such a program could help See SCHOOL. Page 2A Hazlet home target of dispute tee, said the occupants of the By KENISTON W. TRAINOR house come and go at all hours of THE REGISTER the day and night and frequently We took a measuring tape to determine how cause problems for area residents. many people are allowed to live there, "but it's "This is a family neighborhood HAZLET — Township officials and these are not family people," arc having difficulty substantiating very tough to show a person truly is living McDonald said. "Women are coNnplaints from Dartmouth there. afraid to walk past that house, be- Driviv residents that the owner of cause of the way they look at you. the Red Oak Diner is using a Henry Pekarsky Hazlet mayor It's very annoying. This is a, resi- home, on the residential street as a dential area and not zoned for rooming house for employees. this." "I've been out there two days in the house is a violation of local dent, and 100 square feet for each A man who said his name was a row, but no one was home." zoning laws. additional resident. John, but who refused to give his Mayor Henry Pekarsky said. The mayor said he went to the "We took a measuring tape to last name, said he was the owner Pekarsky said he visited the house with a township construc- determine how many people are of the Red Oak -Diner during a house, located at the corner of tion official yesterday morning to allowed to live there," he said, phone interview Wednesday af- Middle Road and Dartmouth see if the number pf residents ex- "but it's very tough to show a per- ternoon. Drive, after residents presented a ceeded the number allowed in a son truly is living there." "Just say the owner of the Red petition at Tuesday's Township residential zone. Joan McDonald, a Dartmouth Oak Diner doesn't own any house Committee meeting protesting Pekarsky said the law calls for Drive resident who presented the on Dartmouth Drive," John said. that the number of people living in 150 square feet for the first resi- petition to the Township Commit- See HOME, Page 2A ASSOCIATED PRESS FATAL ACCIDENT — New Jersey State Police begin their investi- gation into a fatal bus accident on the Garcjen State Parkway in Ann Landers Middletown Sunday morning. The driver of the bus, John Graffan, BloomCounty Rainy weather dampens 42, of Keansburg, and his son, 13, were killed in the crash. Thirty- Classified 8B two others were injured when the bus, returning from Atlantic City, Comics 6B overturned and crashed into a guardrail at about 5:30 a.m. Commmentary 7A holiday, except at malls Crossword 8A Horoscope 8A Weather forecasters' predictions "right through Tuesday and-Wed- ple," said the spokesman, who de- Lotteries 2A of a wet weekend, came true, nesday. We don't foresee any clined to be identified. Red Bank NAACP Nation 6A dampening the hope'of area busi- break until Thursday." Attendance also was down at New Jersey 5A nesses for large holiday crowds to Inclement weather and overcast Kid's World Amusement Pier. Obituaries 4A boost a sagging summer-tourist skies forced most area sun- Long Branch and Kcansburg wins Thalheimer Opinion 7A season in Monmouth County. Amusement Park, according to of- worshippers off the beaches this ficials. Sporto 1B weekend and into the malls. ored People has won the Thai Television .., 8A The forecast doesn't look much "Saturday was probably our By MIKE BURKE ' heimer Award for exemplary per- brighter for children readying for "Visitation has been down all best day. but Sunday and Monday formance for the third time in the Weather .„ 2A weekend because of the rain and THE REGISTER World 6A school today and tomorrow. were slow," said a spokeswoman past four years. clouds,'' sajd a spokesperson at the at Kcansburg. Your Town 9A Walter Zamorski, meteorologist Sandy Hook ranger station. Meanwhile, a spokeswoman at A formal presentation of the with the National Weather Ser- • "The* water was good, but when Monmouth Mall, Eatontown. said RED BANK — The Greater award will be made during the CLASSIFIED 542-1700 vice, said the showers that began the sun didn't come out, we knew hundreds of area residents flocked Red Bank Chapter of the National chapter's Annual Freedom Fund CIRCULATION ... 542-8880 Saturday arc expected to continue we weren't going to get many peo- to stores.
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