Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Volleyball Mercer sweeps Redsautosales.com Hurley SPORTS • 9 DAILY GLOBE Friday, October 11, 2019 Rain likely yourdailyglobe.com | High: 59 | Low: 32 | Details, page 2 O KUN DE KUN FALLS Wineburner placed on leave pending investigation By KIM E. STROM [email protected] BESSEMER – The Bessemer Area School District’s board of education voted 5 to 2 to place Superintendent Dave Wineburn- er on paid, non-disciplinary leave pending the results of an investigation at a special board meeting Thursday. The board’s vote came after the board went into closed ses- sion citing “attorney-client privi- lege” to address the personnel issue. When the board came back to open session, board chair Beth Steiger read a statement saying an initial review of Wineburner’s performance raised concerns that merited further investiga- tion. She continued it was in the best interest of the district to move forward quickly and to hire an independent investigator to Jason Juno/Daily Globe look into the matter. THE SUNNY and warm weather this week made for good waterfall and fall color viewing, including here at O Kun de Kun Falls north After the meeting was of Bruce Crossing on Monday. That is coming to an end, though, as the season’s first snow is forecast for this weekend. adjourned, Wineburner asked why he was being put on admin- istrative leave and what those concerns were. Steiger replied that he could contact the board’s attorney. GRWA hears report on lead pipe replacement case The board’s decision comes after a special meeting on Oct. 1 By TOM LAVENTURE remove lead or galvanized water avenues left, he said. two years, he said. From what [email protected] where a concern was raised as to lines, including from the curb to The challenge for the water the engineering of the current whether Wineburner violated RAMSAY – The Gogebic the home, that were ever in con- authority is that the cost of lines indicates if there is any board policy. After reading a list Range Water Authority Board on tact with lead. replacing the residential portion lead in the system if would be of 11 directives the board had Thursday discussed the chal- “The judge ruled that the of the lines will not be covered from a gooseneck ring on and expected from Wineburner, and lenges of possibly absorbing Headlee Amendment did not by the U.S. Department of Agri- old cast iron main, he said. consequently reported he had replacement costs for residential apply,” Lawson said. “Munici- culture grants that are typically The water authority would fallen short of, Steiger comment- lines if they are contaminated palities have a choice to provide used to replace water mains in have 20 years to replace sub- ed that it was suspected he had with lead from the municipal water and they don’t have to do municipal projects, such as the standard lines, he said. That gone against board policy, but no water system. it.” Bessemer utility construction would mean replacing about 5% details were available as to how. In his report, Chuck Lawson This will require the water project, he said. There are exam- per year, he said. During the public comment of C2AE – the water authority’s authority replace service lines ples of how water utilities The positive side is that the period Thursday, eight Washing- engineering firm – said the all the way to a resident’s home around the state have been able water authority’s lead and cop- ton Elementary School teachers Michigan Court of Claims on if there was any chance it was to make up costs including long- per testing results showed very came out in support of Wineb- Thursday rejected a legal chal- ever contacted with lead, he term water billing or loans, he good results, said Jean Verbos, urner. Two of the teachers lenge to Michigan’s Lead and said. There will be another said. Copper Rule that requires cities attempt to appeal the decision The water authority will have and municipal water systems to but there are not many legal to assess all lines over the next RULING — page 5 BESSEMER — page 5 Contractor causes LITTLE GIRL’S POINT Bergland sewage spill By RICHARD JENKINS tally cut one of the township’s [email protected] pressurized sewage lines along BERGLAND TOWNSHIP – A M-64 on the west coast of Lake private contractor doing some Gogebic, several miles south of work for a resident is responsible M-28. for a sewage spill near Lake Goge- “It wasn’t a major spill,” said bic in Bergland Township Thurs- Dean Hand, the certified wastew- day. ater operator for Bergland Town- The spill happened at ship. approximately 1:30 p.m., according to a township employ- ee, when the contractor acciden- SPILL — page 5 Local veterans awarded quilts of valor Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe By KIM E. STROM 27/American Legion Auxiliary ERIC CADEAU, a regional planner with the Department of Natural Resources, talks to stakehold- [email protected] Unit 27, and the Bessemer ers about a plan to construct a groin east of Oman’s Creek at Little Girl’s Point Thursday during a BESSEMER – To be given a Women’s Club. meeting at Gogebic Community College. The groin is designed to prevent sediment from filling Quilt of Valor is an honor Earlier in the day, a quilt was in the creek’s mouth and blocking access to the Oman’s Creek boat launch. because it is not a gift, said awarded to Charles Tirpik, and Pauline Borgmen of the organiza- that evening Donna Frello tion Quilts of Valor Foundation, received the honor as well. DNR talks about Oman’s Creek project it is an award that is earned, she According Borgmen, the three By RICHARD JENKINS Resources about plans to pro- al planner working on the pro- said. layers of the quilt hold much sig- [email protected] vide a more long-term fix to the ject. Two veterans were awarded nificance. The top with its many IRONWOOD – A group of issue of sediment build up at the He praised the site for its the quilts on Thursday as part of colors stands for the many differ- Little Girl’s Point residents and creek’s mouth. popularity, its easy access to the a celebration of 100 years of ser- ent communities and individuals others who use the Oman’s “We recognize this site as one fishery off Little Girl’s Point and vice of three different local enti- that make up the country. The Creek boat launch gathered at of the most important Lake its usefulness when launching ties: The Washington Elementary filling stands for the warmth, Gogebic Community College Superior boat access sites in the School in Bessemer, the Besse- Thursday to talk with the Michi- Western U.P. – if not the entire mer American Legion Post gan Department of Natural U.P.,” said Eric Cadeau, a region- QUILT — page 5 OMAN’S — page 5 TODAY INDEX Rain likely — Details, page 2 Classifieds . .12-13 75 cents Thursday Today’s records Comics . .11 High 66 High 84 (1930) Community . .3 Vol. 100, No. 274 Low 51 Low 19 (1919) Home & Garden . .8 Year ago today Precipitation Obituaries . .2, 7 High 41 24 hours to 7 a.m. Opinion . .4 Low 32 Thursday none Sports . .9-10 l 2 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2019 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD Obituaries TODAY SATURDAYSATURDAAY SUNDAY MONDAYMONNDAY TUESDAY James Andrew Westeen BESSEMER, Mich. – James Andrew will be terribly Westeen, 58, of Bessemer, passed away missed by so many Rain & Snow Scatteredered on Monday, Oct. 7, 2019, at his home people. Rain Likely Scattered RainR Cloudy Likely SnowSnoow in Bessemer. He is survived by Jim was born on Nov. 19, 1960, in his children, Kelly 59° 32° 38° 31°311° 39° 33° 42° 34° 43° 36° Wakefield, Mich., to the late Gilbert Westeen (Gary Antti- Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: and Luretta (Tucker) Westeen. He la) of West Fork, Ark. 1155 mphmph S 9-179-17 mphmph SSWSSW 8-138-13 mphmph WSWWSW 6-116-11 mphmph W 66-9-9 mphmph W graduated from A.D. Johnston High and Jesse Westeen of School in Bessemer in 1978. Tucker, Ark.; his Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK Jim loved nature and being outside, adored dogs, Max 60/37 James Andrew Todayy we will see mostly cloudy and throughout the years, he was for- and Grizz; grandcats, Westeen Bergland skies with a 75% chance of rain, highg tunate to work at a number of places Kitty, Zoë and 60/33 tempetemperatureerature of 559°,9°, humidity of 79%. 1960 — 2019 Wakefield Ironwood Southh wind 15 mph. The record high that allowed him to do that. He had Koshka; siblings, Saxon 58/32 59/32 Marenisco tempetemperatureerature for today is 84° set previously worked in the woods along- Michael Westeen, Sr. (Pauline Rom- 60/33 in 1931930.30. Bessemer 59/32 side his brothers at Westeen Logging, mel), Leonard (Barb) Westeen, Wayne Upson Hurley 58/32 Watersmeet then later working for Corullo Forest Westeen (Linda Spaeth) and Paula 60/31 59/32 59/31 SUNS AND MOON Products. For several years, he also (Matt) Mattson; special niece and Mercer owned his own business in the logging nephew, Michael and Sherry Westeen; 60/30 industry before moving to Dairymen’s special friend, Jerri Pollack; and moth- Manitowish SunriseSunri . ...............................................................................se .........................................................................7:12 a.m. Country Club in Boulder Junction, er of his children and friend, Susan 59/31 Minocqua SunsetSunse . ...............................................................................et...........................................................................6:21 p.m.
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