-\ 'dJBnu€f-JaquraaaCIur arnlBur sarunSal pue raquraldaS-lsn8nv punoJe srncco 'poYad Surraa,rog'uaos suaru-rcads,ue; d.rel aql uro{ Surapr\f EuqJnq pue SurJa^toll 'sld^lBcna aalpur dq palPululop qnrJs uado u-In€alEld tlllralel B '7e1.Lqeq uo Fadng lunotr4trrcau slllH ueFuo,1\ ar{l uro{ dluo u,ritouy pue uotlnq!4slg '{uBr rlJrcadsErJur papJoJF aq III^1 1l lsaq 1B lBI{1 oJBsuollPcrpul luasard 'ra^aa\oH 'uotlB8tlsa^ul luBrJBA slql o1 ualt8 araq lou sI {uBr IBurJoJ tlluouoxBl 'sarrde palrclap E Jo aJuasqe aq1 u1 pa^rnrar a^Eq qJII{^\ pue rapBorq .{l]t{5lls 3rB qcrqaAsapolldqd snolnraqnd dlas.reds s1t puB saurn8al rall€urs slt uI sraJJIp lnq (slllH uESuoIA aql ur srncf,o osle qrrqA\) alrence 'v 01 palBlar ^lsnolAqo st uoxBl sIqJ 'A 'd\ 'luerJeA-'bzlld ?IJ€nce srtBcv I 'redBd aql pua aql 18 uaAIS sI uaas suotlJalloc Il€ Jo lsrl E puB dllPJllaq?qdlB Jo 'papl^ord 'ele\oqo 'y pe8uBrre puB paroqunu erB BxBl aqJ are JJ€ pu8 'sluEuEA 'uaAI8 Iu9rte!-elJen)e y ortl uo sal.ou puB srleuLJ,rr)rurasy Jo uolldlrcsoP 'salr8uere.Id 'V papuaura uB 'palBrlsnlll puB paqlrcsap arB pue uolpf,4oq Y'salJads ^\au oall uorl€crJrJBlc clurouoxBl Jo paau u! Sulaq s€ pazlu8ocoJ ,{11uaunc ale r{JIq^\ sorcads "pery slllH uBBuoIA asoql ol ^lddB suollducsap puB salou 8ul$olloJ aql soltods sJtBtIl SIIIH ustuoAl auos Jo ruouoxEJl 'llaqtEal{.{\ aql uI a}IsuollE^rasuoc ue sB slllH uPSuoA\eqJ Prluat luelrodlul Pa8raua'ul;!ro 'a\ol trle^rlelal aq ol pa^ord eere eql ur ruslulapug tuasardSuraq exel prler aa] ^ra^ luaral Jo eq o1 parBaddesaoeds slIH uBBuoA\tsol I peururelep eq plnoc sartIuIJJBaseql ereq,{ selc€)V slltH uebuol^ Jo aa^r?Elerlsesolr ^llBrrruouox4 aq?Jo uoqeururExauB r[orJ pa$oddns erea serlIuIJJ€lerlqder8oa8 uralsa.& -qtnos aqJ ecur^o.Id ei{l 'ulr.llla\pPardsap!^! 'o1 peulJuor era^rsaltads elterv lerlsBlog lsaM-qlnos Pug 'selceds qlrg ue8u-14 aqt Jo ^trrofelu v selcedsauo aBllaqtlnd uolpes pue sertadso^\1 a€?€lYuolpas aarj eero[rlnf uorpas'serceds ue^es sa^raulrnld uolpes'6eltads tT pasudurot aeaulPoll^qd uolpes 'araql peluesardal ara,t\snua8 aql Jo suolltes lEcldorl-Br}xauBllErlsnv urelsei lle leql pa^loqssEIcEtY sllg ue8uorg go suorlnqrrlsrp aql Jo srs^IBuV pep o.Id sI slllH uEEuoA\aI{} roJ paprorer selredsPrrery eql o1 SIIIH aqt ot peur]uot aIB €xBl asaql qlog (aeaulpoll^qd uolltas) 'qlueg PIPloqo 8Z tsll{raqr v 'V'Jo 'V ol palll€ uoxel e uo oslBpuB (aEaurpoll^qduorlres) 3z1U A lA RrrRntB tusle^ I€rl€oloqdrour e uo papr^ord a.Ie seloN papunoJuoc,{IraIlIroJ erel|, uorpfr?oq V puB salrads qql sE paphord sr ,{la{Blg la ueplel{ sllea.I'rrrrlllas v Jo uorldrrrsep pepuauleuv palBrlsnlll puE prqlrJsePe.re (sa^raurJnld uorlras) ^ou ds saryBuereqd y pue (eeaulpoflfqd uol?c€s) Aou d. uorpt4oq y sllrH ue8uolA RrrR ^\eu o,y'J (286I) t[)l BIsl{nN 'Bllerlsnv urelsol\ 'slllH rrBEuoA\ aqi o1 clurapua 6apad6 H 9t-62 'utlsEl ar'll Jo sapads Brrpry OI (aeaprosourql ieesourun8e'I) RJTBoVsnue5 aql u! salpnls U g J lcBJtsqv Igig V A\'qFed I{}noS'laarls a8roao'umueqraH UEITBT}EnVuralse^\ 'U 'g ullsel l ^g 'SIIIH ellerlsnv urolsod\ ue5uod\ aql Jo salcadselcBcv '0l-(oBaplosoultr\I :aBsoullul).aa.l,elcecv snua8 oql uI solpnls Gg6r)9r'62 :(r), elErnN l0 NuvrsiaVol. 4, No. I (1982) Specr'mensseen. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: West side of Mount Rupert homestead. Wongan Hills, 30'49'3, 116'38'E, K. F. Kenneally 5875 (pERTH); Struth side of old Mount Rupert homestead, 6 km north of the Wongan Hills-piawaning Road, I{. F. Kenneally 6896 (CANB, PERTH) 2. Acacia botrydion Maslin, sp. nov. (Figures 1, 3A and 38) Acacia semicircinals Maiden et Blakely, J.Roy.Soc.W.Austral. 13:11 (192g), pro parte, not as to lectotype, as to Wongan Hills, T Oct. 1903, A_ Morrrsor s.n. (NSW-lectoparatype) and pI.8, f.6. tr'rutex rigidus, diffusus, intricatus, 0.5 1.3 altus. Corlex cineraceus.Rami et ramuli spinescentes,hispiduli; ramu.L abbreviati, divaricati. Phyllodia asymmetrice elliptica a lale-elliptica, 9-15mm longa, 4-12mm lata, aliquantum undulata, hispidula, 1 nervata. Inflorescellia racemosus vel interdum ad apices ramulorum paniculata ob phyllodia reducta; pedunculi c. 10 mm longi, didymi; capltula glotulosa, c. 40 floribus. FJorae 5 merae. Sepala lineari-spathulata . peiata glabra. Legumrna circinata, submoniliformia, ad 4 cm longa ubi extensa, c. 4 mm lata. Sem-a ftliquoi visa) in legumine longitudinalia, 3.5-4.bmm longa, 2.5-Bmm lata, nigra. ?ypus: About 12.5km NW of Wongan Hills townsite towards piawaning, "Harsh Western Australia. shrub to 1.3 m tall; branches smooth, light grey; branchlets spinesce-nt;heads golden yellow; inflorescencesnot prolific, termin;l on branchlets, axes red; phyllodes dull green, margins and tips orange to red. Laterite.,' 9 Sept. 19f!, B- ft. Mas.lrn 3805 (holo: PERTH; iso: BRI, CANB, c, K, MEL, NSW, Ny, PERTH). Harsh, craggy, diffuse, intricately branched sJrrubs 0.b-1.8m tall. domed and spreading to c. 3 m diam. in exposedareas, main stems sparingly branched near base. Bart light grey, smooth. Branches slightly flexuose, terete, obscurely nerved, hispidulous (hairs minutely tubercule-based), the apices together with ihe sho.i divaricate branchlets are l spinescent and frequently devoid of phyllodes. Strbu/es triangular, 0.5-1 mm long, dark-brown. Phyllodes asymmetrically "llipti. to ,id"ly so, 9-15 mm long, 4-12 mm wide, length to width ratio l-2, somewhat undulate. patent_ to slightly ascending, hispidulous, dark green to subglaucous, margins yellowish to orange-red; apex acutely mucronulate (mucro hooked or sometiles straight); midrib and marginal nelves evident, lateral nerves very obscure; pulvraus very reduced; gland not prominent, often apparently absent, whin present situated orr adaxial margin of phyllode 3-5 mm above the pulvinus. hfloiescerces dense, showy, 1-2 per node, racemoseor sometimes appearing paniculate towards the ends of the,branchlets due to phyllode reduction; raceme axis 5-20 mm long, red_brown, sparsely hispidulous, supporting up to 5 pairs of pedunculate flower_heads; basai peduncular bracts solitary, triangular, c. 0,b mm long; peduilcles twinned, ". i0 *- long, red-brown, sparsely hispidulous. -Flower headi globular, light-claw" golden, c. 40- flowered;_bracleoles linear-spathulate, c. 1.5mm long, glabrous, pale,'lamina brown. Ilowers 5-merous, 2.5 mm long, glabrous; caty, Z7l length of co;lla,' divided to base into narrow linear spathulate sepals; petals nerveless alrd gl.brur,". Legumes circinate, submoniliform, to 4cm long (expanded length), c. amm wlde, siightty resinous,red-brown, glabrous, very finely longitudinally wrinkled when dry, maigins barely thickened. (1ew Seeds seen) Iongitudinal in legume, irregularly'wiaei ellips;id, turgid b,ut sometimes slightly compressed, 3.5-4.bmm long, 2.b 5 mm 'u'-shaped, dull, black; pleurogram very obscure, open towards th; hilum: areole minute. c. 0.5 x 0.6 mm; lunicle filiform, minute, abruptly expanded into quite a large- tleshy yellowish ar situated on top of the seedand lblded once near the hilar end. '^JEnu€f puE JaqruataO uI palJalloJ uaaq a^€q spaas aJnJ€ur 'pouad qlr,$ saurn8sT Jaquroldas ol ^lnf urorJ sJe,nold 3ur7rnt1 pue Suuauolg 'x,tYc,{qcerq unlvqaqd puB elerypun nnalelatrN'slsuaoueqqa snl.dtlecng s€ qJns salcods qllt\ palElJossE ualJo puB slllq clllJalel uo uoulluoJ '!.e|Iqgq .{la^rtelar sr Jr araqd SIIIH uBSuolA aql urorJ.{luo u,t\ouy pue uoqnquFt1 '6ztp ultsetrNa g uro{ c puEc:z8tt u'IseJ4lg g tuo{ g pueg v 'sledesalBlnqlBds'reoull 3ul^\oqs ra.,'\oiJ g p3aS-C .etrln8r-l .J rpoll,{qd rtelnpun-8 qruerq dqr Jo pur eql sprB^{nlseJurrsrr.Llur lo iur'Idlcnlrrql pue sraft.ru-erqruer"outds rleruB^lP uoqseql Suhoqs qJuerqlo uo!uod- V uotp4lloqelrerv l aJnnt! 'Hag08b/ I lN t |'ffiry. ' W LUIU9l sltrH ueSuo/1l\dr{r ur PlJPrV"urlcsl l U B ', luytsia Vol.4,No. 1 (1982) Otherspecimens seen. WESTERNAUS.TRALIA: The WonganHills, top Gully.onlaterite cap,21 of Fowlers July 19J4,K. F. Kenniatii i.rr. ipfiHrUl, 9 km NE ,:yltlC WonganHi s on fhe piawaning of the (pERrfi);1#;,;-i;;;w;;g_anHilsi;;,;t;;;;;#i:'_f;,{;,";ff n""a-,lt"oi.'ig, "i?,;;l i;ildiri1t"itffi(AD, ;f,liff tr"1iyT,liiJ{*;"Y.1"Jl:i",1$:;;:#*il PERTH);T mi (11.8km) NW.tW""g"" iiil" "i piawaning, Tindale2794 (NSW, pERTH). *J-"a to M. D. "ffi has?,i!{:i:i:';{t:x;:,,x"i$::;",#'_T,i',J",1x.fffrequenttv been confused. I"d*d, ,:xiif#ilnnfff ri1 M;i;";';;a'eht"l;,Jirgra) descriptionof A. semicrrcrna,'swas based on elementsof both taxa-nec!..rltrng an emended r."totypificationand descriptionin rhe.present*"rt G;;-;:;l^;"ili.,i;;il;;il; il::i:Y::iil,:i'1.d"fu3,Jflrf,fJ"#;f size.l*#fiIt is thesefeatures wfiicl ;HT';r".ff:r,::...,-#:$i il[**?it+ffT1".T.Tr,it#t]1x,l::y',!,h",Hil;:i:i::il;:xilli:*"""hedshrub which rorms.bishei r. 1.t; t"u.1;"i,*"[#?f,t" iliu'XTf T:tJ. coarselyspinescenll^l"r"r l."""rr* whichare r."qu"r,try aeuoiTH;ilil;S'JT'ffi,? semicircinalis on the other hat withrong '- p.",t."l"'u."""i;;fri:f - openshrub often coarselv #:.:Ji::i""1"xlj:T;:'Jr"se, spinesc""trr."""'rri"t. of A. ir. t u"t*li"h.iffil"lt Additionally A. _botrydion, r,:*tl: botrvdion has terminal "tr"t"-". oi;u;;_;"*;" panicles brilliant bright golden which fbrm september.Acacra""_,"*"r,*r,1.i11fi:::#:xHfr:li:il":",:T"::iffilJ:,.r"iJ.: floral a consprcuous and more scattere_d€iong the branches. fl. p.l*lp"f fiom llowering period is -n.tSeptemberor ?r," i"u..';;;;;#;;:r,?i';"'J:.T,ffi"::.:il#t_Ll":r*ll* to Januarv.
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