U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE MAGAZINE CalgaryPOST OF THE MONTH: MAY 2007 CONTENTS STATE MAGAZINE + MAY 2007 + NUMBER 512 Our Youngest Diplomats 08 Students stay late to learn American history. * Rewiring History 22 State-of-the-art renovation respects history. * Office of the Month: Publications Office 26 This office tells America’s story in words and pictures. * ON THE COVER Two Jack Lake is one of the scenic wonders of Banff National Park. Photograph courtesy of Travel Alberta *POST OF THE MONTH: Calgary A high-energy consulate covers a high-energy region. 14 10 Going Green Globally 24 Friendly Field New Sofia embassy certified as ‘green.’ Ingenuity and hard work turn a vacant lot into a vibrant embassy park. 12 Old and New The newest ambassador reports to the oldest 30 Good to Go republic. Take charge of your medical clearance. COLUMNS 2 FROM THE UNDER SECRETARY 32 EDUCATION & TRAINING 3 READERS’ FEEDBACK 33 APPOINTMENTS 4 DIRECT FROM THE D.G. 33 RETIREMENTS 5 IN THE NEWS 34 OBITUARIES 30 MEDICAL REPORT 36 THE LAST WORD UNDER SECRETARY HENRIETTA FORE Promoting Leadership Development Within the next months, the Department share credit for the accomplishments of the ly and help the boss become more effective will be highlighting leadership. I trust that as organization and demonstrate courage in in the interest of the team and the mission. our program unrolls, you will actively par- dealing with difficult decisions and poor Learn Constantly: We deepen our per- ticipate and join us in improving leadership performers. sonal self-awareness in order to cultivate our within the Department. Meeting the chal- Develop the Next Generation: We take talents and mitigate mission-critical weak- lenges we face today—advancing seriously their responsibilities as teachers, nesses. We display humility by transformational diplomacy, fulfilling the coaches and mentors and work to develop acknowledging our shortcomings and con- President’s Management Agenda, training the skills necessary to play those roles effec- tinually work to improve both our skills and and equipping the Foreign Service of the tively. We make time to get to know less our substantive knowledge. 21st century, to name a few—requires lead- experienced colleagues and provide them Practice 360-Degree Diplomacy: We con- ership from all of us. I first want to timely praise, honest feedback and opportu- sider consular work central to core emphasize the important role of training. nities to cultivate their talents. objectives of the Mission and the Depart- More than 8,000 of you have benefited from Delegate Authority—but Not Responsi- ment and establish constructive working the mandatory senior and mid-level leader- bility: We give employees ownership over relationships with all mission elements to ship courses, but I urge all of you—whether their work, issue clear and concise instruc- further those objectives. We engage in public or not you have done these courses—to take tions and provide coaching and further diplomacy to advance organizational goals. advantage of the broad range of offerings clarification if needed. We stand behind our These Leadership Tenets, which are from the Foreign Service Institute’s School people and take responsibility when mis- posted along with a large collection of of Leadership and Management both online takes are made or calculated risks don’t related stories and case studies at and at FSI’s campus. work out. http://intranet.ca.state.gov/beta/offices/ca/ I would like to tell you about what one Communicate: We help others under- leadership/tenets/tenets_4566.html, are not bureau in the M family—the Bureau of stand the mission—and their role in simply a set of static principles buried on an Consular Affairs—is doing to cultivate a accomplishing it. We listen actively to each Internet site or in frames on an office wall. culture of leadership and results-oriented other’s concerns and encourage innovation They truly are becoming management prin- professional development. It is an excellent in consular work by listening intently for ciples used in the everyday operation of example of what each organization in the suggestions. consular sections. They are incorporated Department can do. The 10 Consular Leadership Tenets, “The 10 Consular Leadership Tenets are designed which were unveiled one year ago, are the result of a truly collaborative effort, with to grow current and future leaders and express thoughtful comments from hundreds of consular officers and FSNs from 87 posts a holistic view of leadership development.” and a three-month review by a Leadership Development Committee. They apply to Build Great Teams: We recruit high- into consular training for officers and FSNs. everyone, regardless of rank or position. caliber candidates for job vacancies, train Section chiefs are expected to set up regular- They are designed to grow current and them right from the start, build trust and ly scheduled training days, preferably future leaders and express a holistic view of foster a sense of pride and mutual support monthly, for skills development and to leadership development. The Tenets are: in the team. We serve the team by eliminat- organize special annual events promoting Inspire: We develop and communicate a ing obstacles, resolving conflicts, obtaining consular leadership. vision for how our work unit can most appropriate resources and celebrating I encourage each of you in key manage- effectively contribute to the Department’s success. ment positions—whether assistant secretary, mission. In pursuing that vision we relent- Lead by Example: We set the example for ambassador, deputy chief of mission, office lessly challenge employees to strive for work ethic and demonstrate the willingness director or branch chief—to think about excellence and engage them in the effort to and knowledge of consular work to do any what you can do to promote leadership achieve goals and improve all aspects of the job to help the team. We run interference to development. The Leadership Tenets and a operation. prevent abuse and undue pressure. related program may be a model for you or Model Integrity: We hold ourselves to the Follow Courageously: We take ownership give you some new ideas about what you can highest standards of integrity and profes- of our work and hold ourselves accountable do in your organization. Good leadership sional conduct and do what is best for the for improving performance and making our and management are important parts of organization and mission. We generously organization stronger. We dissent respectful- everyone’s job in the Department of State. n 2 | STATE MAGAZINE | MAY 2007 READERS’ FEEDBACK Tale of Two Medallions I was particularly interested to read the article “Hoover the Hero” in the March issue. My father, Dr. Albert Navez, was in the first group of Belgian CRB (Commission for Relief in Belgium) fellows to come to the United States on CRB funds left over after World War I. He went to Harvard as a postdoctoral lecturer in plant physiology. The funds were sufficient for my mother to accompany him and I was later born in Cambridge. The CRB fellows were all given a medallion showing on one side America offering a sheaf of wheat to a man, woman and child, with a freighter in the background above the date 1914. On the other side are profiles of Belgian King Albert and Queen Elizabeth. Apparently, I was the first child born in the United States as a result of the CRB exchange of academics between Belgium and the U.S. When President Hoover heard of this event, he had a small version of the medallion struck and sent to my parents for me. I treasure both their medallion and mine. As a final footnote, my parents both died in the U.S. in the 1970s and I retired from the Foreign Service in 1985. Andre J. Navez Let Us Hear from You Hopkinton, Mass. Mailing Address Refugees and Holidays I understand the writer’s sentiment. State Magazine I found the letter from Jeff Gorsky in However, what’s wonderful about “Happy 2401 E Street, NW your February issue about the Jewish Holidays” is that it is an inclusive term— HR/ER/SMG, SA-1, Room H-236 refugees from Recife, while “Merry Christmas” Washington, DC 20522-0108 Brazil, in the 1600s excludes. Since the United making their way to States always has been— safety in New Amster- and still is— inhabited by E-mail dam immensely people of many different [email protected] interesting and moving. faiths, “Happy Holidays” They found a refuge recognizes everyone’s special celebration. That and contributed a great Phone doesn’t preclude us deal to that city, which (202) 663-1700 later became known as from wishing our friends New York. and colleagues “Merry Letters should not exceed 250 Even more interest- Christmas,” “Happy words and should include the ing, though, was the Hanukkah” or “Eid writer’s name, address and daytime letter immediately Mubarak” as the occasion adjacent—the one that warrants. In fact, that phone number. All letters become mourned the use of inclusiveness is what the property of State Magazine. “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry our country is all about. Letters will be edited for length, Christmas” because the United States was accuracy and clarity. Only signed “founded by Christians…(and)... we Karyn Posner-Mullen letters will be considered. believe in Jesus Christ and in Christmas.” Main State MAY 2007 | STATE MAGAZINE | 3 D.G. GEORGE STAPLES HR Initiatives for Foreign Service Nationals The U.S. government employs more than 40,000 Locally Employed Staff world- wide. Most are Foreign Service Nationals, citizens and taxpayers in the countries in savings plan for all Locally Employed Staff which they work. worldwide. This program would be in FSNs are an integral part of the State addition to existing systems—Local Social Department family.
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