July 28, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 9 12329 budget amendment to the Constitution unemployment rate remains at an un- struggling to recover from the Great has not been considered in the Con- acceptably high 9.2 percent. Millions of Recession. gress for 15 years, despite over- Americans who have lost their jobs are As the first order of business, I call whelming public support across this finding it harder and harder to find a on the Speaker to bring my legislation, country. new one. These new ranks of the long- H.R. 589, to the floor for an up-or-down Now, I’m for the version of the bal- term unemployed and their families vote immediately. It would add 14 anced budget amendment with various are facing the stark reality of life in weeks of retroactive emergency unem- limits, but I believe it’s vitally impor- poverty for the first time. ployment benefits to those long-term tant that Republican leadership has The ongoing impact of the recession unemployed known as 99ers who con- chosen to bring the bipartisan version on struggling families and those facing tinue to face uncertainty and hard- to the floor, to play it straight and or living in poverty simply must not be ships. Passing this extension will stim- give us a fighting chance to get those ignored. But instead of working to im- ulate our economy, not to mention two-thirds votes necessary to amend prove the lives of millions of Ameri- that it is our moral responsibility to the Constitution. cans in poverty, the Republican Party help those in need. So I rise to announce my support for continues their drive to plunge our Na- But people really want to work. In- the Budget Control Act. I rise to ex- tion into default and our economy over stead of creating jobs, Republicans are press gratitude to Speaker BOEHNER the brink. holding our economy hostage, putting and Leader CANTOR, who listened to Speaker BOEHNER has unveiled yet forth policies that will create more un- colleagues like myself who thought we another Republican plan that fails to employment and more job loss. Instead could improve the circumstances of do what America needs. His plan fails of quickly passing a clean debt ceiling this vote by accelerating and improv- to end the threat of default. His plan vote, the Republicans are marching ing our choices for a balanced budget targets the programs aimed at Amer- lockstep to create this default. amendment. And, frankly, I also rise to ica’s most vulnerable—our seniors, our Instead of supporting the vital commend all of my colleagues who children, and our low-income fami- human needs programs that will pro- have held out for a better deal. I want lies—for more draconian cuts. tect our most vulnerable, Republicans Trying to balance the budget on the to say from my heart, this is better. are trying to balance the budget on the History is often made in unexpected backs of the poor is morally wrong. backs of the poor while maintaining ways and at unexpected times. I be- b 1100 these tax cuts for millionaires and bil- lieve, with the consideration of the We need a balanced approach that lionaires and Big Oil. Budget Control Act on the floor today, balances targeted cuts with the rev- Mr. Speaker, there is no more time we have an opportunity to make enue that we need. We must make sure for these Republican games. The Amer- progress toward restoring fiscal dis- that we can pay the benefits that we ican people expect us to put partisan- cipline to Washington, D.C.; but I be- owe to our seniors, protect Medicare, ship aside to protect our economy and lieve with consideration of the bal- Medicaid and Social Security, and safe- create jobs. The American Dream has anced budget amendment to the Con- guard our most vulnerable commu- been a nightmare for the 45 million liv- stitution of the United States tomor- nities. ing in poverty, and is turning quickly row, we have an opportunity to make Mr. Speaker, while the Nation’s un- into a nightmare for millions who are history. employment level remains unaccept- falling from middle income into the So I urge my colleagues to join me in ably high, for some minority commu- ranks of the poor. supporting the Budget Control Act on nities it was double digits even before The bill put forth today by Repub- the floor today. But I also urge all of the recession began. The unemploy- licans guarantees this tragic outcome. my colleagues, Republicans and Demo- ment rate for African Americans today f crats alike, to join us as we make a is recorded at 16.2 percent and Latinos FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE good faith effort to send a balanced recorded at 11.2 percent. And what SENATE budget amendment to the Constitution many of us have known for a long, long A further message from the Senate of the United States to the Senate and time now, African Americans and by Ms. Curtis, one of its clerks, an- to the States. Let us put into the na- Latinos have lost 18 to 20 times their nounced that the Senate has passed tional charter that this national gov- net worth, more so than white Ameri- with an amendment in which the con- ernment, for this generation and the cans due to structural inequalities currence of the House is requested, a next, must again live within our where race is a factor. These numbers bill of the House of the following title: means. are horrific and speak to the larger cri- H.R. 2608. An act to provide for an addi- f sis facing our Nation, the jobs crisis. tional temporary extension of programs Let me share the story of one Amer- POVERTY IN AMERICA under the Small Business Act and the Small ican who is looking for a job. Reverend Business Investment Act of 1958, and for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The David was laid off from his job as the other purposes. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from successful director of a faith-based f California (Ms. LEE) for 5 minutes. nonprofit that served the disadvan- Ms. LEE. I rise today as a founding taged and worked to put people on a LEGACY OF FREEDOM cochair of the 39-Member Out of Pov- path to self-sufficiency. Now he is rely- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The erty Caucus to talk about the millions ing on the very safety net programs Chair recognizes the gentleman from of people living in poverty in America. that he used to connect others to. He Mississippi (Mr. NUNNELEE) for 5 min- Nearly 45 million Americans live in diligently job hunts week after week. utes. poverty, and one in five children are David and his wife rely on unemploy- Mr. NUNNELEE. Mr. Speaker, last growing up in poverty. The recession ment benefits to make ends meet, and week the remains of Corporal Judge C. may be over for big corporations and he is worried about what he will do Hellums of Paris, Mississippi, were re- the superrich, but for far too many when he reaches the 99-week limit of turned from the Parroy Forest near Americans the recession is actually a those benefits. Luneville, France, and given a proper depression. Reverend David is not alone. Forty- burial in Arlington National Cemetery. Yesterday, the Out of Poverty Cau- five million Americans worry about In the fall of 1944, following the Nor- cus held a press conference with orga- where they will sleep at night, if their mandy invasion, Corporal Hellums’ nizations working on the front lines children will eat, what will happen if unit, the 773rd Tank Battalion, was with low-income and poor people. We they need medical attention, and when fighting its way east through France heard stories of more homelessness, will they secure a living-wage job. toward the German border. The M–10 long lines at food pantries, and the des- We must work together to help the tank destroyer to which he was as- peration felt by so many. Our Nation’s millions of Americans who are still signed was attacked. Two men survived VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:49 Aug 13, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR11\H28JY1.000 H28JY1 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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