ERALD Serving Summit Since 1889 VOL. 88, NO. 46 273-4000 • Matlti si th#PwtOHtce «l Summit, NJ 07901 Umtar lh(t AclufMa.cha. 1878 Sic and Clan Points Pxd al Sumrmi, N J THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1977 $7 A YK.Ml Estimate Board * •• •*> Council Split 5-2 OKs $7,534,000 Taxicab Rates Hiked Not a rubber stamp group, was told yes. Then he e wave School Budget Common Council voted five wanted to know if alcohol In reference to recent to two to raise the taxi rates could be served to minors attacks on citizens on the by Lucy Meyer one question came from the Tuesday night visiting their children. streets in Summit, Coun- No surprises arose at the sparse audience. Councilmen Thomas According to the new cilman James Lovctt said Board of School Estimate Lucy Bogumil, 146 Canoe Button and Alfred Schrettcr ordinance, a parent or an the police department has public hearing on the school Brook Parkway, vice- were against the increase in adult "in loco parentis", redoubled its efforts to budget last week. president of the Summit fares "The basic point is may give an alcoholic prevent additional crimes The sum of $7,534,100 was Taxpayers Association, the fare is up fifty cents beverage to a minor in the "Within minutes of a call voted unanimously as the asked how summer school instead of a quarter for the city of Summit, President about a pocketbook taken amount to be raised by taxes would be funded. first mile or part of a mile," Smith said. "The intent of from a home, the criminal Mr. Button objected. Both' for current operating ex- Money was put in the the ordinance is not to was apprehended," he said. penses for, the school year, said surrounding com- regulate what goes on in a "We are most anxious that budget to cover'those munities were still at $l .25 beginning July 1,1977. Only courses for which credit was person's home," he ex- the public report any for the first portion of a trip. plained given, Mayor Frank H. (Continued oi P*o« 2) Lehr, who presided over the Councilman Schretter was meeting, explained. "In the against the raise as no past, summer school was financial data was given considered enrichment and showing the need for the In Other Action paid for privately." increase, a requirement Dr. Richard Fiander, under stale law, he said. In other action, Tuesday • By resolution, continued superintendent of schools, Council President Watson night, Common Council: the employment of Ethel V said: "Summer school will Smith told Rodney White the • Passed an ordinance Martin as receiver of taxes; be the same as last year, increase in taxi fares had controlling bingo and raf- • Passed an ordinance for except for elementary nothing to do with the fles; i an emergency ap- music, which will be treated minibus. The taxi com- • Introduced a bond or- propriation of $32,400 for a separately. We will be panies had requested the dinance in the amount of master plan consultant; underwriting the academic increase. $145,000 for the im- • Granted a variance portion, both enrichment In other business, Com- provement of public request to A&P Associates; and remedial. Music is mon Council unanimously buildings with a public • Granted permission to undecided at this point, but passed an ordinance hearing to be held April 5; the Summit Garden Club for we are certain it will con- amending the ordinance on • By resolution concurred use of the Promenade for tinue in summer school." alcohol control concerning with the Board of School the annual plant sale on May Common Council's minors. Estimate approval of a 6; representative to the school Albert Bennett, Milton school budget of $7,534,100; •>, Introducted an or- committee, Gerald A. Hale, avenue, asked if parents * By resolution pssed the dinance controlling traffic recommended the sum for could serve alcohol to minor 1977 municipal budget of and parking on Aubrey the schools. "After children in their homes and $16,288,099; reviewing the figures carefully, 1 find it to be very Temple Sinai Marking 25th Year realistic and a tight budget ,-™*t'*le»-'«1 r_'j»r- - TO BE HONORED— fiscally," he said., Former City Clerk Harry C. Th« figures were ex-. Roberta Peters Here on Mcpy 7 Kates Is this year'a winner elusive of state, county, of the Summit Jaycee's federal and other funds, the Roberta Peters, one of the foremost Distinguished Service committee said. One-half of singers on the contemporary operatic Award. The citation will be the money, or $4,296,437, is scene, will star in "An Evening With made on Thursday, March necessary for the first six NO BETTER WAY — As snow falls in overslted flakes and collects like blossoms on tree Roberta Peters" being presented by 31 at 8 p.m. in the Hotel months of 1977 and $3,767,050 branches, a white cat resolutely greets the first day of spring, last Sunday, hi the only Temple Sinai in Summit High School for the last six months. acceptable fashion — inside looking out. "Misty" lives on Tulip street nnd is owned by the Suburban. The meeting will Stewart Blair family. (Judy Freedman photo) , on May 7 at 8 p.m. be open to the public. Mr. Since • the city is on a Highlight of the year-long 25th Kates, who retired aa City calendar year, and the Anniversary Celebration of Temple Clerk three years ago, is schools on a July to July Sinai, the "Evening" will also include also a former teacher at cycle, some money comes HrtAMAgn* a patron's dinner party which will be Summit High School. from last year, making a attended by Miss Peters. The per- Besides the title of City total of $8,063,487 for 1977. formance will be staged at Summit Clerk, Mr. Kates has been No state aid was included High School at 8 p.m. The dinner secretary and deputy in last year's budget as it Grad Credits Still Pondered party will follow the performance at director of the Civil Defense was unknown when, or if, the Temple. Council, Purchasing Agent Summit would receive any. by Lucy Meyer public meeting. students knew they could Although persuasive "By reducing the number take less, they would. Some Miss Peters, who is also celebrating for the city, and was twice Thus the amount to be her Silver Anniversary in opera, designated the New Jersey raised by taxation was arguments were given in of credits, we are reducing would have two study favor of lowering the credits the standards to assure that periods a day, perhaps made her Mel debut 25 years ago at Municipal Clerk of the Year higher than this year when the age of 19. Since her historic debut, in 1969 and 1975. He held the state aid of $1,127,400 has needed for graduation from everyone graduates," three, under the lighter 90 to 80 points, not all Board Board member James Clark requirements. He thought 90 she has appeared around the world post of City Clerk from 1853 been promised. Also, from, with outstanding orchestras, on to 1974. Mr. Kates also surplus, $100,000 was ap- of Education members objected. "Thai's not our points to graduate should be agreed at last week's public purpose. I think we should retained and students not television and radio, in solo recitals served as treasurer of the pro p ri a t e d, plus and on the stages of such major opera Chamber of Commerce and miscellaneous receipts of meeting. reinforce our efforts for academically inclined those who can't make it on should study harder and companies as London's Royal Opera Is a former president of the $14,500. These sums reduced The Board will vote on and Covent Garden and the Vienna Klwanis Club (Wolin Photo) whether or not to change the 90 credits." receive more help (Continued on Page 2) standards at the April 28 He pointed out that if "We are lowering our State Opera. standards to get 30-odd Chairman of "An Evening with students through who didn't Roberta Peters" are Mr. and Mrs. graduate last year," Mr teonard Eisenbud of Berkeley Clark declared. Some 32 Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Central Church Names Senior Pastor failed to graduate last June. Green of Berkeley Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gale of Summit are in Rev. Bruce G. Ingles tta^"': Robert Stephens, D.D. who been senior pastor of the Presbyterian Church of out of a class of 365. Central Presbyterian Holmesburg. In the curriculum coun charge of the patrons dinner party beer?named senior pastor of had been senior pastor for and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lebow of Central Presbyterian over 15 years. Church of Dowingtown, Pa. cil's study of the situation, During his ministry, the Father is Novelist some major findings Berkeley Heights are publicity Church, it was announced Members of the church chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Max Roberta Peters this week. He will preach his voted February 13 to call church grew from 748 to Born in Long Island on emerged, said Joseph Delia 1,150 members. Previous to March 30, 1936, Mr. Ingles Badia, vice-principal for of Summit are general chairmen of Further information and tickets first sermon on Sunday. Mr. Ingles to Summit, and grew up there and in Temple Sinai's 25th Anniversary may be obtained by calling the Mr, Ingles fills the post the Elizabeth Presbytery that assignment, Mr. Ingles curriculum at the Senior had served for four years in Auburn, Me., after his High school.
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